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6/4/2020----Managment Solved Questions (Practice_Test 9 of 10)- Examrace----Downloaded from examrace.


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Managment Solved Questions (Practice_Test 9 of 10)

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1. Who described the classical approach as the engineering approach?

a. Gullick

b. Fayol

c. Urwick

d. Mooney

Answer: c

2. Match List-I with List-II:

List-I List-II

a. A store clerk tells the top executive when to buy a a. Leadership

commodity. by
b. A youth rushing to save life and property of a house on fire
commands neighbours to collect water. b. Leadership
by position
c. A newly elected secretary advises members about their
duties. c. Leadership
by function
d. A leader attempts to bend his followers to his will in most
kind of work. d. Leadership
by situation


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6/4/2020----Managment Solved Questions (Practice_Test 9 of 10)- Examrace----Downloaded from'

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a. 1 3 2 4

b. 2 4 3 1

c. 3 4 2 1

d. 3 2 4 1

Answer: c

3. Arrange the Maslow's Need descending order:

a. Social

b. Self-Actualization

c. Physiological

d. Ego

e. Security

i. 3, 5 1, 4, 2

ii. 3, 5, 1, 2, 4

iii. 2, 4, 1, 3, 5

iv. 2, 4, 1, 5, 3

Answer: d

4. Which of the following, according to Hertzberg, are not the motivators?

a. Responsibility

b. Recognition

c. Interpersonal relations

d. Work itself

e. Working condition

i. l, 2 and 4

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6/4/2020----Managment Solved Questions (Practice_Test 9 of 10)- Examrace----Downloaded from'

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ii. l, 2, and 3

iii. 3 and 5

iv. 2, 4 and 5

Answer: c

5. The traditional theory of motivation is the theory of:

a. Path-goal

b. Participation

c. Motivation-hygiene

d. Fear and punishment

Answer: d

6. The sources of recruitment are:

a. Internal

b. External

c. Internal as well as external

d. None of the above

Answer: b

7. The Human Relations Theory rejects:

a. Formal institutionalization

b. Informal functioning

c. Human motivation

d. People

Answer: d

8. The terms speed boss, rout clerks etc. are used in relation to:

a. Line organization

b. Line and staff organization

c. Functional organization

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6/4/2020----Managment Solved Questions (Practice_Test 9 of 10)- Examrace----Downloaded from'

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d. None of the above

Answer: d

9. Paid-up value is payable on a life insurance policy:

a. on the maturity of the policy

b. when the policy lapses

c. when the policy is surrendered

d. on maturity or death which ever is earlier

Answer: d

10. FICCI was formed in the year:

a. 1920

b. 1925

c. 1926

d. 1951

Answer: c

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