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TOWER TYPE:- 1SL Contr: CSL Type Suspension

Extn 0m
Soil Category :- 2 Water Table:- 0.0 m Below Ground Level

FOUNDATION LOAD (along the leg slope)

Base Width of Tower = 10.371 m
(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Basic Load from Tower 73006.422 61312.844 3444.6483 1964.3221
Load Factor 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23
Ultimate Load for Foundation Design 89798 75415 4236.9174 2416.1162


(kg) (kg) (kg) (kg)
Basic Load from Tower 64897.859 56761.366 3618.2467 3781.3456
Load Factor 1.23 1.23 1.23 1.23
Ultimate Load for Foundation Design 79824 69816 4236.9174 4651.055


Against down-thrust 1.0 tan (theta) (n) = 0.0750
Against uplift 1.0 First Angle (Face Slope) = 4.2882
For Passive Resistance 0.0 Diagonal Angle (Leg Slope) = 6.0531
True Length Factor 1.005607
Diameter of Pile 0.500 m ok
Length of Pile 9.5 m
No. of Piles under each leg 4 Nos.
Minimum Spacing of Piles 1.500 m
Distance of Piles from C.G. of Pile Cluster 0.750 m
Length of Pile Cap 2.300 m
Breadth of Pile Cap 2.300 m
Thickness of Pile Cap 0.600 m
Depth of bottom of Pile Cap below Ground 0.975 m
Thickness of Lean Pad 0.075 m

Chimney Width 0.600 m

Chimney Height above G.L. 0.300 m
Chimney Height below G.L. 0.300 m

Distance of residual shear from top of Pile Cap 0.600 m

Distance of residual shear from bottom of Pile Cap 1.200 m
Distance of Leg Shear from bottom of Pile Cap 0.000 m

Depth of Water table 0.00 m

Dry Density of soil 1.937 T/m
Dry Density of Concrete 2.4 T/m Based On Soil Test Result
Submrged Density of Soil 0.9 T/m
Submrged Density of Concrete 1.4 T/m
Angle of Internal Friction 30.0 Deg.


Calculation of Passive Pressure

Passive pressure = gxhx(1+sinf)/(1-sinf)

Depth of Dry Soil = 0.000 m

Depth of Submerged Soil = 0.900 m

Pressure p1 at Water Table = 0.0000 T/m
Pressure p2 at bottom of Chimney = 0.8100 T/m
Pressure p3 at bottom of Pile Cap = 2.4300 T/m

Passive Resistance at Chimney above Water Table = 0.0000 T Application point 0.900 m from Bot.
Passive Resistance at Chimney Below Water Table = 0.0729 T Application point 0.700 m from Bot.
Passive Resistance at Pile Cap above Water Table = 0.0000 T Application point 0.000 m from Bot.
Passive Resistance at Pile Cap below Water Table = 2.2356 T Application point 0.250 m from Bot.

TOTAL = 2.3085 T Application point 0.264 m from Bot.

Factored Ultimate Down-thrust along Leg Slope in NC = 89.798 T
Factored Ultimate Vertical Down-thrust in NC = = 89.297 T

Corresponding residual Shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.237 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.416 T

Corresponding Leg Shear

In Transverse Direction = 89.297 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 6.696 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 89.297 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 6.696 T

Ultimate Passive Resistance = 2.3085 x 0.0 = 0.000 T

Effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles

In Transverse Direction = 6.696 - 0.000 = 6.696 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 6.696 - 0.000 = 6.696 T
Resultant effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles = 9.469 T

Factored Ultimate Down-thrust along Leg Slope in BWC = 79.824 T

Factored Ultimate Vertical Down-thrust in BWC = = 79.379 T

Corresponding residual Shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.237 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 4.651 T

Corresponding Leg Shear

In Transverse Direction = 79.379 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 5.952 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 79.379 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 5.952 T

Ultimate Passive Resistance = 2.3085 x 0.0 = 0.000 T

Effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles

In Transverse Direction = 5.952 - 0.000 = 5.952 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.952 - 0.000 = 5.952 T
Resultant effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles = 8.418 T

Factored Ultimate Uplift along Leg Slope in NC = 75.415 T
Factored Ultimate Vertical Down-thrust in NC = = 74.995 T

Corresponding residual Shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.237 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.416 T

Corresponding Leg Shear

In Transverse Direction = 74.995 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 5.623 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 74.995 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 5.623 T

Ultimate Passive Resistance = 2.3085 x 0.0 = 0.000 T

Effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles

In Transverse Direction = 5.623 - 0.000 = 5.623 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.623 - 0.000 = 5.623 T
Resultant effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles = 7.953 T

Factored Ultimate Uplift along Leg Slope in BWC = 69.816 T

Factored Ultimate Vertical Uplift in BWC = = 69.427 T
Corresponding residual Shear
In Transverse Direction = 4.237 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 4.651 T

Corresponding Leg Shear

In Transverse Direction = 69.427 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 5.206 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 69.427 X tan( 4.2882 ) = 5.206 T

Ultimate Passive Resistance = 2.3085 x 0.0 = 0.000 T

Effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles

In Transverse Direction = 5.206 - 0.000 = 5.206 T
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.206 - 0.000 = 5.206 T
Resultant effective Leg Shear to be resisted by piles = 7.362 T

Lateral loads on each pile
Under down-thrust in NC = 9.469 / 4 = 2.367 T
Under down-thrust in BWC = 8.418 / 4 = 2.104 T
Under uplift in NC = 7.953 / 4 = 1.988 T
Under uplift in BWC = 7.362 / 4 = 1.841 T

Calculation of Resisting Capacity of pile

Design Parameters
Angle of shearing resistance of soil (f) = 30.000 Deg.
Angle of friction between pile and soil (d) = 30.000 Deg.
Friction factor Ks = 0.700
Depth of soil layer at top of pile = 0.900 m
Depth of soil layer at tip of pile = 10.400 m
Safety factor on pile capacity = 1.500
Active Zone of Soil Layer = 9.500 m
Resisting Capacity in Uplift
Overburden pressure at top of pile
= 0.00 x 1.937 + 0.900 x 0.9 = 0.810 T/m
Overburden pressure at tip of pile (Pd)
= 0.00 x 1.937 + 10.475 x 0.9 = 9.428 T/m

Ultimate capacity in uplift = 1/2 x Ks x Pd x tan(d) x As

= 0.5 x 0.7 x 9.428 x 0.5774 x 14.9226 = 28.428 T
0.7 x 9.428 x 0.5773503 x 0 0 28.428
Resisting Capacity in Down-thrust
Overburden pressure at tip of pile (Pd) = 9.428 T/m
Pile depth to diameter ratio = 9.5 / 0.500 = 19.000
Bearing Capacity Factor (Nq) = = 18.400
Base resistance = (Ab Pd (Nq - 1))
= 0.196 x 9.4275 x 17.4 = 32.209 T

Ultimate capacity of pile in down-thrust = 28.428 + 32.209 = 60.637 T

(excluding weight of pile)

Permissible capacity of pile in uplift = 28.428 / 1.5 = 18.952 T

Permissible capacity of pile in down-thrust = 60.637 / 1.5 = 40.425 T

Calculation of Dead-weight
Volume Unit Wt. Total Weight
1. Chimney above Ground 0.108 2.400 0.259
2. Chimney below Ground and above Water Table 0.000 2.400 0.000
3. Chimney below Water Table 0.108 1.400 0.151
4. Pile Cap above Water Table 0.000 2.400 0.000
5. Pile Cap below Water Table 3.174 1.400 4.444
6. Pile below Water Table (Submerged) 7.461 1.400 10.446

TOTAL = 15.300 T
28% Loading of Uplift = 17.072 T
Maximum uplift on a single Pile
Factored uplift to be resisted by pile group in NC = 74.995 T
Factored uplift to be resisted by pile group in BWC = 69.427 T

Total dead weight of Foundation = 15.300 T

Factored dead weight of Foundation = 15.300 x 1.0 = 15.300 T

Uplift to be resisted by Pile Group in NC = 74.995 - 15.300 = 59.695 T

Uplift to be resisted by Pile Group in BWC = 69.427 - 15.300 = 54.127 T

Uplift to be resisted by individual pile in NC = 59.695 / 4 = 14.924 T

in BWC = 54.127 / 4 = 13.532 T

Additional Uplift due to lateral loads

A. Normal Condition (NC)

Moment due to residual shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.2369174 x 1.200 = 5.084 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.4161162 x 1.200 = 2.899 T-m

Moment due to Leg shear

In Transverse Direction = 5.623 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.623 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m

Moment due to Factored passive pressure

In Transverse Direction = 2.3085 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.3085 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m

Moment creating additional uplift

In Transverse Direction = 5.084 + 0.000 - 0.000 = 5.084 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.899 + 0.000 - 0.000 = 2.899 T-m
Total = = 7.984 T-m

2 2
Sum of square of pile distance (if required, additional calculation) (Sr ) = 2.250 m
Distance of extreme Pile (Xe) = 0.750 m
Additional uplift on extreme pile = Mu x Xe / Sr2 = 2.661 T
Miaximum uplift on a single pile in NC = 14.924 + 2.661 = 17.585 T
Permissible Capacity of a pile in uplift = 18.952 T
Margin over safety = 7.775 %
Hence Safe

B. Broken Wire Condition (BWC)

Moment due to residual shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.2369174 x 1.200 = 5.084 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 4.651055 x 1.200 = 5.581 T-m

Moment due to Leg shear

In Transverse Direction = 5.206 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.206 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m

Moment due to Factored passive pressure

In Transverse Direction = 2.3085 x 0.264 = 0.610 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.3085 x 0.264 = 0.610 T-m

Moment creating additional uplift

In Transverse Direction = 5.084 + 0.000 - 0.610 = 4.474 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.581 + 0.000 - 0.610 = 4.971 T-m
Total = = 9.446 T-m

2 2
Sum of square of pile distance (if required, additional calculation) (Sr ) = 2.250 m
Distance of extreme Pile (Xe) = 0.750 m
Additional uplift on extreme pile = Mu x Xe / Sr2 = 3.149 T

Miaximum uplift on a single pile in BWC = 13.532 + 3.149 = 16.680 T

Permissible Capacity of a pile in uplift = 18.952 T
Margin over safety = 13.619 %
Hence Safe

Maximum down-thrust on a single Pile

Factored down-thrust to be resisted by pile group in NC = 89.297 T
Factored downthrust to be resisted by pile group in BWC = 79.379 T

Total dead weight of Foundation = 15.300 T

Factored dead weight of Foundation = 15.300 x 1.0 = 15.300 T

Downthrust to be resisted by Piles in NC = 89.297 + 15.300 = 104.597 T

Downthrust to be resisted by Piles in BWC = 79.379 + 15.300 = 94.679 T

Downthrust to be resisted by one pile in NC = 104.597 / 4 = 26.149 T

in BWC = 94.679 / 4 = 23.670 T

Additional Down-thrust due to lateral loads

A. Normal Condition (NC)

Moment due to residual shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.2369174 x 1.200 = 5.084 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.4161162 x 1.200 = 2.899 T-m

Moment due to Leg shear

In Transverse Direction = 6.696 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 6.696 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m

Moment due to Factored passive pressure

In Transverse Direction = 2.3085 x 0.264 = 0.610 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.3085 x 0.264 = 0.610 T-m

Moment creating additional uplift

In Transverse Direction = 5.084 + 0.000 - 0.610 = 4.474 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.899 + 0.000 - 0.610 = 2.289 T-m
Total = = 6.764 T-m

2 2
Sum of square of pile distance (if required, additional calculation) (Sr ) = 2.250 m
Distance of extreme Pile (Xe) = 0.750 m
Additional uplift on extreme pile = Mu x Xe / Sr2 = 2.255 T

Miaximum downthrust on a single pile in NC= 26.149 + 2.255 = 28.404 T

Permissible Capacity of a pile in Down-thrust = 40.425 T
Margin over safety = 42.321 %
Hence Safe

B. Broken Wire Condition (BWC)

Moment due to residual shear

In Transverse Direction = 4.2369174 x 1.200 = 5.084 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 4.651055 x 1.200 = 5.581 T-m

Moment due to Leg shear

In Transverse Direction = 5.952 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.952 x 0.000 = 0.000 T-m

Moment due to Factored passive pressure

In Transverse Direction = 2.3085 x 0.264 = 0.610 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 2.3085 x 0.264 = 0.610 T-m

Moment creating additional uplift

In Transverse Direction = 5.084 + 0.000 - 0.610 = 4.474 T-m
In Longitudinal Direction = 5.581 + 0.000 - 0.610 = 4.971 T-m
Total = = 9.446 T-m

2 2
Sum of square of pile distance (if required, additional calculation) (Sr ) = 2.250 m
Distance of extreme Pile (Xe) = 0.750 m
Additional uplift on extreme pile = Mu x Xe / Sr2 = 3.149 T

Max. downthrust on a single pile in BWC = 23.670 + 3.149 = 26.818 T

Permissible Capacity of a pile in uplift = 40.425 T
Margin over safety = 50.736 %
Hence Safe

Design Parameters:
Compressive Strength of Concrete, fcu = 30.000 N /mm
Yield Strength of steel, fy = 415.000 N /mm
Clear Cover to reinforcement at Pile Cap top, side and chimney = 60.000 mm
Clear Cover to reinforcement at Pile Cap bottom = 75.000 mm
Diameter of main reinforcement 1 at Chimney = 20.000 mm
Diameter of main reinforcement 2 at Chimney = 16.000 mm
Diameter of Stirrup reinforcement at Chimney = 10.000 mm
Diameter of main reinforcement at Pile Cap = 16.000 mm
Diameter of main reinforcement at Pile = 20.000 mm
Diameter of main reinforcement at Pile 16.000 mm
Diameter of Stirrup reinforcement at Pile = 8.000 mm


Effective depth of pile cap for uplift

= 600.0 - 60.0 - 16.0 - 8.0 = 516.000 mm
Effective depth of pile cap for down-thrust
= 600.0 - 75.0 - 16.0 - 8.0 = 501.000 mm

Top Reinforcement (for Uplift):

Uniform downward load (u.d.l.)

Overlying soil = 0.300 x 1.937 = 0.581 T/m
self-weight of concrete = 0.600 x 2.40 = 1.440 T/m
Total down-ward load (w) = 2.021 T/m

Ultimate tension in a single pile (including self-weight) (T) = = 17.585 T

Moment at the face of chimney due to u.d.l.

= 2.021 x 2.300 x ( 0.850 ) / 2.0 = 1.679 T-m
Moment at the face of chimney due to Pile
= 17.585 x 0.450 x 2 = 15.826 T-m

Total moment at the face of chimney, M = 17.506 T-m

= 171.678 KN-m

K (= M / fcubd ) = 0.0093
K' = 0.156 ,Hence Singly Reinforced Section
Z (=d x {0.5 + sqrt(0.25 - K / 0.9)}) = 490.2 (Refer Cl., BS: 8110 Part - I)
Top reinforcement, As (= M / 0.95 fy Z) = 888.32 mm
Min. reinforcement required (0.15%) = 2070.0 mm (Refer Cl., BS: 8110 Part - I)

Required Spacing of 16 mm bar = 223.4 c/c

Provided Spacing of 16 mm bar = 218.0 c/c
Steel Area privided = 2121.3 mm Provide 11-16mm dia Top rebar Both way
% of steel provided (100 As / bd) = 0.179 11

Two way Shear Check for Uplift at Column face :-

No of Pile around Chimney= 4
Uplift causing rupture around chimney, V = 70.340 T
= 689.820 KN

At a distance '0' from the chimney, perimeter b0 = 2400.000 mm

Developed shear stress, v [ = V/ (b0 x d) ] = 0.557 N/mm

Allowable shear stress, v c = 1.424 N/mm

Upward Pressure, Pu = 0.130 N/mm2

Shear Force acting on 'd/2' perimeter,Vu = 642876.054 N
= 144.647 Kip
Allowable Shear Force,Va = 430.443 Kip
So, Safe for punching shear
Hence, Pile Cap is safe in two way Shear due to uplift at Chimney face

Bottom Reinforcement (for Down-thrust):

Uniform downward load (u.d.l.)

Overlying soil = 0.300 x 1.937 = 0.581 T/m
self-weight of concrete = 0.600 x 2.40 = 1.440 T/m
Total down-ward load (w) = 2.021 T/m

Ultimate compression in a single pile (including self-weight) (T) = = 28.404 T

Moment at the face of chimney due to u.d.l.

= 2.021 x 2.300 x ( 0.850 ) / 2.0 = 1.679 T-m
Moment at the face of chimney due to Pile
= 28.404 x 0.450 x 2 = 25.563 T-m

Total moment at the face of chimney, M = 27.243 T-m

= 267.170 KN-m

K (= M / fcubd ) = 0.0154
K' = 0.156 ,Hence Singly Reinforced Section
Z (=d x {0.5 + sqrt(0.25 - K / 0.9)}) = 475.95 (Refer Cl., BS: 8110 Part - I)
Top reinforcement, As (= M / 0.95 fy Z) = 1423.82 mm
Min. reinforcement required (0.15%) = 2070.0 mm (Refer Cl., BS: 8110 Part - I)

Required Spacing of 16 mm bar = 223.4 c/c

Provided Spacing of 16 mm bar = 218.0 c/c Provide 11-16mm dia Bottom rebar Both way
Steel Area privided = 2121.3 mm 11
% of steel provided (100 As / bd) = 0.179

Two way Shear Check for Down thrust at Column face :-i.e PUNCHING SHEAR
Uplift causing rupture around chimney, V = 89.816 T
= 880.823 KN

At a distance 'd/2' from the chimney, perimeter b0 = 4404.000 mm

Developed shear stress, v [ = V/ (b0 x d) ] = 0.399 N/mm

Allowable shear stress, v c = 1.424 N/mm
Upward Pressure, Pu = 0.167 N/mm2
Shear Force acting on 'd/2' perimeter,Vu = 678982.795 N
= 152.771 Kip
Allowable Shear Force,Va = 766.901 Kip
So, Safe for punching shear
Hence, Pile Cap is safe in two way Shear due to down-thrust at Chimney face


Moment Arm,
= 600.0 - ( 60.0 + 10.0 ) x 2 - 20.0 = 440.000 mm

Maximum factored inclined Uplift in NC = 75.415 T

Corresponding residual shear in Transverse direction = 4.237 T
Corresponding residual shear in Longitudinal direction = 2.416 T

Maximum factored inclined Uplift in BWC = 69.816 T

Corresponding residual shear in Transverse direction = 4.237 T
Corresponding residual shear in Longitudinal direction = 4.651 T
0.1Fcu*b*h= = 108.000 T
50% of Comp load= = 44.899 T
So, axial force to be taken by Chimney is = 0.000 T

Longitudinal Reinforcement :
Normal Condition:
Reinforcement due to direct uplift (As1 = Pu / 0.87 fy) = 0.000 mm

Additional reinforcement for shear

Ultimate moment induced by residual shear
In transverse direction = 4.237 x 0.600 = 2.542 T-m
In longitudinal direction = 2.416 x 0.600 = 1.450 T-m
Total = 3.992 T-m

Ultimate tension at each corner (T) = 3.992 / 2 / 0.440 = 4.536 T

Additional reinforcement due to residual shear (As2 = T / 0.87 fy) = 123.213 mm

Total amount of reinforcement (As = As1 + 4 x As2) = 492.853 mm

Minimum amount of reinforcement (As-min = 0.004 x Ac) = 1440.000 mm

Broken Wire Condition:

Reinforcement due to direct uplift (As1 = Pu / 0.87 fy) = 0.000 mm

Additional reinforcement for shear

Ultimate moment induced by residual shear
In transverse direction = 4.237 x 0.600 = 2.542 T-m
In longitudinal direction = 4.651 x 0.600 = 2.791 T-m
Total = 5.333 T-m

Ultimate tension at each corner (T) = 5.333 / 2 / 0.440 = 6.060 T

Additional reinforcement due to residual shear (As2 = T / 0.87 fy) = 164.604 mm

Total amount of reinforcement (As = As1 + 4 x As2) = 658.416 mm
Hence, total longitudinal reinforcement required = 1440.0 mm

Provide 0 Nos. tor f 20

and 8 Nos. tor f 16
Reinforcement provided = 1608.50 mm Hence O. K.

Lateral Reinforcement :

Maximum Shear Force ( V ) = 4.651 T

Assuming cracked section, Spacing of 2-legged stirrup f 10 bar, S1 (= Av x 0.87 fy x d / V)

= 157.08 x 361.05 x 520.0 / 45612.9 = 646.551 mm

Maximum spacing, S2 ( = d/2) = 260.000 mm

Maximum spacing, As per BS8110 = 240.000 mm
Provide Stirrup 10 mm f 240.000 mm C/C


Ultimate down-thrust acting on a pile = 28.404 T

corresponding ultimate lateral force = 2.367 T
Passive Pressure at tip of Pile = 0.000 T/m
Kp = 3.000
a = 1.000
b = 0.000
c = -3.507
Passive Pressure at section of zero shear = 5.056
C.G. of Passive pressure from section of zero shear = 0.624
Section of zero shear / section of max. bending moment = 1.873 m
corresponding ultimate moment = 2.956 T-m

Ultimate uplift acting on a pile = 17.585 T

corresponding ultimate lateral force = 1.988 T
Passive Pressure at top of Pile = 0.000
Kp = 3.000
a 1.000
b 0.000
c -2.945
Passive Pressure at section of zero shear = 4.634
C.G. of Passive pressure from section of zero shear = 0.572
Section of zero shear / section of max. bending moment = 1.716 m
corresponding ultimate moment Changed as per Tom Eqn =======> = 2.275 T-m

Clear cover for reinforcement bar ( d' ) = 75.000 mm

Diameter of Pile (D) = 500.000 mm

Check for Down-thrust :-

d' / D = 0.150
N / fcu Ac = 0.047
M / fcu Ac D = 0.010
w = 0.000

Check for Uplift :-

N / fcu Ac = -0.029
M / fcu Ac D = 0.008
w = 0.075

Area of Longitudinal Reinforcement (Ast = w x Ac x fcu /fy) = 1064.546 mm

Min. reinforcement ( = 0.004* Ac) = 785.398 mm

Provide 0 Nos. tor f 20 0 mm as Longitudinal Reinforcement

6 Nos. tor f 16 6

Reinforcement provided = 1206.37 mm Hence O. K.
Reinforcement provided (%) = 0.6144 %
Lateral Reinforcement (tie bar) :-

Spacing of stirrup of f 8 mm bar, S1 (= Av x 0.87 fy x d / V) = 781.707 mm

Maximum spacing, S2 ( = d/2) = 212.500 mm

Provide Stirrup 8 mm f 150 mm C/C

2 2
Ag= 196350 mm Ac= 96211.3 mm Ag/Ac= 2.0408163 factor= 0.468 f'c/fy=
Volume of Ratio Spiral= 0.03386 Area of Spiral= 444.38468 mm 50.265482 AreaXsp Spacing= 13.97272619

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