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Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 09506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228-4015, Email:

GE 8—Art Appreciation
Summer 2020
Course: BS Pharmacy 1
Instructor: Ruby Balunos
(Lesson 2-Style of Art)

Name : Jofel Q. Parcellano

Think About This Question

1. In the present context, why is being creative becoming more of a challenge?

Explain thoroughly in 1-2 paragraphs.

For me, creativity is when you have imaginative ideas or making something
new. Being creative is becoming more challenging because it requires passion,
commitment, effort and patience because nowadays, everything you see tends to
innovate and learning new things in order to meet that expectation that you really
want. Some people setting their standards high because they want something new,
they want to grow by practicing and brainstorming and meet their expectations.

Like for example, fashion and clothing designs are some examples that are
trending right now. Also, the technology is something that you need to innovate and
be more creative because as time passes by it becomes out of the trend. If you are
making music, painting, dancing etc. it is also an art.
Gen. San. Drive, City of Koronadal, South Cotabato, Philippines 09506, Tel.: (083) 228-2019, Fax: (083) 228-4015, Email:

GE 8—Art Appreciation
Summer 2020
Course: BS Pharmacy 1
Instructor: Ruby Balunos
(Lesson 2-Styles of Art)

Name : Jofel Q. Parcellano


My Work, My Style!


 Share your favorite piece or work of art (any art form). Be sure to identify
what style of art it possesses. Write 1-2 paragraphs of your explanation. Be
guided by the following questions.
 Why they consider it as a work of art?
 What they appreciate about the work?
 What they think the relevance of the work is in their life, or in society.

 Take a picture of yourself and your favorite piece of work or art(together)

and write a 2-3 paragraph-captions of your explanation based on the guide
questions above. Send it on our Google Classroom.


(My Work, My Style!)

*Name of Student
*2-3 Paragraph Captions
*Attach Picture

Note: You may do this alternative way:

You may cut out a picture of your favorite work of art and paste it on the worksheet
provided. Write a 2-3 paragraphs of your explanation based on the guide questions above.

The “Girl before the Mirror” was painted in March 1932 by Picasso. It is
considered as a work of art because it was produced in the style Picasso was
using at the time and inspires an image of vanity such as had been utilized in
art in earlier eras, though Picasso shifts the emphasis and creates a very
different view of the image. The work is considered as an erotic in Picasso's
art, and critics in different periods have offered their assessments of the work
to show a wide range of reactions.
The painting of Picasso can interpret in many different symbols within
different parts of the painting. The woman's face for one is painted with a side
profile and a full frontal image. One side shows the day time where she seems
more like a woman dolled up with her make up done. The other side portrays
her at night. When she takes off the mask of makeup, and is more vulnerable
as a young lady. One way of interpreting the painting is when the woman
looks at herself in the mirror; she is seeing herself as an old woman. From the
green discoloration on her forehead, darkening of her facial features to the
lines that show that her young body has been distorted, and gravity has taken
its rightful place. Another way of viewing the painting is that she is self-
conscious, and she sees all the flaws in herself that the world doesn't see.

My Work, My Style!

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