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Writing S02
SRR “Night”

A disaster and horrific moment in history that has been brought and combined with

fiction. The book “Night” by Elie Wiesel shows how Eliezer, the protagonist, manages to survive

through concentration camps during World War Two, losing faith in God every time he keeps

seeing something unethical. Characters face distressing and appalling conditions that they cannot

escape from. They feel mentally frustrated but cannot fight back because they have no strength

physically. All they can do is work and wait for them to become free. 

Their path to being free begins with the exposition. There is a family living in Hungary.

In that family there are two parents and four children: three daughters and one son. Eliezer

engages in his studies by learning about Jewish beliefs. The exposition of the book is when the

German army vehicles begin to arrive to their ghetto. Everything is normal, but then one day,

Eliezer’s father finds out that the whole ghetto is forced to leave. After they go, they are brought

to a concentration camp in Auschwitz. The rising action is when their whole family gets

separated. Afterwards, Eliezer and his father arrive at a few different concentration camps such

as Buna. The climax of the book is when Eliezer witnesses a terrible thing; he sees a child

getting hanged. Although he believed in God, at this point of the book, Eliezer changed his view

on Him and everything he once believed in was no longer there. The climax is followed by the

falling action. The camp is evacuated, and as they walk through the night, they arrive to their

new concentration camp in Gleiwitz, where Eliezer encounters another tragedy, his father’s

death. After many losses, the resolution proceeds. Eliezer becomes free after living in agony. He

would have never had to go through that journey if the setting were different.
This book has a few settings that have caused all the events that happened to take place.

The importance of the chosen setting is that if it were not during World War Two and on

occupied land, this sequence of events would not happen. If the main character was born at a

different time, he would not have experienced being crammed into trains with a hundred people,

see children getting thrown into a fire to perish, or living in concentration camps. Eliezer’s life

would not have been affected by his religion if it were set at a different time or place. Hitler, the

dictator of Germany, had a Jewish boycott which affected Eliezer since he was a Jew. The setting

that is chosen is affected by the author. The author has based this book on his experience and

most of what is written is based on true facts. Not only does the setting effect the plot, it also

affects character development.

The protagonist in the book “Night” is a dynamic character. At the beginning of the book,

Eliezer is deeply religious. There is evidence of that in his book, “One day I asked my father to

find me a master who could guide me in my studies of Kabbalah,” (page 65). This shows that

Eliezer wanted to study the Torah this gallows...,” (Wiesel 65) This meant that Eliezer no longer

believed that God was just testing them to see if they followed and had faith in him.

A survivor of the concentration camps sees unfair acts which cause him to lose faith and

no longer feels that God is there for him. The book “Night” shows how certain events can affect

a person forever. It shows how discriminatory certain people were to Jews at that time. A place

or event can change the perspective of unpredictable things.

A level A level B level B level P level P level

Ideas The ideas show The essay has The essay has a The focus The focus The essay needs
a complete a clear focus clear focus statement is too statement is a focus statement
understanding statement and statement. broad. unclear. and details.
of the reading. all the Unnecessary Unnecessary More
necessary details need to details need to be details are
details. be cut. cut. needed.

Organization The beginning, The The The organization The A plan needs to
middle, and organization organization fits the essay's organizatio be followed.
ending work pattern fits pattern fits the purpose. Some n doesn't fit
together to the topic and topic and parts (beginning, the
create an purpose. The purpose. One middle, ending) purpose.
insightful essay. beginning, part (beginning, need more
middle, and middle, or development.
ending are ending) needs
well better
developed. development.

Voice The voice The voice The voice The voice needs The voice The voice cannot
expresses expresses expresses to be more does not be heard.
interest and interest in and interest but interesting and show
complete understanding needs to show express more interest in
understanding. of the topic. more understanding. or
It is engaging. understanding. understandi
ng of the

Word Choice The word The word The word The word choice Much more Thought should
choice reflects choice, choice is clear, is too general, attention be given to word
careful thinking including the but more and more literary should be choice.
about the use of literary literary terms terms are needed. given to
reading. terms, creates would improve word
a clear the essay. choice.

Sentence The sentences The sentences No sentence A few sentence The essay Most sentences
Fluency in the essay are skillfully problems exist. problems need to has many need to be
make the ideas written and More sentence be corrected. sentence rewritten.
really stand out. interesting to variety is problems.
read. needed.

Conventions Grammar and The essay has The essay has a The errors in the The Help is needed to
punctuation are one or two few careless essay are number of make
correct, and the errors that do errors in confusing. errors corrections.
copy is free of not interfere punctuation and makes the
errors. with grammar. essay hard
understanding to read.

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