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fu~m~tte~ into the public le .

, /z
I 11
record for itel\(s)
on 7 l2S q . City Clerk

I am here today individually and on behalf of Miami Neighborhoods United. We Oppose

the proposed amendments that deal with Pensions for city commissioners. YOU CANNOT
abusive and fiscally obscene.

Section 4(h) of the city charter specifically provides and limits monies payable to each city
commissioner. It states: "Effective on November 4, 2003 , there shall be paid to the city
commissioners the sum of $58,200.00 which is equal to sixty percent of the mayor's salary in
effect on July 16, 2003 .... " This is the only monetary benefit to be paid to or for the benefit of
each commissioner pursuant to the Charter and only while they are actually in office.

In addition, the Charter limits or restricts the payment of pensions or retirement benefits.
The city charter does not authorize pension or retirement benefits for elected officials. Section
37(a) requires a pension or retirement benefit for employees in the "classified" services, and,
37(b) permits the city to purchase insurance contracts granting annuities or pensions for any class
of employees. Again, the Charter does not authorize or permit pensions or retirement plans for
elected officials.

All proposed amendments to Chapter 40, division 4, entitled "City of Miami Elected
Officers Retirement Trust," are invalid because they violate Section 37 of the City Charter.

If you were to vote in favor of granting yourselves the unauthorized pension, the pension
payments would not be based on $58,200, which is only sum you should be receiving as
compensation, but it will be based in the hundreds of thousands of dollars your inflated w2s
reflect. I am placing your respective w2s into the record as evidence in the event litigation arises.
Therefore, instead ofus paying you 50% of $58,200 in pension payments, we would be paying
you 50% of $100,000 and some odd dollars. This is another violation of the Charter.

As a result of this trick of adding unauthorized emoluments to your w2s as

salary/compensation, we, the people have to pay much more money in matching funds on your
deductions, more money in FICA, Medicare, etc., because we are not paying on the charter
authorized $58,200, we are paying on hundreds of thousands in salaries for each of you.

It is my personal opinion that whoever came up with this idea of inflating the w2s so as to
entitle you to a greater pension if ever passed, has a larcenous heart.

We respectfully ask that this commission does not vote to approve the changes to give
yourselves a pension that is not permitted by the Charter and is indeed in violation of the Charter,
that you do not vote to approve the changes in time of service of anyone who is elected as a
commissioner in the future to 6 years of service so as to be eligible for all kinds of benefits. This
abuse of the taxpayers money contributions to the City must stop.

For m W-l Wa2e and T nx Stat ement 2018 0 MB No. 1545-0008 Dcoartment or the Trcasurv - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identification number COPY B To De Fl ied Wllh Empl oyee's FEDERAL Tox Retu r11
33741 921 7 59-6000375
Em~oycr's name. address and zip code Emnlovcc's SSN I Wages, tips, other compc:ns;il\on 2 Federal income tax wiUlh1:k1
C!ty of Hiani 101856.84 18182.8 1
444 SW 2nd Avenu e 7 Soc11I scruri ty tips J Soctal sccunty wages 4 Social security lax withheld
6c h Floor Finance-Payrol l Section
101856.84 6315.12
Mi am i P'L 33130

8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare lax withhc:ld
Employee's first name and initLast Name Suffix
101856.84 •
1 76.92
Wi fr e d o Go rt 9 Vcrification code 10 Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans

12'1 I 202.68
12b DD

I 39686.72
I3 Statutory Employee
• 14 Other

12c I
Retirement Plan

Employee's address and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay

1.5 State I
Employer's State JD number I 16 State wages, tips etc. J 17 State income tax
II 18 Local waga, tips clc.
I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

_1}11_1_1'!~,.!~ ~Wlcd !o the Jntenwil Revenue Service
Form W-1 Wa2e and Tax Stnfemcnt 2018 0MB No. 1545-0008 n..n::.rtment of the Trcasurv . Jntcmal Revenue Service
Contro l number Bmployer identification number COPY C Fo r Employee's Records (See Noti ce to Employee on
33741 92 17 59-6000375 bnck or Copy B)
Employer's name, adctras and zip code Bmploycc's SSN I Wages, tips, other compensation 2 Federal income tax withhl!k!
Ci ty of Mi ami !0 1856.84 181 82.8 1
444 SW 2nd AvP.nue 7 Social security lips J ~oc1a1scamty wages 4 Social seamty lax w1mhcld
6t.h Floor Finance-Payro l l Section !01856.84 6315.12
Miami FL 33130

8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
10 1856.84 1476.92
Empk>yec's first name and initLast Name Suffix
Wi fredo 9 Verification cocle IO Dq:>cndent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans
12, I 202.68 14 Other


DD I 39686.72
13 Statutory Employee

12c I
Retirement Plan

E1nploycc's address and ZIP code
Third-party sick pay

15 State Employer's Stale ID nwnber 16 Sbte wage,, tips etc. 17 State income tax
I 18 Local wages, tips etc. I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

- ~I!t!S_ll!l~l_!l~l!I~ -~i!!& !O_l~k:- -~rv!c.!=:.. 'f~11_a_~ i:.c9'!1~1 ~QI!) ! IU n!IWTI II IIC:Jligc:~c-~try_o!!)l_h~r-~'!C!i2'! '.!~t ~- ~'.?1!'11 p~ ~u_tf111~5_1~HJ1J ,!S_t~~ll!>l_.e J~K!t'O_ll_'!i~~o _n;,~ JI; - - - -
Form W•2 Woac nnd Tax Statement 1018 0 MB No. 1545-0008 Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identi fication number Copy I To De Flied Wit h Employee's State\ City, or Locnl
33741 9217 59-6000375 Income Tax Return
Bmployer's name, address and zip code Emolovee's SSN I Wages. tips. other cornpc11.sa1lon 2 Federal income lnx willlhckl
Cit y of Mianii 101856.84 181 82.81
444 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Socilll security tips J Social' wages 4 Social secunty tax Withheld
6c h Floor P'inanc:-Payroll Sect i on 101856.84 6315.12
Mi al\i FL 331 30

8 Allocated tips S Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
101856.84 1476.92
Employee's tint name and initLast Na me Suffix IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plnns
Wif r e do Gor t 9 Verification code

12a C I 202.68 14 Other

12b DD I 39686.72
13 Slatutory Employee

12c I
Retirement Plan

12d I
Thirrl-pany siclc pay

15 State I
Employee's address and ZJ P code
Employer's State ID uwuber 116 State w~cs. tips etc. 117State income tax
18 Local wages, tips etc. I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

•• • • _• • _l]~jl}l~r.!'~I~ :1~!~~t0}~1!1!.C!Jl.!..~'3'!V?,!~.5!-~~- ____ _____ ____ _____ . __ . _. ____ . ____ --- • _••• • •. •- . __ ___ _• _•. ____ • __ • ___ . _____ . _______ . ___ . ____ • __ • _.
form W•l Wn1rc nnd Tax Stntcmcut 2018 0MB No. 1545-0008 D1cpartmcnt of the Trcasurv • lntema IRevenue Serv1.ce
Coatrol nw11b.T Bniployer ide,11i/kation nwubct Coll)' l To Bo F1'41d Wllh £mployoe't St•f~, Qty, or Loni Jncom11 l 'n
]374 192 17 39-6000315 R~-tur n
Employer's name, address and zip code Emnlovtt<s sSN I Wages, tips, other rorupens:11ion 2 Fcdc:rol income tax withheld
City of Mi ami 10 1856.84 18182.81
4 4 4 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Social seauity lips 3 Soc1a1 sccunty wages 4 Socia l sccunty tu. withheld
6 t h Floor Financ e -Payroll Section
Miami PL 3313 0
10 1856.8 • 6315. 12

8 Allocated tips 5 Medica re wages and tips 6 Medicare lax withheld
101856.84 1476.92
Eimploycc's first name and initLast Namc Suffot IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans
9 Verification code
Wifredo Gort

I 202.68 14 Other

12b DD

I 39686.72
JJ Statutory Bmployee

12c I
Retirement Plan

Employee's address and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay

lS State I Employer's State ID number I 16 State wages, lips etc. I 17 State income tax
II 18 Local waga, tips etc.
II 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

ThtJ mfonnfflion 1.1 ""-"''5 nam1shad to Ult lutemal Revenue~-.-~

Clty of Mlaml
4 SW 2nd Avenue
Floor Finance-Payroll Section
Miami FL 33130

Wifredo Gort
Form W-2 Wotzc and Tax Stnlcmcnt 2018 0MB No. 1545-0008 Department of the Trellsurv - Internal Revmue Service
Control number Employa identification number COPY 8 To Be Filed With Em ployee's FEDERA L Tax Return
337422920 59-6000375
Employa's name, address and ztp code Employee's SSN I Wages, tis>St otheraimpcnsilion 2 Federal income tax wit.hhcld
City of Hia10 i 101873.52 14466.85
444 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Social security 11ps J :social secunty wages 4 Socia l sccunty tax w1thj1cld
6c. h Floor Pinanc~-Payroll Section 101873.52 63 16.16
Miami PL 33130

8 Allocaled lips 5 Medicare wages and rips 6 Medicare tax withheld
101873.52 1477.17
Emphycc's first name and initLast Name Suffix IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans
9 V crificalion code
Ken Ru ssell
Ila C I 79.68 14 Q1hcr
13 Statulol)' Employ.. D
12b OD I 50338.34
Retirement Plan D
12c I
Employee's address and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay D
15 State I
Employer's State ID nwnbcr I 16 State wages, tips etc. I 17 State income ta;ii:
II 18 Locni wa2es. tips etc.
II 19 Local income tu 20 Locality name

•• _ •• _. This•ronnallon II bcin& l\1nm1hed lo Ille lu\cm:,.I Revenue Savke __ ___ ___ __ __ ____ ________________ ___ __________ • _______ •••••• ____ ____ ___ ___ •••• ____ _ • ____ _______ •• - ·
Form W-l WHc and Tax Stntcment 201 8 0MB No. 1545-0008 Dcoartmmt of d1c Trcasurv - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer idenbficahon number COPY C For Employee's Records (Sec Nollc-c to Employee on
337422920 59-6000315 ba•k or Copy BJ
Empk>ya's name. address and zip code employee's SSN l Wages, tips, other co111pcnsation 2 Faieral income tax wilhhekl
City of Miami 101 873.52 14466.85
444 SW 2nd Avenu e
6t.h Floor Finance -Payroll Sect ion
1 ·Social seauity tips J Soc1a1 secunty wage., •
Social seamty tax withheld
101873.l2 6316.16
Miami FL 33130

8 Allocated lips 5 Medicare waic., and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
101873.52 1477.1 7
Employee's first name nnd initLast Name Suffix IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans
Ken Russel l
9 Veri ficati on code

12a C I 79.68 14 Other

ll Slatulory Employee D
12b DD I 50338.34 Retircma1t Plan D
Ile I
Employee's address and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay D
15 State I Employer's State ID t'lll11ber I 16 Stace wages. tips etc. I 17 State income ta;ii: 118 Local wages, trps etc.
I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

Thu infom!.Olion
- -- - - --------- _____ __i funtbhcd
I.a bcin ____ ___lo____________
lhe lnl>!mnl Rt."V\!llue
rorm W-l Wo ge J1nd Tnx State ment 2018
__Savicc. •=0MB No 15•5•0008
__ ____If yo_ ___ ~--- --- --atu
11irctllollle ----~11111,11nc
---- -J-=.l!'!!-~-------------t---~--!'!"------------
II alt orolhcrsoncl1on111.1 helm on ------l'!'-roil.-----
iflhL1incomc tslax11hk3Mtl tarcpo!_'l11.:. ___ _
Department of the Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Concrol numba Emp loyer identification number Copy I To Be ¥lied With Employee's State, Clcy, or Local
337422920 59-6000375 Income Tax Reh1 rn
Bmpk>yer's name, address and zip code Bmploycc's SSN I Wages, tips. other compcnslllion 2 Federal incomi: tax withheld
Ci ty of M.iami 101 873.52 14466.85
444 SW 2nd Avenue
6t h Floor Finance-Payroll Section
7 Social security tip, J Social secu nty wages 4 :SOCIII sccunty tax withheld
101873,52 6316.16
Miami PL 33130

8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tu. withheld
!0 1873.52 1477.17
Employee's fi rst name and inilLast Name Suffix 11 Nonqualified plans
Ken Rua a ell 9 Vaifica1ion code IQ Dependen t care benefits

12, C I 79.68 14 Other

13 St11.tutory Emp loyee D
12b DD I 50338.34
Retirement Plan D
12c I
12d I
Third-party sick pay D
Employee's address and ZIP code
15 State I
Emp loyer's Store ID number I 16 State wages, tips etc. 1 17 State income lax
I 18 Loca l wages, tips etc.
II 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

Form W-2 Wnu.c and Tnx Stutcmcnt 20 18 0MB No. 1545-0008 Deoarnnent o t e Treasury - lntema Revenue CTVICC
Co• tml nlDVbcr &npluyer idcmillcation nwnbcr Copy l To D• Flied Wllh Employeo', Stitt, City, or Lac,1htco1110 Tu
]]7• '>9 0
1 1 594)()()375 Rl.llurn
Employa"s name. address and zip code Employ.,•s SSN I Wages, tips, othcrcompcns.11ion 2 Fedenll income tax will1hcld
City of Miami l0l873.S2 14466.85
4 44 SW 2nd A v~nue 7 Socia l security lips J :social ,ccunty wages 4 Soci.a1 sccunty tax withheld
6th Floor Finance-Payroll Section 101873.52 6316.16
Miami PL 3313 0

8 Allocaled lips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
101 873.52 1477.17
Bmployce's fir51 name and inillast Name Suffi:c 11 Nonqualified plans
9 Verification code IO Dependent care benefits
Ken Russell

12, C I 79.68 L4 Other

13 Statutory Employee D
12b DD I 50338.34
Relircmcnl Plan D
Bmployec's add= and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay D
15 State I
Employer's State ID nwnber I 16 State wages, tips etc. I 17 Slate income tu
I 18 Local w11ges, lips etc.
I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

·nns mlbmialtou" bein1 furmshod lo the lnlcmal Revenue &'l'Vicc

City of Miami
4 SW 2nd Avenue
lh Floor Finance-Payroll Section
Miami FL 33 130

Ken Russell
form W•l Wat!c nndTu Statement 2018 0MB No. 15'15·0008 Dcoartmcnt of the Trcao:i1rv. Jntcmal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identi fication number COPY B To Be Fl ied With Employee's FEDERAL Tu Return
337419488 59-6000375
Employer's nanle, address and zip code Employee's SSN l Wages, tips, other 001nr,ensation 2 Fcdcrul income tax withhdd
C!.ty of Miami 100700.28 23576.35
444 S W 2nd Avenue
7 Social securil)' tips 3 Social secumy wages 4 Social security tax wit 1hcld
6th Floor Financ e -Payroll Sect i on 6243,42
Mia11 i p:, 33130
8 Allocaled lips S Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tu withheld

100700.28 1460.15
Employee's first na1ne and in it Last Name Suffix
J oe Carol lo 9 Vc:rificalion code Io Dependent care bencn1s 11 Nonqnalificd plam

12a C I 364.56 14 Other

I J Statutory Employee D
12b DD I 51796.•6
Retirement Plan D
Smploycc's: address and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay D
IS Slate I Bmploycr's State JD nwnti..-r I 16 State wages, tips etc. I 17 State income tax
I 18 Local wai:;c:s, tips etc.
I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

'""' lnronnation II bcin l\raishct1 lo Ille lntcnml Reva1ue Servk:c
··--· --··--·
Form W•l-------
Wuc-·-'- ··--- ----·---·---·-
1nd TIIXStntemen t 20 18 -·-----·-· --- --------- ·- ·--·---·-----·----·---··----·----· ----·
0MB No. 1545-0008
---- ·--·---·······-··-·------·-·--- · ·- ·
Deparhncnt ofthcTrcasurv. internal Revenue Service
Contro l runber Employer identification number COPY C For Employee's Records (Sec Notice to Emplo)'ee on
337419488 59. 6000375 back or Copy B)
Employer's name, oddrcss and zip code Ei loycc's SSN I Wages, tips., other comperu;11ion 2 Federal income tax wkhhckJ
City of Mia.,i 100700.28 23576.35
444 SW 2nd AvenuP. 7 Social sca,rity tips J Social sCOJnty wages 4 ;::.octal secu rity tu withheld
6t h Fl oor Finance-Payroll Section 6243.42
MiaT1i P L 33130
8 A llocaled lips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tu withheld
100700.28 1460. 15

Employee's fi rst name and initLast Name Suffix
Joe 9 Verification code 10 Dependent care benefits l l Nonqualificd plans
12a C I 364.56 14 Other

12b DD I 51796.46
13 Stahlfory Employee

Retirement Plan D
12c I
Empk,ycc's address and ZIP code
Third-party sick pay D
15 State I Employcts State ID nwnber I 16 State wages, tips etc. 17 State income tax
18 Local wages., lips etc. I 19 Local income tax 20 Loca lity name

_ .~~s_i•l~i:!lYl!i~•! -~ ~g tu!1!.i!,1~ !,0_1~ f!t~c~! ~~\~".!~ S(rvic~ Ir~u_n_(! f__CIJl!i~~ _!O_ QI~~ !11_x._~1t.'!. ~JU{C!3£C_~l!)'_O£~ll11;f_S.)l!_C!~'! ~l!!l:'.. ':?e.i!II~~ 91! ~11_if~1!s.~~~1!! _1_l!~n_!>~.i _:u_"!~_D:!i! 12.r~~Jt! ... _
Form W-2 Wu1•c nnd Tax Statement 2018 0MB No. 1545•0008 Department of lhe Treasury - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identification number Copy l To Be Flied With Employee's State, City, or Local
337419488 59-600037l lnc:omc Tnx Rcturo
Employcr"s name, address and zip code Emolovce's SSN l Wages. tips, other corupcns.11ion 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Miami 100700.28 23576.35
444 Slf 2nd Avenue 7 Socia l security tips J ~ocUll secunty wages 4' Soc111 SCOJ.nty tax Withheld
6th Floor Finance-Payroll Sec t ion 6243.42
Mi ami PL 3313 0
8 A llocalcd lips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare lax withheld
100700.28 1460.ll

6mp loyce's firs t name and initLast Name Suffix
9 Veritication code IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans
Joe Carollo
12, C I 364.l6 14 Other
13 Statu to ry Employee D
12b DD I 11196.46
Retirement Plan D
12d I Third-party sick pay

Emolovec's address and ZIP co<lc
IS State
Employer's State ID 1,umbcr I l6 Stale wa&es. tips etc. I l 7 Slate income tax
18 Local wages, tips etc.
I 19 Local income tax: 20 Locality name

•- • ~~-~~Owl JDionU:111011 ll bei11g l'lm1J.hctl lO the lnlertl.1 1 ltCV\.,11.WScrvk:e _ _ • ____ _ •• __ • _. _ •• _. _ _ •••• __ _ • __ • ___ _ • ____ • __ • _ ••••••••••• - •- - • - - · - ••• - - • - • • ---- • - - • • · - • s- ·- . ·-•··•
Form W-2 Wnee nod Tnx Statement 2018 0MB No. 1545•0008 DCDartment of the Tn-na1rv • lntcmal Revenue erv1ce
Controlnw.bct Employer idcntillc.,1ion aoolbct Copy l To D• Flied Wllh BmploJ1,M1'1 State, Clly, or 1..-:•I l11cotuc 'fu
))7419488 .S9-«>00J7.S Return
Employc:r"s name, address and z.ip code Ei i'oi""'' SSN I Wages. tips, other C01Kpcnsatio11 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Mianti 100700.28 23576.35
444 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Social security tips J Social :secunty wages 4 Social security lax withheld
6th Floor :'inance-Pay r oll Section 100700.28 6243.42
Miami P~ 33130
8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
100700.28 1460,15

Employee's first name and initLast Name Sulfu.
9 Vcrification code IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonquali fied plans
Joe Carollo
12a C I 364.56 14 Other
13 Statutory Employee D
12b DO I 51796.46
Retirement Plan D
Employee's address and Zl P code 12d I
Third-party sick pay

15 State
Employer's State ID 11w11b..-r / 16 Stale wages, tips etc. I 17 State income tax J 18 Local wages. tips etc.
I 19 ~ I income tu 20 Locality name

This m.fooualiorl as beul1 lum ilhcd to the lnlcmal Revenue Scrv1a:

City of Miami
4 SW 2nd Avenue
th Floor Finance-Payroll Seclion
Miami FL 33 130

Joe Carollo
Form W-2 Wnc 1nd Tu Stntcmmt 2018 0MB No. 1545-0008 rn-namncnt or the Treasurv - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identi ficntion number COPY 8 To Flied WUb Employee's FEDERAL Tax Return

337 2017) 59-6000)75
E~oy,:r!s n,me. address and ztp code Employee's SSN I Wage!, tips, other eompcn$1tion 2 Fedenl income tax withhdd
C!. ty of Miami 89856.84 20288.78
444 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Social scatrity llps 3 Social secunty wages 4 ;:,oc1a1sccunty tax withheld
6th Floor Finance-Payroll Section 101856.84 6) 15,12
Miain i p:., 33 13C
s Medicare wa1cs and tips

8 Allocated lips 6 Medicare tax with.held
I 01856.84 1476.92
Employee's fi rst name and init last Name Suffix
9 Vcnfication code IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans
Manue l 8 Re y e e

12a C I 202.68
13 Slatu10ry Emp loyee 0 14 Olhcr

12b DD I 39686,72
12c G I 12000.00
Retirement Plan

Employee's address and ZIP oode 12d
Third-party sick pay

15 State I Employer's State ID number 1 16 State wages, tips etc. j t7 State income lax 118 Local wages, tips etc. r 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

W-2 Wal!c aod Tu Statement 2011 0MB No. 1545-0008
--- ----------- ------·- -------------------- --- ------- --------------------
Dcoartment of the Tn:asury - Internal Revenue
Control number Employer identification number COPY C For Employee's Records (See Notice to Employee on

337 2017) 59-6000l7l bnck or Copy 8)
Employer's name, address and zip code Employee's SSN I Wages, tips. other com1,,:nsation 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Miami 89856.84 20288.78

444 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Social scct1rity tips J Social security wa&:C9 4 :,oc1a1 sccu nty tax withheld
6th Floor Pinance-Payro ll Sect ion
101856.84 631l.12
Mia11i FL 33 13 0
8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
101856.84 1476.92
Employee's first name and initLast Name Suffi~
Manuel B Reyes 9 Verification code IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nooqualified plans

12a C I 202.68 IJ Statutory Employee D 14 Other

12b DD I 39686.72
Retirement Plan D
12c G I 12000.00
Employee', address and ZIP code
Third-party sick pay D
15 State Employer's Stale ID nwnbct 116State wage5, lips etc. I 17 State income tax II · 18 Local wages, lips etc. 11 9 Local income tax 20 Locality name

.. ----. -io~~lw~~!~A~~~l~~tr!a!~cl~(!J~icifi't}i~~-~OJ:.l£~u_£!.6~:[t=l.6&.;i'}t!I~ 2
l!l)j~l&~c-~ -~\y_o! l~_J!!l~C!lc]'! ~-l~l~~;~~r;~-~r!~~~;~~,;.f~-i~:~~iCC.
Control rn.unbcr Employer identificatio n number Copy I To Be Flied Wi th Employee's Stace, Cll)'t or Local
ll7420 17J 59-6000375 Income Tnx Return
Employer's name, address and zip code
City of Mia.mi
Employee'sSSN I Wages, tips. other conl(ICl1$llion 2 Federal income tu.: withheld
89856.84 20288.78
,,., SW 2nd .Avenue
7 Socinl sca1rity tips 3 Social sccunty wages 4 :social seamty tax withheld
6t h Floor Finance-Payroll Section 101856.84 6)15.12
Miami PL 33130

8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
101856.84 1476.92
Employee's first name and initLast Name Suffix
Manuel B Reyes 9 V crification code IO Dcpenc\cnt care benefits 11 Nonqualificd plans

12a C I 202.68 I3 Slolulory employee 0 14 Other

12b DD I 39686.72
Retirement Plan 0
12c G I 12000.00
I Third-party sick pay D
I ''
Emi: levee's address and ZIP code
IS State Employer's State ID nw11ber 16 State wages, tips etc. State income tax I I 8 Local wages. tips etc. 119 Local income lax 20 Locality name

•• ____ • _l}l~J•!f~i:!l~a!I?! ~!1!.i~h,!=~~0_1~c_l,!l!~,~~~u_e_~iy!~- _ ____ _ _____ • _. __ •• __ • ________ • _____________ • __________ •• __ •• __ _ •• __ _________________ •• __ • _. ¥~ ¥

Fonn W-2 Wn~ nnd Tax Statement 20 18 OMS No. l 545-0008 Dccartment or the Trcasurv • Internal Revenue crv1cc
Control11un1ba lliuplo)"CI' il.lcolillcalion itumbcr Copy 2 To lk Flied With E1nployeci'1 Slalo, C'IIJ, or Local la\'oml TH
ll74W17l 59-CiOOOJ7S
Employer's name, address and zip code Bmo!oycc's SSN I Wages, tips. otherCOU1p.•n!111lion 2 Federal income lax withheld
Ci ty of Mia,n i 89856.84 20288. 78
444 S W 2nd Avenue 7 Social security tips 3 Social sccunty wages 4 Socm secumy tax w1tnncm
6t h Floor Finance - Payroll Section l 018l6.84 6315,12
Mi ami PL 33130
3 Allocated lips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
1018l6.84 1476,92
Employee's first n1tne and initLast Name Suffix 11 Nonqualificd plans
9 Verification code IO Dependent care benefits
Manuel B Reyee
12a C I 202.68
IJ Statutory 6mploycc D 14 Other

12b DD I 39686.72
12c G I 12000.00
Retirement Plan D
Employee's address and ZIP code 12d Third-party sick pay

15State I Hmploycr'sSlotelDnumber 116 Statewagcs,tipsctc. I 17 State income tax I 18 Local wages, lips etc. I 19 Local income: tax 20 Locality name

nus 111fom1atlon ., bcina fumbhecJ to tho Rcvc:nui, .x;1Y10C

City of Miami
SW 2nd Avenue
h Floor Finance-Payroll Section
Miami FL33130

Manuel E Reyes
For m W-:2 Wa2c 1ad Tnx Stolemcnt 2011 0MB No. 1545•0008 Ocoartment of the Treasury - lntema Revenue Scrvt<:e
Control number Employer identification number COPY 8 To Be Flied Wllh Employee 1s FEDERAL Tax Return
337421902 59·6000375
Employer'! name, address and z.ip code Employee's SSN I Wages. tip~ other 001np..-nS:11ion 2 Federal income tax witbhc:ld
City of Miami 102589.56 23568.63
44 4 SW 2n d Avenue 4 :soc1a1 secu nty tax w1tnnc1a
7 Social security tips 3 Social security wages
6::h Pl oor Finance- Payroll Section
M.:..a11..:.. P:. 33130 102589.56 6360.55
8 Allocaled tips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
Employee's first name and initLast Nnme Suffix
102589.56 •
1 87.55
Keon Harde mon 9 Verification code IO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans

12a C I 63.72 14 Other

13 Stah1!0,y Employee D
12b DD I 33005,86
12c I
Retirement Plan

Employee's address and ZIP code 12d I
Third-party siclc pay

t5 State J Emp loya's Stale ID number I 16 Slate wages, tips etc. I 17 State income tax
II 18 Local wages, tips etc.
II 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

Thls inJonualioa is bcin& lhnlishct.ltolhc lnlcrnal Rt.rVCIIUO.:servtc:c_ - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - -- - -- ------ -- --- - -- - - ---- ---- - - - -- - --- -- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - --- - --
Form W-:2 W1wc and Tnx Statement 2018 0MB No. 1545•0008 Department of the Trca.surv - Internal Revenue Service
Control number Employer identification number COPY C For Employce 1s Reto rds (See Notice to Employee on
33742 1902 59.6000375 bnck o( Copy B)
Employer's name, address and zip code Employee's SSN I Waget, tips. other oompcn~tloo 2 Federal income tn withheld
City of Miami 102589.56 23568.63
444 SW 2nd 1'venue 4 :social' tax w1tnne1a
7 Social socurity tips 3 Social seamty wages
6t:h Floor Finance-Payroll Section 6360,55
Ni.anti PL 33130 102589.56
8 Allocated tips S Medicare wage., and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
102589,56 1487.55
Employee's first name and initLast Name sumx
X:eoa Hardeoon 9 Vcrifi<:ation code 10 Dcpcndentcarebc:nefi ts 11 Nonqualified plans

12, C I 63.72 14 Olhcr

12b DD I 33005.86
13 Statutory Employee

12c I
Retirement Plan

Employecis address and ZIP code
Third-party sick pay

12d I
15 Stale
II Hmployc:r's State ID nwttber 16 State wages, tips etc. I 17 State income tu.
I 18 Local wages., tip! etc.
I 19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

'lltls inlbmUilOII is b(,u l\amishcd lo Ille lnLem:il KL-ver1U( Service. tr ulrcd to Ille n \u. rctwn n nc II 'OOJ erutll or olher sanction ma bci1n "'100 u 1r1his moomc ts t!l.-.ablc and u laUtore n il.
·--·-------··-·-··-·- ·i---- ·- -··-·-·-· ------------ l'!.""'
Form W -2 Wnu.e Dnd Tax Stntemcn t 2018
---~·-- ·- · ·--·•·--'-· lU"---'· · -1- ...... _. . _.. t __ .P!/ Dcva
0 M B No, 1545•0008
__ •• !".----{j· --· · ······-l'.\- · -·'P.\-· -.·----·
rtment o t 1e Treasury - Intema Revenue erv1cc
Control number Emp loyer identification numba Copy I To Be Flied With Employee's Slote, City, or Locnl
33742 1902 59·6000375 In come T•x Relarn
Employer's name. address and :zip code Bmploycc:'s SSN I Wages. tips. othereotnpen'-ltion 2 Federal income tax withhekt
City of Miami 102589.56 23568,63
444 SH 2nd Aven ue 7 Social security tips 3 Social sconity wages 4 Social sccunly tax withheld
6t h Floor Finance-Payroll Section 6360.55
Miami PL J313C
8 Allocated lips 5 Medicare wages and tips 6 Medicare tax withheld
102589.56 1487,55

Employee's first name a11d initLast Name Suffix
9 Verifica tion code JO Dependent care benefits 11 Nonqualified plans
Keo n Hardemon
120 C I 63.72 14 Olhcr

12b DD I 33005.86
1.3 Statutory Bmp loycc

12c I
Retirement Plan

12d I Third-party sick pay

Emolovcc's addt<,s ,nd ZlP code
15 Slate
Employefs State ID nwubcr I 16 State wages, tips etc. I 17 State income tax
I 18 Local wages. tips etc.
I 19 Local income lax 20 Locality name

-- · •• · - _llusmlbn11B11on tsbcl.l( flintishcdlo lhe lntcmJll Rcvcnuc:Scrviro ______________________ _ _ ___ _ _ _________________ _ ____ -·- _ ____ _ _ __ __ • -- •• - - - • - - - - - - - - - - - - - - S - . - - - ·- ·
Form W-l Wtl!t n nd Tax Stntement 20 18 0MB No, 1545-0008 Dcoartmcnt ofthcTrcasurv - lntemJI Revenue erv1cc
ConttolnuDlb...-r F.n1ployer kknlillcotion t1\llt1bi!r Copy l To De Flied Wll h Eniployce'• St•tc, City, or Loni Iacoml! Tu

]]7 2191):? 59-<i000J75 llctura
Employer's name, address ond zip code Employee's SSN I Watgcs, tips. other compensation 2 Federal income tax withheld
City of Miarti 102589,56 23568.63
444 SW 2nd Avenue 7 Social sea1rity lips 3 Social secunl)' wages 4 Soc1a1 sc:cunty tax withheld
6th Ploor Fina nce~PayYoll Section 102589.56 6360.55
Miami FL 3 3ll0

8 Allocated tips 5 Medicare wagC9 and tips 6 Medicare tu withheld
102589.56 1487.55
Employee's first name and initLasl Name Suffix
9 Vaificalion code IO Ocpcndcnl care benefi ts 11 Nonquallficd plans
Kean Hardcinon
12a C I 63.72 14 Other
13 Statutory Employee D
12b DD I 33005.86
12c I
Retirement Plan

Employee's address and ZlP code 12d I
Third-party sick pay

15 S111c I Employer's State ID nwnbcr 116 State wages, tips etc. I 17 State income tax
II 18 Local wages, tips etc.
19 Local income tax 20 Locality name

Thi.I 111ronnahoo. it beUI& f\iniislx:d lo lhc lntcrMI RCYCll!k: Service

City of Miami
SW 2nd Avenue
th Floor Finance-Payroll Section
Miami FL 33 130

Keon Hardemon

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