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Date: Wednesday, 15 / 11 / 2017.

Time: 02.00 am to 05.30 pm.

Venue: Conference Hall at 5th floor, M.C.G.M. Head Office, Annex Bldg.,
Mahapalika Marg, Fort, Mumbai.

The following members were present:

1. Dr. Ramanath Jha, Chairman;
2. Dr. P.P. Bhave, Member;
3. Prof. Rajiv Mishra, Member,
4. Sanjay Gedam, Ch. Arch., GOM;
5. Shri Chetan Raikar, Member.

The following officers were in attendance:

1. Shri S. S. Chavan Dy. Ch. Eng. (D.P.) - II
2. Shri Umesh Nagarkar Dy. Municipal Architect (D.P.)
3. Shri Deepak Bidve Sr. Architect (D.P.)
4. Shri Rituraj Karanjkar Sub-engineer (Architect) D.P.

Leave of absence was granted to the following members - Dr. Manjiri Kamat, Prof. V. B.
Deshmukh, Shri Sabyasachi Mukherjee, Shri A. A. Bage and Shri S.P. Darade, Ch. Eng.
(D.P.), Member Secretary, MHCC.

A. Confirmation of minutes of previous meeting:

Minutes of the previous MHCC meetings dated 13.10.2017 (34th) were confirmed and the
office was instructed to get the final copy of minutes signed by the Chairman.

B. The following proposals which were discussed previously were then


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1. Case No. :634 / 2017 Sr. No.: Nil Grade - Precinct
‘Divider at Marine Drive’

Proposal: - Proposed provision of barricades to the existing central road divider from
Tambe Chowk to Yoga Centre at N.S. Road (Marine Drive), Mumbai.
Applicant: - Dy. Ch. Eng. (Roads) City
Ref: - i) Letter u/no. CHE/19768/DP-DyMA dated 13.10.2017;
ii) Earlier remarks of the MHCC dtd.02.02.2016 and 28.09.2017.

This is with reference to the earlier proposal considered by the MHCC for proposed S. S.
Railing from Tambe Chowk to Yoga Center at N.S.Road (Marine Drive) on newly
constructed divider and along the footpath, falling in the Marine Drive Precinct. The
Committee was of the opinion that Marine Drive is the most prominent heritage promenade
in the City and openness is one of the main characters. By installing railings at divider and
footpath the openness would be lost. Also, the railing was never a part of footpaths in this
area and the Committee did not approve the same. It was however suggested to landscape
the central divider if so required.

The Committee had suggested that the application for the central divider with revised
design of landscaping (like providing mehendi shrubs) as suggested by the Committee may
be submitted separately in due course, if so desired, by the concerned dept. for the
consideration of the Committee. The said remarks were forwarded to the applicant vide
letter dated 28.09.2017.

Accordingly, the applicant has now submitted revised application proposing landscaping at
the existing central road divider.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The proposal was submitted by Roads
Dept. for the landscaping of the central divider and officials from Roads dept. were present.
The Asst. Commissioner, ‘A’ Ward, along with concerned Police Officials also presented 3
alternative designs in the meeting, prepared by architect Ratan Batlibhoy who had earlier
worked on the beautification project at Marine Drive, for proposed installation of S.S. railing
/ barricade at the central divider. It was explained by the Asst. Commissioner, ‘A’ Ward and
Police officials that considering the spur in the number of accidents caused due to crossing
at Marine Drive, it is essential to install such railings to discourage people from crossing the
road divider. The Committee considered the proposed options from the point of view of the
intervention to be aesthetically in sympathy with the precinct and also caters to the purpose
of its installation. The Committee, after consideration, accepted design option-1 for S.S.
railing, however, it was suggested to use brushed finish S.S. instead of glossy finish. The

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railing would be fixed at both the edges of the divider with the landscaped portion in-
between. It was decided that a prototype design of approved railing would be installed,
along with landscaping, at the most vulnerable stretch of road and the rest of the work shall
be carried out after inspection & approval of the prototype design. .
Subject to this the Committee decided to grant its NOC for installation of S.S. Railing and
landscaping of the central divider from Tambe Chowk to Yoga Centre at N.S. Road (Marine
Drive) as presented today. The applicants were requested to submit final sets of drawings
incorporating today’s discussion, for vetting and issuing NOC of the MHCC.

2. Case No. :596 / 2017 Sr. No.:633(9) Ballard Estate Sub Precinct

‘Jahaz Bhavan’
Proposal: -Proposed redevelopment of commercial Building of “Director General of
Shipping” known as ‘Jahaz Bhavan’ on plot bearing C.S. No. 1190. of Fort
division, W.H.Marg, ‘A’ ward, Mumbai – 400 001.
Architect: -Deodhar Associates.
Reference: - i) Application letters received on 06.07.2017, 14.08.2017 and 13.11.2017;
ii) MHCC Meetings dated 08.08.2017, 07.09.2017 and 26.09.2017;
iii) Site Visit dated 19.09.2017,
iv) Remarks of the MHCC dated 31.10.2017.

The structure u/r is not individually graded but falls within ‘Ballard Estate Sub Precinct’ of
Fort Precinct listed at Sr. No. 633(9) in the published heritage list 2012.

Original scope of work: - It was informed by the applicant that the building u/r was
dilapidated and has been demolished in the past. The plot is now vacant and under
Shipping Corporation of CPWD. The proposal is for redevelopment under DCR 33(3) which
allows higher F.S.I up to 5. The existing building u/r comprised Ground + 6 + part 7th floors
having offices of Shipping Corporation. It was informed that the existing office space was
falling short for fulfilling the improved additional requirement over the period for better
functionality of shipping corporation; hence more area is required to cater the present need.
The said redevelopment proposal is purely Government building, developed by CPWD to
consume the highest FSI of 5.00 and as per the present requirement, a 3 basement + stilt +
15 storied building having 58.70 m. height including staircase room &water tank above has
been proposed.

Discussion of the Committee in its meeting dated 26.09.2017: - The site as well as
other parts of Fort Precinct were visited by the Committee members on 19.09.2017. It was
observed that although the site u/r is not part of the core of Ballard Estate Sub-precinct, it is

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part of streetscape of the road leading to the core and surrounding buildings are also
approximately of 24 m in height. In fact the overall general existing height in Fort Precinct,
of original buildings, is around 24 m barring few high rise buildings (eg. RBI HQ, Stock
Exchange etc.) which are scattered in different parts of Fort Precinct. It was the collective
opinion of the Committee that to strike a balance between maintaining skyline and allow
development at the same time a height of 32 m could be considered in this Precinct
especially in the main core between CST / GPO on the north side and up to Museum on the
south. The Committee was, therefore, apprehensive about allowing a height more than 32
m up to terrace level in the instant case of ‘Jahaj Bhavan’. The architect was requested to
submit revised proposal conforming to the same. It was also suggested to consider
expanding the footprint to the extent possible for maximum consumption of permissible
area on the plot.

Aforesaid remarks of the MHCC were forwarded to applicant vide letter dated 31.10.2017
and it was suggested to submit a revised proposal accordingly for further consideration of
the Committee.

Revised proposal: - The applicant has now submitted revised design for the said
redevelopment proposal comprising double basement + ground + 9 upper floors with total
height of 32 m up to terrace level. The front elevation comprising a mix of glass façade and
logo / emblem of Shipping Corporation is proposed. The rest of the façade is in sympathy
with general elevational character observed in the Ballard Pier Precinct.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The Committee noted that as

suggested earlier, the height of the proposed building has been restricted to 32 m. The
alternate elevations for front facade were also submitted by the architect. The Committee
felt the elevations could be toned down and reworked to be more in harmony with the
Ballard Pier precinct. The architect was requested accordingly. Subject to the elevations
being got approved form the MHCC before issue of C.C. above plinth level, it was decided
to grant NOC from heritage point of view to the revised plans for reconstruction of 'Jahaz
Bhavan' building.

C. The following new proposals / cases were considered:

1. Case No. :641 / 2017 Sr. No.: 121 Grade - I

‘Ornamental poles at CSTM & MCGM Head-office’

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Proposal: - Proposed installation of heritage themed poles for illumination and
beautification of area in front of CSMT and MCGM Head Office in Fort,
Applicant: - Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ Ward.
Ref: - CHE/21526/DP-DyMA dated 03.11.2017;

This is with reference to the letter received from Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ Ward seeking
NOC from the MHCC for ‘proposed installation of heritage themed poles for illumination and
beautification of area in front of CSMT and MCGM Head Office in Fort, Mumbai.’

The area u/r is situated within the ‘BMC Sub Precinct’ of the ‘Fort Precinct’ which is listed at
Sr. No. 633 (12) in the heritage list. The site u/r also falls within 100 mts heritage buffer of
‘Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus’, a world heritage site, which is also a Grade I
structure listed at Sr. No. 121 and MCGM Headquarters which is a proposed Grade I
structure included in the heritage list.

It has been stated in the application that at present there are 22 nos of street light and 10
nos of traffic signal poles installed at the area u/r which are visually obtrusive to the visitors.
It is now proposed to replace the existing 22 nos of street light poles along with 10 traffic
signal poles with 5 nos of heritage themed street light poles and 4 nos of traffic signal poles.
The existing sodium vapor fixtures will be replaced with 136 W LED fixtures.

It is further informed that as per sanction of Hon’ble M.C. u/no. MGC/F/4635 dated
03.10.2017, tenders were invited to carry out the aforesaid works on 14.10.2017.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The proposal was explained by the
Asst. Commissioner, ‘A’ Ward. It was noted by the Committee that the existing number of
poles will be reduced thereby minimizing visual clutter. It was observed that one of the
proposed poles at traffic signal in front of CSMT and MCGM may obstruct the view of
heritage structures from viewing gallery and it was suggested to shift the said pole
accordingly for a clear view. It was also suggested to use appropriate bracket design for the
pole respecting the period and architectural language of the surrounding heritage
Subject to the above and obtaining all other applicable permissions from concerned
authorities, the Committee decided to grant its NOC purely from heritage point of view for
the said proposal. The Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ Ward and the consultants were
requested to submit final sets of drawings for vetting of the Committee.
The Committee also discussed with the Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ Ward as to whether
such type of beautification is planned in other parts of the Fort Precinct. The Committee

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was of the opinion that the historical Fort Precinct has a potential to be revived to its original
glory through such subtle changes and sensitive additions. It was given to understand that
funds could be a major factor for carrying out such changes. It was therefore suggested by
the Committee that a long term comprehensive plan could be worked out for entire Fort
Precinct to add more character to the Precinct.

2. Case No. :640 / 2017 Sr. No.: 211-d Grade – I

‘Ornamental poles at Gateway of India’

Proposal: - Proposed repairs / refurbishment of the existing heritage themed

ornamental poles installed in the premises of Gateway of India in ‘A’
Ward, Mumbai.
Applicant: - Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ Ward.
Ref: - CHE/21527/DP-DyMA dated 03.11.2017;

This is with reference to the letter received from Assistant Commissioner ‘A’ Ward seeking
NOC from the MHCC for ‘proposed repairs / refurbishment of the existing heritage themed
ornamental poles installed in the premises of Gateway of India in ‘A’ Ward, Mumbai.’

It has been informed that to enhance the beauty and for better illumination, 46 nos of
heritage themed poles were installed more than 20 years ago at the Gateway of India
premises and P. J. Ramchandani Marg. At present these ornamental poles are in
dilapidated condition and needs to be repaired and refurbished. It is further informed that
the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel situated near Gateway of India has submitted a proposal for
repairs / refurbishment of the said ornamental poles in consultation with the Assistant
Commissioner ‘A’ Ward and heritage consultants. The cost incurred for said repairs /
refurbishment by retaining original brackets and providing new high quality Schreder Albany
lamps for all 46 no. of ornamental poles shall be borne by Taj Mahal Palace Hotel. The
maintenance of the poles for period of 5 years shall also be looked after by the Taj Mahal
Palace Hotel.

It is further informed that the in-principle approval of Hon’ble M.C. has been obtained u/no.
MGC/F/4845 dated 31.10.2017 to allow Hotel Taj Mahal Palace to repair / refurbish one
pole by retaining its original bracket as a sample / presentation to Mumbai Heritage
Conservation Committee.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The proposal was explained by the
Asst. Commissioner, ‘A’ Ward. Along with the refurbishment / revival of poles, new brackets
were proposed to be installed at top supporting the light fixtures. It was also explained that

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additionally, bollards at edge of the footpath are also proposed to be installed in the said
area. Alternatives bracket designs were presented. The Committee suggested combining
certain design elements to come out with the final design of bracket.
In case of bollards; it was suggested to use single chain instead of double chains for
elegant look. These suggestions were accepted by the applicant and it was requested by
the Committee to submit the revised designs / drawings for vetting. Subject to this and
obtaining all other applicable permissions from concerned authorities, the Committee
decided to grant its NOC purely from heritage point of view for the said proposal.

3. Case No. :638 / 2017 Sr. No.: 537 Buffer / vista of Grade - I

‘Buffer / vista of Shivaji Park Maidan’

Proposal: - Proposed redevelopment of property known as ‘Makhanwala Bungalow’,
bearing C.S. No. 1787 of Mahim Div, Plot No. 77, Shivaji Park, Keluskar
Road, G/N Ward, Dadar (W), Mumbai.
Applicant: - Tathastu Builders LLP.
Ref: - CHE / 20619 / DPC dtd. 25.10.2017.

The site u/r is situated on south side of the ‘Shivaji Park’ abutting Keluskar Road. The plot
u/r is situated within buffer / vista of ‘Shivaji Park’ maidan which is a Grade-I site listed at
Sr. No. 537 of notified heritage list of G/N Ward.

Scope of Work: - The proposal contemplates redevelopment of existing G+2 storied non
cessed building known as ‘Makhanwala Bungalow’ with construction of a new residential
building comprising Ground + 5 + attic (part) upper floors with total height of 23.95 m up to
ridge level of attic floor.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - It was noted by the Committee that
being a non cessed building, the redevelopment proposal is for consumption of regular FSI
and the total height therefore works out to be only up to 24 m till the ridge level of attic floor
as envisaged by applicant. The Committee was of opinion that the proposed height fits
within the general policy of the Committee for new buildings in the Shivaji Park maidan
buffer. Considering this, the Committee decided to grant its NOC purely from heritage point
of view for the said redevelopment proposal subject to approvability / authenticity of the
proposal being subsequently examined and got confirmed by the concerned B.P. dept.

4. Case No. :633 / 2017 Sr. No.: 633 Grade - Precinct

‘Jhansi Castle –Majestic Sub-Precinct'

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Proposal: - Proposed redevelopment under DCR 33(7) of existing building known as
‘Jhansi Castle’ on plot bearing C.S. No. 16, plot no. 3, Cooperage Road,
Fort Division, ‘A’ Ward, Mumbai. .
Architect: - B. N. Shah & Associates.
Ref: - i) CHE/19234/DPC dtd.09.10.2017;
ii) Site visit dated 13.10.2017.

The site u/r is located at Cooperage Road in ‘A’ Ward is situated within Majestic Sub
Precinct of Fort Precinct.

Scope of Work: - The proposal contemplates reconstruction under 33(7) of the existing
G+5 storied building by constructing a new Basement (2 levels) + Ground + 4 podiums + 5th
to 19th storied building. The proposed building comprises of 2 levels of basements for
parking / services, parking at ground and 4 podium levels and residential units from 5th to
19th floors. The total height of the building would be 69.90 m up to terrace floor level.

Related information: - The redevelopment proposal u/r is conceived under DCR 33(7)
involving rehabilitation, incentive FSI as sale component, additional FSI and other relevant
provisions. This being only a precinct building, as per the provisions of 67 (2) (iii-b), the
provisions of heritage regulations won’t apply but special permission of M.C. needs to be
obtained. However, as the site is in ‘A’ Ward the provisions of Govt. directive of 1995 may
be applicable which states that the height of building after reconstruction has to be limited
to the existing height of the buildings of similar age in the surrounding area and any new
building has to conform to the general skyline in the area. The architect has submitted a
height study plan which shows that there are few multistoried buildings in the immediate
surrounding and majority of the area on west side of Cooperage maidan is also comprising
of a number of high rise buildings.
The Committee in its recent consideration of redevelopment proposal for ‘Jahaz Bhavan’
had recommended that a height of 32 m may be appropriate for that area (Ballard Pier Sub
Precinct). The Committee had however also opined that this recommendation would be
appropriate mainly for the core area of Fort Precinct spanning from CSMT to Flora Fountain
/ Museum area.
Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The site was visited by Committee
members on 13.10.2017 and it was observed that the existing building as such does not
have any prominent heritage features apart from the fact that the immediate adjoining
buildings are of similar scale. The facts mentioned in earlier paragraph in relation to this
proposal were also noted. Due to shortage of time the Committee decided to discuss the
proposal in detail in the next meeting.

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5. Case No. :643 / 2017 Sr. No.: 511 Grade - IIB

‘Raj Bhavan Complex’

Proposal: - Proposed dismantling of existing structure known as ‘Jal Bhushan Bungalow’ at
Raj Bhavan Complex, Malabar Hill in ‘D’ Ward, Mumbai.
Applicant: - Executive Engineer, PWD, Pune.
Ref: - i) Application from PWD received on 01.11.2017;
ii) Letter to Secretary to Governor of Maharashtra from the Chairman, MHCC
dated 09.11.2017.

The ‘Raj Bhavan complex’ is located at Walkeshwar Road, Malabar Hill, Mumbai and is
listed at Sr. No. 511 as a Grade II-B site in the 1995 Heritage List with a specific mention of
‘Banquet Hall and Marina’ structures.

A letter was received from Executive Engineer, PWD, Pune seeking NOC of the MHCC for
dismantling of existing structure known as ‘Jal Bhushan Bungalow’ at Raj Bhavan Complex.
It was informed that the ‘Jal Bhushan’ bungalow u/r, the existing residence of Hon’ble
Governor, was extensively damaged and got repaired many times in the past. Various
Committees / agencies were appointed so far to study condition of these buildings. In view
of the reports from various Committees / agencies regarding safety of Jal Bhushan
Bungalow, a meeting was held between Hon’ble Governor, Secretary to the Governor,
Comptroller of the household to the Governor and other PWD officials on 27.10.2017 and
31.10.2017 at Raj Bhavan, Mumbai. In the said meeting it was directed by Hon’ble
Governor to dismantle the existing Jal Bhushan Bungalow and process reconstruction of a
new bungalow with all modern amenities, with consent of the MHCC and other mandatory

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - It was noted by the Committee that
Chairman MHCC has communicated to the Secretary, Governor of Maharashtra about
need to prepare a comprehensive development / restoration plan for Raj Bhavan Complex
so that instead of considering proposals from Raj Bhavan Complex in piece meal manner,
the MHCC could take a holistic view. The Committee was in agreement with this view and
suggested applicant to prepare a comprehensive restoration / development plan for the Raj
Bhavan Complex.
The structural status of the structure u/r was discussed by the Committee. In view of the
structural reports from various Committees / agencies as submitted, the Committee was of
opinion that the said structure could be dismantled as proposed. However, the Committee

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suggested preparing comprehensive documentation and salvaging plan for the said building
before proceeding for demolition. It was also advised to submit plans for reconstruction, if
any, of the ‘Jal Bhushan Bungalow’.
Subject to this and obtaining all other applicable permissions from concerned authorities,
the Committee decided to grant its NOC purely from heritage point of view for dismantling
of ‘Jal Bhushan Bungalow’ at Raj Bhavan Complex.

6. Case No. :642 / 2017 Sr. No.: 375/82 Proposed Grade II-B

‘Matharpakhadi Club’
Proposal: - Proposed redevelopment of property bearing C.S. No. 448 of MAzgaon
Division, situated at Champsi Bhimji Marg, Mazgaon in ‘E’ Ward,
Applicant: - M/s Arvind Propoerties Pvt. Ltd..
Ref: - i) Application u/no. CHE/21642/DP-DyMA dated 06.11.2017;
ii) A copy of application addressed to Hon’ble M.C. received on

The representation by Arvind Properties Pvt. Ltd. requesting to allow redevelopment on the
property u/r without insisting NOC from the MHCC for the redevelopment purpose has been
received by this office on 06.11.2017.

The following points from the submission may be noted:

• The proposal for redevelopment under earlier regn. 33(7) of 1991 was submitted to B.P.
dept. in 2002. As per D.P. remark dated 03.09.2001, existing building on plot u/r was
situated in the proposed ‘Mathar Pakhadi Precinct’.

• The IOD for the said proposal was issued u/no. EB/8715/E/A on 17.12.2003 and the same
was revalidated till the period ending on 05.06.2009.

• Thereafter the application for Commencement Certificate was submitted. However, the
C.C. was not granted for want of Collector’s NOC since the plot u/r was a Collector Land.
Subsequently, after due procedure, the requisite NOC from the Collector was obtained.

• Meanwhile, MBR&R Board and MCGM issued a notice dated 19.05.2007 to vacate the
premises since the building was in dangerous / dilapidated condition. After the premises
was vacated by existing tenants, the demolition of the existing building u/r was started as
per IOD and by 2009, 90% portion of the building was demolished (excluding the portion
of tenant / occupant of Mathar Pakhadi Club).

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• Remark from heritage point of view from Dy. Municipal Architect was also obtained on
12.11.2007 wherein it was stated that ‘As per the sanctioned heritage list under DCR-67
the present heritage status of the property is as ‘Precinct’. In light of the same and as per
the circular of M.C. dated 30.10.2007, for development under DCR-33(7) of the said
property, the NOC from heritage point of view would not be required but only special
permission of M.C. is required to be obtained’.

• Subsequently, at the time of obtaining C.C. for the redevelopment, the B.P. dept. informed
the applicant that the earlier IOD cannot be revalidated and fresh approval was insisted.

• Thereafter, fresh proposal was submitted along with revised NOC from MBR&R Board for
permissible FSI of 3, requisite NOC from Collector of Mumbai and permission from D.P.
dept. for development of Public Hall & welfare Centre reservation.

• Meanwhile in 2012, a draft new heritage list was published. The plot u/r was included at
Sr. No. 375/82 under name ‘Mhatarpakhadi Club’ as a proposed Grade II-B site.

• Remarks from heritage point of view were already obtained in 2007 for the said proposal
and before publication of the draft heritage list of 2012, 90% portion of existing structure
was already demolished.

• Since the IOD was issued, majority of tenants were shifted, building has been partially
demolished and rent is paid to tenants since then.

The following observations of the office may also be noted:

• The site u/r was part of the extended draft ‘Mhatarpakhadi Precinct’ as published in
1999. As per Govt. notification of 25.01.1999 and the circular of M.C. dated 30.10.2007
for development under DCR-33(7), the NOC from heritage point of view was not insisted
in this case by MCGM and the said structure was partly demolished in 2009 subsequent
to the notice from MBR&R Board and MCGM.

• Subsequent to this, the draft new heritage list was published in 2012 in which the said
site / structure was individually included at Sr. No. 375/82 under name ‘Mhatarpakhadi
Club’ as a proposed Grade II-B site. It may be noted that the draft list of 2012 was
published based on the survey and documentation done by the MMRHCS in 2005-06.
Hence the dilapidated condition / demolished state of building was not reflected in the
said published list of 2012.

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• It may also be noted that the Heritage Review Committee (HRC), appointed by Hon’ble
M.C. for reviewing the said draft list of 2012 including ‘Review of existing Heritage
Listing’ and the ‘Proposed New Listing’ has forwarded its report for ‘E’ Ward to Hon’ble
M.C. wherein the individual entry of ‘Mhatarpakhadi Club’ has been recommended to be
deleted as the structure being in ruins. The Hon’ble M.C. while forwarding the report to
the Govt. had upheld the said recommendation of HRC for deletion of individual entry of
‘Mhatarpakhadi Club’. The said report is under consideration of the Govt. The published
boundary of ‘Mhatarpakhadi Precinct’ was also reviewed by HRC and the bounbdary of
precinct was revised. The site u/r was excluded from the Precinct Boundary. An
indicative buffer was recommended around the precinct which included the site u/r of
Matharpakhadi Club. However, the Hon’ble M.C. while forwarding the report to the Govt.
opined that only the core of ‘Matharpakhadi as prescribed by the HRC should be listed
without the indicative buffer.

As per the submitted plans the revised redevelopment proposal contemplates construction
of a new basement + ground + 3 level podium parking + stilt + service floor + 15 upper
floors with total height of 69.90 m up to terrace level.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The facts as stated by the applicant in
its representation were noted by the Committee. It was also noticed that the structure u/r
has been partly demolished on site in view of IOD and remarks from heritage point of view
based on its erstwhile status, as received earlier. The fact that the said site has been
recommended for deletion by the HRC / M.C, endorses that the site / structure no longer
merits as a heritage structure. Taking into account earlier process carried out in this regard
and present status of the structure, the Committee decided to grant its consent for
processing of the said redevelopment proposal by the Hon’ble MC / concerned dept. of
MCGM as per the provisions of general DCR’s / policies in force.

7. Case No. :608 / 2017 Sr. No.: 214 Grade II-B

‘Parsi Lying in Hospital'

Proposal: - Proposed structural repairs to the existing building known as ‘Parsi Lying in
Hospital’ situated at A. K. Nayak Marg, Fort, Mumbai.
Applicant: - The Chairman, Parsi Punchayet Funds and Properties, Fort, Mumbai.
Ref: - i) Application u/no. CHE/013168/DPC 28.07.2017;
ii) Compliance letter issued on 09.08.2017.

The site u/r located at A.K. Nayak Marg in ‘A’ Ward is listed at Sr. No. 214 as a proposed
Grade II-B structure in the heritage list.

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Scope of Work: - It was informed that the hospital building in not under operation since
past few years due to lack of structural repairs. Now the trust has decided to carry out
structural repairs with respect to the structural audit carried out by Mr. V. J. Joshi and
following scope of work has been mentioned:

• Repairs to roof T.W. members, replacement of deteriorated and defected T.W.

rafters, purlins, planks. Replacement of damaged mangalore tiles;
• Waterproofing of part terrace;
• Plastering to terrace parapet. Plastering to external three side wall (part in south,
north and east side);
• Repairs to balconies;
• Replacement of damaged T.W. posts;
• Repairs to damaged RCC members by polymer mortar / micro concrete;
• Repairs / waterproofing of toilet;
• Replacement of damaged flooring;
• Repairs to doors and windows;
• Replacement of damaged water / drainage pipe lines;
• Repairs to Jack Arch flooring by grouting and re-plastering;
• Repairs to stone wall by cleaning and re-pointing with lime mortar;
• Repairs to arch stitching and grouting.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The scope of work and methodology for
repairs was explained by the applicant / structural consultant. It was noted by the
Committee that the structure u/r, specifically third floor has been in state of disrepair and is
in need of repairs. The scope of work and the methodology proposed was found to be
approvable by the Committee and it was decided to grant its NOC for the said repairs
purely from heritage point of view subject to ensuring stability of the said structure and
obtaining all other applicable permissions from concerned authorities / depts.

8. Case No. :644 / 2017 Sr. No: 181/229 (Prop.) Grade: - II-A

‘R.C.C. bell tower - Holy Magi Church’

Proposal: - Independent Bell-tower structure constructed for bell in the premises of ‘Holi
Magi Church’, CTS No.1341 & 1342 of Village Gorai, Borivali, Mumbai, 400091.
Applicant: - Rev. Fr. Edward Jacinto.
Architect: - Shirish Sukhatme & Associates.
Ref: - i) CHE/ 020491 /DP/DyMA(Heritage) dtd.24.10.2017.
ii) CHE/ 021949 /DP/DyMA(Heritage) dtd.08.11.2017.

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The premises of Holy Magi Church are situated at Gorai village. The Church u/r is included
in the proposed heritage list published in 2012 at Sr.No.181/229 under grade II-A category.

Scope of Work: - A proposal was received from Rev. Fr. Edward Jacinto seeking
permission from the Heritage Committee for the R.C.C. bell tower structure in the form of an
ornamental cross which has been erected next to the main church building for the purpose
of housing the new donated church bell inside. The height of the bell tower is 13.30 m. and
the church building height is 15.05 m. up to ridge level. The photographs of said
constructed R.C.C. bell tower and the premises of church u/r have been submitted.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: – It was informed by the appointed

architect that the Holi Magi Church’ and the Holy Magi Church Authority were unaware of
the heritage status of the site u/r in the draft list published in 2012 and the R.C.C. bell tower
was constructed in the said premises. The Church has formally requested post-facto NOC /
approval of MHCC for the said Bell Tower. The application was considered and it was
noticed that due to the construction of said bell tower, the view / vista of main church
structure has not been hampered. Considering all, the Committee decided to grant its post-
facto NOC for the said construction of bell tower subject to obtaining all other applicable
permissions from concerned authorities / depts.

9. Case No. :648 / 2017 Sr. No.: 538, 539 Grade - IIB

‘Haffkin Institute / Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital’

Proposal: - Proposed development of Hostel Facility for residents and trainee doctors &
Dharamshala for patients and their attendants on plot bearing C.S. No. 3/330
of Parel-Shivdi Div., G.D. Ambedkar Marg, Parel, Mumbai.
Architect: - Pravin Kanekar.
Applicant: - M/s Tata Memorial Centre.
Ref: - Application received on 30.10.2017.

The sites u/r of Haffkin Institute and Haffkin Institute, Directors residence have been listed
at Sr. No. 538, 539 respectively as Grade II-B sites in the sanctioned heritage list. The said
buildings are situated in the Haffkin Institute campus, the boundary of which is shown as
the listed heritage site boundary.

It has been informed that the part of land from Haffkin Institute (approx. 5 acres) has been
allotted to Tata Memorial Centre on lease by Govt. The development of this 5 acre land is
now proposed in three phases. The proposed development in phase 1 & 2 contemplates
construction of a new Basement + stilt + 2 podiums + 15 upper storied hostel building with

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total height of approx 53.40 m up to terrace level. The proposed development in Phase 3
(future) contemplates construction of a new double basement + ground + 11 upper storied
hospital building.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - It was noted by the Committee that as
per the heritage D.P. sheets in office records, the entire complex of Haffkin Institute has
been shown included in the heritage category. However, as per the notified list, the Haffkin
Institute and Directors residence have been separately included under Grade II-B category.
Therefore the Committee concluded that apart from these two structures, the rest of the
area in the Haffkin Institute complex can be considered as outside heritage influence zone
for allowing certain development. Also as the govt. has allotted this portion of land to a
charitable organization in public interest, the Committee decided to consider the proposal.
It was also noted that a part of site u/r also falls within buffer of ‘Baradevi Temple’ which is
an ASI protected monument. However, it was informed by the applicant that only the
development under phase 3 would be affected by the ASI buffer and development in phase
1 & 2 is outside the ASI buffer. However, it was decided to request the concerned B.P.
dept. to check the applicability of the ASI remarks / NOC for proposed works in phase 1 & 2
and then processing the proposal further.
Considering all, the Committee decided to grant its NOC from heritage point of view for the
said development proposal subject to obtaining all other applicable permissions from
concerned authorities / depts. as above.

10. Case No. :645 / 2017 Sr. No.: nil Notified Marine Drive Precinct

‘Restoration of Parsi Gate at Marine’

Proposal: - Proposed restoration of Parsi Gate at N.S.Road (Marine Drive promonede)

Opp. Aquarium, ’C’ ward, Mumbai.
Applicant: - Executive Engineer (H.Q.)/Sr.H.C.Engineer.
Ref: - i) CHE / 022092 / DP/ DyMA(Heritage) dtd.09.11.2017;
ii) CHE / 022241/ DP/DyMA(Heritage) dtd.10.11.2017.

The Parsi Gate u/r situated at Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose road, Marine Drive
promenade is situated within the notified Marine Drive Precinct.

Scope of Work: - The Sr. Heritage Conservation Engineer has sought permission from the
Heritage Committee for restoration of Parsi Gate u/r. The following works have been
• Gently cleaning the surface with specialized water misting technique;

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• Repair & restoration of lime stone work;
• Dutchman repair to stone masonry by providing stainless steel key & protective coating
to masonry;
• Removing & resetting dislodged stone masonry;
• Removing old damaged flooring & providing new granite flooring.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - It was noted by the Committee that the
proposal is essentially for restoration of the said Parsi Gate. The Committee found the
scope of work and methodology as proposed approvable from heritage point of view.
However, it was suggested by the Committee not to opt for protective coating to the
masonry. Subject to this and obtaining all other applicable permissions from concerned
authorities / depts., the Committee decided to grant its NOC for the said restoration

11. Case No. :632 / 2017 Sr. No.:- 633 Grade: - Precinct
‘R.C.C. underground tank & pump house, near Horniman Circle’
Proposal: - Proposed R.C.C. underground tank & pump house on property bearing C.S. No.
194 of Fort Division at Junction of Mumbai Samachar Marg and Bruce Street,
Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.
Architect: - R.G. Kapadia, Kapadia Consultant.
Reference: - Application letters received on 09.10.2017 and 14.11. 2017.

The site of proposed R.C.C. underground tank & pump house, located at rear side of ‘Sir
Vithaldas Chamber’ building at Junction of Mumbai Samachar Marg and Bruce Street is
situated within Fountain Sub Precinct of Fort precinct and also falls within 100 m from
Horniman Circle which is a Grade I site.

Scope of Work: - The scope of work contemplates construction of R.C.C. underground

tank & pump house on account of requirements for providing Fire Fighting Tank. It was
informed that, presently there are M.S. Tanks in the back open space of ‘Sir Vithaldas
Chamber’ building and it is necessary to replace the M.S. Tanks by an underground R.C.C.
Tank and Pump House with an additional capacity as presently there is no space to provide
additional water tank. The proposed work includes erection of R.C.C. Fire-fighting
underground tank of 50000 lits capacity and Domestic water tank of 15000 lits Capacity.
The proposed height of structure would be 2.60 m from ground level including pump room.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - It was noted by the Committee that the
work is mainly to build an underground tank of 50000 lits capacity for fire-fighting. As the

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location of tank is at the rear side of the building, it would not be visible from any of the
surrounding roads. Considering this, the Committee decided to grant its NOC from heritage
point of view for the said proposal subject to obtaining all other applicable permissions and
ensuring structural stability of surrounding buildings.

D. Following applications seeking Completion Certificate of the MHCC were

then considered: -

1. Case No. :629 / 2017 Sr. No.: 550 Grade - III

‘Julekha House’

Proposal: - Repairs to building No. 184, known as ‘Zulekha House’, Cadell Road,
Mahim, G/N Ward, Mumbai.
Applicant: - G. M. Redekar & Associates.
Ref: - i) Application for completion certificate received on 06.10.2017;
ii) MHCC NOC dated 17.05.2017.

The site u/r is situated abutting Veer Savarkar Marg and the building u/r is listed at Sr. No.
550 as a Grade III structure in the sanctioned heritage list for G/N Ward.

Scope of Work: - In this case NOC of the MHCC for repairs to the building u/r was granted
vide letter dated 17.05.2017 for the following scope of work:
• External plaster work.
• Door and windows repair work by using polymer treatment wherever necessary.
• Terrace water proofing work.
While granting the NOC it was insisted by the MHCC that, original elevational features such
as plaster grooves, bands, texture etc. should be maintained.
Now, the applicant has informed that the said works have been completed and Completion
Certificate of the MHCC has been sought.

Decision of the Committee: - The Committee instructed the office to visit the site for
examining the completed work status. Decision of the Committee was deferred until such

2. Case No. :636 / 2017 Sr. No.:141/7 Grade - IIA

‘Hamilton House’
Proposal: - Application seeking Completion Certificate for maintenance & repairs of the
Hamilton House, Ballard Estate, ‘A’ ward.

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Architect: - Vikas Dilawari.
References: - i) Application dtd. 18.11.2016 & 29.11.2016;
ii) NOC of the MHCC u/no. CHE / 26981 / DPC dated 06.12.2016.

The site u/r is situated in the ‘A’ Ward, and is listed at Sr. No. 141/7 of the draft heritage list,
as a Grade II- A site.

Scope of work as per NOC given by MHCC: -

The MHCC has granted its NOC to the said proposal on 06.12.2016 for the following scope
of work:
• Complete flat terrace water proofing by removing Brick Bat and china mosaic and
redoing the waterproofing to arrest leakages.
• Complete refurbishment of mansard roof by removing china mosaic water proofing and
redoing same using china mosaic tiles of dark colour or re-plastering and painting in a
dark colour to high light character of mansard roof.
• Replacing existing corrugated sheets roof over the staircase with galvume or corrugated
G.I sheets painted in red terracotta or with wooden boarding and mangalore tiles above
the existing sheets. Replacing side partitions in AC sheet near roof with clear FRP
sheets to admit light into stairwell.
• Removal of vegetation growth on building façade using weedicide or biocide.
• Refurbishment of existing cement plaster of rear façade either by exposing the original
stone façade provided the stone façade doesn’t get damaged. Alternatively, to avoid
damage, the wall cane be crete plastered or texture painted to match the stone façade
of the building.
• Re-pointing the façade in lime mortar specially in localized areas where the joints are
opened up.
• Cleaning of stone façade scientifically, where soiled and removal of additives added in
patches, if any.
• Removal of unwanted A.C stands and painting of existing ones with attempt to
camouflage them.
• Repairs of teakwood frames and shutters of the windows and redoing the same where
windows are missing and extensively damaged.
• Providing 8” wide drip TW mold for protection of the teakwood glazed windows,
prolonging the life of windows, without altering the architectural character.
• Sealing of masonry & frame joints and TW architrave to prevent water entering.
• Replacing of damaged PVC pipes with new CI pipes.

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Now the applicant has informed that said work has been completed as per the NOC and the
Completion of the MHCC has been sought.

Decision of the Committee: - The completed works were found to be in line with the NOC
granted and conforming to the heritage conservation norms. It was decided by the
Committee to grant its Completion Certificate purely from heritage point of view for the said

3. Case No. :637 / 2017 Sr. No.:2/271 Grade - IIA

‘Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Parsee Charitable Institute’

Proposal: - Completion Certificate for periodic maintenance & repairs to Byramjee
Jeejeebhoy Parsee Charitable Institute (BJPCI), on property bearing C.S.No.8
of Girgaon Division, Charni Road, Mumbai.
Architect: - Vikas Dilawari.
Ref: - i) Application dtd. 05.02.2015;
ii) NOC of the MHCC u/no. CHE / 31461 / DPC dtd.26.02.2015.

The site u/r is situated in the ‘D’ Ward, and is listed at Sr. No. 2/271 of the Heritage List, as
a Grade II- A Site.

Scope of work as per NOC given by MHCC: -

The MHCC has granted its NOC to the said proposal on 26.02.2015 for the following scope
of work:
• Complete Roof repairs.
• Complete flat terrace water proofing.
• Re-pointing in Lime mortor.
• Cleaning of the soiled areas only by mist cleaning.
• Repairs to the teak wood glazed and louvered window.
• Repairing & strengthening of the south side timber balcony.
• Removal of vegetation growth.
• Plumbing as essential and painting of the interiors.
Now the architect has informed that the work has been completed at site and the
Completion Certificate of the MHCC has been sought.

Decision of the Committee: - The completed works were found to be in line with the NOC
granted and conforming to the heritage conservation norms. It was decided by the
Committee to grant its Completion Certificate purely from heritage point of view for the said

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E. Following additional items were also considered: -

1. Case No. :647 / 2017 Sr. No.: nil Grade- nil

‘R.G. cum Textile Museum’

Subject: - “R.G. cum Textile Museum” project at India United Mill No.2 & 3,
Kala Chowky, E Ward.
Applicant: - Municipal Architect
Consultant: - Sir J.J.College Consultancy Cell
Ref: - 1) Remarks forwarded by the previous MHCC by letter / report dtd.
2) CHE/M.A./1860/I Dtd.14.11.2017.
An application has been received from the Municipal Architect on 14.11.2017 forwarding
therewith the proposal received from Sir J.J.College Consultancy Cell for the proposed
development of Textile Museum at India United Mill No. 2 & 3.
The India United Mill No. 2 & 3 premises, with a plot area of about 65,000 sq.mtrs., was
notified as a heritage precinct along with individually listed structures, chimney and water
body within the said mill in 2008 by the Govt. Subsequently the Govt. has now (2017)
reserved 44,000 sq.mtrs. of land from this mill for the purpose of “R.G. cum Textile
Earlier Consideration: - The proposal was initiated in 2008 – 09 when M/s.Abha Narain
Lambah was the project consultant. The previous Committee after lot of discussion had
prepared a report of its recommendations which was then forwarded in 2014 to the
concerned dept. of MCGM. The following broad suggestions were then given.
• The C.E. should form an advisory body of museologists / experts in the field who
could assist the City Engineer for a design brief.
• All the buildings within the Mill Precinct which were part of the original textile mill
fabric are important and should be preserved.
• The entire process should be recreated by using available machinery in their original
set-up with audio and video exhibits in the same space to enhance / convey the
process, if required. The NTC could be approached for acquiring machinery if
• All the trees in the precinct should be preserved and a landscape plan to be
submitted for the entire plot (preferably including the disputed 17000 sq.mts. as this
was once an integral part of the Mill)
• The water body which was part of the mill should be reactivated / restored.

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• Visitor’s facilities / amenities such as washrooms, restaurant, and souvenir shop
should be provided and commercial users which are not related to the Textile
Museum should not be provided.
Instant Proposal: - The MCGM has now appointed Sir J.J.College Consultancy Cell as
project consultant for the project who has prepared the plans for the proposed R.G. cum
Textile Museum on the land component of 44,000 sq.mts. in India United Mill No.2 & 3. All
the four nos. of structures, the chimney and water body which are included as individually
listed structures / site in the notified heritage list for the said mill are situated in the said
portion of land being planned as R.G. cum Textile Museum. As informed earlier the said
proposal has been forwarded now by the Municipal Architect seeking NOC of the MHCC for
the same.
The salient features of the proposal are as follows :-
• Out of the 6 nos. of individually listed structures / sites one of the structures at the
North – West boundary of the mill premises (Spinning structure No.19, Listed as II
B) has been proposed to be demolished.
• In addition to the aforesaid structure another 6 structures, which are not individually
listed but are part of the Precinct, are also proposed to be demolished.
• The remaining structures, the chimney and water body are proposed to be restored
and adaptively reused for the purpose of Textile Museum as per the planned usage.
• The consultant has planned areas for museum gallery / display, area displaying old
machinery to recreate the processes of mill, shops, auditorium, library,
administrative office and facilities such as cafeteria etc.
• In addition to above new structures and basement parking facility are also planned.
• Open to sky plaza’s, recreation / landscaped areas are also planned.

The project is being planned in phases. The first phase would comprise demolition of
structures as envisaged in the master plan and beautification around the water body. The
repairs, restoration of the old existing structures and new construction would be undertaken
in the second phase.
Consideration by the Committee: - The previous Committee had given its remarks in this
case which suggested retention of all the existing structures which are part of original mill
fabric and important. In the instant plan not all the original structures are proposed for
retention. Barring one structure all the individually listed heritage structures are proposed to
be restored. It has been informed that the structures proposed for demolition are in
extremely dilapidated condition and beyond repairs. It has however, been assured that the
salvaged material from the demolished structures would be reused to the extent possible
for the restoration of structures to be retained.

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The suggestion of the Committee to form an advisory body would be taken into
consideration after completion of work and at the time of starting the actual functioning of
museum. Apart from this all the other broad suggestions appear to have been incorporated
in the latest proposal.

From the presentation and looking at the current photographs of the buildings at site, the
Committee observed that the entire complex, being in the state of non maintenance for last
several years, in a crumbling state and apart from the structures being proposed for
demolition, even the structures proposed to be retained are in extremely ruinous condition
and perhaps may have to be partly rebuilt. It is therefore essential to start the development
activity for the intended textile museum at the earliest. It was also noted that the reservation
of the land is also partly as a R.G. and therefore it may be essential to let go of some of the
existing structures in this mill premises to make way for some open space for R.G. activity

The Committee since beginning had taken a view that this is not the primary responsibility
of the Corporation. Now that it has been decided by concerned authorities that Corporation
will develop this textile museum along with the R.G. component, it was decided to consider
the proposal purely from heritage preservation point of view.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The applicant (Municipal Architect)

along with the Sir J. J. College Consultancy Cell members who are the project consultants
were present during today’s meeting to explain the proposal. Prof. Rajiv Mishra, Principal,
Sir J. J. College of Architecture who is also member of the MHCC, recused himself from
deliberations and decision of the said matter.
The overall layout was explained. It was informed that the project is divided in three phases.
Phase-I contemplates cleaning / beautification of the lake and an open air landscaped area
along with a kiosk for user amenities in the area adjoining the lake at north-west corner of
site. The Phase-I would also comprise demolition of structures which are not significant for
their preservation from heritage point of view and as per the proposed layout. These
structures are not individually listed structures but are precinct structures, some of them
beyond recognition due to collapse and loss of design elements. However, one of the
structures shown as individually listed, is proposed for demolition citing lack of heritage
character and with a view to clear the visual block in front of the most decorated façade in
the complex.
The Phase-II includes restoration of the old mill structures proposed to be retained and
Phase-III would include construction of new structures / basement for parking and podium
plaza etc.

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The Committee, after due consideration, in-principle decided to give its consent for the
proposed layout. However, it was decided to visit the site first to evaluate the merit for
demolition of structures as proposed by applicant and also to understand the overall site
condition. It was decided that after the site visit and based on the observations, NOC for the
Phase-I works including demolition of structures as proposed could be given. For Phase-II
and Phase-III, applicant was requested to prepare details such as restoration methodology,
material specifications, elevations etc. so that Committee can take an informed decision for
these works.

2. Case No. :646 / 2017 Sr. No.: 322/30 Grade: II-A

‘P. T. Mane Garden’
Proposal: -Proposed development of ‘P.T.Mane Garden’ on C.S. No. 245 of Byculla
Division at ‘E’Ward, Mumbai.
Applicant: - Dy. Municipal Architect (Garden Cell) MCGM.
Reference: - CHE / 022203/ DP/DyMA(Heritage) / dtd. 10.11.2017.

The ‘P.T. Mane Garden’, which is a designated R.G. plot, abuts Mirza Galib Marg in Byculla
Division. The site u/r has been included at Sr. No. 322/30 as Grade II-A site in the proposed
new heritage list of 2012.

Scope of Work: - A proposal was received on 13.11.2017 from Dy. Municipal Architect
(Garden Cell) MCGM seeking permission from the Heritage Committee for development at
‘P.T. Mane Garden’. The scope of work includes up-gradation of the said garden envisaging
the following -
• Proposed repairs to compound wall of 1.2 mtr. ht. with 0.6 mtr M.S.Railing on top.
• Existing tank above ground to be removed and underground tank is proposed.
• Existing structure (details not given) near tank to be removed.
• To repair existing changing room.
• Proposed pathway /jogging using vyara/mud.
• Creeper around the compound wall.
• Existing wall and railing at Nursery area to be demolished.
• Existing Nursery area to be rearranged & upgraded.
• New lawn/green areas are proposed to be carried over.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The scope of up-gradation of the said
garden was examined by the Committee. It was noted that no new construction or structure
or ecoflex is proposed. The scope of proposed works was found to be approvable from
heritage point of view. The Committee therefore decided to grant its NOC purely from

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heritage point of view for the said development works in P. T. Mane garden subject to
obtaining all other applicable permissions from concerned depts. It was however noted by
the Committee that there are a few existing structures / sheds at south-west part within the
said garden area, authenticity of which was not known to the applicant. As the said garden
is a Recreational Ground (R.G.) as per D.P., the Committee was of opinion that maximum
area should be utilized as garden / R.G. The Committee advised that concerned dept.
should examine and confirm the authenticity of the said existing structures within the

3. Case No. :597 / 2017 Sr. No.: 16/155 Grade II-A

‘S.K.Patil Udyan’
Subject: - Proposed development of S.K.Patil Udyan on plot bearing C.S.No.475
Bhuleshwar Division, Maharshi Karve Road, ‘C’ Ward, Mumbai.
Applicant: - Dy.M.A.(Garden Cell)
Ref: - 1) Application from Dy.M.A.(Garden Cell) Dtd.22.06.2017 ,14.07.2017 &
2) MHCC Meeting Dtd.08.08.2017 & remarks u/no.CHE/11006/DPC
This is an old proposal of beautification / additions / alterations at part portion of S.K.Patil
Udyan which is included as a Grade – IIA site in the published heritage list of 2012 under
Earlier Consideration :- The proposal was considered by the MHCC in its meeting held
on 08.08.2017. The Dy.Ch.Eng. (DP) II had then advised the applicant to take cognizance
of the circular of the M.C. with regards to the permissible development in an R.G. and
revised the plans accordingly.
Revised Plans & Scope of Work :- The Dy. M.A.(Garden Cell), by a letter received on
10.11.2017 has submitted the remarks of Dy.Ch.Eng.(DP) – I dtd.16.10.2017 informing that
the land bearing C.S.No.475 of Bhuleshwar Divison i.e. S.K.Patil Udyan, designated as
R.G. can only be developed for ancillary use up to 15 % on 10 % of land for amenity. The
Dy.M.A.(Garden Cell) has therefore submitted plans for the following scope of work.
1) Construction of ancillary structure like a toilet block adjacent to existing hall structure to
be repaired and renovated.
2) Providing gazebo in two places by demolishing existing fountains.
3) Stamped concrete for the pathways.
4) Proposed new pathway (two meter wide) connecting the existing pathways on the south

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5) Provision of garden benches.
6) Proposed vermin compost PIT.
7) Bamboo plantation around the compound wall from inside on the North – East side.
8) Repairs to existing amphitheatre.
9) Providing additional entrance gate on the North side.
10) Repairs to existing statue and pedestal.
11) Painting to the compound wall.
12) Provision of Ecoflex has been cancelled and apparatus will be installed on lawn
13) Hardwood surface will be used for skating rink instead of concrete floor.

Decision of the Committee in today’s meeting: - The revised / modified plans were
examined by the Committee vis-à-vis previous recommendations of the Committee. It was
informed by the applicant that ancillary structures in the garden under reference are within
10 % of the plinth area as per the remarks of the DP Dept. the only additional work is the
connecting 2 m wide pathway and a new toilet block. The Committee found the proposed
scope of work approvable from heritage point of view. It was therefore decided to grant the
NOC purely from heritage point of view subject to obtaining all other applicable permissions
from concerned authorities / depts.

4. Case No. :649 / 2017 Sr. No.: Nil Precinct

‘Toilets at Marine Drive Promenade’

Subject: - Proposed refurbishment of existing toilets at Marine Drive Promenade,
Applicant: - Assistant Commissioner, ‘A’ Ward.
Ref: - Meeting of Three Member Committee dated 15.11.2017.

The MHCC has not received any proposal in this matter and therefore this was considered
only on request from the Assistant Commissioner, ‘A’ Ward. This proposal for refurbishment
of existing toilet block at Marine Drive Promenade was considered by the Three Member
Committee in its meeting earlier today and in-principle approval was granted subject to the
MHCC NOC for the design of new toilet block being obtained. The Assistant Commissioner,
‘A’ Ward was directed to request and present the proposal to the MHCC accordingly. The
proposal was considered with the permission of the chair.

Discussion of the MHCC in today’s meeting: - It was informed that the reconstruction of
said toilets will be carried out more or less on same footprint of existing toilets. However,

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proper separation for male and female users considering privacy and proper facility for
sewage disposal will be provided. It was also informed that the design of toilet would be in
sympathy with the art deco character of the precinct. The said refurbishment proposal / new
toilet designs including alternatives for external colour scheme was explained by the
applicant and design consultant. Although the Committee found the proposed designs
interesting, the members were of the opinion that the art-deco character of the precinct
needs to be reflected more prominently so far as the façade treatment and elements was
concerned. It was therefore suggested that the design consultant / architect may interact
with Prof. Rajiv Mishra and revised design can then be presented to the Committee for its
consideration and approval. It was however decided to grant in-principle consent for
reconstruction of the said existing toilet block.

The meeting then concluded with a vote of thanks to the chair.

Mumbai Heritage Conservation Committee

(Development Plan)

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