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1. Name of the Respondent-__________________________________________

2. Address-______________________________________________________________
3. Age-_______
4. Gender-

8. Highest Educational qualification-(Select any one option)

Sr.No. Education level
i. Under Graduate
ii. Graduate
iii. Post Graduate
iv. Professionally Qualified
v. Doctorate

9. Frequency of travel- (Select any one option)

i. Once a year
ii. Once in 6 months
iii. Once in 3 months
iv. Once a month or Once
a week

10. Purpose of travel-(Select any one option)

Sr.No. Purpose
i. Business
ii. Leisure
11. Name of the Hotel where staying currently & its category-


12.Reason for selecting a particular Hotel to stay-(You may select multiple options)
Sr No Reason
i. Location
ii. A new experience
iii. Service standards
iv. Recommendation by friend
v. Recommendation by travel agent
vi. Contract with company
vii. You have stayed there earlier

13. Are you aware of eco-friendly practices carried out in the hospitality industry?

14. Are you aware of Ecotels?


15. Have you stayed in a hotel which follows green practices in its day to day operations?

16. If yes, then select the ones that you have observed during your stay in that hotel.( You
may select multiple options)

Sr. No A-Waste Management

i. Vermicomposting
ii. No fruit basket in the room, instead giving a fruit plate on request
iii. Sewage treatment plant
iv. Segregation of garbage
v. Wall mounted soap & shampoo dispensers

Sr. No B-Water Conservation

i. Recycling paper
ii. Recycling water
iii. Linen reuse
iv. No Bath tubs
v. No water wastage
vi. Low pressure flush in bathrooms
Sr. No C-Green Cover and Plantation
i. Large garden or green space
ii. Rooftop garden
iii. No cut flowers, instead potted plants or bamboo plants in
guest rooms & public areas
iv. Growing own vegetables in the garden
v. No mobile tower near the hotel
vi. Tree plantation drives

Sr. No D-Energy Saving

i. Using Solar energy/solar panels
ii. Electronic key card
iii. CFL bulbs
iv. Eco button

Sr. No E-Reducing Fuel consumption

i. Carpooling /Shuttle services
ii. Use of locally sourced ingredients
iii. Provision of bicycles to guests to get around locally

Sr. No F-Eco friendly Room Supplies

i. No plastic bottles, instead refillable thermos flasks
ii. Paper laundry bags instead of plastic
iii. Paper coasters instead of plastic
iv. Eco friendly room supplies like jute bags & stationery items
v. Eco-friendly cleaning agents

Sr. No G-Green Banqueting

i. No disposable crockery, instead reusable crockery
ii. Use of recycled or recyclable products

Sr. No H-Green Certification

i. Ecotel Certification

17. Do you feel that the hotel you are staying in at the moment is following green practices in
its operations?

18. Have you as a guest participated in green initiatives undertaken by the hotel you were
staying in?

19. If yes then rate your response on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being least and 5 being
maximum value to show the level of participation in each of these practices in the hotel.
Sr Green practices 1 2 3 4 5
i. Waste Management
ii. Water Conservation
iii. Tree Plantation programme
iv. Energy Saving
v. Reducing Fuel Consumption

20. Do you feel the necessity of having environment-friendly practices in hotels?

Yes No

21. Would you prefer to stay in a hotel which follows such practices?
Yes No

22. If no, then why?(Select any one option) Sr

i. Reduced comfort
ii. No personal benefit
iii. Not sure if such practices truly help the environment

23. Do you think that such hotels might be more expensive as compared to those which do not
follow or implement such practices? s
Yes No

24. Are you willing to pay extra charges in order to be able to experience such hotels?
Yes No

Signature of the Respondent_______________________________________

Thank you for your valuable time!


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