Instructions For Teamwork Students

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ACC610 Report – Task 2 Due Week 11


For this task, you will work in groups of 3


Group Output and Evidence of Teamwork Process (70%) (1 submission per group)
Reflection template (30%) (Individual submission)

Group Output and Evidence of Teamwork Process (70%)

You are required to work in groups of 3 to prepare your Spreadsheet model to provide decision support
by recognizing the effects of the firm’s operations on its stakeholders. Please see the Task
description for context and guidance.

You are required to attach evidence of teamwork as a separate worksheet in your spreadsheet. In this
worksheet you should show your GANTT chart as per the instructions provided in the task materials.

Self-Reflection (30%)

The reflection report is an INDIVIDUAL submission. Download and complete the reflection template
provided. Your reflection report will address:

 Knowledge and application of effective group processes

 Use of interpersonal skills when engaging with team members
 Acknowledgement and facilitation of the strengths and skills of team members
 Contribution to the task of yourself and your team members

As part of the last section in the self-reflection, you will need to rate each of your group members from
0-4 in terms of how much they contributed to the group. With 4 being equal contribution and 0
meaning they did not contribute AT ALL. Please keep in mind you will need to support your rating
with evidence.

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