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A Detailed Lesson Plan

In English II

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:

a. Identify what is WHO QUESTIONS;

b. B. Cite words that can express WHO QUESTIONS; and
c. C. Give example of WHO QOUESTIONS

II. Subject Matter: Answering WHO QUESTIONS

Reference: English Expressways (Reading and language)_ pp. 203-201

Materials: Charts/Pictures of persons

Values: Respecting by answering WHJO QUESTIONS

Skills: Giving, Identifying

Teachers Activity Students Activity

III. Learning Experience
A. Preparation
1.The pupils will sing the sing, Finger family)
-Before we start our lesson class, what have It and They
you learned from your English class?

B. Presentation
(The teacher will use the story on the book)
a.)Based on the story class,
-Who is pulling the vinta? Father
-So, who is carrying a basket? Mother
-Who is hanging the net? Adnam
-And, who is helping Father? Nina
b.)The teacher will show some pictures of
persons) Miriam Defensor Santiago
-Look at this pictures class, who is this person? Protestants
Very Good! How about this picture class, who
are these?
Who is used to ask a question about
C. Generalization person/persons.
Based on what we have done a while back
class, who questions, answers what?
Very Good class! (the pupils will give an example)
-Kindly give an example of who questions

D. Application
(The teacher will present/post some pictures) Terry
-Look at the pictures class, who wiped the
windows? Mario
-Who watered the plants yesterday? Liza
-Who cleaned the yard last Monday?

IV. Evaluation
(The teacher will give short exercise to the

Kendra lives in a village and she has a pet,

named Duday. One day, Kendra went to the
supermarket with her pet and she met a
policeman with another pet named Dudoy.
Duday and Dudoy barked to each other but
Kendra and the Policeman laughed. Kendra
Pet of Policeman
1. Who has a pet named Duday? Duday and Dudoy
2. Who is Dudoy? Kendra and Policeman
3. Who barked to each other? Kendra
4. Who laughed to each other?
5. Who lives in a village?

V. Agreement/Assignment
Review your notes for the next activity

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