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Course Code : BCS-062 Course Title z E-Commerce Assignment Number BCA(6)/062/Assignment/2019-20 Maximum Marks 100 Weightage 2 25% Last Date of Submission 15" October, 2019 (For July 2019 Session) 15" Api , 2020 (For January 2020 Session) This assignment has two questions for a total of 80 marks. Answer both the questions, Rest 20 marks are for viva voce. QI. Explain the process of designing a secure M-Commerce portal. How does it differ from designing a secure E-Commerce portal. Make necessary assumptions as well as list them. (40) Q2. Give any one example of a Mobile APP using which you can order food. List the features of that APP which you liked and those which you did not like. (40) BCS-062 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT FOR BCA/MCA QL. Explain the process of designing a secure M-Commerce portal. How does it differ from designing a secure E-Commerce portal. Make necessary assumptions as well as list them. Answer: The internet and other technological advances have certainly changed the way we do things today, Even the most mundane things can now be accomplished through various ways and means, which have a lot to do with technology. Just look at customer behavior, particularly on how they shop and where they shop, and you will see a marked difference from the time before the internet and e-commerce came about. The evolution of how we transact did not stop there. The increasing usage of mobile and telecommunication devices acted as another precursor to change, and that change led to the rise of mobile commerce, also known as m-commerce. M-Commerce: The simplest way to describe mobile commerce would be the buying and selling of products — or the conduct of commercial transactions and activities — through telecommunication ,and other mobile devices that run or operate on, wireless network technologies. Its safe to say that m-commerce is an upgraded version of e-commerce. In fact, m-commeree has been defined as the conduet of e-commerce activities using mobile or cellular devices. If business transactions involve the use of wireless telecommunication networks, then it is highly likely to fall under m-commerce Process of designing a secure M-Commerce ‘* Decide Where to Sell: Before you sell your products or servieés via m-commerce, you need to decide what type of outlets or stores suit your business best. Let us suppose you have created ringtones ~ you can sell them either at specific third-party outlets or to independent aggregators who charge you a commission for the service. You can also sell your ringtones on mobile stores or app stores such as Android marketplace or App store (Apple). These stores are frequently visited by many buyers and hence ideal for making sales easily and efficiently. Finally, you can also sell via your own mobile store by creating a mobile website specifically for sales or as by setting-up an m-commerce page on your main website. ‘© Security: If you are setting up your own portal instead of using existing ones then you should always make sure that the content is secure, Connection to users is encrypted with. at least 128 bit security. SSL certificate is must to obtain the trust of user and secure the connection, If you are going to build an app make sure the data stored on server is safe with security keys and only authorised users get access to it Like Our Facebook Page For Regular Updates BCS-062 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT FOR BCA/MCA ‘© Set up Mobile Billing: Once you have decided where to sell and set up the security, the next step is to set up your merchant account, For instance, you can use third-party services such as PayPal. This is ideal for small businesses or also large companies. A third-party application makes it really easy for you as well as your customers to make the payments, but then they do charge commission on the transaction You can also set-up your own billing and payment gateway. Mobile users do not use keyboards or a mouse so make sure that the design of your m-commerce site is intuitive, with easy navigation tools and the right display sizes. Basically, make your m-commerce site optimized for Smartphone users. M-Commerce Can Also Be Used In Following: ‘* Mobile Banking: This application makes it possible to perform bank-related transactions such as checking account status, transferring money and selling stocks, via mobile devices, independent of the current user location, * Mobile Entertainment: This application offers services. that provide entertainment through mobile devices such as ring tones, music and videos, gaming and chatting etc. ‘Mobile Information Services: This term refers to mobile services that provide siibscribers with content that provides information. Examples of such services are news updates of any nature (finance, polities, sport, etc.), travel information, access to'search engines and Mobile Office (e-mails, appointments, etc.) ‘* Mobile Marketing: This term refers to services based on mobile communication ‘technologies that provide firms with new and innovative instruments to increase sales, and sustain a positive and win and retain customers, improve after-sales service, b ‘modem image/brand and carry market research. ‘© Mobile Shopping: This application bundles services that allow for of transactions involving purchase of goods using mobile devices. The user can purchase products by choosing them from a catalogue accessible from a mobile device. ‘* Mobile Ticketing: All services that must be paid for, before a lawful utilization can take place, are suitable for Mobile ticketing such as travelling in public transport, entry to a cultural event or cinema. This application ensures that the user can purchase a right to utilizationiticket with a mobile device, replacing the conventional paper ticket. The ticket is sent in digital form to the mobile device. ‘© Telematics Services: Telematics is an artificial term that refers to innovative technologies that link telecommunication technologies with informatics. The transport segment has been the primary area of this application, which is also known as Intelligent ‘Transport System (ITS). The main services are for navigation systems, remote diagnosis as well as access to other mobile applications such as mobile entertainment, mobil content/oftice, mobile banking and mobile shopping, Like Our Facebook Page For Regular Updates BCS-062 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT FOR BCA/MCA Difference in Designing Secure E-Commerce and M-Commerce Portal Ecommerce and Mcommerce have different meanings, though both aim at making customers” lives easier. Simply put, ecommerce is an umbrella term for selling and buying online, while mobile commerce, or Meommerce, is a subcategory of ecommerce that focus on purchasing vi mobile devices. Despite their similar goals of buying and selling with the help of the internet, there are many glaring differences between ecommerce and Mcommerce. Issues in Online Transaction for E-Commerce + Authentication: In authentication, usemame and password of the user are matches with entries in the database and if the detail matches then he is authenticated as a genuine user and is given the rights to access the information. Authentication is a process of giving the authority to the individual to change the information according to the situation. It verifies that the person is an authentic user and wishes to access his account and only once the authentication is approved the system lets the user to login. * Authorization: After authentication, the person can make the necessary changes to the data; Authentication and authorization goes parallel. If you have the authentic username and password, then you are an authorized person and are allowed to make the essential ‘modifications with the data ‘* Eneryption: Encryption provides the means of securing the information using an encryption key in order to protect the confidentiality of the individual, Using. this technique the data is encoded into an encrypted form and only an authentic person having the decryption key is able to access the secured information. ‘M-Commerce Security Concerns Confidentiality: Today data is one of the major assets for any organization. To make it secure and confidential, we need to keep information safe from unauthorized access, for example, any personal information, bank account, government documents, credit card numbers ete. For privacy reasons, we need to keep data safe and secure. Integrity: Data Integrity is used to save information from being modified by unauthorized users. Data has value only if it is correct. If data is altered, it might lead to heavy losses. For example, if our account information is tampered with while transferring, ‘money to another account, the money might be lost into unknown accounts. Availability: A user authorized can access data only when data is available, Data holds value only if the right user can access at the correct time. Hence, to access data, the user needs to have permission to avail the data. E-commerce is majorly used for the sale and purchase of goods using the web, but the financial exchange is carried out using electronic devices. M-commerce and E-commerce playing a cru Like Our Facebook Page For Regular Updates BCS-062 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT FOR BCA/MCA role in online business and customers increase day by day. M-Commerce security is extremely vital issue now in these days that wants more study to begin effective and efficient solution. In this paper, I have tried to cover safety concern for online transaction. The issue likes privacy, verification, encryption and authorization is discussed to make secure transactions over the wireless devices. Encryption only is not enough. Un-authenticated with SSL certificate gives integrity and confidentiality, but they require to third-party verification, It allows the recipient with a digital SMS to verify the authentication. Security of payment can be enhancing using the SSL Layer. This security technique is used to give safety to the client as well as the customer to in order to purchase the desired items. Q2. Give any one example of a Mobile APP using which you can order food. List the features of that APP which you liked and those which you did not like. Answer: Zomato is/one of the top food delivery and restaurant finder app around the world. Currently, they are providing food delivery service in India, Lebanon and UAE, They spread across as a restaurant finder in 24 countries and available in 10 languages globally. Zomato has lots of unique features that address customer needs. They provide you with the best app thathelps you with dining out, table booking, takeaway and discoveries. Following are some of the features of Zomato App which I like most. Table Booking Table booking is one of the most significant features which is required to build a successful restaurant business. The user can easily book tables whenever they want, Table booking provides convenience to the user as well as prevent disappointment. Zomato has more than 1.4 million restaurants in their list where you ean find a suitable restaurant to book table for your need. Most of the restaurants allow table booking from 2-8 persons. Scheduling Order If you wish to order your food in advance, you might want to schedule the time of delivery. This will help you to get your order delivered when you without having to wait for anything. The automated order system processes an order without you having to do anything order than just relax and wait for your order. You can have two type of deliveries either you can pick up your food on your way home or you can have a delivery executive deliver the food for you. You can pay for your food online or in cash to the delivery person. GPS Live T cking Like Our Facebook Page For Regular Updates BCS-062 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT FOR BCA/MCA The user needs an update every now and then, once the order is placed. The GPS live tracking and the automated system helps in getting the update for the user. The user gets to know if their ‘order is accepted, is in the kitchen, on the way or delivered. The user is able to track the delivery executive and can know his exact location. Also, the user gets an access to the delivery person’s phone number. So, they can get in touch with the person and query about the order delivery. If there is a change of address, it can be communicated through the chat system or through a direct call to the executive, Follow Your Friends Everyone loves to eat their favorite food. Zomato provides an option for foodies to follow their friends so that they can know what their friends eat and what they like. They can also discover more from the places nearby. Self-Pick-Up Youcan enjoy offersand promos as well as no need to wait for your delivery, Zomato provides you with a feature that you can order your food online pick it up from the restaurant by yourself. This option saves your time as well as you can have your food on the go. Restaurant Profile The restaurant has full control over their profile in the Zomato, They can provide useful information to their user to help them out, The restaurant has the option to provide details like food menu, images, phone number, direction to the restaurant and reviews Rating System for Food and Restaurants A rating system shows your overall progress. The ratings that are provided to certain food order or a restaurant help other audience to judge the food before ordering. The ratings that are provided to the delivery executives help in making the user experience more personal. The delivery executive doesn’t remain just a spot on the GPS map, but is much more involved in the system. The rating system bridges the bond between the on demand food delivery app and the user and the uscr is provided with enhanced user experience. Inbuilt Promotional Codes for Discounts Zomato provide an easy option to apply promotional codes to get discount on the order. These discounts go from 10% to 90%. Coupon Codes are listed on checkout page and can be applied casily with just a click. Option to give tip to delivery person Zomato app gives option to give tip to the delivery person. If you are satisfied with the delivery you can give a tip to the person who brought you food. Like Our Facebook Page For Regular Updates BCS-062 SOLVED ASSIGNMENT FOR BCA/MCA Features I did not like Bulky App Layout App layout of Zomato is very bulky. In order to provide every possible detail they have made the layout very bulky and not so good looking. In my opinion app layout should be minimal, Zomato’s rival app Swiggy has @ nice layout which is minimal and user friendly. Support Only Via Chat In Zomato app you won't find any option for calling customer support. You can only contact via chat option in the app. In India where majority of people speak Hindi or their Regional Language cannot chat in English. In this condition people feel helpless Sometimes App Gives Error Sometimes app give unusual errors. Like when you try to place order and you are about to make payment it will give error “Restaurant not accepting order”, And after few minutes it will be alright. These types error really cause problem to user and force them to use any other app. ‘No option to decrease notifications In the app no option is given to decrease the notifications. They will send notification all the time, It is quite irritating when you are really busy. Like Our Facebook Page For Regular Updates

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