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Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

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Emergy evaluation of a swamp dike-pond complex: A new ecological T

restoration mode of coal-mining subsidence areas in China

Jinfang Suna,b,c, Xingzhong Yuana,b,c, , Hong Liua,b,c, Guodong Liud, Guanxiong Zhanga,b,c
Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
Key Laboratory of New Technology for Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China
College of Geography and Tourism, Qufu Normal University, Rizhao 276826, China


Keywords: The swamp dike-pond complex (SDPC) is a mode of ecological restoration in coal-mining subsidence areas in
Emergy evaluation China that consists of an engineered swamp and an engineered dike-pond. The aim of this study is to compare
Ternary emergy conventional reclamation and ecological restoration systems by performing emergy analysis. The analysed
Ecological restoration systems included an SDPC and contrasting fish ponds (CFP) in a stabilized subsidence area and an SDPC in a
Swamp and dike-pond complex
submergence area that can be used as a transition system during the course of the succession of coal-mining
Coal-mining subsidence area
subsidence areas. Indices, ratios and ternary diagrams based on emergy can be used to assess the behaviours of
the three systems. Emergy analysis was well suited for this task because it was capable of converting all energies,
materials and information to a common unit of quality to allow for deep comparisons across the three systems.
The results show that the SDPC was most dependent upon renewable resources, and efforts were made to
maintain the natural mechanisms of energy and matter flow regulation as much as possible. Therefore, the SDPC
has greater emergy efficiency in terms of biological energy use and the level of environmental loading. The CFP
was more dependent on the fraction of purchased inputs and nonrenewable inputs from the outside. The sus-
tainability index values for the three systems ranged from 0.82 for the CFP in the stabilized subsidence area to
4.31 for the SDPC in the submergence area and 9.12 for the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area. The results
confirm that the SDPC is less stressful on the environment and more sustainable than the CFP in coal-mining
subsidence areas. In addition, the respective ecosystem service values for each system were 1.52E + 17 sej/yr/ha
for the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area and 2.90E + 16 sej/yr/ha for the SDPC in the submergence area,
which were 10.1 and 1.9 times higher than the value for the CFP, respectively. This research suggests that
vegetation, faunal communities and functional hydrology, which support the entire ecosystem via the food web,
can be restored in the SDPC, and restored wetlands can provide economic and ecological benefits via the return
of their ecological services and functions. Endangered and rare species, such as Baer's pochard (Aythya baeri) and
reed parrotbill (Paradoxornis heudei), were found in this area, and the prospects of such species depend on future
restoration policies in coal-mining subsidence areas in China. To safeguard biodiversity, SDPCs should be pre-
ferred over other reclamation methods. This work will inform environmental policy making and be used to
recommend better management practices to the government.

1. Introduction Blachowski, 2016; Donnelly et al., 2008). Subsidence is a gradual de-

formation of the ground surface caused by readjustment of the over-
Long-term underground coal mining has removed support from lying strata above voids, and mining-related subsidence may damage
thick and loose covering layers of soil and rock, creating voids in their surface infrastructure, buildings, and farmlands as well as interrupt the
formations, destroying their equilibrium state and gradually deforming balance between the underground water table and manmade surface
and displacing the strata to impact their surface (Altun et al., 2010; drainage systems (Düzgün et al., 2011; Marschalko et al., 2013;

Corresponding author at: Faculty of Architecture and Urban Planning, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China; Key Laboratory of New Technology for
Construction of Cities in Mountain Area, Ministry of Education, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China; Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics
and Control, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, China.
E-mail address: (X. Yuan).
Received 4 May 2018; Received in revised form 25 June 2019; Accepted 19 August 2019
1470-160X/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Blachowski, 2016). In 2017, the countries with the largest proven coal et al., 2013; Willison et al., 2013; Yuan et al., 2017; Rey et al., 2018). In
reserves were the United States, Russia, Australia, China, and India, and this study, the function, structure, efficiency and sustainability of an
the major producers and consumers of coal globally were China, the SDPC in China is analysed from a systems perspective via emergy
United States, India, Australia, and Japan. Of these, China is the largest analysis, and its ecosystem services performance is also evaluated. The
producer and consumer, accounting for 46.4% and 50.7% of global results are integrated and expressed as emergy indices (Brown and
production and consumption, respectively (BP, 2018). The annual coal Ulgiati, 1997; Brown and Buranakarn, 2003; Pan et al., 2019) and
output in China has continued to exceed 2.6 billion tons in recent years emergetic ternary diagrams (Almeida et al., 2007), which are compared
(BP, 2018), of which 92% originates from underground mining. The with those of fish culture pond systems.
area of subsidence is estimated to vary from 0.20 to 0.33 ha for every
10,000 tons of coal that is mined underground, and subsidence is ex- 2. Materials and methods
pected to expand by 2.0 × 104 ha per year in China (Hu and Xiao, 2012;
Zhang et al., 2019), especially in the North China Plain. Due to their 2.1. Study area
shallow groundwater tables (Wang et al., 2009; Xiao et al., 2013),
subsiding areas are prone to submergence, forming large waterlogged The North China Plain, located from 112°30′E–119°30′E and
areas. As submergence expands with coal mining, permanent water- 34°46′N–40°25′N, is a thick Cenozoic sedimentary basin covering an
logged areas turn into subsidence ponds, and even lakes, called an- area of approximately 300,000 km2 (Kang and Eltahir, 2018). It is
thropogenic water bodies (Krodkiewska and Królczyk, 2011) that form bordered by the Taihang Mountains on the west, by the Bohai Sea on
wetland ecosystems. the east, by the Yanshan Mountains on the north, and by the Yellow
Many studies concerning the ecological restoration of natural wet- River on the south, with elevations ranging from 100 m in the west to
lands have been carried out (Orr et al., 2007; Cui et al., 2009; Steven less than 1–2 m in the east (Wu et al., 1996; Chen et al., 2005; Lu et al.,
and Lowrance, 2011; Mitsch and Gosselink, 2015; Liu et al., 2016; 2008). This area is important for both the storage of coal resources and
Mitsch, 2017; Lu et al., 2018a,b; Li et al., 2019), but such studies have economic activity in China. Most coal fields in the North China Plain
not been conducted as frequently in new wetlands formed by sub- are adjacent to densely populated villages and small cities, where
sidence ponds (Krodkiewska and Królczyk, 2011; Dolny and Harabis, subsidence causes farmland degradation, soil erosion and flooding (Hu
2012; Molenda, 2015; Blachowski, 2016; Zhang et al., 2017; Pan et al., et al., 1997; Bian et al., 2010; Dong et al., 2014).
2019). Although the degradation of original natural wetlands is con- This study was carried out at the Baodian and Henghe coal mines
stantly intensifying, novel, early-successional wetland sites, such as (35°N, 116°E) (Fig. 1) in Shandong Province in the middle of the North
mining dumps, quarries and subsidence ponds, are emerging in mi- China Plain. The climate in this region is warm-temperate, sub-humid
neral-rich countries. These localities have minimal land-use utility for continental monsoon with a mean annual temperature of 14.1 °C. The
agriculture or city development and are thus regarded as economic annual precipitation ranges from 434 to 1225 mm (Wu et al., 1996) and
“scars”. In China, national legislation requires mining enterprises to predominantly falls during the summer monsoon from June to August,
reclaim subsidence ponds, and these projects usually consist of and the mean precipitation is 771 mm (Yuan et al., 2018). Large-scale
draining, levelling the ground, importing fertile topsoil, and subse- mining activities in the Baodian area started in the 1980s and continue
quently converting the ponds to farming land or fish culture ponds with today. Over 40 years, serious subsidence has been caused by uneven
the aim of creating more economic benefits (Hu, 1996; Hu et al., 2014). settlement of the overburden due to disintegration of the mine infra-
However, these projects are expensive and often fail to achieve their structure (Düzgün et al., 2011; Marschalko et al., 2013).
established goals. Increasing evidence reveals the important ecosystem
service and habitat values that these sites provide (Adams and Robbins, 2.2. Experimental design
1988; Wood et al., 2001; Strzelec et al., 2014; Zhang et al., 2017; Yuan
et al., 2018; Zhang et al., 2019), but their biological complexity and To improve the functions of the Baodian coal-mining subsidence
diversity potential are rarely acknowledged. At the same time, it has area and to protect its biological complexity and diversity, an ecological
been firmly established that many threatened species depend on early- restoration project was implemented in July 2014. The area of this
successional conditions Van Swaay (2002) and Wood et al. (2001) project was composed of an SDPC and subsidence ponds used to culture
stressed that rare species can migrate to and tolerate the environmental fish as a contrast. The SDPC is near the Sihe River, a major river in the
conditions in subsidence ponds, which raises the question of whether subsidence area (Fig. 1), and includes a stabilized subsidence area and a
subsidence ponds may partially compensate for the loss of natural submergence area. Due to shallow groundwater tables (Foster et al.,
wetlands for which ecological restorations have been attempted. 2004) and extensive rainfall during the summer, subsiding areas are
The purpose of wetland restoration is to restore ecosystem services, prone to submergence, which forms many waterlogged areas. As the
such as nutrient filtration and retention, water purification and wildlife expanding subsidence areas increase in depth, large waterlogged areas
habitat (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2015; Matzek et al., 2019), but it is a become connected and turn into semi-permanent or permanent ponds.
complex dynamic process that involves various kinds of natural and The total area of the SDPC is approximately 552.4 ha, and the total area
manmade capital. Emergy evaluation method, which provides a bridge of the nine subsidence ponds in this study area is 306.8 ha, occupying
to connect economic, social and ecological systems (Odum, 1988; 55.5% of the SDPC.
Brown et al., 1995; Brown and Herendeen, 1996; Jørgensen et al., The depth of the subsidence, which is crucial to the surface topo-
2016; Song et al., 2019), could objectively shed light on biophysical graphy, is of great significance for future land-use development. In this
processes and ecosystem services from an ecocentric rather than an- study area, the surface elevation of the Sihe River is 39.3 m. In addition,
thropocentric perspective. In addition, the economic and ecological there are no channels between the ponds, which results in different
performance of restored ecosystems have been widely evaluated with water surface elevations, and the water depth varies from 0 to 14 m.
this method (Brown and McClanahan, 1996; Campbell, 1998; Zuo et al., Deep subsidence (> 2 m) dominates, accounting for 73.08% of the total
2004; Campbell et al., 2005; Cohen et al., 2006; Lu and Campbell, subsidence pond area, and two areas with the deepest subsidence exist
2009; Lu et al., 2011; Watanabe and Ortega, 2014; Fonseca et al., 2017; (> 10 m), one in the northern part of the village of Houbao and the
Lu et al., 2017; Lu et al., 2018a,b; Zou et al., 2019). The development of other in the southern tip of the lake to the southeast (see Fig. 2).
swamp dike-pond complexes (SDCPs), which are intricate systems of In the submergence area, the SDPCs were constructed according to
swamps, dikes and ponds, is an important form of ecological en- the pre-existing topography, and the principles of ecological en-
gineering (Todd et al., 2003; Odum and Odum, 2003; Mitsch, 2012; Sun gineering were applied during the design process with respect to the
et al., 2019) and an eco-friendly mode of ecological restoration (Li prediction of water level fluctuations in the subsidence area. The

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Fig. 1. Location of the coal-mining subsidence area and the swamp-dike ecological engineering area.

Fig. 2. The interaction between the surface water and groundwater in SDPC.

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Trees grow taller 2014 to 2017 (Table 1).

The vegetation investigation was conducted in July of every year
because plants grow well and can be easier to identify during this
period. Fifty-eight 10-m × 10-m sample plots and 120 1-m × 1-m
sample plots (at least 3 replicates per sampling site) were selected, and
the plant species, height, and cover at the sampling site were recorded.
In addition, to determine the dry matter yield, the harvested biomass
was dried at 80 °C for 48 h and weighed.
The water bird survey was conducted in the early morning from
January 2015 to October 2017 using standardized observation proto-
cols and the fixed-point observation method (Pescador et al., 2012).
Ground subsidence The water bird species, habitat and number were recorded during the
Fig. 3. The concept map of dynamic engineering. observation period; observations were facilitated by monocular and
binocular telescopes.
To measure the economic benefits of the SDPCs and CFP, we con-
selectively planted trees and shrubs, which are resistant to submergence
ducted several interviews with local farmers in October 2017. Data
and have high economic value, formed into lignosa. Based on the pre-
regarding the production and associated costs of pond fish culture and
dicted water level fluctuations in the subsidence area, woody plants
Lotus in the SDPCs and CFP were collected.
were installed in the unsubsided areas, but as the sub-
sidence increased, these plants began to sink into the water. As the
2.4. Data analysis
subsidence progressed, the maximum depth of the pond was only 7 m
after 30 years, but these plants had grown to more than 10 m, fully
In addition to the flow and storage of natural resources in ecosys-
exceeding the 7-m flood depth (Fig. 3). In our experimental study area,
tems, emergy, which was first advanced by H.T. Odum in the 1980s, is
the plant Taxodium ‘Zhongshansa’, which is resistant to water sub-
also connected to human society through the use of natural resources.
mergence, was selected, and flood-resistant shrubs and small trees were
Emergy flow is the benchmark for the various functions of energy in
planted in the pond dike and surrounding areas to establish the SDPCs.
nature and the human social economy; it can be used to express and
When subsidence increases, plants subsequently root into the deeper
understand the relationship between humans and the natural environ-
layers where there is adequate water (Coppin and Bradshaw, 1982).
ment. Establishment of this method has suggested that economic de-
The system, composed of flood-resistant trees and shrubs, provides
velopment and environmental protection are possible if a sustainable
abundant food and shelter for animals in the summer season (Fig. 4). To
economy is dominant (Ulgiati et al., 1994; Brown and Herendeen,
determine the ecological and economic efficiencies provided by the
SDPC in the subsidence area, an adjacent fish pond farming system in
The fundamental equation of emergy analysis is expressed by the
the eastern part of the experimental area in the subsided zone was se-
lected for comparison. The 26 contrasting fish ponds (CFP) occupied an
area of approximately 56.59 ha.
EM = ∑ Ei τi

2.3. Data collection where Ei is the energy content of the ith input flow into the process, and
τi is the solar transformity of the ith independent input flow. For con-
To evaluate the restoration results, we conducted a continuous sistency, we adopted the same approach for the three systems we
survey of the vegetation and water birds of the SDPCs and CFP from evaluated. The emergy evaluation is considered to have an emergy

Fig. 4. The concept map of the swamp-dike-pond complex.

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Table 1
Summary of datasets and usages.
Data type Units Source Collection time Usage

Plant Species – Vegetation investigation July (2014–2017) SDPC, CFP

Plant height cm Vegetation investigation July (2014–2017) SDPC, CFP
Plant cover % Vegetation investigation July (2014–2017) SDPC, CFP
Biomass g/m2 Vegetation investigation July (2014–2017) SDPC, CFP
Water bird species – Water bird survey January 2015–October 2017 SDPC, CFP
Water bird habitat – Water bird survey January 2015–October 2017 SDPC, CFP
Water bird number – Water bird survey January 2015–October 2017 SDPC, CFP
Fingerlings kg Interview October 2017 CFP
Machinery kg Interview October 2017 CFP
Feed kg Interview October 2017 CFP
Fishery services $ Interview October 2017 CFP
Fish $ Interview October 2017 CFP
Lotus roots $ Interview October 2017 SDPC
Others – Interview October 2017 SDPC, CFP

Table 2
Emergy analysis of SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area.
Item Unit Renewability factor Raw data Transformity (sej/ Solar emergy (sej/ Reference Emergy flow per ha (sej/ Em-value (EM $)
unit) yr) yr/ha)

Renewable resources
1 Sunlight J 1 1.00E+16 1.00E+00 1.00E+16 Odum (2000) 3.74E+13 1.28E+03
2 Rain chemical J 1 1.02E+13 2.36E+04 2.39E+17 Odum (2000) 8.94E+14 3.07E+04
3 Wind J 1 1.53E+13 1.86E+03 2.85E+16 Odum (2000) 1.06E+14 3.65E+03
Total 1.02E+13 2.39E+17 8.94E+14 3.07E+04

Local resources
4 Timber J 1 7.22E+11 3.32E+04 2.39E+16 Brown and Bardi 8.95E+13 3.07E+03
5 Reed J 1 5.40E+12 7.05E+03 3.80E+16 Brown and Bardi 1.42E+14 4.88E+03
6 Lotus J 1 2.13E+12 1.10E+05 2.35E+17 Brown and Bardi 8.78E+14 3.01E+04
Total 8.25E+12 2.97E+17 1.11E+15 3.81E+04

Non-renewable resources
7 Soil loss J 0 3.92E+11 1.72E+04 6.73E+15 Cohen et al. (2006) 2.52E+13 8.63E+02
8 Water J 0 8.45E+10 6.13E+04 5.17E+15 Zhang et al. (2011) 1.93E+13 6.63E+02
Total 4.76E+11 1.19E+16 4.45E+13 1.53E+03

Purchased resources
9 Vegetation US$ 0.05 2.62E+04 8.13E+12 2.13E+17 Jiang and Chen 7.96E+14 2.73E+04

Economic income
10 Lotus roots US$ 2.24E+05 8.13E+12 1.82E+18 Jiang and Chen 6.79E+15 2.33E+05

Service yield
11 CO2 absorbing kg 2.19E+04 5.67E+10 1.24E+15 Ren et al. (2009) 4.63E+12 1.59E+02
12 O2 releasing kg 1.56E+03 7.67E+10 1.20E+14 Ren et al. (2009) 4.47E+11 1.53E+01
13 Water regulation kg 1.71E+07 9.99E+08 1.71E+16 Brown and Bardi 6.38E+13 2.19E+03
14 Plant biodiversity Sp 164 1.41E+17 2.31E+19 Lan et al. (2002) 8.64E+16 2.96E+06
15 Water birds Sp 125 1.41E+17 1.76E+19 Lan et al. (2002) 6.58E+16 2.26E+06
Total 1.71E+07 4.08E+19 1.52E+17 5.23E+06

baseline of 12.0 E + 24sej/yr (Brown et al., 2016). (FN) emergy flows were computed by summing the corresponding
fractions of each input flow. The renewable energy for the whole eco-
system was equal to the chemical energy. Smaller emergy flows from
3. Results
the co-products of rainfall, such as sunlight and wind, were not in-
cluded in the renewable emergy base of the ecosystem to avoid re-
The energy flows of the coal-mining subsidence area and its three
peated calculation of the inputs.
restoration systems were converted into emergy units (Tables 2–4); the
synthetic system diagram in Fig. 5 shows the inputs and outputs of the
three restoration ecosystems. All flows entering the ecosystem were 3.1. Emergy input
directly converted into emergy via available transformity values, and
the flows of the purchased inputs that enter the ecosystem were mul- As shown in Tables 2 and 5, the empower density that flows into the
tiplied by their respective renewability factors (Cavalett et al., 2006; SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area is 2.84E + 15 sej/yr/ha, in
Agostinho et al., 2008; Ortega et al., 2016) to divide them into their which the proportions of renewable emergy inflows, nonrenewable
renewable and nonrenewable fractions. Total renewable (R), non- inflows, and purchased inflows from the outside ecosystem to the total
renewable (N), purchased renewable (FR) and purchased nonrenewable emergy input are 70.45%, 28.16%, and 27.99%, respectively. The

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Table 3
Emergy analysis of SDPC in the submergence area.
Item Unit Renewability factor Raw data Transformity (sej/ Solar emergy (sej/ Reference Emergy flow per ha (sej/ Em-value (EM $)
unit) yr) yr/ha)

Renewable resources
1 Sunlight J 1 3.56E+15 1.00E+00 3.56E+15 Odum (2000) 1.33E+13 4.57E+02
2 Rain chemical J 1 3.61E+12 2.36E+04 8.51E+16 Odum (2000) 3.18E+14 1.09E+04
3 Wind J 1 5.44E+12 1.86E+03 1.01E+16 Odum (2000) 3.78E+13 1.30E+03
Total 3.61E+12 8.51E+16 3.18E+14 1.09E+04

Local resources
4 Timber J 1 2.02E+11 3.32E+04 6.69E+15 Brown and Bardi 2.50E+13 8.58E+02
5 Reed J 1 1.12E+11 7.05E+03 7.91E+14 Brown and Bardi 2.95E+12 1.01E+02
6 Lotus J 1 1.74E+10 1.10E+05 1.92E+15 Brown and Bardi 7.16E+12 2.46E+02
Total 3.32E+11 9.40E+15 3.51E+13 1.21E+03

Non-renewable resources
7 Soil loss J 0 1.39E+11 1.72E+04 2.39E+15 Cohen et al. (2006) 8.93E+12 3.06E+02
8 Water J 0 1.05E+10 6.13E+04 6.45E+14 Zhang et al. (2011) 2.41E+12 8.26E+01
Total 1.50E+11 3.03E+15 1.13E+13 3.89E+02

Purchased resources
9 Vegetation US$ 0.05 7.33E+03 8.13E+12 5.96E+16 Jiang and Chen 2.23E+14 7.65E+03

Economic income
10 Lotus roots US$ 1.82E+03 8.13E+12 1.48E+16 Jiang and Chen 5.54E+13 1.90E+03

Service yield
11 CO2 absorbing kg 3.14E+03 5.67E+10 1.78E+14 Ren et al. (2009) 6.66E+11 2.28E+01
12 O2 releasing kg 2.24E+02 7.67E+10 1.72E+13 Ren et al. (2009) 6.43E+10 2.21E+00
13 Water regulation kg 2.13E+06 9.99E+08 2.13E+15 Brown and Bardi 7.95E+12 2.73E+02
14 Plant biodiversity Sp 36 1.41E+17 5.08E+18 Lan et al. (2002) 1.90E+16 6.51E+05
15 Water birds Sp 19 1.41E+17 2.68E+18 Lan et al. (2002) 1.00E+16 3.43E+05
Total 2.13E+06 7.76E+18 2.90E+16 9.95E+05

empower density that flows into the SDPC in the submergence area is 29 residents, 45 passage migrants, 5 winter residents and 26 summer
1.65E + 15 sej/yr/ha, including the fractions invested from renewable residents, were found in this area, indicating that the new wetlands
(%R = 60.14), nonrenewable (%N = 37.97) and purchased sources (% caused by coal-mining subsidence had become an important breeding
F = 37.93) (Tables 3 and 5). The empower density that flows into the and overwintering site for migrating birds in China. The breeding birds,
CFP is 1.41E + 17 sej/yr/ha, of which the renewable and nonrenewable residents and summer residents, such as moorhen (Gallinula chloropus),
portions constitute 0.64% and 55.07%, respectively (Tables 4 and 5). common tern (Sterna hirundo) and great crested grebe (Podiceps cris-
The purchased emergy inflows accounted for the highest proportion tatus), account for 52% of the birds in the subsidence area. There are 8
(99.33%) in this system (Table 5). species of second-class protected birds, as defined by the government
(Zheng, 2018), white-fronted goose (Anser albifrons), black-winged kite
(Elanus caeruleus), western osprey (Pandion haliaetus), hen harrier
3.2. Emergy output (Circus cyaneus), common buzzard (Buteo japonicus), sparrowhawk
(Accipiter nisus), peregrine falcon (Falco peregrinus), and common kestrel
Wetland restoration can play an important role in regaining the (Falco tinnunculus). Of the species observed, two can be considered Near
main functions of wetland ecosystem services, and the new wetlands Threatened: Baer's pochard (Aythya baeri) and reed parrotbill (Para-
caused by coal-mining subsidence support a variety of flora and fauna. doxornis heudei) (Zhang et al., 2017).
The service yields of the three systems ranged from 1.50E + 16 sej/yr/ The CFP significantly differed from the SDPCs in species diversity.
ha for the CFP in the stabilized subsidence area to 2.90E + 16 sej/yr/ha The main plant species in this area were Phragmites communis, Imperata
for the SDPC in the submergence area to 1.52E + 17 sej/yr/ha for the cylindrica and green bristlegrass. A total of 6 avian species, including
SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area. In the SDPCs, a total of 164 Eurasian magpie (Pica pica), carrion crow (Corvus corone), white wagtail
species of plants belonging to 48 families and 125 genera can be clas- (Motacilla alba), and little grebe (Podiceps ruficollis), were found in this
sified into four plant community categories: (a) the primary types of area. Overall, the SDPCs harboured a much greater diversity of plant
plants in succession dominated by Populus deltoides and Salix matsu- and bird species than the fish ponds.
dana; (b) the climax types in which green bristlegrass and Imperata
cylindrica prevail; (c) the marsh community wherein Lotus and
Phragmites communis dominate; and (d) the plant types in which 3.3. Emergy indices
Taxodium ‘Zhongshansa’ prevail. There are 2 species of first-class pro-
tected plants and 4 species of second-class protected plants as defined The emergy indices calculated in this study (Table 5) were the re-
by the government, including Ginkgo biloba L., Metasequoia glyptos- newability (%R), emergy investment ratio (EIR), emergy yield ratio
troboides, Nymphaea L., Juglans regia, Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl. (EYR), environmental loading ratio (ELR) and emergy sustainability
and Glycine soja. We also found a new species of hornwort, index (ESI).
Ceratophyllum taipingense, in this area. The EYR, the emergy yield ratio (EYR = U/(FR + FN), is the ratio of
A total of 105 avian species of 15 orders and 39 families, including total emergy to purchased emergy, and it measures the ability of a

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Table 4
Emergy analysis of CFP in the stabilized subsidence area.
Item Unit Renewability factor Raw data Transformity (sej/ Solar emergy (sej/ Reference Emergy flow per ha (sej/ Em-value (EM $)
unit) yr) yr/ha)

Renewable resources
1 Sunlight J 1 2.12E+15 1.00E+00 2.12E+15 Odum (2000) 3.75E+13 2.72E+02
2 Rain chemical J 1 2.15E+12 2.36E+04 5.07E+16 Odum (2000) 8.96E+14 6.50E+03
3 Wind J 1 3.24E+12 1.86E+03 6.03E+15 Odum (2000) 1.07E+14 7.73E+02
Total 2.15E+12 5.07E+16 8.96E+14 6.50E+03

Non-renewable resources
4 Soil loss J 0 8.29E+10 1.72E+04 1.42E+15 Cohen et al. (2006) 2.52E+13 1.82E+02
5 Water J 0 2.24E+10 6.13E+04 1.37E+15 Zhang et al. (2011) 2.42E+13 1.76E+02
Total 1.05E+11 2.79E+15 4.94E+13 3.58E+02

Purchased inputs
6 Fingerlings J 1 2.01E+11 1.59E+07 3.20E+18 Brown and Bardi 5.65E+16 4.10E+05
7 Machinery kg 0 2.08E+03 5.24E+12 1.09E+16 Buranakarn (1998) 1.93E+14 1.40E+03
8 Feed J 0.17 8.49E+09 9.96E+04 8.45E+14 Brown and Bardi 1.49E+13 1.08E+02
9 Pesticide kg 0 2.36E+04 1.12E+13 2.66E+17 Brandt-Williams 4.70E+15 3.41E+04
10 Diesel oil J 0 3.70E+11 7.02E+04 2.60E+16 Bastianoni et al. 4.59E+14 3.33E+03
11 Labour J 0.9 1.57E+11 9.42E+05 1.48E+17 Brown and Bardi 2.61E+15 1.89E+04
12 Fishery services US$ 0.05 5.29E+05 8.13E+12 4.30E+18 Jiang and Chen 7.60E+16 5.51E+05
Total 7.37E+11 7.95E+18 1.40E+17 1.02E+06

Economic income
13 Fish US$ 2.85E+06 8.13E+12 2.32E+19 Jiang and Chen 4.10E+17 2.97E+06
Service yield
14 Water regulation kg 4.53E+06 9.99E+08 4.53E+15 Brown and Bardi 8.00E+13 5.80E+02
15 Water birds Sp 6 1.41E+17 8.46E+17 Lan et al. (2002) 1.49E+16 1.08E+05
Total 4.53E+06 8.51E+17 1.50E+16 1.09E+05

process to exploit local resources by investing in external resources. It of three ecosystems in the coal-mining subsidence area.
provides a way to measure the appropriation of local resources by a
process, which can be regarded as a potential contribution to the eco-
system that is achieved via resource investment. As shown in Table 5, 4.1. Emergy analysis of the SDPCs
the EYR for the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area was 3.57, while
the values were 2.64 and 1.01 for the SDPC in the submergence area An emergy diagram of the SDPC (Fig. 5a) illustrates the inputs of
and the CFP, respectively. sun, wind, rain, water and soil loss, economic income and ecosystem
The ELR, the environmental loading ratio (ELR=(N + FN)/ services. The primary productivity of plants in the SDPC came mainly
(R + FR), is an indicator of the pressure that the ecosystem places on from swamp cypress, Taxodium ‘Zhongshansa’, Reed and Lotus, which
the environment and can be regarded as a measure of system stress support the entire ecosystem via the food web (Mitsch and Gosselink,
(Zhang et al., 2011). The ELR values of the three systems ranged from 2015; Mitsch, 2017). The energy fixed by the primary production is
0.39 for the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area to 0.61 for the SDPC transmitted through the food chain by plants-benthic-fish-water birds of
in the submergence area to 1.23 for the CFP in the stabilized subsidence the SDPC. In the process of transmission and transformation, energy is
area. gradually attenuated, but energy quality is constantly improved (Odum
The ESI, the emergy sustainability index (ESI = EYR/ELR), is the and Odum, 2003). The primary feedback includes not only purchased
ratio of EYR to ELR, and it provides a measure of the potential con- goods but also services, such as the cost of vegetation and manual la-
tribution of a process to the ecosystem per unit area (Zhang et al., bour; the sources of income are the selling of Lotus roots. The outputs
2011). The ESI values for each ecosystem were 9.12 for the SDPC in the include not only the economic benefits of marketing Lotus roots but also
stabilized subsidence area, 4.31 for the SDPC in the submergence area, the ecological effects, such as the provisioning of adequate food and
and 0.82 for the CFP in the stabilized subsidence area. habitat for wildlife, such as water birds. Emergy analysis of the SDPC
(Tables 2 and 3) shows that feedback is the main input flow, and the
plants and water birds are the main output flows.
4. Discussion The ELR values for the SDPCs of the stabilized subsidence area and
the submergence area were 0.39 and 0.61, respectively (Fig. 7a), which
Emergy is based on thermodynamic theory and is viewed as an were higher than that of the Guano Tolomato Matanzas National Es-
“energy memory”, i.e., the memory of solar energy that supports a tuarine Research Reserve (GTM; 0.02) (Brown and Bardi, 2001) be-
system, considering the previous work by the environment to produce a cause the ecosystem stress on the GTM estuary due to production ac-
good (Scienceman, 1987; Brown and McClanahan, 1996; Brown and tivity was very low, and 99.21% of the renewable emergy inflows were
Buranakarn, 2003; Saladini et al., 2016). The concept of emergy is from the energy of visitors. However, the ELR value for the SDPC was
useful for evaluating systems composed of natural and manmade capital similar to that of the Mai Po Wetland Reserve (MP; 0.54) in Hong Kong
(Bastianoni and Marchettini, 1997; Barrett and Farina, 2000). In this (Qin et al., 2000) and the wetlands of the Yan Cheng Biosphere Reserve
study, the flowchart in Fig. 6 shows the emergy evaluation framework (YC; 0.66) in China (Zuo et al., 2004), indicating that these three

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Fig. 5. Emergy system diagram of swamp dike-pond complex (a) and contrast fish ponds (b).

ecosystems have similar nonrenewable emergy inputs per unit area. The wetland systems, which may be related to the early-successional stage
EYR values of the two SDPCs were 3.57 and 2.64, respectively (Fig. 7b), of the coal-mining subsidence area.
showing that a process of the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area Because SDPCs are allowed to self-organize and self-design free
was the better use of local resources and made greater contributions to from anthropogenic disturbances, they will become habitats for an in-
improving the external environment than the SDPC in the submergence creasing number of water birds and are an effective approach to relieve
area (Zhang et al., 2013; Chang et al., 2018). The ESI values for the two habitat pressure on wildlife. According to the energy principle, ecolo-
SDPCs were 9.12 and 4.31, respectively (Fig. 7c), which were similar to gical engineering, which combines renewable flows with the flows of
that of the Mai Po Wetland Reserve (5.77) but these less than those of purchased emergies to promote self-organizational processes, should
the Guano Tolomato Matanzas National Estuarine Research Reserve enhance habitat heterogeneity, and its ecological functions at relevant
(447.89) and the wetlands of the Yan Cheng Biosphere Reserve (50.29) spatial and temporal scales maximize the energy flux through the
(Brown and Bardi, 2001; Zuo et al., 2004). A high ESI is indicative of an system (Hooper et al., 2005; Jørgensen et al., 2016). The ecological
ecosystem dominated by flows of renewable emergy resources that have design of SDPCs develops feedbacks that increase energy inflows during
high and long–term sustainability (González-Mejía and Ma, 2017; early successional stages or improve energy efficiency during later
Rutebuka et al., 2018). The SDPCs have lower ESI values than natural successional stages. Through feedback, systems reinforce these energy

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Table 5
Category totals and indices calculated for the three systems under study.
Index Symbol or formula SDPC CFP in the stabilized subsidence area

In the stabilized subsidence area In the submergence area

Renewable emergy input R 5.36E+17 9.45E+16 5.07E+16

Non-renewable emergy N 1.19E+16 3.03E+15 2.79E+15
Renewable fraction of purchase resources FR 1.07E+16 2.98E+15 3.55E+18
Non-renewable fraction of purchase resources FN 2.02E+17 5.67E+16 4.40E+18
Total emergy used U=R+N+F 7.61E+17 1.57E+17 8.00E+18
Emergy density ED = U/area 2.84E+15 1.65E+15 1.41E+17
Renewable emergy fraction %R=(R + FR)/U 0.72 0.62 0.45
Emergy investment ratio EIR=(FN + FR)/(R + N) 0.39 0.61 148.53
Emergy yield ratio EYR = U/(FR + FN) 3.57 2.64 1.01
Environmental loading ratio ELR= (N + FN)/(R + FR) 0.39 0.61 1.23
Emergy sustainability index ESI = EYR/ELR 9.12 4.31 0.82

flows and the structures that promote these types of feedbacks. How- The ELR for the CFP of the stabilized subsidence area was 1.23,
ever, in traditional reclamation activities, purchased emergy, which which was 3.1 times higher than that of the SDPC in the stabilized
should lead to an increase in power flow if the maximum power prin- subsidence area, suggesting that the pressure on the environment was
ciple holds, is directed to improve the speed of reorganization and re- mostly derived from the CFP, which greatly depends on large amounts
pair at a faster rate than what would otherwise occur after significant of nonrenewable emergy, such as diesel oil, machinery, and pesticides.
environmental impacts (Lu et al., 2017; Cheng et al., 2017). The EYR of the CFP in the stabilized subsidence area was 1.01, which
was less than that of the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area. A low
4.2. Emergy analysis of the CFP EYR value indicates that a system cannot effectively exploit local nat-
ural resources and can only transform resources from previous pro-
The inputs of the fish pond system significantly differ from those of cesses. The ESI value of the CFP was 0.82, which was similar to that of
the SDPC in the subsidence area (Fig. 5b), which can be seen in the fact the intensive pond fish farming of Nansi Lake area (0.38) in China
that the CFP’s sole purpose is for economic profit. There are few types of (Zhang et al., 2011) and was less than that of the two SDPCs (9.12 and
plants in the CFP because such systems are small and heavily disturbed 4.31), which suggests that fish culture pond land use, with large-scale
by human activities; thus, the primary productivity of plants in the CFP monocultural fish farming, may lead to a loss of landscape and spatial
is much lower than that in the SDPCs. The emergy diagram of the CFP heterogeneity. Therefore, landscapes become more equal and the mi-
indicates that the feedback includes not only purchased fingerlings, crohabitat quality and diversity decrease in the CFP of stabilized sub-
feed and machinery but also services, and a significant difference be- sidence areas. This confirms the viewpoints of Gossner et al. (2016) and
tween SDPC and CFP systems is that the SDPC attracts many more rare Chisté et al. (2018) that although the purpose of maintaining the CFP
plants and water birds and has many more ecological benefits than the system by human activities is to receive more economic benefits, en-
CFP. Emergy analysis of the CFP (Table 4) shows that feedback is the vironmental loading usually increases in the surrounding environment,
main emergy input, and fish production is the major output flow leading to degradation of soil and water and loss of ecosystem func-
(Garcia et al., 2017; David et al., 2018). tions.

Fig. 6. The emergy evaluation framework of three ecosystems in the coal-mining subsidence area. The abbreviations are as follows: SDPCSSA, SDPC in the stabilized
subsidence area; SDPCSA, SDPC in the submergence area; CFPSSA, CFP in the stabilized subsidence area.

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

Fig. 7. Comparison of six ecosystems based emergy indices showing ELR (a), EYR (b) and ESI (c) data. The abbreviations are as follows: SDPCSSA, SDPC in the
stabilized subsidence area; SDPCSA, SDPC in the submergence area; CFPSSA, CFP in the stabilized subsidence area; GTM, Guano Tolomato Matanzas National
Estuarine Research Reserve; YC, Yancheng Biosphere Reserve wetlands; MP, Mai Po Wetland Reserve.

The physical, chemical and biological properties of natural re-

sources dictate the ecological opportunities (Markowicz et al., 2015).
As the quality of natural resources changes, the response of the system
will also change to maintain the maximum power output. In this
manner, systems adjust their thermodynamic performance in ac-
cordance with the changing environment (Odum, 1988; Jørgensen
et al., 2016). The changes in the quality of natural resources affect the
ease and cost of material production in human economies because
lower-quality resources nearly always require more work to be up-
graded into goods and services (Odum, 2007). The fish ponds in the
subsidence corroborated this finding because they brought economic
benefits at the expense of the environment, biodiversity, and stability of
the self-regulating systems.

4.3. Comparative emergy analysis of the three ecosystems

Fig. 8. Ternary emergy diagram for assessment of three ecosystems.
The emergy accounting of three restoration systems are shown in
Tables 2–4. The natural resources used in two SDPCs of the stabilized SDPCs use a larger amount of the emergy available per ha than the CFP.
subsidence area and the submergence area had an apparently higher The ternary diagram indicates that the SDPC in the stabilized sub-
complexity than those of the CFP in the subsidence area, which led to sidence area, the SDPC in the submergence area, and the CFP in the
stronger dependence on the environment resources. The emergy input submergence area use small percentages of nonrenewable emergy
of the rainfall chemical energy of the SDPCs in the stabilized subsidence (1.56%, 1.93% and 0.03%, respectively). The SDPCs in the stabilized
area and the submergence area respectively accounted for 43.7% and subsidence and submergence areas use larger amounts of renewable
87.3% of the total renewable resources, indicating that the rainwater inputs (70.45% and 60.14%, respectively), which were higher than that
resource was the most important factor for two SDPCs (Lu et al., of the Mai Po Wetland Reserve (MP; 49.2%) in Hong Kong (Qin et al.,
2018a,b; Zhang and Qiu, 2018). However, the CFP in the subsidence 2000) and the wetlands of the Yan Cheng Biosphere Reserve (YC;
area was enriched mainly by purchased resources, accounting for 37.5%) in China (Zuo et al., 2004), because these two wetland eco-
99.33% of the total resources. Among the purchased resources of the systems owned some good infrastructure and more production activity,
CFP, the fingerlings and fishery services were the major components, while the coal mining subsidence areas were usually wildness regions in
which were mainly attributed to the fisheries industrial operations with their natural state. However, the fish pond farming system uses more
fishery production and management demands, such as fish culturing, purchased inputs (99.33%), which was close to that of the intensive
harvesting and fishery services (Zhang et al., 2011; David et al., 2018). pond fish farming of Nansi Lake area (96.17%) in China (Zhang et al.,
In addition, all four emergy indices (ESI, EIR, ELR, and EYR) indicated 2011). These results illustrate that the SDPCs of the stabilized sub-
that two SDPCs of the stabilized subsidence area and submergence area sidence area and the submergence area mainly depended on renewable
were more sustainable than the CFP in the subsidence area, and the resources from the local environment; for instance, the growth of the
SDPC of the stabilized subsidence was the most sustainable, with the wetland plants mainly depended on soil, rainfall and sunlight (Liu et al.,
highest ESI due to having the highest EYR and lowest ELR. 2017a,b). In contrast, the CFP system required more purchased and
To inform environmental policy making based on emergy analysis, unnatural resources. This finding explains why the two SDPCs and the
an emergetic ternary diagram, as proposed by Almeida et al. (2007), CFP systems were located closer to the R and F vertices, respectively, on
was used (Fig. 8). The ternary diagram has three important compo- the ternary diagram. Fig. 8 shows that the CFP presents the lowest ESI
nents: R, N and F (we do not consider the renewability factor). Each value, although it uses fewer nonrenewable natural resources than the
angle of the triangle represents one component, and each side re- two SDPCs. To achieve better performance, the use of purchased inputs
presents a binary system. Reading from zero at the base of the triangle should be reduced in the CFP. The SDPCs in the stabilized subsidence
to 100% at the vertex of the ternary diagram, the composition of a and submergence areas presented the best performance, revealing that
system can be determined (Yang and Chen, 2016). The size of the points they contribute to the ecosystem via low environmental loads, and
in Fig. 8 is proportional to the emergy density, illustrating that the two

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

these systems have a higher utilization efficiency of natural resources. The difference in the two modes of the SDPC and CFP relates to the
The CFP obtained an ESI of less than one, implying that the ecosystem differences in the end points expected from the respective processes
imports more resources and gradually results in unsustainable devel- (Kangas, 2003), and these end points may be very different, as in-
opment (Lu et al., 2018a,b). dicated in Fig. 9. The SDPC stresses that human beings should use
Compared with that of the CFP in the stabilized subsidence area, the nature as a teacher and allow nature to self-design and self-organize
respective ecosystem service values were 1.52E + 17 sej/yr/ha (Odum and Odum, 2003; Capra, 2010); therefore, this SDPC mode of
(5.23E + 06 EM-US$/yr) for the SDPC in the stabilized subsidence area coal-mining submergence areas leaves the restoration work to natural
and 2.90E + 16 sej/yr/ha (9.95E + 05 EM-US$/yr) for the SDPC in the processes. Although the structure and function of a new system are
submergence area, which were 10.1 and 1.9 times higher than that of often different from those of the original (Tian et al., 2015; Liu et al.,
the CFP, respectively. This finding suggests that vegetation, faunal 2016), the SDPC especially aims at enhancing biodiversity, while the
communities and functional hydrology, which support the entire eco- aim of the CFP is to obtain economic benefit. In this study, both the
system via the food web, can be restored in the SDPC, and restored species abundance and diversity of the flora and fauna in the SDPC
wetlands can provide economic and ecological benefits via the return of were significantly higher than those of the CFP. The two SDPCs in the
their ecological services and functions (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2015; Liu stabilized subsidence area and submergence area were disturbed by
et al., 2016). Coscieme et al. (2014) and Lu et al. (2017) proved that mineral extraction in the 1980s and in 2014, and the SDPC plants are
reforestation can not only accelerate the restoration of ecosystems but currently more abundant than those of the surrounding nonsubsidence
also reinforce the efficiency of ecosystem services. In addition, coal- area. The wetland landscape appeared in the five years since sub-
mining subsidence areas are characterized by high temporal and spatial mergence, and the plant community structure of the stabilized sub-
variability. The habitat types of the SDPCs are complex and diverse, sidence area climaxed more than two decades later in an obvious eco-
including features such as deep water, shallow water and beaches as logical sequence. These findings strongly indicate that these areas are
well as land that has not yet been filled with water but whose surface still recovering from the perturbations of the subsidence and are at an
has been deformed. The mosaic distribution of plant communities early successional stage (Strzelec et al., 2014). Compared to that in
greatly improves the spatial heterogeneity of the SDPC area, which is SDPCs, the biodiversity associated with fish ponds is lacking because
often evidence of a large variety of habitats and can accommodate these systems are heavily impacted by human activities. These results
various functional groups of organisms, thereby increasing an ecosys- confirm the hypothesis that intermediate levels of disturbance provide
tem’s capacity to buffer disturbances, confirming the hypothesis made the greatest energy subsidy to the ecosystem, while low levels of dis-
by Chisté et al. (2018). In addition, we fortunately found two Near turbance provide less energy; high levels of disturbance act as a stress
Threatened species (e.g., Baer's pochard and reed parrotbill) and a new rather than a subsidy (Connell, 1978; Bai et al., 2018). The circulation
species of hornwort, Ceratophyllum taipingense, in the SDPC area. This of emergy flows for two SDPCs revealed promising self-organization
confirmed the viewpoints of Krodkiewska and Królczyk (2011) and and renewability for the ecosystems, indicating that as an ecological
Strzelec et al. (2014) that coal-mining subsidence areas are often va- practice, The SDPC can feasibly ensure highly efficient resource utili-
luable refuges for vulnerable or rare species. zation and energy recycling with better ecological and economic




Domain of new

Degraded Carbon sink
Ecosystem stucture
Fig. 9. The differences of ecological restoration and reclamation.

J. Sun, et al. Ecological Indicators 107 (2019) 105660

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