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Create a table and answer the following questions to compare the two studies that you have

a) Identify population of interest, sample A convenience sample with 10 patients were

size and sample technique used including recruited from two orthopedic wards at the Lund
sample size appropriateness/sufficiency Hospital. Nine women and one man participated
in the study; mean age was 78 years. The
inclusion criteria were as follows: hospitalized for
hip fracture, admitted to the hospital through the
new pathway and completion with a positive
outcome if a cognitive function test.
b) Identify the intervention/s implemented The aim of the study is to illuminate the patient’s
(for quantitative) or the interest of the view on nursing care when treated for a hip
study (for qualitative) fracture.
c) What is the comparison or is there a A content analysis design was conducted and
comparison used? If none, what is the four main categories emerged with regards to the
current applicable practice or status? patient’s feedback: waiting times, pain/pain relief
and mobilization, attitude/information and sense
of security, and complications.
d) Identify the outcome of interest. In general, patients felt satisfied with nursing
care provided. The staff created a feeling of
security and showed interest and empathy
among the patients. However, most patients
complained their experience a stressful waiting
for surgery. Therefore, waiting time must be

6. Does the interventions/topic support/contradict current nursing practice? Support your answer using
other relevant reference.

It doesn’t necessitate contradiction at all, as there are views stated by patients themselves. I
have to agree that the focal goal following hip fracture is the relief of pain and prevention of
complications. According to an article published by British Journal of Pain, chronic after major pain
surgery, which includes hip surgery, continues to be problematic in an era of considerable advances in
anaesthesiology and pain medicine. And one measure they found to be effective is the use of
psychological interventions that focuses in patient preparation preoperatively. The primary goal of this is
to teach patients a mindful way of responding to their postsurgical pain that empowers them to
interrupt the negative cycle of pain, distress and behavioral avoidance and escalating pharmacologic use
that can limit functioning and quality of life.

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