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Below is a self-diagnostic questionnaire to assess where you are in the development of your
organization’s supply chain risk capabilities.
Name : ________________________________________________________________________
Company : ___________________________________________Nature:_____________________
Level (President, Executive, Manager, Consultant, Supplier, Contractor, Other): ________________
Please specify your functional area (All/Cross Function, Engineering, Procurement, Other):_______
A. General Information (In responding the questions select either Yes, No or Not Sure by checking
the box)

1. Is your organization/business unit concerned about

supply chain risks?
2. Have you had at least preliminary discussions with supply
chain management about supply chain risk management?
3. Have you integrated risk management into your company’s/
business unit’s supply chain agenda?
4. Do you know who your critical suppliers are what exposures
they face for at least one product line?
5. Have you established an ongoing process of assessing
supply chain risk for your organization/business unit?
6. Are you periodically collecting risk information from your critical
7. Are supplier exposures integrated in the decision to select a
8. Have you developed supply chain risk mitigation strategy?
9. Are your critical suppliers willing to partner or are partnered
with you to mitigate the risk?
10. Do you have other strategies to deal with suppliers who are
not willing to partner with you?
11. Do you have a published set of resilience and risk mitigation
standards that you ask your suppliers to meet?
12. Does the implementation of Risk Management in your supply
chain create a positive effect on the level of project quality?
13. Does the lack of project Risk Management affect the level of
quality of the project?
14. Does the implementation of project RM create a positive
effect the project cost (such as cost savings)?
15. Does the lack of project Supply Chain RM affect the project
16. Does the implementation of Supply Chain RM create a
positive effect the project schedule?
17. Do you, either individually or as a team, perform risk
response measures in your project to mitigate (alleviate) the
consequences caused by identified risks in supply chain?
18. For each risk, is there a risk management action overcome
Mitigate or avoid it?
19. Is there a formal, documented risk management process
for this project?
20. Has each risk been allocate an owner responsible for that risk?
21. Have all risks been updated and prioritized on a regular basis,
Based upon their project impact and probability of occurrence?
22. Does the project have a formally appointed project risk manager?
23. Are project status reports properly structured with a clear
Account of the activities for the week?
24. Did all the stakeholders and team members know the status of
the project at all time?
25. Was the plan regularly updated and distributed as time
26. Has the customer/client accepted and approved the project
Success criteria?
27. Is the status of the project reported to the management, team
Members and client on time?
28. Has the project manager performed any form of personality
Preference/profiles on each team member?
29. Has the project manager used any form of reward/recognition
to motivate team members?
30. Were changes to the goal properly controlled and plans
adjusted accordingly?
B. All data is kept strictly confidential. Individual companies will not be identified in the results, nor will
their individual answers be shared even anonymously. Only aggregate statistics are included in
the survey results report.

1. What role does risk assessment play in your supplier selection process?
Critical and mandatory – it is a mandatory part of our selection process and has significant
weight in supplier selection decisions.
Optional, but often supplier risk IS considered in the selection process.
Optional, often supplier risk is NOT considered in the selection process.
Other (please specify)

2. How often do you conduct assessments or audits of your critical suppliers’ risk factors and
Twice a yr or Annually Less than once a yr Not Sure
more often Not at all
Class A / Critical Suppliers
Class B/ Important

Class C/ All other
Optional Comment

3. At what level in your organization are supply chain resiliency metrics and improvement needs
reviewed and managed? (Check all that apply)
By individual contributor or department manager level within functional units (e.g. manager
or director of sourcing/procurement, logistics, etc.).
By supply chain executive level within functional units (e.g. VP or SVP of supply chain or
procurement or logistics, etc.).
By Business unit executive management (Business Unit president and leadership team).
By Executive management (CEO’s team)
Other – or comment

4. Is web-based risk management integration in construction supply chain management right for
your company?
Other- or comment

5. If you are member of the project team, are you willing to recommend to the top management
on the implementation of web-based monitoring of project status and risk supply chain
Other- or comment
C. For the rest of the questions write (S=Strong, C=Considerable, M=Medium, L=Low, W=Weak)

1. To what extent does the Web-based Risk Management impact the Construction Supply
Chain Management in the key indicative areas below?
___ Efficiency in flow of information and documents
___ Reduced costs in preparation of documents
___ Productivity-Increases in Sales/Total assets ratio
___ Increase in Sales/Profit/Employee ratio
2. To what extent does the Web-based Risk Management impact the effectiveness of
Construction supply chain tasks?
___ Reduced lead-time to client
___ Reduced stock outs of finished products
___ Reduced distribution costs to clients
___ Reduced distribution costs from suppliers
___ Performance-Increase in income/capital ratio
___ Increase in return on sales
___ Increase revenues
3. To what extent, users of Web-based Construction Supply Chain Risk Management System
are satisfied?
___ Information needs internally
___ Information needs for transacting/interaction with suppliers
___ Information needs for transacting/interaction with clients
___ Communication needs internally
___ Communication needs for transacting/interacting with suppliers
___ Communication needs for transacting/interacting with clients

4. With respect to Web-based Construction Supply Chain Risk Management, how will you rate
the system’s quality?
___ Internal access convenience
___ Accuracy
___ Shorter response time
___ Useful functions/features
___ Ease of learning to use
___ User friendliness of system
___ Remote access capability (Mobile)
5. On system usage, how will you rate your current Supply Chain Risk Management in the
following areas?
___ System monitors inventory and purchasing situation
___ Internet enabled system for information sharing
___ Adequate training provided for users
___ Automated transmitting and processing of data
___ Centralized access on sharing of information
___ Effective electronic system for product distribution
___ Effective electronic system for procurement
D. Write check in the column that corresponds to your answer.
1. In your view, what types of risks SHOULD a supply chain management team be involved in
managing (e.g. measuring, monitoring, mitigating)?

SCM should SCM should be

No SCM's
involved involved
Natural disaster risks
Geopolitical risks
Infrastructure outage risks (power,
telecoms, utilities)
Manufacturing production
reliability and flexibility
Theft and shrinkage
Supplier's business continuity
policies and practices
Commodity price volatility risks
Competitive Risks (competitor's
Economic cycle risks
Poor demand forecasts
Exchange rate risks
HR risks (skills shortage, turnover)
Labor dispute/ Work stoppage risks
(your own, suppliers, 3rd parties-
Your company's own business
continuity polities and practices
Data/IT security
Product design flaws (quality,
Sustainability and Corporate social
responsibility compliance

Optional comments
2. How good is your company’s supply chain group at managing each of these areas or risk?

Not considered
RISK Very good Good Fair Poor SCM group's
Natural disaster risks
Geopolitical risks
Infrastructure outage risks (power,
telecoms, utilities)
Manufacturing production reliability
and flexibility
Theft and shrinkage
Supplier's business continuity
policies and practices
Commodity price volatility risks
Competitive Risks (competitor's
Economic cycle risks
Poor demand forecasts
Exchange rate risks
HR risks (skills shortage, turnover)
Labor dispute/ Work stoppage risks
(your own, suppliers, 3rd parties-
Your company's own business
continuity polities and practices
Data/IT security

Product design flaws (quality, safety)

Sustainability and Corporate social
responsibility compliance

Optional comments

Additional Comments/Suggestion/Recommendation

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