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1. Which of the following is a Programmable Interrupt Controller?

a) 8254 b) 8259 c) 8251 d) 8237
2. What is DMA?
a) Digital Memory Access b) Digital Media Access
c) Direct Memory Access d) Direct Memory Action
3. 8225 IC is used as ------------.
a) Programmable Power Interface b) Peripheral Power Interface
b) Programmable Peripheral Interface d) None
4. How many ports are present in 8255?
a) 4 b) 3 c) 2 d) 1
5. Which mode of 8254 Programmable Interval Timer is used as Rate Generator?
a) Mode 0 b) Mode 1 c) Mode2 d) Mode 3
6. The voltage level of logic ‘1’ in RS232 standard is----------.
a) -12V to -4V b) -10V to -2V c) -15V to -4V d) -15V to -3V
7. What is DTE in RS232 Communication?
a) Digital Transmitting Equipment b) Data Terminal Equipment
c) Data Trasmitting Equipment c) None
8. How many pins are there in 8255 IC?
a) 20 b) 30 c) 40 d) 14
9. DMA is used for data transfer between---------------.
a) Memory and I/O b) Memory and Microprocessor
c) Microprocessor and I/O d) None
10. Interfacing of keyboard to microprocessor comes under----------.
a) Analog interfacing b) Digital Interfacing
c) Both a and b c) None
11. What is the default value of stack in 8051 once after the system undergoes the reset condition?
a) 07H b) 08H c) 09H d) 00H
12. Which bit/s play/s a significant role in the selection of a bank register of Program Status Word
a) RS1 b) RS0 c) Both a and b d) None of the above
13. Which locations of 128 bytes on-chip additional RAM are generally reserved for special
a) 80H to 0FFH b) 70H to 0FFH c) 90H to 0FFH d) 60H to 0FFH
14. Which special function register play a vital role in the timer/counter mode selection process by
allocating the bits in it?
15. Name the architecture and the instruction set for microcontroller?
a) Van- Neumann Architecture with CISC Instruction Set
b) Harvard Architecture with CISC Instruction Set
c) Van- Neumann Architecture with RISC Instruction Set
d) Harvard Architecture with RISC Instruction Set
16. SCON in serial port is used for which operation?
a) Transferring data b) Receiving data c) Controlling d) Controlling and transferring
17. 8051 series has how many 16 bit registers?
a) 2 b) 3 c) 1 d) 0
18. What is the bit addressing range of addressable individual bits over the on-chip RAM?
a. 00H to FFH b. 01H to 7FH c. 00H to 7FH d. 80H to FFH

19. What is the counting rate of a machine cycle in correlation to the oscillator frequency for timers?
a. 1 / 10 b. 1 / 12 c. 1 / 15 d. 1 / 20
20. What is internal RAM memory of 8051 microprocessor?
a. 32 bytes b. 64 bytes c. 128 bytes d. 256 bytes
21. Register that is used to holds the memory address of the next instruction to be executed is-------
a. Program Memory b. Program Counter c. Control Unit d. Instruction decoder
22. Which instructions affect the program counter?
a. Call & Return b. Call & Jump c. Push & Pop d. Return & Jump
23. The 8051 has ________ 16-bit counter/timers.
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3 d. 4
24. MOV A, @ R1 will:
a. copy R1 to the accumulator
b. copy the accumulator to R1
c. copy the contents of memory whose address is in R1 to the accumulator
d. copy the accumulator to the contents of memory whose address is in R1
25. When the 8051 is reset and the line is HIGH, the program counter points to the first program
instruction in the:
a. internal code memory b. external code memory
c. internal data memory d. external data memory
26. Microcontrollers often have:
a. CPUs b. RAM c. ROM d. all of the above
27. The total external data memory that can be interfaced to the 8051 is:
a. 32K b. 64K c. 128K d. 256K
28. Which of the following instructions will load the value 35H into the high byte of timer 0?
a. MOV TH0, #35H b. MOV TH0, 35H c. MOV T0, #35H d. MOV T0, 35H
29. Which of the following instructions will move the contents of register 3 to the accumulator?
a. MOV 3R, A b. MOV R3, A c. MOV A, R3 d. MOV A, 3R
30. The I/O port that does not have a dual-purpose role is:
a. port 0 b. port 1 c. port 2 d. port 3

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