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Contact No. +91- 8607383607 Email : balwanmudgil54@gmail.com

NET PART - A Page 1

RATIO and PROPORTION applied and 27 less selected the ratio of

1. The ratio of the incomes of Ajay and Bina selected to unselected would have been
is 5:4 and the ratio of their expenditure is 9:14?
6:5. If the ratio of the savings is 7:5, what 1. 612 2. 522
percentage of his income does Ajay save ? 3. 546 4. 638
1. 28% 2. 25% 6. In an army selection the % of selected
3. 30% 4. 32% candidate was 60%. If 70 more had applied
2. Before a battle the ratio of tanks to planes and 50 less selected then the % of
in an army was 5 : 3. During the war 1000 unselected candidate is 60%. How many
tanks were destroyed and 800 planes were candidates had applied for the process?
destroyed. The ratio of tanks to planes 1. 390 2. 480
became 2 : 1. What is the number of tanks 3. 380 4. 234
after the war ? 7. In a school ratio of number of teachers,
1. 2000 2. 1000 Boys and girls was 1:7:5 when 8 new
3. 3000 4. 4000 teachers join the school and 9 girls left the
3. How many job applicants had applied if school the ratio of teacher to student
the ratio of selected to unselected was 19 : becomes 1:7. Find the number of
17 ? If 1,200 less had applied and 800 less remaining girls in school.
selected, then the ratio of selected to 1. 49 2. 91
unselected would have been 1 : 1. 3. 56 4. 41
1. 6000 2. 7200 8. In a school there were 1554 students and
3. 8400 4. 4800 the ratio of the number of the boys and
4. In a regiment the ratio between the officers girls was 4 : 3. After a few days, 30 girls
to soldiers was 4:43 in a battle 8 officers joined the school but a few boys left; as a
killed and 7 soldiers join the regiment and result the ratio of the boys and girls
the ratio becomes 2:23 find the number of became 7 : 6. The number of boys who left
soldiers after the battle? the school is :
1. 1610 2. 1426 1. 76 2. 74
3. 1386 4. 1472 3. 84 4. 86
5. What is the number of candidates who had 9. In an office of 1200 employees, the ratio
applied if the ratio of selected to of urban to rural members of staff is 8:7.
unselected was 23:35. If 62 less had After joining of some new employees, out
of which 20 are rural, the ratio becomes 13. A gold broke into three parts, the ratio of
5:4. The number of new urban employees weight of three part is 3:4:5. The price of
is: gold is directly proportional to its square
1. 100 2. 85 weight. If there is loss of Rs23500 after
3. 76 4. 108 breaking gold then what was the starting
10. The ratio of the numbers of boys and girls price of gold?
in a school was 5 : 3. Some new boys and 1. 30,000 2. 36,000
girls were admitted to the school, in the 3. 40,000 4. 46,000
ratio 5 : 7. At this, the total number of 14. The cost of diamond varies directly with
students in the school became 1200, and square of its weight. Diamond is broken
the ratio of boys to girls changed to 7 : 5. into 3 parts whose weight are in the ratio
The number of students in the school 3:4:5. If diamond had been broken into
before new admissions was: three part whose weight are in the ratio
1. 700 2. 720 9:5:2 then there would have been a further
3. 900 4. 960 profit of Rs152000.What is the actual cost
11. Rs. 600 is divided among A, B and C. Rs. of original diamond?
2 1. 2592000 2. 2764800
40 more than th of A's share, Rs. 20
5 3. 1638400 4. 1843200
2 15. C1,C2,C3,C4 and C5 are five companies
more than th of B's share and Rs. 10
the profits made by C1,C2 & C3 are in the
more than th of ''s share are all equal, ratio 9:10:8 while the profits made by
C2,C4&C5 are in the ratio 18:19:20.If the
then A's share is
profit different between C5 & C1 is 19
1. 150 2. 175
lakhs then find the profit made by all
3. 160 4. 140
12. The expenditure in a hostel is partly
1. 4.38cr 2. 4.35cr
variable, and directly proportional to the
3. 4.47cr 4. 4.59cr
number of students, rest being a fixed
16. A fox chases a lion. The fox takes 7 leaps
amount. If the expenditure were Rs.8400
for every 5 leaps of the lion and the
for 120 students and Rs.10000 for Rs.150
distance covered by lion in 6 leaps is equal
students, what would be the expenditure
to the distance covered by fox in 5 leaps.
for 330 students?
Find the ratio of their speeds?
1. Rs.22400 2. Rs.19600
1. 32:15 2. 15:22
3. Rs.18000 4. Rs.21500
3. 7:4 4. 42:25
Contact No. +91- 8607383607 Email : balwanmudgil54@gmail.com

NET PART - A Page 3

17. A dog takes 8 jumps for every 12 jumps of reversed in order then find the increase in
the lion and a fox takes 15jumps for every amount in the bag?
12 jumps of the lion, and the distance 1. 246 2. 220
covered by dog in 8 jumps, distance 3. 256 4. 272
covered by lion in 16 jumps and the 22. A, B and C have few coins. 8 times the
distance covered by fox in 24 jumps is number of coins that A has is equal to 5
equal. Find ratio of their speeds times the number of coins B has, while 7
1. 8:12:15 2. 6:8:5 times the number of coins B has is equal to
3. 8:6:5 4. 5:8:6 11 times the number of coins C has. What
18. A bag contains 50P, 25P and 10P coins in is the minimum number of coins with A, B
the ratio of 7:8:3 amounting to Rs87. Find and C put together?
the number of 10P coins? 1. 31 2. 186
1. 30 2. 45 3. 199 4. 97
3. 60 4. 50 23. There are two pockets A and B. Pocket A
19. A bag contains 1 rupee, 50 p, and 25p contains Rs1, 50p and 25p coins and
coins in the ratio 5:6:7. If the total amount pocket B contains 50p, 25p and 10p coins.
is Rs390. Find the no. of coins of each If the ratio of total amount in A and B is
kind? 5:4 and coins are in the ratio of 2:3:5 in
1. 240,270,290 2. 200,240,280 pocket A and 3: x : 8 in pocket B . Find the
3. 200,220,280 4. 180,250,290 value of x?
20. A man has few coins of 1 rupee, 50p and 1. 3 2. 4
25p in the ratio 1/2:1/3:1/4. If the number 3. 5 4. 6
of 50p coins is 96. Find the total amount of 24. A boy and a girl playing with the pencil.
coins? The girl breaks the pencil in two parts and
1. 312 2. 210 the boy observe that the ratio of length of
3. 220 4. 260 these two parts is same as the ratio of
21. A bag contains few coins of 50p, 25p and length of pencil to the larger part. Find the
10p can be expressed by three consecutive ratio in which the girl breaks the pencil.
odd prime numbers that are in the 1. √5 − 1:2 2. 2:√5 +1
ascending order. The total value of coins in 3. √5+1:2 4. 2: √5 – 1
the bag is Rs552. If the number of coins 25. The ratio of ages of father and mother was
11:10 when their son was born. The ratio
of ages of father and mother will 19:18 1. 4hr 40min 2. 5hr 40min
when the son will be twice his present age, 3. 5hr 20min 4. 5hr
what is the ratio of present ages of father 30. The owner of local jewellery store hired
and mother ? three watchmen to guard his diamonds, but
1. 15:14 2. 14:13 a thief still got in and stole some
3. 16:15 4. 17:16 diamonds. On the way out, the thief met
26. In a zoo, there are rabbits and pigeons. If each watchman, one at a time. To each, he
head are counted, there are 340 heads and gave half of the diamonds he had then,
if legs are counted there are 1060 legs. besides 2 more. He escaped with one
How many pigeons are there? diamond. How many did he steal
1. 120 2. 150 originally?
3. 180 4. 170 1. 40 2. 36
27. Mrs. Giri purchased one dozen bangles. 3. 24 4. 32
One day she slipped on the floor and fell 31. A man ordered 4pairs of black socks and
down. What cannot be the ratio of broken some pairs of brown socks. The price of a
to unbroken bangles? black pair is double to that of a brown pair.
1. 1:2 2. 1:3 While preparing the bill, the clerk did a
3. 2:3 4. 1:5 mistake and interchanged the number of
28. An engine can move at the speed of 20/3 black and brown pairs and this increased
m/s without any wagon attached. the bill by 50%. The ratio of the number of
Reduction in the speed of the train is black and brown pairs of socks in the
directly proportional to the square root of original order was?
the number of wagons attached to the 1. 4:1 2. 2:1
engine. When there are only 4 wagons 3. 1:4 4. 1:2
attached its speed is (50/9) m/s. The 32. If a, b, c are 3 positive integers such that a
greatest number of wagons with which the and b are in the ratio 3:4 while b and c are
engine can move is? in the ratio 2:1, then which one of the
1. 144 2. 143 following is a possible value of  a  b  c 
3. 12 4. 63
29. Two candles with same length light up at
1. 201 2. 205
same time 1st candle end in 8 hour and
3. 207 4. 210
2nd end in 6hr. rate of burning is different
33. A sum is distributed between A, B and C
for both candles, after start of burning after
in the ratio 9 : 6 : 11. If A gives 500 from
how much time ratio of their length will be
his share to C, the ratio of shares of A , B
Contact No. +91- 8607383607 Email : balwanmudgil54@gmail.com

NET PART - A Page 5

and C becomes 4 : 3 : 6. What is the sum

of shares of B and C, in the beginning?
1. 7,800 2. 9,100
3. 7,500 4. 8,500
34. For any two numbers m and n;
 m  n : m  n :mn  7:1:60 . Find the
1 1
value of : .
m n
1. 4:3 2. 8:6
3. 3:4 4. 7:8
35. A and B have to write 810 and 900 pages
respectively in the same time period. But
A completes his work 3 days ahead time
and B completes 6 days ahead of time.
How many pages did A write per hour if B
wrote 21 pages more in each hour?
1. 45 2. 72
3. 54 4. 81

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