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Original article

Textile Research Journal

2016, Vol. 86(16) 1710–1715

A garment design method based ! The Author(s) 2016

Reprints and permissions:
on modularization DOI: 10.1177/0040517515595027

Haimei Zhou, Yanni Xu, Lichuan Wang and Yan Chen

With the rapid increase of personalized garment requirements, intelligent garment design has attracted more and more
attention. The study reported in this paper concentrates on the modularized design method of garments in order to
provide theoretical support for intelligent garment design. The proposed modularized design method consists of com-
position and transformation of garment parts as well as their configuration and connection. There are two categories of
garment parts: essential parts and non-essential parts, each of which is determined by their key design attributes. Rules of
transformation for garment parts were analyzed by classification of transformation rules. Binary decision variables were
introduced to decide if garment parts should be selected. A mathematical model was developed to analyze constraints of
garment parts connection.

modularized design, product configuration, garment design, intelligent system, collaborative design

A rapid development in the area of computer-aided was applied to modularized garment design method in
intelligent systems has been seen in recent years, largely order to enrich the diversity of garment design. 6,7
as a consequence of the increasing emphasis on the Dimension error and B-3 spine curve were used to
customization of goods. Modularized systems, stem- limit errors which might potentially occur in the process
ming from intelligent design research, have been by connecting different garment parts.8,9
found to facilitate rapid response to market changes, The traditional process of fashion design is con-
shortening the time required for both the product ducted by designers who have professional knowledge
design and manufacturing phases. The system can and unique understanding of fashion. During the
also improve the product quality and reliability as design process, they have to combine design knowledge
well as facilitate the disassembly and remanufacturing with that of customer demand, which is gathered from
of products.1 market research. This is a time-consuming process,
Many researchers have advocated modularized while customer preference is ever-changing over time.
design methods in order to facilitate design activities If clothing products cannot satisfy customer needs, a
in a variety of fields. Their research activities generally large amount of apparel stock will be produced, which
targeted mechanical and electrical product design, and is fatal for the sustainable development of apparel
they either chose a product family and mathematical enterprises. As a result, a system that can facilitate
optimization model or constructed matrices to achieve
modularized design.2–5
Modularized design is a process of deconstruction College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow University, Suzhou,
and reconfiguration. This method which can be applied China
to garment design will make designing process easier.
With intensive study of modularized design and the Corresponding author:
Yan Chen, College of Textile and Clothing Engineering, Soochow
personalized requirement of clothing, the method of University, No. 178 Gan Jiang Dong Road, Northern campus, Letter
modularized design has been adopted gradually in fash- Box 106, 215021 Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China.
ion design industry. An interactive genetic algorithm Email:
Zhou et al. 1711

the garment design process is necessary to solve these formulated before the design process. In order to
conflicts in the apparel industry. achieve a complete garment design, these garment
In this paper, a modularized garment design method parts should be combined together based on connection
is proposed to quickly and easily design clothing constraints, which are summarized from clothing engi-
through knowledge-based classification, transforma- neering and design knowledge. If the garment design
tion, and connection of garment parts. By identifying outcomes satisfy the customer’s requirements, or
the relevant attributes of garment parts concerned in achieve design goals, then this modularized garment
design, garment parts were classified into two cate- design process will be finished. Otherwise, the process
gories, namely essential parts and non-essential parts. of mutating and combining should be continued until
Binary decision variables are introduced to decide if the goal is achieved.
garment parts should be selected or not according to A user can design customer-oriented garments
the specific garment type. A mathematical model is quickly and flexibly through this garment design
developed to analyze the relationship between two dif- method. Adding one specific part will result in many
ferent parts and the constraints on garment parts garment designs in increasing complexity of choice,
connection. which will largely satisfy different requirements of cus-
Domain-specific knowledge is not needed to design tomers or designers. An archive of relationships
a garment through this modularized design method. between requisite garment design outcomes and gar-
So, normal customers as well as designers are able to ment design solutions accepted by customers makes
design garments for their own preference. This will con- possible the fast preparation of similar solutions for
tribute to the sustainable development of garment future design tasks. This modularized garment design
enterprises. method can apply to multiple situations as long as the
relevancy of requirements and parts are saved and
updated. Thus, modularized garment design can
Process of modularized garment design become an important means for customers to realize
Modularized garment design involves the division of a personalized requirements of garment.
garment into several parts based on functional analysis
of the different parts of a garment. Each part contains Composition and transformation of
many examples of different performances and specifica-
garment parts
tions. Then, a customer’s requirement, preference, or
design goal can be achieved by assembling and mutat- All garment parts belong to either essential part or non-
ing relevant garment parts. essential part categories. Essential parts are those that
Figure 1 illustrates the flow chart of modularized are basic and exist in every garment. In contrast to
design. According to customer’s preference or design essential parts, non-essential parts are optional in appa-
goal, the system searches for original costumed garment rel, which means they can be chosen or not in a design
parts from a garment parts database which is process. So, the following rules should be obeyed
during the division process of garment parts:

1. Division of garment parts should be to a moderate

Start degree. Too many garment parts will lead to a more
complicated process of connection and design and
Customer requirement vice versa.
Operaon of Garment parts database 2. Essential parts should be decided based on
garment parts human body parts. The basic function of a garment
Connect Constraints of connection is to wrap the human body, and the human
body consists of several parts. So, essential parts
Mutate Display
Clothing engineering and
should be determined based on human body
design knowledge components.
N Is customer satisfied
3. Non-essential parts should be decided according to
with the design? their function as most non-essential parts fulfil the
Y role of decoration or other optional functions.
Final design 4. Division of garment parts should meet the require-
ments of clothing production. The final demand of
a customer is to obtain an item of clothing that can
be worn, so rules of clothing production are
Figure 1. Flow chart of modularized garment design. suggested.
1712 Textile Research Journal 86(16)

Table 1. Composition of garment parts

Part type Coding Part name Key design attributes

Essential part S1 Collar Type, length, width

S2 Body Shape, length, bust, front fly, waistline, hem
S3 Sleeve Type, length, cuff
S4 Waist Waist level, waistline
S5 Hem Type, level, width
S6 Front pant Shape, length, crotch length, waist level
S7 Back pant Shape, length, crotch length, waist level
S8 Skirt body Shape, length, cut, dart and pleat
Non-essential part P1 Pocket Pocket level, type, size, number
P2 Color and pattern Level, type, size, number
P3 Decoration and accessory Level, type, size, number
P4 Decorative seam Level, type, size

Through following the above rules, we divide a gar-

ment into 12 parts, as shown in Table 1. Part details are
# Garment part:
determined by their key design attributes, which are
S 2 - Body part-160/84A
changeable according to different customers’ preference
and evaluation.10 Once each controlled attribute has a # Key design attributes:
certain value, the part will have certain details. That is Type: H line
to say, changing attributes value will lead to more gar- Length: 55cm
ment design results. When all controlled attribute Bust: 84cm
values of a part are set as zero, this design will be a Waistline: 80cm
part-less design. For example, in a collarless shirt Front fly: straight fly
design all the key design attribute values of the collar # pattern file:
are zero. /…/part pattern/body part/H line/
Figure 2 provides an example of the key design attri- # Associate garment parts:
butes of a garment body part. For a body part, the
S1, S3, S4,S5
key attributes are its type, length, bust, and front fly.
Figure 2 also shows the location of garment pattern
and its association with other garment parts, which Figure 2. Design attributes of a body part.
will be discussed below.
In some cases, key design attributes cannot satisfy
special customer requirements or achieve a design goal, corresponding connecting part. As a result, this con-
so transformation of parts is needed. Based on field- nection part will show the fold effect.
specific knowledge, garment part transformation can 4. Special transformation. Besides the above transfor-
include segmentation and expanding, dart transferring, mations, more exaggerated element can be used in
adding pleats, special transformation, and integrated garment parts, for example sculpture elements and
transformation. geometrical elements. This special transformation
can result in special style garment.
1. Segmentation and expanding. Segmentation is to 5. Integrated transformation. Integrating several of the
get more diversified clothing lines through cutting above transformations can be called integrated
and opening out garment pattern. Adding transformation, which will make garment design
extra width into the opened section is expanding, more complicated and diversified.
which is finished by adjusting these lines to be
smooth.11 Every part transformation is independent of
2. Dart transferring. Dart transferring is to close the other parts that would lead to another design of this
original dart and open the same angle as another part, which means another design of garment. As a
dart in preferred section. result, the garment designs will be enlarged greatly
3. Adding pleats. Adding pleats is to add more ease at in order to satisfy the diversified customers’
one connection part but not change the size of the requirements.
Zhou et al. 1713

Configuration and connection of garment need the support of a garment pattern. The definition of
the garment junction is as follows:
After dividing a garment into parts and determining the Rij ¼fid, M, T, V, Mug, i¼ 1, 2, . . . , n, j¼ 1, 2, . . . m
key design attributes, the system has a garment part ð2Þ
database which enables garment design to become the
configuration and connection of garment parts based where Rij is the j-th junction of the i part, id is the
on customer requirements. identification of the connection site, M is the part
Different kinds of garment have different essential that the junction belongs to, T ¼ {t1, t2, . . ., tj} is a set
parts. So, in order to facilitate the recognition of of attributes of the junction including the junction
the configuration of garment parts, a binary decision shape, location, size, etc, V ¼ {v1, v2, . . ., vj} is the
variable is used to decide which parts should be config- value set of all the attributes above, and Mu ¼ {Mu1,
ured, i.e. Mu2,. . ., Muj} is a set of parts which will connect to this
0 part.
ij ¼ 1 i ¼ s, p, j ¼ 1, 2, . . . n ð1Þ Before the process of connection for garment parts,
the connecting relationship among the interconnected
where  ij ¼ 1 represents the case that the ij part is con- parts should be determined. Each junction in one gar-
figured, while for  ij ¼ 0 it is not configured. During the ment part has a unique corresponding junction in
design process, all the essential parts are present, but another part connected to this one. This relation is
each part has a binary decision variable value to deter- determined by the production knowledge of the gar-
mine if the part is configured or not. Non-essential ment. These connective relations need to be stored in
parts are in large quantity without a certain  ij a computer.
value, so we set that all non-essential parts are not If part M1 is connect with part M2 (Figure 3), there
configured in the initial design. Thus, the default is exists a unique connection between id1 and Mu2 . When
 ip ¼ 0. When customers want some kinds or variety part M2 has several junctions which need to connect
of decorative elements, the system changes the value with a number of parts, each junction of part M2 has
of a non-essential part binary decision variable with a unique connection with other junction of other parts.
setting  ip ¼ 1. This non-essential part will then be
Table 2 lists several common garment part
configurations. It can be seen from the table that dif-
ferent types of clothing have different configurations of Part M1
essential parts. The configuration process is influenced
Part M2
by the covered part of the human body. Non-essential
parts can be both configured and not configured. But in
specific designs, the configuration of the non-
essential part is determined according to consumer
After determining the configuration of parts, these
parts will also need to be linked up. Simple stitching
can connect different parts together in a design sketch.
But to connect parts in real production, the system will Figure 3. Linking rule of garment parts.

Table 2. Part configurations of different garments

Essential part Non-essential part

Garment S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 P1 P2 P3 P4

Top wear ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ    * * * *
Pant    ˇ  ˇ ˇ  * * * *
Skirt    ˇ ˇ   ˇ * * * *
Dress ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ ˇ   ˇ * * * *
Note: ˇ indicates that the part is configured,  indicates that the part is not configured, * indicates that the part is optional.
1714 Textile Research Journal 86(16)

Figure 4. A modularized design process for garment design.

After determining the connection between parts, the Application of modularized garment
implementation of this connection is needed. The size
or shape of garment pattern will be changed as a result
design method
of this part transformation. Therefore, it should be This design method can be applied to the process of
ensured that the shape and size of two parts are such most garment design. Figure 4 indicates the modular-
that they can become a pair. To facilitate the connec- ized design method applied to a female jacket design
tion, all the darts, pleats, and other elements are set to process. The customer need is assumed to be a simple,
be completed or closed initially. So the constraint of casual, and neutral female jacket. According to the gar-
part connections is to maintain the value of junction ment type, the binary decision variables value of each
attribute variables consistent, as shown in the shaded part can be obtained as follows:
part of Figure 3: 8
( < sj ¼ 1,
> j ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
ti ¼ tj sj ¼ 0, j ¼ 6, 7, 8
i ¼ 1, 2, . . . , , R, j ¼ 1, 2, . . . , , J ð3Þ >
VAti ¼ VBtj pj ¼ 1, j ¼ 1, 2, 3, 4

where ti and tj are the elements of sets TA, TB, R and J After input of these requirements, the modularized
are the total number of elements in the set, and ti ¼ tj design method will search for the most qualified gar-
indicates that both describe the same attribute variable. ment parts from the garment parts database to combine
VAti ¼ VBtj means two attribute variable values are together into an initial design. Every garment part in
equivalent or match, e.g. the junction sizes are equal database has a unique identification. Figure 4 illustrates
and the types and shapes match the others. In sum- an example of a lapel collar. To connect these parts
mary, by finding the connection relationship between together into a garment design sketch, connection con-
parts and then making sure of the consistency of the straints of garment production should be followed.
connection attribute variables, we can complete the All design results are visible to the user so that they
connection between parts. can have a direct influence on the design result. If the
Zhou et al. 1715

customer is satisfied with this design, the design process of intelligent fashion design which involves a variety of
will finish. Otherwise, the customer should give some fashion design resources. In order to optimize the intel-
comments on the initial design. In this application, the ligent fashion design method, future study should focus
sleeve is required to be looser. So transformation takes on the expansion of garment design knowledge and
place on the sleeve. To make sure the transformation is development of an efficient procedure for constructing
viable, equation (3) is followed with tS21 ¼tS31 , an expert knowledge base and automatic adaption of
tS22 ¼tS32 , where ts21 and ts31 are the length of armhole the rules.
and the length of sleeve top, respectively, and ts22 and
ts32 are the shape of armhole and sleeve top, Declaration of conflicting interests
The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
According to the detailed requirement, the system respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
can mutate original garment parts and then display article.
the second design. The system should loop this process
until the satisfaction of the customer is reached.
The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
Conclusion port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
article: This work was supported by the Cooperative
In the modularized garment design process, garment Innovation Fund of Jiangsu Province (grant number
parts should be configured and transformed based on BY2012115).
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