Blood Pressure Chart

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Blood Pressure Chart

Normal Blood Pressure Range

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What is your adult Blood Pressure? Vaughn's Summaries

What is normal blood pressure?
What is normal blood pressure range? Medical Summaries
What is high blood pressure?
This page attempts to answer these questions. A-Fib Data
Blood Pressure Monitors
Blood Pressure Range
. Blood Type Summary

Cholesterol Range Chart

Heart Diagram
Lowering Blood Pressure
Prescription Heart Drugs

540-860 260

Systolic vs. Diastolic Blood Pressure Range - Units = millimeters of mercury
Human Blood Pressure Range Diagram
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Blood Pressure Range Chart Notes



HIGH Blood Pressure Symptoms -

Stressed, Sedentary, Bloated, Weak, Failing
Systolic - Diastolic
210 - 120 - Stage 4 High Blood Pressure
180 - 110 - Stage 3 High Blood Pressure
160 - 100 - Stage 2 High Blood Pressure
140 -   90 - Stage 1 High Blood Pressure


130 - 85 - High Normal
120 - 80 - NORMAL Blood Pressure
110 - 75 - Low Normal

 60 - 40 - TOO LOW Blood Pressure

 50 - 33 - DANGER Blood Pressure

LOW Blood Pressure Symptoms -

Weak, Tired, Dizzy, Fainting, Coma

Blood Pressure Levels Table
Here is essentially the same information
presented above, in tabular format,
with notes at the bottom.
Comment Systolic Diastolic Delta MAP
Far, Far, Far 230 135 95 167
TOO HIGH 225 130 95 162
Medication Is 220 130 90 160
ABSOLUTELY 215 125 90 155
NECESSARY 210 125 85 153
To Prevent
205 120 85 148
200 120 80 147
195 115 80 142
Heart Attack 190 115 75 140
and Stroke 185 110 75 135
180 110 70 133
Way Too High - 175 105 70 128
Medication Is
STRONGLY ADVISED 170 105 65 127
165 100 65 122
Too High - 160 100 60 120
Most Doctors 155 95 60 115
Will Prescribe Meds 150 95 55 113
Borderline - 145 90 55 108
Some Doctors 140 90 50 107
Will Prescribe Meds 135 85 50 102
Good 130 85 45 100
125 80 45 95
120 80 40 93
Very Good
115 75 40 88
110 70 40 83
Excellent 105 70 35 82
100 65 35 77
Children and Athletes 95 65 30 75
90 60 30 70
Too Low - 85 55 30 65
Meds May Be 80 55 25 63
Required To
Prevent Fainting 75 50 25 58
(Syncope) 70 50 20 57
65 45 20 52
Far, Far, Far
Too Low - 60 45 15 50
MEDICATION 55 40 15 45
50 35 15 43
180 60 60 60 60

Notes for the above BP table :

1. Why did I do this? I searched high and low on the Internet, and I could find nothing
like this in one place - a Summary of human BP range, the Averages, and the
Comments relating to each BP level.

2. How did I get the numbers? I started with the commonly seen "Systolic/ Diastolic
pairs" seen in the literature - 200/120, 160/100, 140/90, 120/80 and 90/60. From there,
I interpolated and extrapolated all the other numbers. Note that these are AVERAGE
relationships. For instance, instead of 140/90, your BP may be 140/100, or 140/80.
Each individual will have a unique systolic-diastolic relationship. If your S/D
difference varies significantly from the averages shown above, this can be helpful in
assessing your particular cardiovascular condition.

3. For comparison purposes, I added the "delta" column, which is the difference
between the Systolic and Diastolic pressure readings. This relationship is almost linear,
with the exceptions of the 40 delta, the 30 delta, and the 15 delta.

4. As for the comments, I have "averaged" the references made in the literature, since
not all doctors agree upon the pressures at which to treat, and how aggressively to treat
(multiple medications, type of meds, etc.). You can rest assured that the
pharmaceutical companies prefer that you take medication at 135/80, since they sell
the meds. Most doctors are not so aggressive. Remember that ALL medications have
side effects. Heart medications have more serious side effects than any other class of
prescription drugs.

5. Be aware of the "Circadian Rhythm" cycle. Your Blood Pressure is highly

influenced by the time of day. For normal people, the highest BP occurs about midday,
and the lowest at about 3-4 AM in the morning. For some people, described as "non-
dippers", this early morning BP dip does not occur. For these people, highest blood
pressure usually occurs around 6 AM to 9 AM in the morning. Some doctors are not
aware of this, and make erroneous assumptions. A non-dipper may see 150/95 in the
morning, and 130/85 in the evening. Non-dipping is usually associated with abnormal
sleep conditions, such as sleep apnea, heavy snoring, drug and alcohol abuse, etc.

6. One blood pressure reading means very little. The advice to "Have your blood
pressure checked once a year" is useless. What time of day? Had you eaten less salty
foods recently? Were you relaxed that day, when you are usually much more stressed?
Had you recently exercised vigorously? You must check your BP far more often than
once a year, especially if you show "borderline" readings. I can produce a very low, or
very high blood pressure AT WILL, based upon what I do during the 24 hours prior to
the measurement.

7. Beware of "white coat syndrome", which results in a much higher BP reading than
normal, due to the authoritative doctor, the foreboding, sterile exam room, and the
smells such as alcohol and disinfectant. All this is not relaxing. Some unaware doctors
may prescribe medication, when in fact, you don't need it at all. As soon as you leave
the office, your BP returns to normal. This is another great reason to use your own
automatic BP wrist monitor, so that you come to know your own body, and the effects
of stress, food, mood, sleep, and time of day.

8. MAP = Mean Arterial Pressure. Three formulas are used to compute MAP. All three
produce very similar results.
Above, I used Method #1 -
MAP = DP + (1/3 (SP - DP))
Ideal Mean Arterial Pressure is defined as 93 mm of mercury, which corresponds to

Alternative Method #2 -
Also, MAP = (2/3 DP) + (1/3 SP)

Alternative Method #3
MAP = ((2*DP) + SP) / 3

where SP= Systolic Pressure,

and DP= Diastolic Pressure

The author is not a doctor. I am simply a data analyst.
If you have a heart condition, see a medical professional.
Statements on this page may NOT be correct. These are just my personal thoughts. The sole purpose of
this page is to encourage further research on your part. I hope that you have found this high blood
pressure information page helpful. Buy and use an automated blood pressure monitor, to track your own
heart health.
Thank you very much for your time.

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Tags: blood pressure range, blood pressure chart, normal blood pressure, blood pressure readings,
average blood pressure, high blood pressure, low blood pressure

Vaughn's Summaries
©2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Vaughn Aubuchon ... All Rights Reserved

This Vaughns Normal Blood Pressure Chart webpage was updated on 2010-04-19.


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There are two types of
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hypertension and Secondary
 Blood pressure Chart
Here is a chart for high blood
pressure, chart for low blood
pressure, blood pressure
measuring chart
 Causes of High Blood
pressure | Hypertension
Our website will let you know
about detail information and
causes of hypertension and
high blood pressure. Obesity,
Alcohol, stress, caffeine, high
salt diet, genetic factors, age
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Pressure | Hypertension
What are symptoms of high
blood pressure or Hypertension
 Signs of Hypertension |
High Blood Pressure
Here you will see all signs of
Hypertension or high blood
 Diagnosis and
Investigations of High Blood
Pressure | Hypertension
Here is complete list of
investigations to diagnose
hypertension and cuase of high
blood pressure
 Treatment of High Blood
Pressure | Hypertension
What is treatment, medication,
medicines, remedy, drugs, cure
of lowering high Blood pressure
or Hypertension
 High Blood Pressure
Do you know what are main
medicines used for high blood
pressure. Table of all high
blood pressure medication.
 Foods to be avoided for high
blood pressure 
Do you have high blood
pressure. Here are foods to be
avoided for high blood
pressure. Avoid these foods if
you have hypertension.
 Yoga Exercises for High
Blood Pressure 
Here are most important
exercises and poses for high
blood pressure and
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If you want to lower your blood
pressure by natural means,
here you will find useful
information to treat your blood
pressure naturally.
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Acupuncture | Herbal
remedy of high blood
Blood pressure can be
controlled by herbs,
Acupuncture, Yoga, and other
alternative medicine. Herbal
remedy for controlling
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Blood Pressure |
Comprehensive information
about diet, food, minerals,
vitamins that a person should
take with high blood pressure.
 Blood Pressure Medication
Side Effects
Comprehensive detail and
information about side effects,
adverse effects and contra
indications for high blood
pressure medication.
 Blood pressure Monitor
A comprehensive information
and detail abour blood pressure
monitor, reviews, blood
preesure kits, digital blood
pressure monitor, desk top
sphygmomanometer , aneroid
blood pressure monitor.
 How To Take Blood Pressure
Comprehensive information on
taking your own blood
pressure. Step by step
 Pregnancy Induced
Hypertension | Pregnancy
and High Blood Pressure
Here you will find information
about pregnancy and high
blood pressure, Eclampsia,
PreEclampsia , gestational
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Hypertension Symptoms
Treatment Causes
Detail information on primary
pulmonary hypertension signs
sypmtoms, complications
treatment medication causes.
Viagra and pulmonary
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Pulmonary hypertension can be
controlled by Viagra sildenafil
 Malignant Hypertension |
Causes | Symptoms |
What is malignant
Hypertension. How to control
High Blood pressure
emergency. Informative article
on Malgnent hypertension
causes symptoms treatment
 Stress and High Blood
Discover how stress can relate
with high blood pressure.
Stress can be an important
cause of high blood pressure
 Pheochromocytoma |
Symptoms | Diagnosis |
Pheochromocytoma signs
symptoms diagnosis
investigations treatment and
Pheochromocytoma is a rare
tumor of Adrenal glands.
 High blood pressure causes
Heart Attack | Myocardial
High blood pressure
Hypertension is major risk
factor of causing
atherosclerosis in coronary
blood vessels, result is Heart
attack or Myocardial Infarction.
 Smoking and High Blood
Are you a smoker? How many
cigaretts you smoke every day?
This article will show you how
smoking affects your blood
pressure and some tips for you
to quit smoking.
 Comparison of Blood
Pressure Monitors 
Comparison of Blood pressure
monitors including Professional
and or Specialty Blood Pressure
Monitors, manual wrist digital
BP monitors comparison.
 Trade Names of Blood
Pressure Medicines 
What are the trade names of
commonly used hypertension
and high blood pressure
medicines medication and
 Medication Safety tips when
you have high Blood
You may be taking a long list of
medications to control high
blood pressure, make sure you
get the most benefit from the
medication and stay safe in the
process. Medication Safety tips
when you have high Blood
 Avoid these drugs when you
have high blood pressure 
Avoid these drugs when you
have high blood pressure. What
are drug Interactions for high
blood pressure medicine.
 Tips on reducing Salt
If you eat less sodium, your
blood pressure may get down,
so decreasing heart disease
risk. Sometimes sodium is
essential for our diet, but most
of us eat too much of it. Some
important tips for reducing salt
 Diet plan for High Blood
Diet plan for high blood
pressure patients. Increase
your fiber diet, lower salt
intake regular exercise help in
decreasing high blood
 Finding the Right
Hypertension Definition 
Finding the Right Hypertension
Definition. Hypertension
definition, is a term everyone
should know the actual
meaning of. High Blood
Pressure is the third most
commonly diagnosed chronic
medical condition in the
Western world
 Grapes Lower High Blood
Grapes Lower High Blood
Pressure. If you want to lower
your blood pressure (BP)
naturally, start eating more
grapes. According to new
research from the
Cardioprotection Research
 How to Control
Hypertension With Self
How to Control Hypertension
With Self Hypnosis. Self
Hypnosis can help in controlling
high blood pressure. The
subconscious mind is the
controller for automatic
 Vitamins for High Blood
List of vitamins for high blood
pressure Hypertension. Folic
acid Vitamin C and Vitamin E
play important role in
controling high blood pressure
 Role of Water in High Blood
while when reading advice for
reducing blood pressure,
sometimes drinking
water(H2O) is recommended.
Role of water in high blood
 Natural Substitutes For Beta
Blocker drugs 
What are Natural substitutes
for Beta Blocker drugs. Beta-
Adrenergic Blockers like
propranolol, carveda, atenolol,
concor, etc are drugs that are
used for patients with high
blood pressure
 Hypnotherapy for high
blood pressure 
One way, that is receiving
more and more attention to
treat hypertension and high
blood pressure is with the use
of hypnotherapy or NLP neuro-
linguistic programming. Article
on hypnotherapy for high blood
 Four most commonly
prescribed high blood
pressure medication 
Four most commonly
prescribed high blood pressure
medication are beta blockers,
ACE inhibitors, ARBs and
Calcium Channel blokers
 Spices for High Blood
Earlier, doctors used to advise
blood pressure patients to not
take herbs and spices. But,
now you can do away with this
advice, Here is list of spices for
high blood pressure
 will Aspirin Lower High
Blood Pressure 
Can Aspirin ( Disprin) Really
Help High Blood Pressure.
Some doctors recommend daily
Aspirin ( Disprin) for their
patients who are affected by
high blood pressure. Will
Aspirin lower high blood
 Energy drinks elevate Blood
pressure It is good to know
about the side effects of an
energy drink when you decide
to drink it, especially on a
regular basis. Yes energy
drinks can elevate blood
 Minerals for High Blood
There are three minerals that
can bring your high blood
pressure down. Minerals for
high blood pressure are
potassium (K), Magnesium
(Mg) and Calcium (Ca)
 Herbs for High Blood
Pressure List of herbs and
minerals for high blood
pressure. By using herbs for
high blood pressure, you may
be able to lower your blood
pressure without the use of
abrasive prescription
Now forget about Heart
Surgery. Noninvasive Non
surgical Out patient therapy
and treatment for Ischaemic
heart disease and congestive
cardiac failure. FDA AHA(USA),
NHS(UK) approved.
 List Of Salt Free diet In
Grocery Store For High
Blood Pressure 
Are you looking for salt free
food. Here is list of salt free
diet in Grocery Store for high
blood pressure

High Blood
Videos (NEW )
A collection of various comprehensive
top new videos on high blood
pressure. Blood Pressure Video

 Effects of High Blood Pressure on

your Body
Effects of High Blood Pressure on your
Body. A KreativeVistas Production for
Kaiser Permanente
 Blood Pressure Medication Video
Video on Blood Pressure Medication.

Read the latest research on
cholesterol levels, tests, and
medications. Find out about
cholesterol in your diet and research
into new treatments and the best
foods to lower your cholesterol

 Food for High

Cholesterol NEW ARTICLE
I have high cholestrol and high
triglycerides. I want to know
what foods I should eat. This
article will answer your
questions about diet and food
for high cholesterol level.
 Normal Cholesterol
What is a Normal Cholesterol
Level. Normal Cholesterol
range number values table
ratio reading levels in men
women and children.  

High Blood
Pressure During
Pregnancy |
High blood pressure in pregnancy after
20 weeks is called as Pre-eclampsia.
High bllod pressure in pregnant
women can be dangerous for women
and fetus aswell

 Causes of High Blood

pressure in Pregnancy |
Preeclampsia Causes
Preeclampsia used to be called
toxemia because it was
thought to be caused by a toxin
in a pregnant woman's
bloodstream. Possible causes of
high blood pressure in
pregnancy and preeclampsia
are given in this article.
 Symptoms of High Blood
pressure during Pregnancy
| Preeclampsia symptoms
The signs and symptoms of
high blood pressure during
pregnancy preeclampsia are
elevated blood pressure
(hypertension) and the
presence of excess protein in
your urine (proteinuria) after
20 weeks of pregnancy
 Risk factors for
Who Is More Likely to Develop
preeclampsia ,Pregnancy
induced hypertension. List of
risk factors for preeclamsia.
 Treatment of high blood
pressure in Pregnancy |
Preeclampsia Treatment
The only definitive treatment
for preeclampsia Pregnancy
induced hypertension is
delivery the fetus, either
vaginal or cesarean c-section.
Treatment of high blood
pressure in Pregnancy
 Complications of High Blood
pressure during Pregnancy
| Preeclamsia Complications
HELLP syndrome, strok,
eclampsia, kidney, eye, heart
and lung problems are
complications of high blood
pressure during pregnancy.

Low Blood
Pressure |
Deatil articles about low blood
pressure hypotension symptoms signs
diagnosis complications treatment
exercise food diet cure remedies low
blood pressure in and during

 Low Blood Pressure

What are common symptoms
of low blood pressure. Low
blood pressure causes
dizziness, fatigue fainting and
mental disturbances. Deatil
article about low blood
pressure symptoms
 Hypotension Symptoms
What are common symptoms
of Hypotension. Hypotension
causes dizziness, fatigue
fainting and mental
disturbances. Deatil article
about hypotension symptoms
 Causes of Low Blood
Complete list of causes and
reasons of low blood pressure
and hypotension.
 Treatment of Low Blood
Deatil article on treatment of
low blood pressure, Low blood
pressure treatment and
treatment of Hypotension.
Medication and medicine for
low blood pressure

 Diabetes Symptoms
Treatment Diet
Comprehensive articles on
diabetes mellitus symptoms
diet cure treatment Type 1
Type 2 care complications
causes pathophysiology
definition and much more.
 Heart Clinic
We are offering following
services at Heart Clinic by Dr.
Armughan Riaz.
 pictures of Heart Clinic
Here are few pictures of heart
clinic situated at Commisioner
Road Sialkot Pakistan.

Thesis by Dr
Armughan Riaz
Comparison of desired levels of
HDL and LDL in Acute Coronary

Blood Pressure
Check Out These High blood
pressure Articles Full of
knowledge, information for
hypertensive patients and
doctors. Just click on the title
for the article you'd like to

 10 Common Symptoms and

signs of High Blood
High Blood pressure is the
force of blood against arteries.
Do you have high blood
pressure? This article will give
you detail about common
sypmtoms and sings of
 What Are All Types Of Blood
Pressure Monitors
Are you looking for Blood
Pressure Monitors? This article
will give you comprehensive
information about all types of
blood pressure monitors
including digital, wrist,
ambulatory monitor.
 How To Choose Home Blood
Pressure Monitor
There are many varieties and
types of home blood pressure
monitors (HBPM). Purchasing a
blood pressure monitor is a
great way to keep track of your
blood pressure; however,
choosing one can be confusing.
This article will give you some
tips and information to choose
best BP monitor for you.
 Good Diet For High Blood
Pressure And Hypertension
This article will furnish you
comprehensive Dietary Advice
For Prehypertensive and
Hypertensive Blood Pressure
Levels. Here you will find Diet
Tips To Reduce Blood Pressure
 High Blood Pressure in
High blood pressure is also
observed in children, kids and
even infants. Information about
hypertension in children here.
 Ten Pearls regarding
Coronary Artry Symptoms
and Chest pain
Ten Pearls regarding Coronary
Artry Symptoms and Chest
 Treat your blood pressure in
5 minutes NEW ARTICLE
Treat your blood pressure in 5
minutes. Learn how to treat
high blood pressure within five

Acute Coronary
What is Acute Coronary Syndrome
Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Aha
guidelines Definition Algorithm
protocol Management emedicine
statistics nursing Pathophysiology Non
ST segment Elevation acute coronary
syndrome icd 9 epidemiology

 What is acute Coronary

What is definition of Acute
Coronary Syndrome. Detail
article about Acute coronary
 Types of Acute Coronary
What are three types of Acute
coronary syndrome.
Classification of ACS.
 Acute Coronary Syndrome
Detail symptoms of acute
coronary Syndrome ACS
Angina Nono Q Wave MI and
Myocardial infarction
 Pathophysiology of Acute
Coronary Syndrome
Here is information about
pathophysiology of Acute
coronary syndrome
 Diagnosis of Acute Coronary
How to diagnose Acute
Coronary Syndrome. Diagnosis
of acute coronary syndrome.
 Who should have an
Who should have an
Echocardiography. Detail article
about uses of diagnostic test
 What can I expect during an
What can I expect during an
echocardiogram. A detail article
by Dr. Armughan Riaz also
showing some uses of


Visit our Blog for latest articles on high
blood pressure Cardiovascular diseases
diabetes hypercholesterolemia and low
blood pressure

 01: Is Water Softener Dangerous

for Blood Pressure – How much
sodium do they add? (2)
24: Can Beta Blockers Such as
Tenormin Produce Weight Gain?

 23: Diuretics Can Trigger Down

Potassium Concentration in
Blood (2)

 20: Is Excess Heaviness or

Weightlifting increasing Your
Blood Pressure? (3)

 12: Do you Have Isolated Systolic

High Blood Pressure (4)

 08: Blood pressure has a daily

Pattern (0)

 01: Morning Blood Pressure

Surge and Heart Attack (0)
22: Is your Blood Pressure
Higher in One Arm than The
Other (2)

 15: How Often you Need to Check

Your Blood Pressure (2)

 11: Menopause and High blood

pressure (4)

 03: Blood Pressure Medications

Can Cause an Increase in
Triglyceride Levels (0)

 01: Coronary Angiography Video

31: Now You Can Avoid Heart
Surgery (0)

 29: Risk Factors For High Blood

Pressure (0)

 27: Wrist Or Finger Blood

Pressure Monitor: Which is Best

 25: How to perform CPR at Home


 24: Role of Diuretics in High

Blood Pressure (1)

 23: Top Natural Ways To Lower

Your Blood Pressure (0)

 22: Some Interesting Facts About

Aspirin (0)

 21: Good and Bad Fast Food

Breakfasts (0)

 16: Common Complications of

High Blood Pressure (0)
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not a substitute for professional medical advice. For specific medical advice, diagnoses, and
treatment, please consult your doctor. We will not be liable for any complications, or other medical
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