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Original article

Textile Research Journal

2016, Vol. 86(16) 1728–1737

Numerical study of the three-dimensional ! The Author(s) 2016

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preliminary flow field in the ring DOI: 10.1177/0040517515606349
spinning triangle

Hui Fen Guo, Ngan Yi Kitty Lam, Feng Yan, Chenxiao Yang
and Li Li

The spinning triangle is a critical region in ring spinning. To understand the formation principle of the triangle zone, a
dynamic mesh model with SIMPLEC algorithm is employed to study airflow around the rotating front roller-pair. The
effects of both the top roller offset and the drafting inclination angle are also discussed. The bubble-type vortex break-
down and vortices around two cylinders are observed. The bubble-type vortices will help the edge fibers to converge to
the center. A contour line with special value is defined to describe the spinning triangle. A dynamic triangle zone is also
observed with time. As the forward offset of the top roller increases, the velocities in the stream-wise (x- and y-)
directions decrease and the maximum values of the skin friction deflect gradually towards the apex of the roller.
However, the z-velocity for the 3 mm top roller offset is the largest and results in a good converging for fibers and,
consequently, increases the yarn tension. With increasing the inclination angle, the velocities increase while both the
defined triangle zones and the maximum values of the friction coefficients decrease, thus speeding up the fibers trans-
portation. The simulation results agree well with the theory analysis and experiments of spinning.

spinning triangle, dynamic mesh, flow characteristics, top roller offset, drafting inclination angle

Ring spinning is the dominant method of yarn produc- spun yarns on a ring spinning frame was studied,7
tion. Because of its feasibility, it can process all fibers, which showed that the height of the spinning triangle
even chitosan fiber with both low strength and poor depends on the spinning tension, the fiber distribution
spinnability,1 and ring spun yarns are used for a wide at the roller nip, the fiber tensile elastic modulus and
range of applications. In the ring spinning system, the the width of the spinning triangle. Then, the structural
spinning triangle is a critical region;2 its geometry influ- transformation of the fibers at rupture was investigated
ences the distribution of fiber tension in the spinning when studying the strength of fiber strands in the
triangle and, thus, affects the properties of spun yarns.3 spinning triangle.8 Using the principle of stationary
Due to the importance of the spinning triangle, vari- total potential energy, the theoretical models of the
ous studies have been carried out. Stalder4 confirmed fiber tension distribution in the spinning triangle, with
that the hairiness was reduced when the spinning tri- symmetric9 and asymmetric3 geometries, were presented.
angle became smaller with an increase of spinning ten-
sion. Klein5 pointed out that the spinning triangle and
spinning angle affect fiber breakage considerably, and
consequently influence yarn structure. Also, the study
shows that a long spinning triangle has a much more The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
uniform distribution of the forces. Considering differ-
ent extensions of fiber in the spinning triangle, Krause Corresponding author:
Corresponding author: Li Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University,
et al.6 investigated theoretically the strength of the ST728, The Institute of Textiles and Clothing, Hunghom, Kowloon,
spinning triangle in ring spinning. Based on force bal- Hong Kong.
ance model, the twist irregularity of cotton and worsted Email:
Guo et al. 1729

Further, according to the principle of minimum poten- the broken end collector, only the flow field caused by
tial energy, the theoretical models of the fiber tension rotating the roller-pair is simulated. To the authors’
distributions were proposed by considering the inclin- knowledge, however, studies in this area are rather
ation angle of the spinning tension and the migration of scarce. Only a similar study on the flow field of two
the axis fiber at the front roller nip,10 and the raised drafting cylinders in pneumatic spinning was found.17
parts at the spinning triangle,11 respectively. It is noteworthy that the rotating speed of the roller in
Most the yarn breakages occur in the spinning tri- the literature is about 14 times more than that in this
angle zone, leading to a reduction in production and a paper.
decrease in the quality of the yarn.9 To improve the In this paper, we restrict our attention to study the
quality of ring spinning yarn by changing the spinning flow fields around counter-rotating (front) rollers using
triangle shape, many modified methods have been a numerical method, and expound the formation mech-
developed. A modified yarn path, called the left diag- anism of the twist triangle from the fluid dynamics
onal yarn path,12,13 can produce lower hairiness than view. In the spinning study, both the inclination angle
the conventional ring spun yarn due to the reduced of the drafting arrangement and the forward offset of
distance, in which the left-hand side fibers have to the top roller determine the height of the spinning tri-
travel before reaching the convergence point in the angle.18–20 Hence, the effects of the top roller offset and
spinning triangle. By using modified bottom roller, the inclination angle of drafting (inflow direction) on
Thilagavathi’s modified yarn path system could pro- the fluid field and yarn properties are also discussed
duce various left diagonal yarn path offsets in ring spin- here.
ning. This system can reduce 40–75% hairiness at
60 mm left diagonal path offset compared to the
straight path yarn. Another modified ring spinning Theory
system was developed by Tao’s group14–16 in which a
false twisting device is incorporated into a ring frame
Geometrical model
for producing low torque and soft handle single yarns. For the convenience of modeling, the rollers are simpli-
In this system, it is highlighted that the ratio of the ring fied as circular cylindrical shapes. Figure 1 shows the
spindle rotational speed to the false twisting device profile with two rotating cylinders used in a 3D simu-
speed is a key spinning parameter for obtaining differ- lation. The origin of the 3D Cartesian coordinate
ent shapes of the spinning triangle. system is located at the center of the axis of the upper
At present, most of the information available in the cylinder (the top roller) without the offset. The z-axis is
literature on the spinning triangle is based on the spin- along the axial direction of the upper cylinder and the
ning experiments and the theoretical models. However, y-axis is vertical pointing downwards. The x–z plane is
the formation of the triangle zone, that is, the fiber the horizontal plane and the x–y plane is parallel to the
distribution, is closely related to the fiber dynamics in cross-sections of the cylinders.
the airflow created by rotating front roller-pairs and the In the spinning process, the bottom rollers are posi-
air suction system, whose outlet is close to the nip of the tively driven whereas the top rollers are run by fric-
rollers. In this system, as the pairs of the rollers rotate tional contacts with the former. Hence, the surface
in the opposite direction and air is sucked by the nega- speeds of the two cylinders are assumed to be equal
tive pressure in the suction flute (the pneumatic nozzle), here. Since the drafting inclination angle (i.e., inflow
the airflow will deliver the fiber bundle and remove the direction) and the forward offset of the front top
fly and pieces of broken thread to form the spinning roller will influence the flow characteristics and hence
triangle. Hence, it is important to study the airflows in change the yarn properties, we considered the effects of
the triangle zone. It is also noted that some factors, these parameters in this paper. To compare conveni-
such as the weighting load on the top roller, the inclin- ently, we changed only one design parameter at a
ation of the drafting system, the offset of the top roller time. The specifications for the current series of calcu-
and the cotton suction flute (the pneumatic nozzle), lations are shown in Table 1. According to the theory
whose outlet is close to the nip of the rollers and creates and parameters of the common ring spinning
the negative pressure, are significantly related to fluid machines,18,21 the computation constants are given as
flow in the spinning triangle. If all factors are con- follows: the length of the two circular cylinders is
sidered, especially the three-dimensional (3D) suction 28 mm, and their diameters are 25 mm for the lower
flute, it will greatly increase the difficulties of the geo- cylinder and 28mm for the upper one, respectively.
metrical modeling and (the converging) simulation due The distance between the two cylinder centers is
to the negative pressure. In this paper, as a preliminary 26.8 mm. The rotational speed of the bottom roller
study, ignoring the effect of the air suction system for (lower cylinder) of 240 r/min is used.
1730 Textile Research Journal 86(16)

Figure 1. Profiles of the three-dimensional model (including slices) and z-direction projection for the forward offset 3mm of the top

The time derivative term in Equation (1) can use a

Table 1. Specifications of the computation cases first-order backward difference to discrete:

1 2 3 4 5 Z
d ð VÞnþ1  ð VÞn
Offset of the 3 0 6 3 3  dV ¼ ð2Þ
dt V t
top roller l (mm)
Drafting inclination 45 45 45 30 60
angle  ( ) where n and n+1 represent the current time and the
next time. The n+1 time on volume Vn+1 is computed

Method of numerical simulation dV

Vnþ1 ¼ Vn þ t ð3Þ
Ignoring the influence of the fibers or strands, air-
flow past two rotating rollers will be a classical fluid
flow problem. To perform numerical simulations where dV/dt is derivative control of time; in order to
around two rotating circular cylinders, the dynamic satisfy the law of conservation of the grid, the time
mesh technology22–28 is adopted. This method can be derivative of the control volume is described as
used to model flows where the shape of the domain
changes with time due to motion on the domain dV X f
boundaries. With respect to dynamic meshes, on an ¼ ð4Þ
dt j
arbitrary control volume, V, the integral form of the
conservation equation for a general flux, , is writ-
ten as where nf is the number of faces on the control volume
Z Z and where Vj is the volume swept out by the control
d * volume face j over the time step t.
 dV þ u!
 ð~ ug Þ  dA
dt V @V The computational procedure is simplified by limit-
Z Z ð1Þ ing the deformations to the two rotating cylinder
¼ ~
r  dA þ S dV domains and grids, in which all the computational
@V V
domains are set as stationary domains. The mesh
where  is the air density, u~ is a velocity vector, !
ug is the updates are obtained through systematic implementa-
mesh velocity of the moving mesh, is the diffusion tions of spring-based smoothing23–25 and local remesh-
coefficient and S is the source term. @V is used to rep- ing.21,25,28 In the spring-based smoothing method, the
resent the boundary of the control volume. edges between any two mesh nodes are idealized as a
Guo et al. 1731

network of interconnected springs. Based on Hooke’s procedure. The only difference lies in the expression
law, the force, Fi , on a mesh node can be written as used for the face flux correction. The use of this mod-
ified correction equation can accelerate convergence.
! X ni
Hence, the SIMPLEC method is used to solve the pres-
Fi ¼ kij ð!
xj  !
xi Þ ð5Þ sure–velocity coupling here. In the spinning triangle,
the gravity should be considered because of the inclin-
ation of the drafting system. The body-force-weighted
where ! xi and ! xj are the displacements of node i and interpolation scheme for pressure is used in order to
its neighbor j, ni is the number of neighboring nodes take into account the gravity. The other (momentum)
connected to node i, and kij is the spring constant (or conservation equations are solved using the second-
stiffness) between node i and its neighbor j. order upwind (SOU) scheme to increase the precision.
When the boundary displacement is large compared
to the local cell sizes, the cell quality can deteriorate or
the cells can become degenerate. This will invalidate the Results and discussion
mesh (e.g., result in negative cell volumes) and, conse-
quently, will lead to convergence problems when the
Flow structure
solution is updated to the next time step. To circumvent Figure 2 shows the flow structures at different planes
this problem, the cells or faces that violate the skewness for Case 1. It is necessary to point out that the stream-
or size criteria are locally re-meshed.23,25,28 lines in the figures are on two velocity components that
The solutions of the transport equations require spe- are orthogonal to the corresponding plane. As shown in
cification of boundary conditions on the computational Figure 2, the velocity is maximum near the circular
domain. Due to the inclination of the drafting system cylinders and the streamlines around the cylinders
with respect to the horizontal plane, and rotation of the form a tapered envelope along the different stream-
middle and back roller-pair, an inclination inflow with wise directions, which will form a triangle zone (ST).
low velocity is set in all cases. The pressure outlet con- The bubble-type vortex breakdowns are generated
dition with ambient pressure is specified. At the walls of along the x- and y-directions (Figures 2(a) and (b)).
the two rollers, no-slip boundary conditions are applied. The internal structure of the bubble shows approxi-
A flow past two rotating cylinders is generally gov- mately symmetric spiral-like vortices rotating in oppos-
erned by three normalized flow parameters: Reynolds ite directions that reveal a start of the transition from
number, Re, gap spacing between the two cylinders, g, bubble to spiral breakdown. This is in qualitative agree-
and the ratios of the rotational speed, , which are ment with previous swirl motion experiments by
defined as Brücker and Althaus.30 These bubble-type vortices
will help the edge fibers to converge to the center,
Di U1 cos  Di !i which form a triangle zone. It is observed from
Rei ¼ i ¼
 2U1 cos  Figures 2(c) and (d) that the vortex rotates in a counter-
d  r1  r2 clockwise direction along the z-axis (i.e., the axis of the
gi ¼ i ¼ 1, 2 cylinder), and its position and size are changed. These
show that the vortex arrangement along the z-axis is
where xi are constant angular velocities of the cylin- ’turn’. At the center of the cylinders, the vortex,
ders’ rotation, U1 is the oncoming free stream velocity, which lies to the front upper of the top roller, has
n is the kinematic viscosity of the fluid, d is the distance little effect on the transportation of the fibers owing
of two cylinder centers and Di and ri (i ¼ 1, 2) are the to the fiber bundle located in the nip of the front rollers
diameter and radius of the cylinders, respectively. (Figure 2(c)). Seen from Figure 2(d), near the end of the
Corresponding to Equation (6), in our simulation, the cylinder, the vortex behind the bottom roller prolongs
three normalized parameters are different with different the residence time of the fibers and may prevent the
offsets of the top roller and different inclination angles. edge fibers from being completely incorporated into
For example, according to the insurface velocity and the yarn body and form the fly. This also explains the
diameter of the bottom roller, Re ¼ 120,  ¼ 3.2 and causes of the fly in the twist angle from fluid dynamics.
g ¼ 0.012 are used for case 2 (l ¼ 0 mm and  ¼ 45 ). During a rotation period of the bottom roller, the
In the present computation, the finite-volume code flow structures at the plane x ¼ 0 cm, with the com-
Fluent is used. Due to the dynamic mesh method, the puted streamlines and contours, are similar
first-order implicit is adopted to discretize the time (Figure 3). Here, T0 is any time (as the initial time),
term. For the pressure–velocity coupling, the and T is a rotation period of the bottom roller.
SIMPLE and SIMPLEC29 algorithms are available. The largest velocity magnitude is near the gap of
The SIMPLEC procedure is similar to the SIMPLE the two cylinders and it fluctuates over time.
1732 Textile Research Journal 86(16)

Figure 2. Streamline and contours of velocity magnitude at different planes of Case 1: (a) x ¼ 1.255 cm; (b) y ¼ 4 cm; (c) z ¼ 0 cm; (d)
z ¼ 1.35 cm.

Figure 3. Instantaneous streamline and velocity contours for a rotation period (T) of the bottom roller at the plane x ¼ 0 cm of Case
1. T0 is any time (as the initial time): (a) T0+T/4; (b) T0+T/2; (c) T0+3T/4; (d) T0+T.
Guo et al. 1733

The counter-rotating vortex pair generates in two sides without offset (Case 2, l ¼ 0 mm). Stalder4 has pointed
of the bottom roller. With time, the stagnation points out that a smaller spinning triangle will increase spin-
both upstream of the top roller and downstream of the ning tension and reduce hairiness. Therefore, the yarns
bottom roller move upward gradually and the size of spun by using Case 1 (l ¼ 3 mm) will show the highest
the counter-rotating vortex pair is increased. It should tenacity under the same condition.
be pointed out that the fluid is pseudo-periodic due to To further compare, the velocity at the intersectant
different rotational velocities and diameters of the two line between the planes y ¼ 4 cm and x ¼ 1.255 cm,
rollers. which is near the bottom roller, for different offsets of
From Figure 3, it is also noted that the velocity con- the top roller, is shown in Figure 6. With the increase of
tours near the bottom roller downstream show the the offset length, except z-velocity, the velocities
parabolic type, which is similar to a triangle zone. To descrease. It is also noted that the x-velocity in all
describe qualitatively the spinning triangle zone (ST), a cases is negative. This makes it difficult to transport
contour line with special value is extracted correspond- the fibers forward . Hence, a larger offset length will
ing to the flow behavior (streamlines and contours). prolong the stagnation time of the fibers. The
The triangle zone, as shown in Figure 4, is defined as z-velocity, along the cylinder axis, is antisymmetrical
the profile of the special contour line, in which the on the center and the value of Case 1 (3 mm offset) is
z-axis value is limited in [1, 1]. It can be observed the largest, which is helpful to move towards the center.
from the figure that the triangle zone decreases grad- According to these simulation results, it can be inferred
ually as the time increases. Therefore, the spinning tri- that the rational design of the offset length is 3 mm or
angle is dynamic with time. so. This agrees with the spinning observation.18–20
In real situations, due to the effect of the frictional
contacts of fibers with the bottom roller, the asymmet-
Effect of the top roller offset ric spinning triangles are often formed to interfere with
When other parameters are kept constant, the effects of the twist propagation into this zone and to migrate the
the top roller offset on the special value of the contour axis fiber at the front roller nip.1 Therefore, the skin
line (triangle zone) are as shown in Figure 5. The size of friction or wall shear stress of the bottom roller is very
the triangle zone for 6 mm offset (Case 3, l ¼ 6 mm) is important. To describe the problems, the skin friction
the largest due to small velocity (see also Figure 6). coefficient (CF) is introduced as31
Corresponding to spinning tests, this will result in
more end breaks for a longer triangle zone.5,20 It is 
CF ¼ 1 2 ð7Þ
noted that there is no obvious difference between the 2 ðU1 cos Þ
size of the triangle zone for Case 1 (l ¼ 3 mm) and Case
2 (l ¼ 0 mm). The triangle zone for 3 mm offset (Case 1, where wall shear stress  acts tangential to the surface
l ¼ 3 mm) is just a little smaller than that of the case of the roller.

Case 1, l = 3 mm
5 Case 2, l = 0 mm
Case 3, l = 6 mm

y (cm)



-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
z (cm)
Figure 4. The triangle zone (the profiles of the special contour
line) at plane x ¼ 0 cm in a cycle (T) of the bottom roller for Case Figure 5. The triangle zones (the profiles of the special con-
1; T0 is any time (as the initial time). tour line) at plane x ¼ 0 cm for different offset of the top roller.
1734 Textile Research Journal 86(16)

Figure 6. Velocity components along the intersectant line between the planes y ¼ 4 cm and x ¼ 1.255 cm for different offsets of the
top roller.

Figure 7 shows the distributions of the skin friction

coefficients (CF) across the bottom roller surface at
z ¼ 0 mm for different offsets of the top roller. Here
only CF at u ¼ 0–180 is given due to the fiber cover
on the upper surface of the bottom roller. It is necessary
to point out that the friction coefficients at 180–360 are
small for all cases that are not displayed here. For all
cases, the friction coefficient (CF) oscillates acutely. With
the increase of the offset of the top roller, the maximum
values deflect gradually towards near u ¼ 90 . After that,
the second peak values appear after u ¼ 90 . Although
the CF peak of Case 2 (l ¼ 0 mm) is the largest in three
cases, the distance between two peaks is also the largest.
This is disadvantageous to migrate the fibers at the front
roller nip. In Case 3 (l ¼ 6mm), the friction coefficient
before and behind two peak values (i.e., u < 80 and
u > 120 ) are very small compared with these at the
same positions of Case 1 (l ¼ 3 mm). On the other Figure 7. Skin friction coefficients versus angular position at
hand, the larger two peaks of friction coefficients and the upper surface of z ¼ 0 mm of the bottom roller for different
their close distance in Case 3 (l ¼ 6 mm) increase the offsets of the top roller.
Guo et al. 1735

friction force between the fibers and the bottom roller,

and make it difficult for the fibers to migrate, thus form-
Effect of the drafting inclination angle
ing a large triangle zone (see also Figure 5). Therefore, The angle of inclination of the drafting system is one
an offset of about 3 mm is rational.18–20 factor that determines the height of the spinning
triangle. In the spinning system, with a low inclination
angle, which is in respect to the horizontal plane (i.e.,
5 the x–z plane in this study), the angle of wrap of the
Case 1, θ = 45 ο fiber strand over the curvature of the front bottom
4.8 Case 4, θ = 30 ο drafting roller is large, resulting in a long spinning tri-
Case 5, θ = 60 ο
angle.18–20 Our simulation results also show a smaller
4.6 inclination angle (Case 4,  ¼ 30 ) causes a larger tri-
angle zone (Figure 8). Also, it can be clearly seen from
y (cm)

4.4 Figure 8 that the size of the triangle zone decreases with
increasing the inclination angle.
4.2 Figure 9 shows the three velocity components along
the intersectant line between the planes y ¼ 4 cm and
x ¼ 1.255 cm for different drafting inclination angles.
As the inclination angle increases, the velocity also
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 increases. It is obvious that the three velocity compo-
z (cm) nents in Case 5 ( ¼ 60 ) are close to those of Case 1
( ¼ 60 ). However, the velocities in Case 4 ( ¼ 30 ),
Figure 8. The triangle zones (the profiles of the special con- especially the y-velocity, are much smaller in compari-
tour line) at plane x ¼ 0 cm for different inclination angles. son with Cases 1 and 5. In accordance with our

Figure 9. Velocity components along the intersectant line between the planes y ¼ 4 cm and x ¼ 1.255 cm for different drafting
inclination angles.
1736 Textile Research Journal 86(16)

roller will prolong the stagnation time of the fibers

and results in generating the fly. The bubble-type vor-
tices along the stream-wise direction will help the edge
fibers to converge to the center, which form a triangle
zone. In addition, with time, a dynamic triangle zone
was also observed. For all cases, the friction coefficients
oscillate across the bottom roller surface.
The study also shows that as the offset of the top
roller increases, the velocities in the stream-wise (x- and
y-) direction decrease and the maximum values of the
skin friction deflect gradually towards near u ¼ 90 .
However, the z-velocity for 3 mm offset (Case 1) was
the largest. This is helpful to draw the fibers towards
the axis center (converging point) and form a small
triangle zone to increase the yarn tension. Similarly,
with the increase of the inclination angle, the velocities
Figure 10. Skin friction coefficients versus angular position at
increase while both the defined triangle zones and the
the upper surface of z ¼ 0 mm of the bottom roller for different
maximum values of the friction coefficients decrease.
drafting inclination angles.
Hence, a larger inclination angle can speed up the
fiber transportation and greatly increase the yarn ten-
simulation, as the fiber strand passes through the two sion. Corresponding to the simulation results, the opti-
rotating roller-pairs, the velocities in the x and y direc- mized offset length and inclination angle were given,
tions will transfer the fiber strand towards the outlet, which agrees with the theory analysis and experiments
while the z-velocity is responsible for converging at the of spinning.18–20
twisting point. For Case 5 ( ¼ 60 ), although a larger The computational modeling constructed by this
negative x-velocity makes it difficult to transport fibers paper can provide a useful insight into the spinning
or strands, a larger z-velocity will converge quickly triangle flow behavior, which has not previously been
fibers or strands to the center, resulting in a short spin- reported in the open literature. The long-term objective
ning triangle (see also Figure 8). On the contrary, a for this study is to obtain the fiber dynamics in this
smaller velocity in Case 4 ( ¼ 30 ) leads the fibers to spinning triangle to optimize the triangle zone.
transfer and converge slowly and form a long triangle Further detailed studies will follow.
zone (see also Figure 8). In spinning, the longer spin-
ning triangle results in more end breaks.5,20 Hence, a
Declaration of conflicting interests
larger inclination angle, 45–60 , should be adopted.
As shown in Figure 10, the maximum values of the The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
friction coefficients decrease gradually as the inclination respect to the research, authorship and/or publication of this
angles increase. Similarly, the friction coefficient (CF)
also oscillates across the bottom roller surface for
three cases. In addition, the peak values after u ¼ 90 Funding
are at almost the same position for different inclination The authors disclosed receipt of the following financial sup-
angles. There are two larger peaks at u ¼ 80 or so for port for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
Case 5 ( ¼ 60 ). It is difficult to migrate the fibers. article: This work was supported by the Research Grants
However, the skin friction in Case 4 ( ¼ 30 ) oscillates Council (RGC) of Hong Kong, China (project number:
acutely and it has a large amplitude. This can disperse PolyU5420/13H) and the Hong Kong Polytechnic
the fibers to form a large triangle (see also Figure 8). University (project number: G-UC52).
Corresponding to the CF analysis, a 45 inclination
angle is suggested.18–20 References
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