Tawan Wachirapaet - Summative For Criterion B C

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By: Tawan Wachirapaet


● Research Question

● Scientific Hypothesis

● Variables

○ Independent

○ Dependent

○ Controlled
Material List: Containers:
Tools: ● Beakers
● Paper
● Petri Dishes
● Forceps
Acids & Bases:
● Salicylic Acid ● Scissors
Measuring Tools:
● Vinegar ● Cloth ● Graduated

● Sodium Cylinder

Hydroxide ● Timer

● Ammonia
Instructions: Part 1:

1. Rubber gloves must be on

1. Get a graduated cylinder and add 100ml of water
at all times of the experiment
2. Lab coats must be on at all 2. Put the 100ml into a beaker
times of the experiment 3. Weight the cloth on a digital plate
3. Goggles must be on at all 4. Record the weight of the cloth dried
times of the experiment 5. Put the cloth into the beaker
4. No food or drinks should be 6. Use a forceps to push it to the bottom
near the experiment area 7. Put a timer for 30 seconds and wait.
5. After any part of the
experiment, all the tools,
8. When the timer is up, bring the identical cloth out with a
containers have to be cleaned up forceps
6. Always have a bottle with 9. Weight it on a digital plate right after taking it out of the
the cap on beaker
10. Record the weight of the cloth wet
● *Note: Follow the instructions 11. Dry each piece of cloth on a petri dish to prepare it for
by the solutions Ex. When
part 2
you’re done with Part1:
Ammonia, go on to Part2: 12. Now, you can clean up the materials
Ammonia 13. Go back to #1 and start again to #12 for a total of six trials
● *Note: Don’t forget to label the for EACH SOLUTION BUT ONE BY ONE(Do not repeat part1 for a
cloth or petri dish when drying new solution unless the latest solution is finished with both
it! parts.
Instructions: 10. When it is dried, bring the piece of
cloth into the beaker full of water
Part 2: *Note: Use the same pieces of cloth for 11. Set a timer for 30 seconds and wait.
each trial of each solution 12. When the time is up, bring the piece of
cloth out carefully
1. Get a graduated cylinder and add 100ml of 13. Weight the piece of cloth on a digital
water plate
2. Put the 100ml into a beaker 14. Record the weight of the piece of cloth
3. Get another graduated cylinder and add exposed to water after exposed to
30ml of the current acid/base acid/base
4. Put the 30ml of acid/base in a beaker 15. Put the pieces of cloth in the trash can
5. Put the cloth that is dried after Part 1 in the safely
beaker of acid/base 16. Now, you can clean up the acid/base
6. Use a forceps to push it to the bottom carefully(if it is a base, add an acid. If it is
7. Put a timer for 2 minutes and wait. an acid, add a base. Then wait for a few
8. When the timer is up, bring the cloth out seconds and pour it down the sink.)
with a forceps 17. Go back to #1 and start again to #16 for
9. Dry the pieces of cloth on a petri dish until it EACH TRIAL of a solution(6 trials per
is completely dried solution - 4 solutions). When done, go back
to Part 1 and start a new solution.
Results: Exposed to
Exposed to water after Change of
Mean Dried Water(part1) acid/base Absorbency

Acid(triangle) 0.07 0.23 0.28 0.05

agon) 0.14 0.42 0.52 0.1

uare) 0.26 0.86 0.92 0.06

mond) 0.06 0.26 0.28 0.02

● The Change is very small

● The cloth seems to attract water more than

Mean absorbency with different solutions. Experiment at the science lab(I106)

of APIS(American Pacific International School) from 18th February until March
4th shows that the absorbency of fabric increases after being exposed to
different solutions.
Is the Scientific Hypothesis Supported?
Because acids have a lot of H+ that react with other chemicals, when you put cloth in acid, the absorbency of
the cloth will change.

● Hypothesis Correct

● Increases

● Also chose Bases

● Change from ml to Grams

● Don’t use Markers

● All fabric should be the closest


● Drops of water should be

counted in each measurement

Other Experiments to Try:
● The effects of acid/base to the

flammability of fabric.

● Effects of different solutions to the

elasticity of fabric.

● Which kind of fabric best absorb UV


● Best Science Clipart #23453. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2020, from

● July, & September. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2020, from
● (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2020, from
● Collection of Factory Smoke Cliparts (31). (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2020,
from http://clipart-library.com/factory-smoke-cliparts.html
● Download Success Free PNG photo images and clipart. (n.d.). Retrieved
March 4, 2020, from https://www.freepngimg.com/learning/success
● improvements clip library library. (n.d.). Retrieved March 4, 2020, from
Mr. Joel’s Marks and Comments
Strand Review Mark
All but 1-2 of the following are true: Speaker takes assignment seriously but appears
confident. Speaker looks at entire audience, not just at screen or at the teacher. Voice is
even, easy to hear, and professional. Speaker knows what each slide is about without
Presentation Style looking. Speaker summarizes a slide without reading it, and speaks to provide transition 7
between one slide and the next. Presentation looks like it was practiced many times
before given.

All but 1-2 of the following are true: Instructions followed exactly. Presentation is
uploaded on time, with no quotations and no copying. Data are provided to the teacher
Ability to Follow on time. All images not taken by the presenter are credited. Font style and size are easy
to read. Slide backgrounds are not distracting. Data table is easy to read, clearly labelled 7
Instructions with units, and means are calculated correctly. Spelling and grammar always correct. A
bibliography of all sources is provided on time, all sources are reliable and written in APA

Font too small in presentation. Try breaking up

information into separate slides. Summarize slides with
Other Comments
fewer spoken words. Improvements should not just focus
on human mistakes - suggest better equipment, wider
variety of solutions, etc. Slideshow was long but very well
done. Thank you for a great job.
Mr. Joel’s Marks and Comments
Strand Review Mark

Criterion B1: Describe a The research question is clear, important, not written as a hypothesis, uses 1-2 reliable
sources cited correctly, and is connected to acids and bases. 7

Criterion B2: A testable There is one or more clearly written, relevant, testable hypotheses naming 1 independent
and 1 dependent variable, with units. Water is used as a control treatment. 8

Criterion B3: How to

Clear instructions are explained on how data were collected, with replicates and 4 or
measure sufficient, more controlled variables. 8
relevant data

Criterion B4: Logical, Design a logical, complete, and safe method in which he or she selects highly
appropriate materials and equipment. Similar methods (videos, websites) are credited 8
complete, safe methods with sources listed in APA format.

Summative Grade for This Criterion: 8

Mr. Joel’s Marks and Comments
Strand Review Mark
Data table is clearly labelled and easy to read, and turned in as hardcopy or upload.
Criterion C1: Collect & Tables, figures, pictures, graphs are organized, usually correctly labelled, and mostly
useful to the reader. Results shown as means with correct units. Graphs have correct 7
Analyze Data axes and figure caption that lists number of samples, purpose of experiment and major
result from graph, and is well-written with correct spelling.

Criterion C2: Interpret 1-2 sentences accurately and completely describe what happens to the means in
different solutions, and mention of how acids and bases might work 7

Criterion C3: Evaluate Sentence(s) show accurate amount of support for the hypothesis, comparing samples
(including controls) to each other and to acids and bases. 2 or more sources support the 8
hypothesis evaluation, and are reliable and in correct style.

Criterion C4: Evaluate 2-3 ideas on how to improve the methods used are briefly explained. Instead of
improving the overall design, suggestions mainly focus on how a person could collect 6
method data with fewer mistakes.

3-4 interesting, relevant ideas on how to improve / extend the experiment, such as what
Criterion C5: Next steps other things could be measured to help answer the research question 8

Summative Grade for This Criterion: 8

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