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About this document
This document has been prepared by
the ICMM Closure Working Group for
use by ICMM members and the wider
industry to communicate and enhance the
understanding of key financial concepts as
they relate to mine closure. This document
is intended to provide general conceptual
guidance across a wide range of factual
circumstances. The concepts and guidance
in this document do not reflect the
applicable standards, circumstances and
legal requirements. Variations from this
guidance may be needed in any particular
circumstance. This document is not
intended to define best practices within any
particular jurisdiction or mining operation.
Appendix A provides a summary of this
document and the various types of closure
costs and their application.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 3


Useful definitions and terminology

Key mine closure cost estimate types – high level summary

A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate

B: Financial liability closure cost estimate

C: Sudden closure cost estimate

D: Regulator closure cost estimate (financial assurance)

Progressive rehabilitation treatment

Fair value (mergers and acquisitions) treatment

Appendix A: Key elements of cost estimate types
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 4

The purpose of this document is to enhance the
understanding of key financial concepts as they relate
to mine closure, enabling consistent communication
of these concepts within relevant disciplines both
internally and externally across the mining industry.
Key elements include:
• Define key terminology, including equivalent
terms across major mining jurisdictions
• Applicable International Standards
• Enhance understanding of key concepts in
mine closure accounting
• Provide an overview of the key mine
closure cost estimate types
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 5

Useful definitions and terminology

Term Definition Term Definition

Closure Actions planned for and implemented when a mine ceases Earthworks The disturbance of soil or earth by any means including
operation or a portion of a mine (or mine facility) is permanently excavation (including subsurface), tunnelling, drilling, infilling,
removed from use for mining purposes, including rehabilitation land rehabilitation or restoration, stockpiling, dumping of soil
or reclamation, remediation, decommissioning, demolition and/ or sand, and the construction/reconstruction of any track,
or dismantling. embankment, or drainage channel.

Life of Mine (LoM) The length of time a mine is, or is planned to be, in production. Post closure Includes activities required to maintain and manage
Based on a mine plan developed in consideration of the available maintenance and infrastructure and rehabilitation until relinquishment is possible,
capital and the ore reserves or a reasonable and justifiable management or on an ongoing basis if not.
extension of the reserve estimate.
Post closure Includes monitoring after closure, including socio-economic,
Life of Asset (LoA) The length of time an asset (including but not limited to mine, monitoring water quality, water quantity, terrain, ecological and air quality
processing facilities, refineries, smelters, rail, port, utilities, monitoring. Results are compared to success criteria.
towns and associated infrastructure) is owned, operated
and closed by the mining company up until divestment or Decommissioning This is the process of taking infrastructure out of active service
relinquishment. which begins at the end of its utility for site activities and ends
with the removal of all unwanted infrastructure and services.
Rehabilitation The return of land to a stable, productive and self-sustaining
condition, after taking into account beneficial uses of the site and Decontamination Removal of contaminants from buildings or other infrastructure.
surrounding land. Reinstatement of degrees of ecosystems and May involve activities such as asbestos abatement, pipeline
function where restoration is not the objective. cleaning and general cleaning/washing. Often required as
preparation for recycling or reuse of assets.
Reclamation Mine reclamation is the process of restoring land that has been
(commonly used mined to a natural or economically usable state. Demolition/ This is the process of physically taking apart infrastructure and
in USA rather than dismantling may involve disassembly of some or all of the structures, or
rehabilitation) destruction of infrastructure with heavy equipment or explosives.

Remediation Remediation is the action of remedying something, in particular Water Activities undertaken to manage water during and after closure,
reversing or stopping environmental damage, often used in management which may include: diversion, containment, extraction, irrigation,
the context of  contaminated soils or water. Remediation may isolation, evaporation, mitigation and/or treatment.
include a number of activities carried out to clean up or mitigate
contaminated land or water.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 6

Term Definition Term Definition

Sudden / Occurs when a mining company halts operation activities due to Deterministic Deterministic estimates produce a single value for the estimate
unplanned economic conditions such as a sudden drop in commodity price, estimation – being undertaken e.g. contingency. The calculation parameters
closure or operational hardship or mine owner going into liquidation. contingency rely on the estimator’s experience and historical information
which make the method particularly useful for normal projects
Care and Care and maintenance is used internally by the mine owner/ and less appropriate for projects outside the norm. It provides for
maintenance operator to place a mine into a non production phase due to a highly quantitative estimate but may be perceived as having less
economic conditions or operational hardship. accuracy.
Closure financial Financial provision generally represents the public disclosure Confidence in Measure of belief in the accuracy of the closure cost estimate.
provision to support statutory accounting and reporting, is based on any the estimate Often relates to risk and uncertainty associated with the costs to
legal liability or compliance as a minimum and represents a close and is usually applied through a contingency (probabilistic
discounted cash flow estimation for the closure and rehabilitation or deterministic) allowance to the cost estimate.
costs of the current disturbed footprint and decommissioning of
the mine infrastructure at the time of reporting (usually annually) Accretion In accounting, accretion expense is a periodic expense recognised
over the remaining life of the asset. Also known as the Asset when updating the present value of a balance sheet liability,
Retirement Obligation under IAS 37. which has arisen from a company’s obligation to perform a duty
in the future and is being measured by using a discounted cash
Financial Financial assurance means any financial instrument, including flow approach. Used when expenses against the mine closure
assurance any surety bond, insurance policy, letter of credit, line of credit provision are undertaken in a current year and/or prior to the
or other financial instrument or account, required by any future obligation.
governmental entity in an amount and form maintained by the
mine owner related to or in connection with the conduct of the Obligation An obligation is a course of action that someone is required
business or the activities of the mine, principally used to fund to take, whether legal or moral. A liability is an obligation
closure and rehabilitation of a mine site when the mine owner that a mining company has to another party, in most cases a
or operator is unwilling or unable to do so. government or regulating authority.

Net Present Value Net present value (NPV) is the difference between the present Environmental An environmental remediation obligation is an obligation to
(NPV) value of cash inflows and the present value of cash outflows over Remediation address the current or potential detrimental effects of existing
a period of time. Typically the mine closure provision will have a Obligation (ERO) environmental impacts due to mining activities and committing to
negative NPV due to costs of closure only being considered. environmental remediation activities such as spills of hazardous
substances e.g. acid mine drainage or asbestos abatement.
Probabilistic Probabilistic estimates are based on the requirement to produce
Estimation – a probability distribution (e.g. using Monte Carlo simulation) Asset Retirement A liability for dismantling and removing an item or for restoring
Contingency enabling estimate accuracy and various percentiles and mean Obligations (ARO) the site, is recorded when a present obligation exists. The
value to be determined. It is often used where projects are liability is recorded at management’s best estimate of the costs
outside the norm or have highly subjective inputs which introduce to be incurred. A pre-tax discount rate that reflects the current
a significant inaccuracy in the outputs. Often used to determine a assessment of the risks specific to the liability is used to discount
contingency within capital cost estimates and LoA mine closure the liability. Also known as the financial provisional liability.
cost estimates.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 7

Term Definition Term Definition

Fair value The estimated price at which an asset can be sold or a liability Provision In financial accounting, a provision is an account which records
settled in an orderly transaction to a third party under current (IAS 37 definition) a present liability of an entity. The liability may be of uncertain
market conditions. timing or amount.

International Common global accounting framework used by more than 100 Liability Present obligation as a result of past events. Settlement is
Financial countries around the world to standardise on financial reporting. (IAS 37 definition) expected to result in an outflow of resources (payment).
Reporting International Accounting Standard (IAS) 37 is relevant for mining
Standards (IFRS) companies for their reporting of closure liabilities. Recognition An entity must recognise a provision if, and only if:
of a Liability • a present obligation (legal or constructive) has arisen
US GAAP US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (apply primarily (IAS 37 definition) as a result of a past event (the obligating event)
within the US), similar standards to the IFRS framework. • payment is probable (more likely than not)
• the amount can be estimated reliably.
Sarbanes Oxley The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and also known as the Public
Act 2002 (SOX) Company Accounting Reform and Investor Protection Act and Measurement The amount recognised as a provision should be the best
Corporate and Auditing Accountability, Responsibility, and of Provisions estimate (including risks and uncertainties) of the expenditure
Transparency Act and more commonly called Sarbanes-Oxley, (IAS 37 definition) required to settle the present obligation at the balance sheet
Sarbox or SOX, is a US federal law that sets new or expanded date. The provision is measured at a discounted present value
requirements for all US public company boards, management using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects the current market
and public accounting firms. Applies to all mining companies assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to
trading within the US. the liability.
International IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent liabilities and Contingent Assets Discounting The anticipated cash flows to settle an obligation are discounted
Accounting Standard deals with the appropriate recognition criteria and (IAS 37 definition) using a pre-tax discount rate that reflects the current market
Standard 37 measurement bases applied to provisions, contingent liabilities assessments of the time value of money and the risks specific to
(IAS 37) and contingent assets and requires that sufficient information the liability, if the effect is material.
is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements to enable
users to understand their nature, timing and amount. The key Best estimate The best estimate of the expenditures required to satisfy an
principle established by the standard is that a provision should be (IAS 37 definition) obligation (liability) at the end of the reporting period and based
recognised only when there is a liability i.e. a present obligation on all reasonable knowledge and expectations at the time
resulting from past events, e.g. exploration and mining activities. the estimate is undertaken. Should allow for any risks and
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 8

Key mine closure cost estimate types – high level summary

Closure cost estimate types LoA (or LoM) cost estimate Financial liability Sudden closure Regulator cost estimate
cost estimate cost estimate (financial assurance)
Costs that the operator expects Estimated liability based Cost to close the operation Costs that form the basis
to incur in the context of the on applicable accounting in its current state of a guarantee provided
current mine plan at the end requirements to a regulatory body
of the mine life

Closure and rehabilitation

earthworks √ √ √ √
Long term water management costs √ X* X* X*
decontamination and demolition √ √ √ √
Project (owners) management costs √ √ √ √
Post closure monitoring and
maintenance costs √ √ √ √
Socio-economic costs √ X √ X
Employee retrenchment costs √ X √ X
Land holding costs √ X √ X
Contingency √ X √ X

* Included in the case of a constructive obligation

Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 10

Life of Asset closure cost estimate

Overview LoA closure costs should allow for: The following costs should be
included within the LoA cost
• All regulator and stakeholder obligations
• Used to estimate the expected full cost to close a mine estimate:
and commitments made to gain approval
assuming that the site operates until the end of its currently of the project, any subsequent approvals • Earthwork costs associated with
planned mine life and all additional and new obligations rehabilitating all disturbed footprints and
and commitments established during for maintenance and repair earthworks
• It is a forecast of total costs to meet all closure obligations the mine life during the post closure period as the
that restore the mine site disturbed during all phases of the • All company obligations to maintain rehabilitated site stabilises
project life cycle management, ownership and control • Decommissioning, decontamination and
of the site during all closure periods demolition costs to dismantle, remove
• It is used internally within the organisation for asset valuation, (transition to closure, active (execution and dispose of all infrastructure off site
business planning, budgeting purposes and reported through of) closure and passive (post) closure
• Costs associated with performing
periods) including safety, environmental,
management up to board level community (internal employees and
studies needed to support closure
planning, including remediation,
external stakeholders), corporate and
• As this type of cost estimate assumes that the site will site costs
reporting and water management
operate for its full planned mine life and is based on owner/ • Quality control and assurance costs
• All costs associated with the
operator costs of rehabilitation at the end of planned mine management and operation of the • Mobilisation and demobilisation of
life, it normally is not used for public financial reporting or site after the cessation of production equipment and personnel required
for regulatory purposes including: during all closure periods
– All costs associated with any planned, • Project (owners) management costs for
• It is considered as the total cost of preparing for (planning, delayed or deferral in undertaking all closure periods including holding
investigations and studies, research, trials and progressive active closure and rehabilitation (monitoring) periods prior to handover to
activities if included within the closure
rehabilitation) closure, decommissioning and demolition, strategy
new land holder

rehabilitation, post closure monitoring and relinquishment – All costs associated with maintaining
• Costs associated with any and
all contracted service obligations
(handover) to future land owner(s). in good stead all mining project
including supply contract agreements,
holding costs (e.g. mineral tenement
land access and tenure agreements
fees, local government fees and taxes,
including mineral tenement fees, taxes
insurances etc) including regulatory
and/or levies, any other contractual
requirements (national and local).
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 11

commitments including stakeholder General considerations Basis for calculation of the Estimation Confidence
agreements, communications contracts, expected LoA cost estimate
• The LoA estimate may allow for a • Confidence in the cost estimate based
supply contracts required during the
salvage (and scrap) value for plant and • Calculated in today’s (real) reporting on estimating accuracy and risk and
various closure periods including fuel
equipment (supported by third party currency uncertainty should be included in the
and general supplies etc.
quotes and evaluation) and all other LoA cost estimate using contingency
• Stores and supply inventory and asset • Discounting and escalation / inflation
assets depending on mine owner policy allocations that:
disposal costs including return of can be applied to the closure cash
• The costs can be based on the works flow to match other business planning – Allow for the uncertainty of the scoped
consignment stock, draw down of liquids
being completed by the mining company standards used for budgeting and items within the closure plan
(fuel, reagents, etc.) and gases for the
itself and/or a third party contractor planning of the mine by the mine – Allow for the known unknowns and
disposal and removal off site
and is usually set by internal company owner(s) represent a best estimate of the
• Environmental compliance monitoring guidelines and standards amount that is likely to be spent
and reporting obligations during the • Expected closure cost estimates may be
• The costs should represent a best calculated using factored rates, bottom – Can use probabilistic or deterministic
closure periods
estimate based on all reasonable up first principles estimation and/or method to quantify the level of
• Corporate costs including insurances, knowledge, data and information that contractor quotes depending on where contingency to apply.
levies, equipment leasing payments and is supporting the closure of the site at the mine is within the mine life cycle
overhead costs to support the closure the time of estimation to produce an
periods • Capital project cost estimating principles Reviewing and updating
expected cost
should apply and wherever possible LoA cost estimates
• All employee costs including salaries • It represents the cost of the rehabilitation the use of an experienced closure cost
and wages and on-costs to undertake • Update the cost estimates aligned with:
at the end of the mine life disturbance estimator is recommended.
the works and general employee footprint (including any planned – LoM plan updates set by company
retrenchment obligations expansion). guidelines
• Any contingencies (estimation and risk) – Closure plan updates required
that may be applied to any and all of the by regulators.
costs and closure plan. • LoA cost estimate to be supported by:
– LoM plan
– Closure Plan
– Basis of Estimate Report.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 13

Financial liability closure cost estimate

Overview How is the liability carried on the The following costs should be
mine owner(s) financial balance included within the financial
• Is used for financial (including tax) accounting purposes and sheet in their annual report? liability closure cost estimate:
is normally not used for regulatory cost estimates or financial Reported as either: • All regulator and stakeholder obligations
assurance and commitments including estoppel
• Mine Closure Provision
(constructive obligations) commitments
• Is required under financial liability accounting obligations and • Other Current Liability made to gain approval of the project
reporting principles • Environmental Liability • All direct closure execution costs included
in the LoA estimate as they relate to the
• Is reported through management up to board level and financial • Reclamation and Remediation Liability
disturbed footprint at the time of reporting
auditors prior to public disclosure • Asset Retirement Obligation (ARO).
• Earthworks costs associated with
rehabilitating all current disturbed
• Represents the public disclosure to support accounting and Discount rates (percentage) footprints
reporting requirements as defined by the mine owner’s relevant varies depending on company
• Decommissioning, decontamination and
financial reporting standard and based on any legal obligation, policy (applied to most financial
demolition costs for dismantling and
liability or compliance as a minimum obligations)
removal and disposal of all infrastructure
• Weighted average cost of capital off the site
• Represents a Net Present Value (NPV) estimation for the closure percentage (lending rate) is often used
• Costs associated with performing studies
and rehabilitation costs of the current disturbed footprint and • Risk free discount rate can be used needed to support closure planning,
decommissioning of the mine infrastructure at the time of where risk costs are included in the including remediation, reporting and
reporting (usually annually) expected closure cost estimate water management
• Country risk allocation may also be • Quality control and assurance costs
• Represents the amount that a company would reasonably and included within the discount rate.
• Mobilisation and demobilisation of
rationally pay to settle the obligation (liability) on the reporting equipment and personnel required during
date or to transfer to a third party. all closure periods
• Project (owners) management
costs including any execution costs
associated with third parties or
engineering, procurement or construction
management (EPCM)
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 14

• Environmental compliance monitoring and The following costs should be • Any salvage or scrap value returns are to General considerations
reporting obligations during the closure excluded from the financial liability be excluded (closure liabilities cannot be
• Confidence in the financial liability cost
periods closure cost estimate: offset by an asset sale)
estimate based on risk and uncertainty
• Any social constructive obligations • Any socio-economic costs associated • All tenement holding costs unless mine can be allowed for with the discount
included in any public Environmental with stakeholders such as community owner accounting standards require rate or as required by the mine owner’s
Impact Assessment (EIA), closure consultations, social impact them to be included accounting standards
plans, operations plans and/or public assessments etc unless specific • All corporate costs including insurances, • The costs can be based on the works
commitments made by the company obligations and commitments have been levies, equipment leasing payments and being completed by the mining company
(ICMM principles, policy statements etc) made overhead costs itself and/or a third party contractor and
• Any company workforce/employee • Any care and maintenance costs and/or usually set by internal and/or external
entitlements (unless promissory any other costs associated with delaying guidelines and standards
estoppel commitments have been made) or deferring the active or passive closure • Update of the expected closure cost
• Any inventory and asset disposal costs activities estimate is generally aligned with annual
and termination of supply agreements • All closure planning costs (including staff financial reporting requirements
usually considered as operational costs) incurred during operations unless • Financial liability cost estimate reporting
agreements mine owner accounting standards to be supported by:
• Any contingency allocations unless mine require these to be included – LOM mine and closure plans
owner/industry/international accounting – Basis of estimate report
standards and/or specific obligations
– Financial (external) audit report and
and commitments have been made
sign off by executive management
regarding inclusion of uncertainty and
and board
risk contingency allocations
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 16

Sudden closure cost estimate

Overview The following costs should be included Basis for calculation for sudden
within the sudden closure cost estimate: closure cost estimate
• Used for internal planning purposes to evaluate business risk –  All costs to rehabilitate, decommission • Calculated in compliance with
response to unforeseen changes in the physical, political, social and close the operation in its current appropriate internal business planning
or economic conditions (e.g. sudden commodity price drop) state standards and guidelines
– All workforce/employee entitlements and • Calculated in today’s reporting currency
• It is an estimate of the costs to close the mine tomorrow retrenchment costs to match other business planning
standards used for budgeting and
• It is used internally within the organisation for options analysis, – All costs incurred post closure including
monitoring, maintenance, ongoing fees, planning of the mine
business planning and decision making purposes and reported
taxes and human resources costs, land • The costs should represent a ‘best
through management up to board level holding costs, water management etc. estimate’ based on all reasonable
knowledge, data and information that is
•  The sudden closure cost estimate is not normally applicable to – All costs incurred due to early
termination of supply contracts and supporting the sudden closure of the site
or used for regulatory purposes, although some jurisdictions at the time of estimation to produce an
agreements and any regulatory
may require a regulators cost estimate to be based upon compliance requirements expected cost
assumed unplanned closure at a particular point in time that – All costs associated with the • Generally calculated based on a ‘bottom
may not be at the end of mine life management and operation of the up first principles’ estimation basis for
site after the cessation of production either owner operations or third party
including any care and maintenance contractors undertaking the works.
costs and/or costs associated with any
planned delay or deferral in undertaking
active closure and rehabilitation
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 18

Regulators closure cost estimate (financial assurance)

Overview • The following costs are generally allowed – Government bond
for within regulatory closure cost – Investment trust fund
• Regulatory closure costs estimates are those required by law to estimates: – Insurance policy
be included in financial assurance against sudden/unplanned – All costs to rehabilitate, decommission – Cash deposit in combination with other
closure and close the operation in its current mechanisms
• Regulator closure estimates are established
• The regulator closure cost estimate is used by the regulator to – The estimate may allow for post closure
using various methods depending on the
establish a financial assurance, bond, bank guarantee or other monitoring and maintenance, project
regulating authority method
(regulators) management costs and
financial mechanism as required by the regulation in place at contingencies which may be based on
– Regulator calculators e.g. Nevada’s
the time Standardised Reclamation Cost Estimator
a fixed % of the total estimated bond
• Generally the regulator closure cost estimate is calculated at all – Depending upon applicable regulatory
– Online Excel spreadsheet calculators
e.g. Queensland, NSW, SA and Victoria
phases of the mine life cycle from exploration activities through requirements, typically excludes
in Australia
to full operations tenement holding costs, workforce
– Mine owner established estimates based
retrenchment, community and other
on their LoA and financial provision
• The regulator closure cost estimate will be different to the social costs, salvage and scrap value.
LOA closure cost estimate, the financial liability closure cost General considerations • Regulator closure cost estimates may
estimate, the financial liability closure cost estimate and the be updated periodically or as mine plans
• The regulator closure cost estimate is
sudden closure cost estimate due to the applicable laws and used to determine the required amount
and approvals change depending on the
regulatory requirements
rules and different purposes of these other cost estimates of financial assurance to be covered by a
financial assurance mechanism • The financial mechanism established is
• What is included within the regulator closure cost estimate • Allowable financial assurance
generally cancelled and/or reverted back
to the mine owner once all closure and
is dependant on the regulatory requirements within that mechanisms are defined by the applicable
rehabilitation works have been completed
jurisdiction legal requirements and may include:
and have satisfied the regulators agreed
– Self-assurance or guarantee based closure criteria
• Usually based on a third party earthworks contractor upon meeting specific financial tests
• Some jurisdictions require a residual risk
undertaking the works – A third-party guarantee (e.g. parent
closure cost to be estimated and financial
company, associated company or bank
mechanism established to allow for any
future remediation and repairs that may
– A letter of credit arise once the mine has been relinquished.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 20

Progressive rehabilitation
Progressive rehabilitation is ongoing rehabilitation activities during
the operational phase of the mine prior to cessation of operations

• Integrated mine closure planning allows • The cost may also be included within the
progressive rehabilitation to be planned financial liability (closure provisions)
for, scheduled and implemented as a
• Mechanisms for managing the
part of mining operations
expenditure against the provision will be
• Generally the costs for progressive required and include:
rehabilitation are included within mine – Formal internal expenditure approval
operations cash flow expenditure, processes
included within the LoA and closure
– Costs accretions to account for earlier
provision cost estimates and may be
than expected expenditure against the
expensed against the closure provision
balance sheet (discounted) provision
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 22

Fair value (mergers and acquisitions) treatment

It is generally accepted that all closure cost estimates (LoA and
provision) and the regulators closure cost estimates are made
available for fair value assessment

• The closure provision (balance sheet – Due diligence requirements include

liability) is generally accepted as fair the ability to review and evaluate all
value recognition of the closure liability supporting data and information to the
while ensuring that: liability
– Supporting closure plan is provided – Due diligence teams have relevant
– Discount and escalation rates are expertise and undertake site
provided inspections.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 23

Appendix A: Key elements of cost estimate types

Summary table

Key elements A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate B: Financial liability cost estimate C: Sudden closure cost estimate D: Regulator closure cost estimate

Overview Costs that the operator expects to incur in Estimated liability based on applicable Cost to close the operation in its Costs that form the basis of a
the context of the current mine plan at the accounting requirements. current state. guarantee provided to a regulatory
end of the mine life. body based on an approved closure
Current disturbance and liability Current disturbance and liability
Current disturbance and liability (ARO/ (ARO/PER) under US GAAP or IFRS (ARO/PER) + non-legal costs
PER) + future disturbance and liability (legal only and for mine closure and (severance, insurance, property As per regulatory requirements
(future mine plan) + non-legal costs reclamation obligations). holding etc). that may include additional
(severance, insurance, property holding contingencies or conservative
The financial liability closure cost The sudden closure cost estimate is
etc). assumptions beyond the expected
estimate is used for financial not normally applicable to or used
cost. These can also be goal
As this type of cost estimate assumes (including tax) accounting purposes for regulatory purposes, although
oriented (e.g. slopes must be
that the site will operate for its full and is normally not used for regulatory some jurisdictions may require a
stable) rather than prescriptive
planned mine life and is based on owner/ cost estimates or financial assurance. regulators cost estimate to be based
(e.g. slopes must have a 3:1
operator costs of rehabilitation at the end upon assumed unplanned closure
horizontal to vertical ratio).
of planned mine life, it normally is not at a particular point in time that may
used for public financial reporting or for not be at the end of mine life. The regulator closure cost estimate
regulatory purposes. will be different to the LoA closure
cost estimates, the financial liability
closure cost estimate and the
sudden closure cost estimate due
to the applicable laws and rules
and the different purposes of these
other cost estimates.

Use Used internally in asset valuation, Used externally for financial reporting, Internally – occasionally externally Externally – regulators require
business planning, closure planning, used internally by some companies for (upon request by regulators). a financial safeguard against
project economic evaluation, budgeting, provisioning or liability estimates. closure liability should a company
cost tracking etc. Also used by some be unable to meet its obligations
companies for provisioning funds for (e.g. due to bankruptcy, mine
closure. The cost estimate should be abandonment etc).
based on the mine closure plan.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 24

Key elements A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate B: Financial liability cost estimate C: Sudden closure cost estimate D: Regulator closure cost estimate

Audience Company boards, internal investment Company board, company financial Company boards, executive Jurisdictional regulators and
committee, executive management, site auditors, executive management, site management, site management, parties providing financial
management and site accountants. management, external shareholders corporate and site business risk assurance via surety bonds or other
and regulators. teams and accountants (primarily). instruments. Often made publicly
available in company financial
reports, by regulators and / or in
line with regulatory requirements.

General Based on predicted impact over the Based upon current disturbed To rehabilitate, decommission and Depends on regulatory
inclusions entire LoA, including the entire footprint footprint. Includes restoration for close the operation in its current requirements whether limited
of disturbance (i.e. existing and future the existing disturbance and current state – should it close tomorrow. to current disturbance or
disturbance) and complete social and legal obligations for site restoration, Also includes the costs incurred full LoA planned or approved
workforce impact. It includes liabilities the re-establishment of flora and post closure including monitoring, disturbance. Often (but not always)
associated with any and all legal and non- fauna and the decommissioning of maintenance, ongoing fees, taxes limited to physical damage, i.e.
legal obligations, project management mine related infrastructure. Provision and human resource costs, land decommissioning, demolition,
costs, post-closure monitoring and includes estoppel commitments / holding costs etc. rehabilitation, remediation works.
maintenance costs and is based on the constructive obligations – beyond legal
Should include early termination of Long term water management,
current mine closure plan. It should requirements (i.e. where the company
supply contracts and any regulatory residual impacts, post closure
also include any land holding costs and has made a commitment that
compliance requirements. monitoring and maintenance.
progressive rehabilitation costs (even if someone can be reasonably expected
the cost is included within the operations to rely upon).
budgets) and allows for contingencies
It should allow for any legal liability or
(estimation and/or risk). Depending on
compliance as a minimum.
class of estimation, it should include
all company obligations to maintain
management, ownership and control
of the site during the closure periods
(transition to closure, active closure and
passive closure periods) including safety,
environmental, community, corporate and
site costs.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 25

Key elements A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate B: Financial liability cost estimate C: Sudden closure cost estimate D: Regulator closure cost estimate

General Can include salvage value. Depending on reporting standard used Only salvage value and scrap resale Depending upon applicable
exclusions and company interpretation of standard to be excluded, all other costs to be regulatory requirements, typically
– generally excludes workforce included as far as possible. excludes tenement holding
retrenchments, social closure aspects, costs, workforce retrenchment,
closure planning costs, corporate costs community and other social costs,
(i.e. insurances, levies, equipment salvage and scrap value.
leasing payments), tenement holding
Quality assurance requirements
costs, inventory and asset disposal
increase as site approaches end of
costs and non-legal obligations (with
life (closure).
the exception of promissory estoppel /
constructive obligations). Will often include a fixed
percentage cost for project
Also excludes owner’s management
management and contingencies.
costs (unless required to fulfil a
commitment under FAS143 or the
equivalent IFRS management costs)
and contingent liabilities.
Excludes any salvage value or scrap
resale (generally not permitted to
offset a liability with an asset under
financial reporting rules).

Financial Calculated in today’s (real) reporting Calculated in compliance with Calculated similar to LoA cost Often regulatory specific and range
treatment currency, can be discounted and appropriate financial reporting estimates. Used for internal from set values per disturbance
escalation / inflation can be applied to standards. A key input into financial planning and response to type, specific calculators or
match other business planning standards provisioning calculations. Usually unforeseen changes in the physical, acceptance of company estimates.
used for budgeting and planning of the represents a discounted cash flow political, social or economic Estimate used to establish a third
operations. estimation for the closure and conditions (e.g. sudden commodity party (e.g. bank) guarantee, letter of
rehabilitation costs of the current price drop). credit, bond, insurance policy and /
disturbed footprint to date and or cash deposit. Can also be used
decommissioning of the mine to establish an annual levy payment
infrastructure. into fund for regulator expenditure
on abandoned mines programs
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 26

Key elements A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate B: Financial liability cost estimate C: Sudden closure cost estimate D: Regulator closure cost estimate

Applicable Best estimate based on current Often calculated in compliance Same as for LoA. Calculations are compliant with
guidelines knowledge, mitigating technology and with appropriate financial standard relevant regulations and regulator
and estimate current mine closure plan. Should align being used to determine the liability estimating tools, e.g. Nevada
method with industry and company guidelines cost estimate. This may include Standardized Reclamation Cost
and standards. the USA GAAP, IFRS and any other Estimator (SRCE), the Wyoming
standards established in the reporting Department of Environmental
jurisdiction as well as company Quality Guideline 12 and calculators
internal reporting requirements and in Australia.
Mechanism dependent on
regulatory requirements – may be
cash, bank guarantee, insurance,
trusts or a combination of these.

Cost basis Can be estimated based on third party Depends on standard – third party Like LoA closure cost estimates, Financial assurance is usually
(e.g. first or contractors undertaking the closure contractor costs generally used either third party or owner calculated on the basis of work
third-party works or company (owner operations) (sometimes owner costs are used operations. Usually set by company being undertaken by a third-party
costing) conducting the closure works. Usually with a 10-15% oncost). These guidelines and standards. contractor, operating under a State
set by internal company guidelines and estimates may also be supported managed process for bidding and
standards. by bids, historic spending support, project oversight.
industry references and professional
Can be undertaken using bottom up first
principles estimation or contractor quotes
depending on how close to closure the
operation is. Capital estimating principles
should apply for concept study, scoping
study, pre-feasibility, feasibility and
execution costing levels depending on how
far away from closure the operation is.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 27

Key elements A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate B: Financial liability cost estimate C: Sudden closure cost estimate D: Regulator closure cost estimate

Degree of Confidence in cost estimate increases As per LoA requirements except that As per LoA, with focus on risk Depends on the regulator’s method
confidence over time as knowledge and information contingency is usually not included contingencies. of calculation.
become known, studies are undertaken to unless a limited cost overrun to
A conservative contingency
inform the closure planning process and account for matters such as expected
allowance (percentage factor)
the understanding of actual vs predicted weather or equipment breakdown
is often included within the
impacts improves, closure vision is delays are considered probable.
calculation tool.
established, end land uses are understood
and completion criteria become clear.
Any degree of uncertainty is accounted
for in the contingency which may be
estimated based on probabilistic and/or
deterministic methods. Risk contingency
should also be considered.

Update Should be updated as the business and Updated annually as per company’s Generally aligns with the LoA cost Depends on regulatory
requirements mine plan for the operation changes, as public financial reporting estimate requirements but should requirements. Often updated
additional cost, technology and impact requirements to include inflation be undertaken on an annual basis annually or when additional mining
information becomes available and should and formal updates i.e. increase in when economic conditions are poor approvals are sought and approved.
align with any updates to the site closure footprint areas, material change for the commodity being mined. The amount can be reduced/
plan (set by company guidelines and in the mine plan, methodology for increased in line with progressive
standards). rehabilitation etc. The estimate will be closure works or when the mine
audited by third parties. plan and/or the mine closure plan
is revised.

Critical Critical assumptions and basis for costs Critical assumptions and basis for Aligns with the LoA cost estimate Depends on regulatory
success are clearly defined to inform future costs estimates are clearly defined to but will include implementation requirements but will need to be
factors updates. A Bases of Estimate report (BoE) inform future updates. Supported with strategy in more detail. supported with the closure plan.
should be prepared that will describe a BoE report and relevant mine closure
how the estimate was prepared, outline plan that is made available to auditors
all sources of data (e.g. rates, volumes, (may not be reported externally to
quantities, technical closure data etc), shareholders and other third parties).
summarises the estimate costs and Estimates should be supported by
presents the relevant assumptions and current conditions in the field regardless
criteria used to develop the estimate. of the timing of the most recent
regulator closure cost estimate update.
Financial Concepts for Mine Closure 28

Key elements A: Life of Asset closure cost estimate B: Financial liability cost estimate C: Sudden closure cost estimate D: Regulator closure cost estimate

Alternative Life of Mine (LoM), closure cost estimate. Asset retirement obligation (ARO), Unplanned / immediate closure Mine rehabilitation bonds, financial
terminology Provision for Environmental costs. guarantee, Rehabilitation Cost
Remediation (PER), current closure Estimate (RCE), financial assurance
liability, reclamation liability, estimate.
decommissioning and rehabilitation
liability, restoration liability,
remediation liability, IFRS liability,
closure provision, closure and post-
closure care estimates.

Important to Used for strategical business planning Used by companies to report their Financial assurance money is often
understand and scenario analysis. Also used to financial liabilities as per the required not available for the conducting of
understand the risks and opportunities standards applied. closure works; it is refunded after
for preparing for closure. the works have been completed
Some reclamation actions such as
and signed off by regulators,
the movement of overburden and its
creating a risk of paying twice.
placement as cover material, can
be undertaken as part of normal Depending on the regulator
operations and are therefore method, total financial assurance
considered an operational expense. sums can vary significantly from
A sudden and unplanned closure can other closure cost estimations.
cause these costs to be reassigned to
an ARO cost.

Disclosure Will be required for sale of asset Environmental remediation is very As per LoA requirements. Relinquishment and the types of
Obligations due diligence. No specific disclosure specific especially for publicly listed financial instruments – different
requirements. companies. Requirements may be requirements of long-term
quite different for private ownership treatment (US).
of the asset. Disclosure requirements
are defined by IAS 37.
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