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Final speech: My favorite place

Introduction​: Hi my name is Om. Have you ever felt super comfortable in a place that you
never want to leave? Because I have, this place has relieved all of my stress and I had lots of
fun in this place. My bedroom… (go into content)

- Bedroom
- Likes to be alone;introverted
- Does many things in my bedroom
- Fairly clean and organized; but have lots of dust
- Small, filled with stuff that I own
- Two tall narrow windows that I never open
- High ceilings
- Bathroom inside bedroom
- Can’t eat food in my bedroom because of ants
- Not very strong wifi but still works
- Have stuff animals and souvenirs from countries I visited
- Some books but not a lot
- Clothes!
- Creaky floor board that is terribly annoying
- A lot of skincare for my acne
- Smells really nice when I finish showering because of the smell of the soap
- Gets super embarrassed when someone walks in when I’m doing something weird
- Always hearing for footsteps coming to my room
- Activities I like to do:
- listen to music
- dress up
- dance
- sing
- sleep
- netflix and chill
- paint
- talk to myself

- Everyone spend their time differently, don’t be embarrassed by that
- If you are introverted, it’s okay to say no to social gathering
- It's okay to be different, you don’t always have to blend in.

This brings you back to the sentence I said in the beginning. (message) Have a place where
you can be yourself with no one looking. You can do some really fun stuff with yourself as well.
Relieving stress accumulated at the end of the end of the day is the best thing you need to be
refreshed the next day.

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