Warsangali Sultanate

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Warsangali Sultanate

The Warsangali Sultanate[1] (Somali: Saldanadda the Horn of Africa, refers to the Sultan from the colonial
Warsangeli, Arabic: ‫ )سلطنة الورسنجلي‬was a Somali literature as a “man of unusual influence”, a “man of mer-
imperial ruling house centered in northeastern and in curial image”, and a “man of unusual strength”. Several
some parts of southeastern Somalia.[2] It was one of the Somali Sultanates existed in Somalia prior to the Euro-
largest sultanates ever established in the territory, and, pean imperialism of the 19th century, but the Warsangali
at the height of its power, included the Sanaag region Sultanate was the only one with a robust tax-based cen-
and parts of the northeastern Bari region of the country, tralized administration. Lewis writes:
an area historically known as Maakhir or the Maakhir
Coast. The Sultanate was founded in the late 13th cen- Vestiges of a similar degree of centralized
tury in northern Somalia by a group of Somalis from the administration on the pattern of a Muslim Sul-
Warsangali branch of the Darod clan, and was ruled by tanate, survive today in the Protectorate among
the descendants of the Gerad Dhidhin. In the late 19th the Warsangali. Prior to 1920, the Garaad
century, the influential Sultan Mohamoud Ali Shire gov- had at his command a small standing army
erned the Sultanate, assuming control during some of its with which, with British support, he fought
most turbulent years. The Akil Dhahar ruled south of Sayyid Mahamad Abdille Hassan’s forces. But
Sanaag and some portions of the Bari region. In 1884, the Garad’s powers’ are dwindling under modern
United Kingdom established the protectorate of British administration.
Somaliland through various treaties with the northern So-
mali sultanates, including the Warsangali Sultanate.
Sultanates such as these, generally only
arose on the coast or through commanding an
important trade route, and were largely depen-
1 History dent on the possession and control of a port
or other exploitable economic resources. They
were in direct trade and diffuse political re-
1.1 Akil Dhahar lations with Arabia, received occasional Arab
immigrants, and were the centres from which
Although there is a dearth of historical testimony on Akil
Islam expanded with trade into the interior.
Dhahar, according to oral tradition, he fought against the
The Sultanates had to fight to maintain their
Abyssinians. In honor of his accomplishments, Akil Dha-
positions of supremacy against the periodic in-
har’s name is immortalized in the valley and mountains of
cursions of raiding parties of nomads, and their
the city known as Dhahar.
authority was never great.

1.2 Northern Somali sultanates

In 1896, a challenge of leadership emerged between a fa-
ther and son. The powerful Gerad Ali Shire’s authority
was dwindling and young Mohamoud Ali Shire, with the
tacit support of the Isse Garad (Bohogayslabe) sub-clan
of the Warsangali Darod, sought to undermine the power
of his father. Before then, internal conflict among the
Warsangali sub-clans had surfaced and had had an ef-
fect on Sultan Mohamoud Ali Shire and his ascension
to power. The disarray caused by the young Mohamoud
among the Warsangali was finally settled by the proposal
that Mohamoud fils should become Sultan, while his fa-
Ruins of the Warsangali Sultanate in Las Khorey. ther could remain Gerad. The Bihidor sub-clan of the
Warsangali, however, withdrew their support for the Sul-
I. M. Lewis, in his book A Pastoral Democracy: A Study tan, deeming him an upstart and an untested authority
of Pastoralism and Politics Among the Northern Somali of figure. They subsequently forged an alliance with the


Somali religious and nationalist leader Mohammed Ab- As a result, the Dervishes abandoned the Nugaal territory
dullah Hassan's Dervish forces in an attempt to defeat and retreated into the Hawd.
Britain and Ethiopia, two powers that were then also vy-
ing for control of the Somali Peninsula. In his paper The
'Mad Mullah' and Northern Somalia, the historian Robert 1.3 Somali-British treaties
L. Hess touches upon this alliance, writing that “in at-
tempt to break out of Obbian-Mijertein circle, the Mul- Historically, the British used indirect rule to their ad-
lah sought closer alliances with the Bihidor Warsangali of vantage to control and exploit territories. Following the
British Somaliland and Bah Geri of Ethiopia”. British treaty with the Warsangali in 1886, the British
Somaliland protectorate was formed. Much of the ter-
Following an unexpected onslaught, the Sultan ordered
ritory’s economy at the time was centered on the trade
his army to retreat from its main military posts in Erigavo,
relationship it had with Aden, Yemen, which was chiefly
a town that at the time served as a reserve well for the
based on the export of livestock, frankincense, and myrrh
Sultan’s horses and as a base for his army. Hassan’s al-
in return for food, fabric, and other materials. The pro-
liance with the Bihidor clan was instrumental in extend-
tectorate was subsequently administered from Aden un-
ing the Dervish sphere of influence and in expanding his
til 1898, just before the rise to prominence of Sayyid
Dervish State's hegemony. On 3 March 1905, Italy came
Muhammad Abdullah Hassan.
close to signing a treaty with Hassan at Illig, offering
him the Nugaal territory as a protectorate. Hassan, how- The British realized that isolated efforts to pacify Somali
ever, rejected the offer and his Dervish army continued authority with treaties were not sufficient, and that doing
its anti-imperial resistance struggle. In its early proposal, so could incite trouble within the protectorate. In 1884,
both the Majeerteen and Warsangali Sultanates also op- the British government thus signed protection treaties
posed the treaty, as they foresaw potential threats to their with the Issa, Gadabuursi and Isaaq Somali clans, all
own local authority from its hypothetical implementation. at once. This particular tripartite agreement was ben-
These Sultanates thus collaborated to defeat the Dervish eficial to the British, as it permitted them to operate
forces: harmoniously alongside the existing clan social systems
of northwestern Somalia. However, Sultan Mohamoud
The first success in this Anglo-Italian co- Ali Shire and his administration in the northeastern part
operation came in December 1910. In that of the Somali territories wielded enough power to con-
month, the British Warsangali and the Ital- tinue to exercise independent operation and rule. Arti-
ian Mijertain peacefully resolved all their out- cle V of the British treaty with the Warsangali acknowl-
standing disputes and, convening in Bander edges this continued sovereignty of the Warsangali terri-
Kasim, agreed to act jointly in combating tories, adding that the British government appointed an
Sayyid Mohammed Abdullah Hassan and his ambassador to the region and was in the process of build-
Dervishes. The Mijertain–Warsangali Accord ing an office there:
led to a common offensive against the Mullah,
whose forces were cut off from arms and muni- Article V. The British Government shall
tions smuggled in from the coast. (Hess, 427) have the power to appoint an Agent or Agents
In 1920, the Dervishes unexpectedly captured to reside in the Territories of the Warsangali,
Badhan and besieged Las Khorey. The British and every such Agent shall be treated with
Governor at Aden soon sent RAF biplanes to respect and consideration, and be entitled to
contain the advance of the Dervish army into have for this protection such guard as the
the Warsangali country. Though the air strikes British Government deem sufficient.
that bombarded Badhan, Jidali and Talex never
did considerable harm to the Dervishes, the
Dervishes were still powerful but disorganized
and dispersed into unknown areas. Finally, the Another Article of the treaty between the Warsangali and
forces of Warsangali and Dervishes met at Ji- the British highlights the independence of the Warsangali
dali and this was in fact the final decimation of from colonial interference vis-a-vis their territories:
the Dervish movement.
Article III. The Warsangali are bound
The Mijertein Somalis, who in June suc- to render assistance to any vessel, whether
ceeded launching counter-attack with the aid British or belonging to any other nation, that
of their Warsangali allies..Mullah and his fol- may be wrecked on the shores under their
lowers were driven out of Italian Somaliland jurisdiction and control, and to protect the
into British Somaliland, where they occupied crew, passengers, and cargo of such vessels,
Buhotleh with great cruelty and oppressed the giving speedy intimation to the Resident at
Dolbahante who had shifted their allegiance Aden of the circumstances; for which act of
back to British Somaliland. friendship and good-will a suitable reward will
1.5 Warsangali-Dervish collaboration 3

be given by the British Government. is believed to have been the location of the famous Land
of Punt, existed numerous notable examples of sophisti-
cated architecture, agricultural innovation and civil engi-
neering. Irrefutable evidence is the existence of 15 storey
1.4 Civilization, society and Islam towers in Las Khorey that were built during the Gerad
dynasty. Materials used in the local Somali architecture
Islam was introduced into the Sanaag region as early as included, among other things, a specific type of wood:
the 7th century, with most of the area’s inhabitants fol-
lowing the Shafi'i madh'hab of Sunni Islam. Thus, it
The gum-producing trees grow on the ster-
appears that Sufism and saint veneration, the mystical
ile hills near the coast in the Sanaag and Bari
movement and ecstasy in Islam, was embraced among the
regions. In this districts there also grows a
Warsangali clans of Sanaag and spread to other areas of
tree known in Somali as 'damask', a species
Somalia. For instance, Haylaan, a small town located 20
of willow valuable for house- and boat-building
km south of Badhan, houses the sepulchre of Darod Is-
purposes. It grows along the banks of the 'tugs’
maiil, the founder of the Darod clan. The Somali scholar
or dry water-courses that in the rainy season
Said Ali Nur indicates that regions such as Zeila, Sanaag
drain the interior. (Burale).
and Harar became centers of dispersal for the founders
of many Muslim communities in the Horn. In fact, the
founder of the Darod clan is venerated as a saint by many Moreover, according to historical testimony by the British
members of said clan. This sort of veneration is inter- Lieutenant John Hanning Speke in his journal What led
nalized in the customs of all Somalis, and these figures to the Discovery of the Source of the Nile, published some
are known as “ancestor saints”. They are means by which 31 years before the Somali-British treaty of 1886 wherein
man’s appeal to the mercy and blessings of God through the English agreed to provide military and logistical sup-
the saints is strengthened. These saints, however, are not port to the Isaaq near Aden in Yemen, the decline in
worshipped, but venerated, and the respect shown to them power of the Warsangali Sultanate began thus:
is clearly based upon their intermediary role. The struc- Speke also discussed the relative strength of the Sul-
ture of the Elaayo mosque where, among other masjids, tanate’s administration, opining that Gerad Mohamoud
actual worship took place, is still of remarkable strength; Ali was a capable leader:
almost marble.

1.5 Warsangali-Dervish collaboration

Warsangali Sultanate cavalry in 1908.

Sheikh Darod's tomb in Haylaan, Somalia.

The two Somali leaders, Sultan Mohamoud Ali Shire and

Initially, due to their many ancient settlements, the north-
Sayyid Muhammad Abdullah Hassan, were in the spot-
eastern cities of Las Khorey and Elaayo formed a grow- light. The British Somaliland protectorate’s administra-
ing international hub and served as important destina- tion had dealt with each one of them secretly, and had
tions. The Sultan’s revolt against the British, however, worked to prevent a possible bilateral alliance of power-
led to the ultimate decline of these coastal areas, as the sharing and common economic and political integration
British then shifted their administration to the western on their part. A notable incident took place in 1908, when
side of northern Somalia. The erstwhile commercial cen- British airplanes bombarded Jidali, Badhan and Taleex.
ters of Las Khorey and Elaayo consequently diminished This led to the dispersal of the Dervish into many areas,
in importance.[3] and it took a long period for the Sayyid to recoup his
However, the ascendancy of Somali society in terms of strength. However, despite the rift between them, Sul-
trade, civilization and contact with ancient pharaohs con- tan Mohamoud Ali Shire and his army within the British
tinued for many centuries. In northern Somalia, which Somaliland protectorate’s claimed areas of Sanaag were

severely disturbed by the sudden ebb in Dervish activi- in Yemen, ostensibly to discuss possible ways of settling
ties. To demonstrate his concern, Sultan Shire ordered differences. After a short session before the meeting
his army to open fire on a British ship that was about to was scheduled to begin, he was taken into custody by the
land at the port of Las Khorey. I. M. Lewis cites this brief British authorities. Sultan Shire was later tried without
incident in his book, A Modern History of the Somali: proper representation in a kangaroo court. Due to the
Sultan’s vehement and active opposition to foreign rule
The Warsangali clan within the British pro- over his territory and dread on the part of the British of
tectorate on the eastern coast who under their the prospect of another twenty years of costly and pro-
spirited leader Garad Mahamud 'Ali Shire had tracted battles with yet another Somali potentate, he was
now decided to throw in their lot with the sentenced to exile in the Seychelles for a period of seven
Dervishes and in January 1908, fired on a years (a place where the British often confined promi-
British dhow as it was landing on their coast. nent anti-imperialist leaders). However, Shire continued
This incident has led to a hostile exchange of to play a prominent role in local affairs until his even-
letters with the consul at Berbera and it was ev- tual death a few months after independence, as the British
ident that the Dervishes would soon be on the administration sought his support before introducing any
March again.[4] major policy changes so as to avoid alienating the influ-
ential leader.
Furthermore, Hassan’s association with Mohamoud Ali
Shire as brother-in-law gave him access to the Maakhir
Coast, which served as a gateway to the Arabian penin- 2 Timeline of events in northern
sula for the importation of firearms and ammunition. Somalia
The Dervishes thus resumed their movements, which ren-
dered the British nervous, especially since their alliance • 1884: Khedives evacuate Somali coast. British gar-
with the Isaaq forged in a treaty from 1885 had proved rison to Berbera from Bombay.
• 1885: British treaties with the Issa, Isaaq and Darod
The British ran out of options and were forced to col-
laborate with the Italians and the Majeerteen Sultanates
for an attack that forced the Dervishes from their main • 1886: British treaty with the Warsangali.
strongholds such as Taleex and Jidali. Sporadic resis-
tance using guerrilla tactics ensued. However, while Sul- • 1895: Mohammed Abdullah Hassan's Salihiyya re-
tan Mohamoud Ali Shire’s government was feared by the ligious revival in Berbera fails.
British and many Somali clans, some Warsangali sub- • 1898: The British Foreign Office takes over admin-
clans also viewed the Sultan’s government with suspicion istration of the British Somaliland Protectorate from
because of its authoritarianism. They consequently de- the India Office. The Protectorate was then the
clared independence from his dominions, and began a re- only self-supporting British dependency in eastern
bellion to topple the leader. This internal conflict among Africa.
the Warsangali sub-clans coincided with the Dervishes’
struggle to expel the British and Italian imperialists. In • 1899: First truculent letter from Hassan at Kirit to
an attempt to lure supporters to side with him, the Sayyid Protectorate Administration.
composed a poem for this incident:
• 1900: Abyssinians fights Hassan at Haradigit. Has-
san takes 2,000 Eidegalla camels.
• 1900, November: Swayne’s first expedition with en-
The Sultan’s troops killed many men of the Bihidoor clan, gagements at Kirit, Samala, Welahed, Anahadigli,
a subclan of the Warsangali. According to testimony Kurgerad, Ferdidin.
by John Hanning Speke in his journal and elders of the • 1901, October: Swayne’s second expedition with
Warsangali sub-clans, this led to defiance and hostility engagements at Erago.
on the part of the Bihidoor. Members of the Bihidoor
nonetheless settled in Xiingalol, which was then the most • 1903, April: Third expedition with engagements at:
populous city in Sanaag, as well as in the long plateau of Daratoleh.
Xadeed in large numbers.
• 1904, January: Fourth expedition with engagements
at: Jidballi.
1.6 Exile • 1904, March: Jidbali occupies: Higligab, and Las
Despite a lack of stability and struggles with the imperi-
alists, Sultan Shire was secretly invited to a conference • 1904, 21 March: Illig (Eyl).

• 1904, October: Pestalozza Peace. • Marehan Sultanate

• 1909, November: Sultan’s forces repel British to • Herbert Augustine Carter – Victoria Cross (VC) re-
coast. cipient, Fourth Somaliland Expedition
• 1913, 9 August: Battle of Dul Madoba, Has- • Alexander Stanhope Cobbe – VC recipient, Second
san’s forces defeat Somaliland Camel Constabulary. Somaliland Expedition
Colonel Richard Corfield also killed.
• John Gough – VC recipient, Third Somaliland Ex-
• 1913, 5 September: Hassan raids Burao. pedition

• 1914, 12 March: Hassan raids Berbera. Somaliland • George Murray Rolland – VC recipient, Third So-
Camel Corps established. maliland Expedition

• 1914, November: Shimbir Beris. • Clement Leslie Smith – VC recipient, Fourth Soma-
liland Expedition
• 1916, May: Dervishes shelled from sea while be-
sieging Las Khorey. • William George Walker – VC recipient, Third So-
maliland Expedition
• 1919, November: Fifth (and “final”) expedition
with engagements at Badhan, Las Khorey, Medishe,
Jidali, Talex.
5 Notes
• 1920, January: British employ aerial bombardment
for the first time on the continent in order to defeat [1] Warsangeli Sultanate
of Hassan at: Medishe, Jidali, Badhan, Taleh, 3,000
[2] Culture and customs of Somalia p. 138
H. Y. Warsangali, and Dhulbahante attack Hassan at
Gorah near Shinileh. The year of aeroplanes (daiu- [3] Pre-Independency Socio-Economic of British Somaliland
[4] I. M. Lewis, A modern history of the Somali: nation and
• 1920, November: Hassan dies of influenza. Sultan state in the Horn of Africa, (James Currey: 2002), p. 74.
Mohamoud Ali Shire exiled to Seychelles for seven
years for ignoring British entreaties.
6 References
3 Rulers of the Warsangali Sul- • Lewis. I. M. A Modern History of Somalia: Nation
and State in Horn of Africa. Ohio: Ohio University
tanate Press, 1960.

Rulers of the Warsangali Sultanate up to and after Sultan • Hess. Robert L. “The 'Mad Mullah' and Northern
Mohamoud Ali Shire:[1] Somalia”. The Journal of African History, vol 5, no.
3 p. 415–433. Cambridge: Ohio Cambridge Uni-
versity Press, 1964.
4 See also • Speke. John Hanning. “Sultan/Garad Mohamoud
Ali—Hidden Treasure—Royal Reception—Sultan
• Mohamoud Ali Shire – 26th Sultan of the Sultanate Tries my Abban”. What Led to the Discovery of the
of Warsangali Source of the Nile. Edinburgh: Edinburgh William
Blackwood and Sons 1864.
• Mohammed Abdullah Hassan – religious and na-
tionalist leader • British Empire. Protection treaties with Somaliland
tribes. Edinburgh: William Blackwood and sons,
• Akil Dhahar – leader of the Sanaag region in the late 1887.
nineteenth century
• Lewis. I. M. Pastoral Democracy: A Study on Pas-
• Yusuf Ali Kenadid – founder of the Sultanate of toralism and Politics among the Northern Somali
Hobyo Clans. Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1958.
• Somali aristocratic and court titles • Alinur, Said. “Abyssinian Invasion: Reminder of a
• List of Sunni Muslim dynasties Seven Century old Animosity”. 17 January 2007.
• Sultanate of Hobyo
• Warsangeli Sultanate
• Majeerteen Sultanate

7 Text and image sources, contributors, and licenses

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• Warsangali Sultanate Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warsangali_Sultanate?oldid=684437793 Contributors: Llywrch, Tobias
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