Explosive Attack BDA - 201207051422163556

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Before, During, and After an Explosive Terrorist Attack

Before an Explosive Attack

• Be cautious about suspicious packages and letters at home, and especially at your
workplace. Suspicious characteristics include no return address, unusual shape or weight,
strange odors or stains, and misspelled or incorrect names and titles.
• Avoid eating in mail handling areas.
• Wash your hands with soap and water after handling mail.
• If you are at work, report any suspicious packages to an available supervisor. If you are
at home, report the suspicious package to the police.

If you receive a bomb threat:

• Get as much information from the caller as you can.
• Keep the caller on the line. Record the call if you can.
• Notify the police and building management.

During an Explosive Attack

• Get under a sturdy object if things are falling around you. Exit the building as soon as
debris has stopped falling, watching for weakened floors or stairs.
• Do not use elevators.
• Once you are outside, stay away from windows, glass, and other hazardous areas.
• Stay off of sidewalks and streets that are being used by emergency officials and other
people still exiting the building.

If you are trapped in debris:

• Cover your mouth and nose with any material you have and breathe through it.
• Avoid unnecessary movement that could kick up dust.
• Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can hear where you are.
• If a flashlight or whistle is available, use it to signal rescuers.
• Shout only as a last resort, as this can result in inhaling dangerous amounts of dust or
other air particles.

After an Explosive Attack

• Only return to sites when officials say it is safe to do so.

• Get necessary medical attention as soon as possible.

McKinney Fire Department

Office of Emergency Management
2200 Taylor-Burk Drive ~ McKinney, Texas 75071
Office 972-547-2850 ~ Fax 972-547-2858

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