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Nama : Siti Zulaikhah

Nim : 1936046

Prodi : Sistem Informasi

Fakultas : Ilmu Komputer

1. Write the types of pronouns and example!

Jawaban :
 Personal Pronoun atau Subject Pronoun ( I, You, She, He, They, We, It ).
Example : you are really talented!
 Demonstrative pronoun ( this, that, these, those )
Example : for those people.
 Interrogative Pronoun ( who, what, which, whose, whom, etc.).
Example : What do you want for dinner?
 Relative pronoun ( who, whose, which, whom, that etc)
Example : My friends like to eat the cookies which i bake.
 Reflexive pronoun, Intensive pronouns ( myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself, ourself )
Example : Brian said he couldn’t forgive himself.
 Indenfinite pronoun ( anything, everything, none, someone, something )
Example : Please tell me that everything’s alright.
 Reciprocal pronoun ( each other, one other )
Example : Good friends should trust one another.

2. Joni jalan ke sekolah setiap hari.

 Joni goes to school every day
3. Dia laki laki praktek piano setiap hari
 He practices piano every day
4. Boby membeli sebuah mobil baru kemarin
 Boby bought a new car yesterday
5. Maria mengerjakan PR nya kemarin
 Maria did her homework yesterday
6. Gladis akan datang kerumah kita
 Gladis will come to our house
7. Abang saya akan menjadi seorang pengusaha
 My brother will become a businessman
8. Saya akan berada disana lima menit lagi
 I will be there in five minutes
9. Tadi malam dia perempuan ditelfon oleh ayahnya
 Last night she was called by her father
10. He built this company two years ago
 This company was built by him 2 years ago

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