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Today we are bombarded by social media, ranging from blogs and

Wikis to social interaction services like whatsApp and viber to social
network sites like Facebook and Twitter to media sharing websites such
as YouTube, Pinterest and Instagram.
We cannot deny the pervasiveness, but as to whether such
pervasiveness is good for us is another question. In my opinion, social
media unfortunately does more harm than good.
The Chief Judge, panel of Judges, accurate timekeeper, my esteem
opponents, ladies and gentlemen, a pleasant good evening. I am
…………an epitome of the C.Y.O.N. Vision representing St. John the
Baptist Cathedral.
Today is both an honour and a privilege to propose the motion ‘the
use of social media is causing more harm than good among youths
today’. Frank Tiger once said and I quote ‘…discoveries are often made
by not following instructions, by going off the main road, by trying the
Today I ask you to open your minds as I take you on a journey off
the main road in my quest to convince you that, the use of social media is
causing more harm than good among youths today.
This topic however is extremely broad and so the need to clarify
position is paramount to this debate. According to the Cambridge English
dictionary, social media is defined as websites and computer programs
that allow people to communicate and share information on the internet
using a computer or a mobile phone.
The Chief Judge Sir, distinguish ladies and gentlemen. Today, I will
take you on a thought provoking journey and upon reaching your
destination; you shall have made an informed decision as to how you see
the future of the youths progressing under my plan vs. the opposition’s.
Buckle up ladies and gentlemen as I present my points.

• MENTAL HEALTH. Many mental health professionals are

deeply concerned about the impact that social media has on mental
health. Some reports that the constant distraction of social media
contributes to shortened attention spans. In addition, many people
who regularly use platforms like Facebook and twitter report high
levels of stress, which contributes to multiple physical and mental
ailments that can affect their work and productivity.

• TIME MANAGEMENT. Most employees have social media

accounts and unfortunately, many have developed the habit of
checking their accounts multiple times during the day even when
they are at work. Time spent on personal accounts is time that is
not spent on work tasks. It is also not time spent interacting with
colleagues and developing quality work relationship.
news’ has become commonplace and consumer confidences in
even traditional media outlets has been significantly eroded.
Unfortunately, false, misleading or confusing online content can
harm your brand’s reputation, upsets even loyal customers and can
dissuade people from even considering the purchase of your
products or services.

• CYBER-BULLYING. According to a report published by, most of the children have become victims of the
cyber-bullying over the past years. Since anyone can create a fake
account and do anything without been traced, it has become quite
easy for anyone to become a bully on the internet. Threats,
intimidation messages and rumors can be sent to create discomfort
and chaos in the society at large.


given the youth’s free access to materials that are immoral and
offensive to the society. Some immoral materials like
pornographic movies, nude pictures and sex videos, can be found
on the social media and downloaded free of charge. Some
teenagers who have become prone to this usually ends up
impregnating young girls, as a result of putting to practice what
they have watched and sometimes causing them into early
• POOR ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. This is because most
youths and parents, who are supposed to be their guide, spend
more time on the social media. And am sure most of you including
my opponents will agree with me that students do not study their
books as tall as they are always with their gadgets. In the olden
days, people study very hard to achieve academic excellence, in
today’s modern society, students when asked to study hard often
say; ‘do you want me to get mad’, ‘too much of everything is bad’.

• BARIER TO WRITING MECHANISM. Due to the reliance of

students and youths on the social media, students do not have
personal skills in writing essays, doing assignments and speaking
of good English. And most parents rely on social media in doing
their children’s assignments and ones there is a network failure,
the assignment cannot be done. Note that those who are able to
write use shorthand in writing essays and speaks English in pidgin.


destroyed our great African cultures due to modernization. It
adulterated the ways of our trainings especially the area of
dressing. Most of the movies some of our youths watch on social
media parades indecent dressings which they adopt thinking they
are imitating the celebrity characters.

• CYBER CRIMES, FRAUD AND SCAMS. Social media have

cause people from obtaining funds and possessions from people in
good faith and honesty. This is because anybody can create a fake
account impersonating people they are not, looting and deceiving
people on the internet. And also with the information submitted
online, they can trace whoever they chose as their target.

• HACKING. Personal data and privacy can easily be hacked and

shared on the internet which can lead to financial losses and loss
of personal life. Similarly, identity theft is another issue that can
give financial losses to anyone by hacking their personal accounts.
Several facebook and twitter accounts have been hacked in the
past and the hacker had posted materials that cost the initial owner
his life in Lagos state.

• ADDICTION. The addictive part of the social media is very bad

and can disturb personal lives as well. The teenagers are the most
affected by the addiction of the social media. They get involved
very extensively and are eventually cut off from the society. It can
also waste individual time that could have been utilized by
productive tasks and activities.


youths have used the social media platform to propose and marry
each other, rushing into cyber marriage. However, after some
time, they turn to be wrong in their decision and part ways.
Similarly, couples have cheated each other by showing fake
feelings and incorrect information.
The Chief Judge Sir, some evidence seems to abound that, on
average, social media does more harm than good in youths and adults
alike. This is particularly ominous for developing countries that need the
youths to bring about the much needed developments of the next
generation and help change the sorry state of affairs in some of these
Just how can the youths do this, when they are more likely to waste
precious time and their minds on social media contents that are
sometimes designed to psychologically disorient them?
The Chief Judge Sir, distinguish ladies and gentlemen, a word is
enough for the wise and I can even see on the doubtless faces of my
esteem audience in agreement with me that; social media is indeed
causing more harm than good among youths today.
Distinguish ladies and gentlemen, to be warned is to be fore armed
and I believe with these points of mine you are not thrown into confusion
but convinced and armed with knowledge never to be victimized by
social media. Thank you.

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