Om Chuajedton - Unit 4 Formative Character Speech

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Character: Marjane Satrapi (main character)

Introduction: ​Hello, My name is Marjane Satrapi. I was born during the start of the Islamic
revolution in Iran. Have anyone ever told you that nothing lasts forever? That's my friend, a sad
truth. By the time I was fourteen….

(go into details about event)

(what I learned, how I changed, my message)

Thank you.

- When she was about to move to Vienna to study because it was better for her safety and
her future. But she had to leave her family, friends, and home behind
Details about event
- During the islamic revolution in Iran, Iraq is attacking the country.
- One week after her dad got a phone call from the school principal about Marji correction
the religion teacher
- She's fourteen
- A rebel from what happened in the past with her neighbor's house got bombed and died.
- Her parents want her to move to Austria, Vienna.
- They found a French school and someone who she can live with
- Marji’s mom has a friend who lives in Vienna. Zozo who is Sherine’s mom
- Her parents aren’t going
- Gave her posters to her friends, and said goodbyes
- She slept with her grandma the night before she has to go
- Hugged her parents before going in
- When she got her bags checked she looked back from the glass to say one last goodbye
to her parents
- Saw her mom faint on dad’s arms
- Was very sad and devastated, but the best thing to do at the moment was to just go
- “We feel it’s better for you to be far away and happy than close by and miserable.
Judging by the situation here, you’ll be better off somewhere else.” (148)
- “Always keep your dignity and be true to yourself.” (150)
- “It would have been better to just go.” (153)
- “I never realized how much they loved me. And I understood how important they were to
me.” (149)
How the character changed
- Live independently and not rely on family all the time
- Understood how much friends and family were so important to her and how it shaped her
- Although she's far away from her loved ones, she can always think back to memories
they share
What did the character learn
- Learned how to move on
- Sometimes you have to put yourself before others
- Nothing lasts forever
- Be true to yourself
- Don’t always think about the past
- Look forward in the future
Lesson from the book/story
- Importance of family and friends
- How current events can affect your life
- Nothing in life lasts forever

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