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Chapter 3


This chapter presents the analysis and further discussions of the results of
the study. Shows in this section are the students Internet Addiction.

Level of Students Internet Addiction

Table 1 shows the level of internet addiction of the female and male

Respondents Percentage

Female 85.24%

Male 14.75%

Total 100%

There are fifthy two (52) female respondents with an equivalent

percentage of 85.24% while there are nine(9) male respondents with an
equivalent of 14.75%.

Table 2 shows the level of internet addiction of the Set A and B


Respondents Percentage
Grade 11 Set A 52.46%
Grade 11 Set B 47.54%
Total 100%

There are thirty two (32) Grade 11 Set A students with an equivalent of
52.46% while there are twenty nine (29) male students with an equivalent of
Grades Description

96-100 Excellent

90-95 Very Good

86-90 Good

81-85 Average

75-80 Low

Based on the table, the students academic performance considered as

good which ranges from 86-90%.

Table 3 shows the level of Internet Addiction of Grade 11 Set A and B


Descriptive Statistics
Mean Std. Deviation N

IA 1.8303 .58739 61

AP 86.0328 3.49269 61


IA Pearson Correlation 1 .056

Sig.( 2-tailed) .668
N 61 61

AP Pearson Correlation .056 1

Sig. ( 2-tailed) .668
N 61 61

The table above states that IA has a mean of 1.8303 with the standard
deviation of .58739, while the AP has a mean of 86.0328 with the standard
deviation of 3.49296.

The table below shows that there is no significant relationship between

Internet Addiction and Academic Performace of the students.This study was
supported by Walther (1999) indicated that there is no relationship between
internet addiction and academic achievement, justify that the effects of
internet addiction on students’ academic performance is not in a critical level.
However, early prevention from internet addiction should be taken into
consideration and students should consciously be aware

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