Liquid Limit Test

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Ahmad Reshad

Roll No.: 191702

Tests on Soils
1.1 Determination of Liquid Limit
Objective: - To determine the liquid limit for the given soil sample

Background: - Liquid limit is the water content for which the soil passes through zero
strength to infinitesimal strength, hence true value of liquid limit cannot be determined. It is
the water content at which the sol changes from plastic state to liquid state.

Apparatus: - Cassagrande’s liquid limits device, A.S.T.M. and B.S. grooving tool
(Cassagrande’s type), 425 microns I.S. sieve, Balance (0.01 gm sensitivity) and Drying oven.

Theory: - Liquid limit is the water content at which soil passes from zero strength to an
Infinitesimal strength, hence the true value of liquid limit cannot be determined. For
determination purpose liquid limit is that water content at which a part of soil, cut by a
groove of standard dimensions, will flow together for a distance of 1.25cm under an impact
of 25 blows in a standard liquid limit apparatus. The soil at the water content has some
strength which is about 0.17 N/cm 2 (17.6 gm/cm 2). At this water content soil just passes
from liquid state to plastic state.

Fig 1: - Relationship between Volume of soil and Its Moisture Content

Indian standard soil classification chart can be used to determine the soil type (IS 1498-

Transportation Division 1 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

Procedure: -

1. The cup of the liquid limit apparatus was adjusted with the help of grooving tool
gauge & the adjustment plate to give a drop of exactly 1 cm on the point of contact on

2. 120gm of an air dried sample passing 425 μ sieve was taken for performing the test.
3. Water added to the sample and mixed thoroughly to from a uniform paste.

4. A portion of the paste placed in the cup of the liquid limit device, the surface
smoothed with spatula to a maximum depth of 1cm.
5. Then, drew the grooving tool through the sample along the symmetrical axis of the
cup, holding the tool perpendicular to the cup.
6. The handle was turned at a rate of 2 revolutions per second and blows counted until
two parts of the soil sample came into contact at the bottom of the soil sample come
into contact at the bottom of the groove along a distance of 10mm.
7. About 15gm of the soil forming the edges of the groove that flowed together to a
water content were sampled, kept in oven for 24 hours, water content was determined
after oven drying.
8. Transfer the remaining soil in the cup to the main soil sample in the basin and mix
thoroughly after adding a small amount of water
9. Repeat steps 4, 5 and 6. Obtain at least four sets of readings in the range of 10 to 40

Fig: 2-Liquid Limit Apparatus

Transportation Division 2 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

Observation and Calculations: -

Table: 1- Determination of Moisture Content

Sr.No. Determination
1 2 3 4
1 No. of blows 29 23 19 16
2 Container Number A B C D E
3 Mass of container + Wet Soil(gm) 29.03 28.44 30.91 29.4
4 Mass of container + dry soil(gm) 24.11 23.18 24.93 23.18
5 Mass of Water = (3)-(4) (gm) 4.92 5.26 5.98 6.22
6 Mass of container (gm) 11.46 11.67 12.05 10.96
7 Mass of Dry soil (4)-(6) (gm) 12.65 11.51 12.88 12.22
8 Moisture content= (5/7)*100, % 38.89 45.70 46.43 50.90

Graph were drawn between moisture content and number of blows, the moisture content
corresponding to 25 no. of blows is the liquid limit, shown in figure 3.



Water Content %






15 20 25 30
Number of blows

Fig: 3- Number of blows versus Water Content (%)

Precautions: -

1. Use distilled water in order to minimize the possibility of iron exchange between the
soil and any impurities in the water.
Transportation Division 3 PMEL Lab.
NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702
2. Soil used for liquid determinations should not be oven dried prior to testing.
3. In liquid limit test, the groove should be closed by a flow of the soil and not by
slippage between the soil and the cup.
4. After mixing distilled water to the soil sample, sufficient time should be given to
permeate the water throughout the soil mass.
5. Wet soil taken in the container for moisture content determination should not be left
open in the air even for some time.
6. For each test, cup and grooving tool, should be clean.
Result: - The liquid limit for the given soil sample found to be 43.44 %.

Applications: - liquid limit value used for the classification of fine grained cohesive soil by
Indian standard soil classification. Once soil classified, it helps to understand the behavior of
the soil and selecting the maintenance of the structure made up or/and made up of soil.

References: -

1. IS:2720(Part5)-1985 Determination of Liquid Limit

2. IS 1498-1970 -Classification and Identification of soils for general Engineering
3. ASTM D4318 - 10e1 Standard Test Methods for Liquid Limit

Transportation Division 4 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

1.2 Determination of Plastic limit

Objective: To determines the plastic limit of soils.

Theory: The objective of the Atterberg limits test is to obtain basic index information about
the soil used to estimate strength and settlement characteristics.  It is the primary form of
classification for cohesive soils. Fine-grained soil is tested to determine the liquid and plastic
limits, which are moisture contents that define boundaries between material consistency
states.  These standardized tests produce comparable numbers used for soil identification,
classification and correlations to strength. The liquid (LL) and plastic (PL) limits define the
water content boundaries between non-plastic, plastic and viscous fluid states.  The plasticity
index (PI) defines the complete range of plastic state.

Plastic Limit (PL): The plastic limit (PL) is determined by rolling out a thread of the fine
portion of a soil on a flat, non-porous surface. The procedure is defined in ASTM Standard
If the soil is plastic, this thread will retain its shape down to a very narrow diameter. The
sample can then be remolded and the test repeated. As the moisture content falls due to
evaporation, the thread will begin to break apart at larger diameters. The plastic limit is
defined as the moisture content where the thread breaks apart at a diameter of 3.2 mm (about
1/8 inch). A soil is considered non-plastic if a thread cannot be rolled out down to 3.2 mm at
any moisture.
Procedural errors for the PL
 improper technique in rolling thread
 thread not 1/8 in. diameter
 moisture content sample too small
 air drying of soil before moisture content taken
 Porcelain evaporating dish, 102–127 mm (4–5 in.) in diameter.
 Flexible spatula, blade approximately 102 mm (4 in.) long × 19 mm (0.75 in.) wide.
 Balance
 Drying oven, maintained at 110 ± 5°C.
 Moisture containers
 Rod of 3 mm diameter
 Rolling surface, minimum area of 300 × 300 mm (12 × 12 in.), non-absorptive,
noncorrosive, light surface texture (e.g., ground glass plate, linoleum, or plastic-faced

Transportation Division 5 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

1. 20 g of soil mass passing sieve 425 micron was taken for the test.
2. Soil was mixed thoroughly with distilled water in the evaporating dish until the soil
paste is plastic enough to be easily molded with fingers.
3. A small ball (about 8-gram weight) was formed with the fingers and this is rolled
between the fingers and ground glass plate to a thread throughout its length.
4. The rolling was done till the diameter of the thread is 3 mm. then the soil is kneaded
together to a ball and rolled again to form thread, which during this process of
alternate rolling and kneading there will be loss in water content in the soil sample
and gradually become stiffer.
5. The thread which started crumbling at 3mm diameter under normal rolling pressure
were obtained and the pieces of the crumbled thread of soil sample were transferred to
an air tight moisture container.
6. The container with specimen were kept in oven for 24 hours.
7. The process repeated three times.
8. The plastic limit of the soil was determined.

Note: A normal rate of rolling for most soils is 80–90 strokes per minute, counting a stroke as
one complete motion forward and backward to the starting position. This rate of rolling may
have to be decreased for very fragile soils.
1. Taking no more than two minutes, further deform the threads on each stroke so the
diameters are continuously reduced and the lengths are extended, until the diameters
reach 3.2 0.5 mm (1/8 0.02 in.)
2. Reduce the diameter of the threads to 3.2 ± 0.5 mm (1/8 ± 0.2 in.) Break each thread
into several pieces. Squeeze the pieces of each thread together, knead between the
thumb and first finger, and reform into an ellipsoidal mass.
3. Repeat Sections 5.3–5.6 until the soil crumbles under the pressure required for rolling
and can no longer be rolled into a 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) diameter thread. There is no
problem if the thread breaks into shorter segments before reaching the 3.2 mm (1/8
in.) diameter.
4. Roll each of these shorter segments to 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) diameter.
5. Gather the portions of the crumbled threads and place in a tared container.
Immediately cover the container.
6. Continue the procedure to accumulate at least 10 g of sample rolled to the 3.2 mm
(1/8 in.) diameter.
7. Weigh and record the mass of the sample and container to the nearest 0.01 g. Dry the
soil sample in the container to a constant mass in a 110C (230F) oven.
8. Weigh and record the mass of the dry soil and container to the nearest 0.01 g.
9. The operator should at no time attempt to produce failure at exactly 3.2 mm (1/8 in.)
by reducing the rate of rolling and/or pressure, while continuing the rolling without
further deformation.
10. For low Plasticity Index (PI) soils, it is permissible to reduce the initial diameter of
the ellipsoidal mass to near the required 3.2 mm (1/8 in.) final diameter.

Transportation Division 6 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702
11. Use palm, finger, or a flexible spatula to roll low PI materials.
12. If crumbling occurs when the thread has a diameter greater than 3.2 mm, this should
be considered a satisfactory endpoint, provided the soil has been previously rolled to a
3.2 mm (1/8 in.) thread.
13. Crumbling of the thread will manifest itself differently with various types of soil.
Some soils fall apart into numerous small aggregations of particles. Others may form
an outside tubular layer that starts splitting at both ends. The splitting progresses
toward the middle, and finally the thread falls apart in many small platy particles.
14. Fat clay soils require much pressure to deform the thread, particularly as they
approach the plastic limit. With these soils, the thread breaks into a series of barrel
shaped segments about 3.2–9.5 mm (1/8–3/8 in.) in length.
NOTE: The only requirement for continuing the test is that the sample can be reformed into
an ellipsoidal mass and rerolled.

Observation Calculations:

Container Container Container Dry soil Water Content Plastic
Sr.No weight + Wet + dry soil W4 (W2- (%) Limit
(Wc) soil (W1) (W2) Wc) (W3*100/W4) %
1 28.78 38.28 36.61 1.67 7.83 21.33
2 30.73 40.38 38.55 1.83 7.82 23.40 22.56
3 31.38 38.61 37.26 1.35 5.88 22.96

The plastic limit of the soil was 22.56 %.

Applications: This testing method is used as an integral part of several engineering

classifications systems to characterize the fine-grained fractions of soils and to specify the
fine-grained fraction of construction materials. The liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity
index of soils are also used extensively, either individually or together, with other soil
properties to correlate with engineering behavior such as compressibility, permeability,
compatibility, shrink-swell and shear strength

AASHTO T 87, Dry Preparation of Disturbed Soil and Soil Aggregate
Samples for Test
AASHTO T 89, Determining the Liquid Limit of Soils
AASHTO T 265, Laboratory Determination of Moisture Content of Soils

Transportation Division 7 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

1.3 Soil Classification

Objective: To determine the relative proportions of different grain sizes of the soil particles.
Background: Grain size analysis, also known as mechanical analysis of soil, is the
determination of the percent of individual grain sizes present in the soil sample or ‘grain size
distribution’ of the soil. Soil classification systems divide soils into groups and subgroups
based on common engineering properties such as grain-size distribution, liquid limit, and
plastic limit. The two major classification systems presently in use are (1) the AASHTO
(American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) Systems and (2) the
Unified Soil Classification System (also ASTM), the AASHTO classification system is used
mainly for classification of highway subgrade.
The AASHTO Soil Classification System was originally proposed by the Highway Research
Board’s Committee on Classification of Materials for Subgrade and Granular Type Roads
(1945). According to the present form of this system, soils can be classified according to
eight major groups, A -1 through A-8, based on their grain-size distribution, liquid limit, and
plasticity indices. Soils listed in groups A-1, A-2, and A-3 are coarse-grained materials, and
those in groups A-4, A-5, A-6, and A-7 are fine-grained materials. Peat, muck, and other
highly organic soils are classified under A-8. They are identified by visual inspection.
The Unified Soil Classification System was originally proposed by A. Casagrande in 1942
and was later revised and adopted by the United States Bureau of Reclamation and the Corps
of Engineers. Soil is classified according to its plasticity index, and its percentage fraction
The Bureau of Indian Standards have classified based on Unified Soil Classification System
with a modification of three subdivisions of fine grained soils. The system is based on those
characteristics of the soil which indicate how it will behave as a construction material. The
soils are classified into four groups based on particle size. The coarse fraction of soil and rock
particles or cohesion less aggregates of size between 80 mm and 4.75 mm is called gravel and
the next smaller fraction of size between 4.75 mm and 0.075 mm (or 75 micron) is called
sand. The soil fractions with particle size smaller than 75 micron are called soil fines or fine
grained soil fraction which consist of silt and clay. The fine grained soil fraction of size
between 0.075 mm (75 micron) and 0.002 mm (2 micron) is called silt and the portion of fine
soil particles smaller than 0.002 mm (2 micron) size is called clay. Sits are fined grained soils
with low or no plasticity.
Sieve analysis is conducted on the soil sample using a set of sieves to determine the
percentage or proportion of different sizes of materials or soil particles that are present in the
sample. The smallest mesh sieve commonly used has sieve opening of about 0.075 mm. Soil
particles consisting of silt and clay which are smaller than 0.075 mm size can pass through
the fine mesh sieve with 0.075 mm opening, when washed using water. Therefore the grain
size analysis of the finer fraction passing 0.075 mm sieve is carried out using the principle of
sedimentation in water.
The sieve analysis is a simple test consisting of sieving a measured quantity of material
through successively smaller sieves. Two methods of sieve analysis are:

Transportation Division 8 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702
1. Grain size distribution by Dry sieve analysis, applicable only to coarse soils retains on
4.75 mm sieve and to non- cohesive sand or sandy soils passing 4.75 mm sieve with
practically no fines (silt and clay)
2. Grain size distribution by Wet sieve analysis, applicable to all soil samples passing
4.75 mm sieve with some cohesion or soil containing fines (silt and clay).
Grain size analysis of soils by dry and wet sieve analysis are quite adequate for the purpose
of soil classification and for assessing the essential properties of soil as a highway
construction material.
Dry sieve analysis
1. Balance –sensitive to 0.1 percent of the weight of sample to be weighed.
2. Sieves –IS sieves of 4.25 mm, 2 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.425 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15
mm, 0.075 mm and also the bottom pan or receiver.
3. Rubber pestle and mortar
4. Thermostatically controlled drying oven to maintain temperature of 105°C to 110°C
Preparation of sample for dry sieve analysis: The soil sample collected from the field is
sieved and passing 4.75 mm sieve is dried in oven at 105°C to 110°C.
Procedure Dry sieve analysis:
1. 1 kg of dry oven soil were used for the test.
2. The test was done manually and no sieve shaker machine was used.
3. Soil lumps present are broken with the help of rubber covered pestle
4. Sieves are arranged one above the other with the pan at the bottom.
5. The test sieve sizes, 4.25 mm, 2 mm, 1.18 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.425 mm, 0.3 mm, 0.15 mm,
0.075 mm and also the bottom pan or receiver, placed one above the other in the
increasing order for dry sieve analysis.
6. Soil sample is allowed to pass through each of the sieves arranged.
7. After sieving thoroughly, materials retained on each sieve was carefully collected and
8. Cumulative percentage of soil retained on each sieve is calculated and gradation curve
 During shaking the lid on the topmost sieve should be kept tight to prevent escape of
 While drying the soil, the temperature of the oven should not be more than 105°c
because higher temperature may cause some permanent change in the fraction.
Observations and calculations:
Table 1: Results of dry sieve analysis (retained on 4.75 mm sieve)

Transportation Division 9 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

Weight of soil % Weight Cumulative % Cumulative %

IS Sieve mm
retained, g retained weight retained finer
4.75 115 11.50 11.50 88.50
2 190.75 19.08 30.58 69.43
1.18 139.2 13.92 44.50 55.51
0.6 201.4 20.14 64.64 35.37
0.425 99.78 9.98 74.61 25.39
0.3 80.71 8.07 82.68 17.32
0.15 116.59 11.66 94.34 5.66
0.075 34 3.40 97.74 2.26
Pan 16.65 1.67 99.41 0.59

Grain Size Distribution




Percentage FInear






0.1 0.2 0.51 1 0.44 10
Sieve Sieze (mm)

Transportation Division 10 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

Figure 1: Grain size distribution diagram

Uniformity coefficient (Cu) = D60/D10 = 0.44/0.2 = 2.2
Coefficient of curvature (Cc) = D230/(D60*D10) = 0.512/ (0.44*0.2) = 2.95 ~ 3
So, the soil is well graded.
The gradation and the range of the grain sizes present in the soil is generally measured and
reported in terms of ‘Uniformity Coefficient’ (Cu) which is expressed as D60 /D10, where D60
and D10 are particle size corresponding to 60% and 10 % fines in the grain size distribution
diagram. A high value of uniformity coefficient, such as greater than 4 or 5 indicates the
presence of a wide range of particle sizes in the soil or that the soil is well graded. A low C u
value of the order of less than 2 indicates uniformly graded soil, the lowest possible value
being 1 for soil with single size.
The results of grain size analysis on soil are made use of in soil classification and to assess
various other soil properties such as permeability, capillarity, density and stability after
compaction, bearing capacity etc. The other uses of grain size analysis are for the design of
drainage materials and soil-aggregate mixtures for mechanical stabilization of soils. It is also
possible to assess pavement performance with respect to potential frost susceptibility of the
subgrade soil and possible failure of rigid pavements due to pumping action.
 Bureau of Indian Standards, Classification and Identification of Soils for General
Engineering Purposes (first revision), IS 1498-1970 (reaffirmed 2007)
 Bureau of Indian Standards, Methods of test for soils, Part 4: Grain size analysis
(Second Revision), IS 2720-1985 (Reaffirmed 2006)
 ASTM D2487-11, Standard Practice for Classification of Soils for Engineering
 ASTM D2488-09a, Standard Practice for Description and Identification of Soils

Transportation Division 11 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

1.4 Standard Proctor Compaction Test

To determine the Optimum moisture content and maximum dry density of a soil by standard
proctor compaction test.
Compaction is the process of densification of soil mass by reducing air voids. The purpose of
laboratory compaction test is to determine the proper amount of water at which the weight of
the soil grains in a unit volume of the compacted is maximum, the amount of water is thus
called the Optimum Moisture Content (OMC). In the laboratory different values of moisture
contents and the resulting dry densities obtained after compaction are plotted both to
arithmetic scale, the former as abscissa and the latter as ordinate. The points thus obtained are
joined together as a curve. The maximum dry density and the corresponding OMC are read
from the curve.
For example

Figure 1. Graph between water content and dry density.

The standard equipment in a proctor test is shown below,

Figure 2. Standard Proctor test equipment

Transportation Division 12 PMEL Lab.
NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702
The wet density of the compacted soil is calculated as below,
W 1−W 2
γt =
Where, w1 = Weight of mould with moist compacted soil.

w2 = Weight of empty mould.

V = Volume of mould.

The dry density of the soil shall be calculated as follows,

W 1−W 2
γd =

Where, γt = wet density of the compacted soil.

w = moisture content.

Apparatus required

a) Special:
 Proctor mould (capacity 1000.0 cc, internal diameter 100mm, and effective height
127.3 mm.
 Rammer for light compaction (2.6Kg, with free drop of 310 mm).
 Mould accessories including detachable base plate, removable Collar.
 I.S. sieve 4.75 mm.

b) General:
 Balance of capacity 10 kg, and sensitivity of 1 gm.
 Balance of capacity 200 grams and sensitivity of 0.01 gm.
 Drying oven.
 Desiccators. v. Containers for water content.
 Graduated Jar.
 Trimming knife.
 Large mixing tray.


1. Oven dry soil was used for performing the test.

2. Take about 3 kg of the soil sample which passed through 4.75 mm sieve.
3. Add 8 % water to the soil and thoroughly mix it.
4. Clean and grease gently the inside surface of the mould, and the base plate.
5. Take the weight of empty mould with the base plate.
6. Fir the collar and place the mould on a solid base.
7. Compact soil in five layers. Place first batch of soil inside the mould and apply 25
blows of Standard rammer, each given 25 blows of the standard rammer weighing 2.6
Kg and having a drop of 310 mm.

Transportation Division 13 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702
8. Remove the collar, and trim of the excess soil with trimming knife. Clean the mould,
and weight the mould with the compacted soil and the base plate.
9. Take a representative sample (50 grams) from the mould and determine its water
10. Repeat the above procedure for water content values of 10%, 12%, 14% and 16%.
11. Draw graph between water content and dry density.
12. Find optimum moisture content which maximize the density of the soil.

1. Adequate period is allowed to mature the soil after it is mixed with water.
2. The rammer blows should be uniformly distributed over the surface with spatula
before next layer is placed.
3. To avoid stratification each compacted layer should be scratched with spatula before
next layer is placed.
4. At the end of compaction test, the soil should not penetrate more than 5mm into the

Observations and calculations

1. Diameter of mould, D (cm):

2. Height of mould, h (cm):
3. Volume of mould, V (cc):

1 2 3 4 5
W1 (Weight of Mould) 4243 4243 4243 4243 4243
Volume of Mould (cc) 1000
W2 (weight of water) 240 60 60 60 60
W3 (weight of Mould + Soil) 6117 6236 6315 6493 6407
Wc (weight of empty container) 29 31 31 21 11
W4 (Wc + wet Soil) 79 81 81 71 61
W5 (Wc + wry Soil) 75.1 75.45 75 63.65 53.04
W6 (Weight of soil) (W3-W1) 1874 1993 2072 2250 2164
Bulk density γ g/cc
1.874 1.993 2.072 2.25 2.164
Water Content %
8.46 12.49 13.64 17.23 18.93
Dry Density g/cc
(Bulk density/(1+W/C)) 1.73 1.77 1.82 1.92 1.82
γd = γ / (1 + w), (gm/cc)

Transportation Division 14 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal
Ahmad Reshad
Roll No.: 191702

MDD 1.92
Dry Density (g/cc)



OMC 17.2 %
7.00 9.00 11.00 13.00 15.00 17.00 19.00 21.00
Water Content %

Figure 1. Graph between water content and dry density.

Results and discussions

 The Optimum Moisture Content of the given soil sample is 17.2 %
 The maximum dry density of the given soil sample is 1.92 g/cc.
 The graph is drawn for dry density versus water content and the optimum moisture
content is obtained.

Compaction of soil increases the density, shear strength, bearing capacity, thus reducing the
voids, settlement and permeability. The results of this are useful in the stability of field
problems like earthen dams, embankments, roads and airfield. In such compacted in the field
is controlled by the value of the OMC determined by laboratory compaction test. The
compaction energy to be given by a compaction unit is also controlled by the maximum dry
density determined in the laboratory. In other words, the laboratory compaction tests results
are used to write the compaction specification for field compaction of the soil.

1. IHS, Industry Standards & Regulations. (2010).
2. Davis, Tim (2008). Geotechnical Testing, Observation, and Documentation.
2nd edition. Reston, Virginia: American Society of Civil Engineers, 25-26.
3. Day, Robert W. (2001). Soil Testing Manual: Procedures, Classification Data,
and Sampling Practices. New York: McGraw Hill, Inc.. pp. 293–312.

Transportation Division 15 PMEL Lab.

NIT Warangal

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