Shes A Queen! - HumansBeingBros

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31/5/2020 Shes a queen!

: HumansBeingBros



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Posted by u/i-like-to-be-wooshed 2 days ago

Shes a queen!
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31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

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 DarkGamer 436 points · 2 days ago

 Wtf is a "sexual initiation camp?"

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 l1ghght 457 points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago

 a camp that teaches young girls how to have sex to prepare them for child marriages
( messed
up stuff.

ETA- here's another article about a man who's paid to have sex with these young girls:

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 Longuylashes 341 points · 2 days ago

 I'm going to need help restarting my heart and then rinsing my brain out.
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 trustedbuilds 143 points · 2 days ago

 r/eyebleach
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 lostNtranslated 58 points · 2 days ago

 That’s not enough 2/12
31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

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 IMakeGuysWearPanties 31 points · 2 days ago

 (archived)
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 oh-no-he-comments 8 points · 2 days ago

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 FriendlyShep 12 points · 2 days ago

 r/chonkers r/greebles r/murdermittens r/rarepuppers r/teefies r/aww
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[deleted] 149 points · 2 days ago 5 children

 ayeiamthefantasyguy 5 points · 2 days ago

 What the fuck it's even worse than I thought it would be.
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 Amicelli11 3 points · 2 days ago

 He had god damn HIV? Fuck that. Not him, just that.
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 pisspotpisspot 2 points · 2 days ago

 Jesus
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 Ghustgan -2 points · 2 days ago

 All cultures are equal guys, I swear on my word!1!1
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Annual-Wonder -27 points · 2 days ago 3 children

 DeannaMorgan 81 points · 2 days ago

 Much love and respect to Theresa. What an amazing person.

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 HankTheTank444556 2 points · 1 day ago

 This is a quality post and a very quality person. This is why I love this subreddit. With all
the negativity in the world here’s someone doing good big or small

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 senorfultes 64 points · 2 days ago · edited 2 days ago 3/12
31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros
 Sounds like an unreal women of virtue doing her best to make the world better. Is there
any way we can help her!?...

Edit: With a quick search all i could find was a neat quick interview with her from BBC.

From what I read an looked at it sounds like she is a bad ass of a woman. Continue fighting
the good fight!

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 halplatmein 116 points · 2 days ago

 Sexual initiation camps for children? Wtf does that even mean? I'd google it but it sounds
like something that would land you on a list.

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 Federal_Currency 76 points · 2 days ago

 Basically prepares children, and teaches children how to have sex so they are better at it
when it is time for the child marriage, really messed up stuff.

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 Marawal 33 points · 2 days ago

 I'm going to guess that there's not a lot of theory, and it's more practical learning.
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 Ahenian 7 points · 2 days ago

 This really makes you wonder who's doing the teaching and how... Actually I'd
rather remain ignorant on this particular detail.
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 Potato__Ninja 6 points · 2 days ago

 That sounds a recipe for great education system reform. But not in this context.
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 chepuddle 26 points · 2 days ago

 Link to a clip of BBC's interview with her:

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 Zahowy 106 points · 3 days ago

 You don't want me to say her name. I WILL butcher her name.
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 APersonish01 14 points · 3 days ago

 try this 4/12
31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

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 PlagueComics 18 points · 3 days ago

 Here is how I say it (most likely wrong)

Ka - chin - da - moto
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 brendaishere 20 points · 3 days ago

 I just read a fiction book that was based partly in Malawi. The Girl with the Louding Voice, I
recommend it.

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 catnmoose 34 points · 3 days ago

 Pedos hate her! She just used this one simple trick

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 Thomo136 15 points · 3 days ago

 Now imagine the dangers she faces each day. Morals are easy to have when their
untested,. What an awesome human.

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 sksk_nothx 49 points · 3 days ago

 Yes queen

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 Jedimindfunk_thewild 10 points · 3 days ago

 I had to look up what a Sexual Initiation camp was. My heart broke when I found out.

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 Murder_Boy 26 points · 3 days ago

 I initially didn't read the child part in child marriages and thought this woman just broke up
850 regular marriages
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 bxzidff 21 points · 3 days ago

 Maybe she is active in r/relationshipadvice
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31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros
 JumpscaredByMemes 7 points · 3 days ago
 Search
How do you go about doing that? Do you just run through an apartment complex yelling
"HE'S CHEATING ON YOU" and then wait for sixty women to storm out of the building?

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 Candlesmith 1 point · 3 days ago

 WTF NO. That is just an unmutated radscorpion.
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 dimsumdumbsum 3 points · 2 days ago

 an unmutated radscorpion

a what.
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 MrSkygack 5 points · 3 days ago

 Here's a longer interview than the BBC piece others have linked. She's amazing. This one
has interviews with her people, as well.
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 SSJ4LYF 11 points · 3 days ago

 She is a queen, so can somebody tell me how to pronounce her surname so I can say it
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 APersonish01 7 points · 3 days ago

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 SSJ4LYF 5 points · 3 days ago

 thanking you
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 Jordan_888 6 points · 3 days ago

 Theresa Kachindamoto
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 Chancedizzle 6 points · 3 days ago

 Theresa Kachindamoto!!!!
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31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

 DrNonsense 11 points · 3 days ago

 I’m glad that someone be Kachinda terrible humans in Malawi.
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 casblast 5 points · 3 days ago

 TIL there are sexual initiation camps

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 khand3 4 points · 3 days ago

 ❤
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 ginginator2000 3 points · 3 days ago

 I would say her name if I could, really

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 KuaLeifArne 4 points · 3 days ago

 Petition to make her the new Mother Theresa

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 khaleesi_spyro 7 points · 3 days ago

 Actually that would be amazing considering the original mother Theresa actually did
some pretty awful things despite being seen as so saintly (she thought poor people
should suffer because it brought them closer to god and actually provided pretty awful
medical care in horrible conditions despite millions in donations) Theresa Kachindamoto
is much better suited to that role! A new Saint Theresa who saves young girls from
forced marriage sounds perfect!
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 dimsumdumbsum 3 points · 2 days ago

 TIL:
Actually that would be amazing considering the original mother Theresa actually
did some pretty awful things despite being seen as so saintly (she thought poor
people should suffer because it brought them closer to god and actually provided
pretty awful medical care in horrible conditions despite millions in donations)
Theresa Kachindamoto is much better suited to that role! A new Saint Theresa who
saves young girls from forced marriage sounds perfect!

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 KuaLeifArne 2 points · 3 days ago

 My thoughts exactly 7/12
31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

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 annul 4 points · 3 days ago

 theresa kachindamoto? more like kachindapedo

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 dimsumdumbsum 2 points · 2 days ago

 caching da pedos
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 ConquerChimera 7 points · 3 days ago

 Queen. She deserves so much more recognition.

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 Isabis84 3 points · 3 days ago

 She has the moto !

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 aysurcouf 5 points · 3 days ago

 How am I supposed to say her name if I’m going to butcher the pronunciation

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 mario_fingerbang 2 points · 3 days ago

 I bet a lot of “husbands” are pissed off at her.

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 AprilBoon 2 points · 3 days ago

 Absolute respect for this queen of compassion and common sense.

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 kritin69 5 points · 3 days ago

 I can't say her name even if i wanted to

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 dimsumdumbsum 2 points · 2 days ago

 tisnt that hard gee
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 kritin69 1 point · 2 days ago 8/12
31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

That's what she said
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 dimsumdumbsum 2 points · 2 days ago

 I'm hehe-ing right now to be honest.
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 lanceluthor 3 points · 3 days ago

 She is an antipriest.
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 enliventhelion 2 points · 3 days ago

 I legit can't say her name :(

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 thornaad 1 point · 3 days ago

 Meanwhile in the USA people are complaining about wrong preferred pronouns as a form
of aggression...
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 monkeyDberzerk 1 point · 3 days ago

 Her name sounds British, Indian and Japanese simultaneously.

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 420did69 1 point · 3 days ago

 But I dont know how to say it!


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 Troglodyteir 1 point · 3 days ago

 I couldn't if I wanted to!

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 CrusherOfChaos 1 point · 3 days ago

 y'all better say her name

I would love to. How do I do that?

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31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

 Halolavapigz 1 point · 3Search

days ago

 I’d love to say her name, not sure if I can

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 -ViiRaL- 1 point · 3 days ago

 Add a backslash before the #.

“\#” shows up as “#”.

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 logan5156 1 point · 3 days ago

 Her family name definitely sounds like a dynasty. I'd believe she is a queen.

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 BongsnBarbells420 1 point · 3 days ago

 I’m not sure if I’m capable of saying her name. Still awesome though.
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 16jmurray 1 point · 2 days ago

 I cant even pronounce her name

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 cowinkiedink 1 point · 2 days ago

 People are amazing!

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 RNoxid 1 point · 2 days ago

 Theresa Kachindapaedo
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 ramonpoli 1 point · 2 days ago

 if I say her name it'd sound like I'm announcing that she just won a motorcycle from a raffle
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 dimsumdumbsum 1 point · 2 days ago

 thÈ- rae-sa kah-chin-da-mo-to

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31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

 mike_tython_thponge 1 point · 2 days ago

 And not to mentionSearch
her sister, Malissa Throwinpotato

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 jackiiethedog 1 point · 2 days ago

 She is doing an amazing thing in fighting the abuse of children and the degrading
treatment of them by sleazy individuals who have only immoral intentions. She is a
crusader for what are the rights or the children. A true hero.

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 C2074579 1 point · 2 days ago

 The kinds of issues I wish Western feminists would focus more on. Nothing but respect for
this woman.
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 0rdinaryBear 1 point · 3 days ago

 Oh no I forgot my wallet, thank god I still have "Kachindamoto"

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 Speedster4206 1 point · 3 days ago

 Oh thank Tom it’s Jake Lloyd...
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 SirRedentor 1 point · 3 days ago

 I would say her name, if I could pronounce it.

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 Freefrus 1 point · 3 days ago

 i don’t think i know how to say her name...

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 Wightcrow93 0 points · 3 days ago

 I would love to preach her name unfortunately I could not pronounce that with a gun to my

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 APersonish01 2 points · 3 days ago

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31/5/2020 Shes a queen! : HumansBeingBros

 CynchHasNoLife 0 points · 3 days ago

 queen

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Horseman_ -18 points · 3 days ago 1 child

 Elamar23 0 points · 3 days ago

 Her name is late for the bus

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Eversmans037 -11 points · 3 days ago 2 children

[deleted] -48 points · 3 days ago 5 children

Salastheel -6 points · 3 days ago 2 children

 Ytumith -2 points · 3 days ago

 What's her motto? Catching's the motto.

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 TheRedditisaur -2 points · 3 days ago

 She is Theresa. U can spell her name easier like this. Catchin the Moto (Moto)

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 noone569 -2 points · 3 days ago

 Eh, i dont like to think about her as a queen. For me personaly, all this royality shit
associates with slavery, child marriage, etc. She is more like a Allmother (like Allfather, but
she, luckily, actually exist).

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Darkskin_chocolate -10 points · 3 days ago 0 children

treben42 -20 points · 3 days ago 0 children

Nishant1122 -6 points · 3 days ago 5 children

[deleted] -28 points · 3 days ago 0 children 12/12

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