Unit 4 Grade 12 (Day and Night Shifts) : Part One

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Grade 12 (day and night shifts)

The following exercises have to deal with the 4th Unit “Business and Etiquette”
Part one
According to some authors, ETIQUETTE, it is “The forms required by a good upbringing, or prescribed by
authority to be observed in social or afficial life.” Other say that, it is, “The customary behaviour of members of a
profession, business, law or sport team towards each other. “so, business etiquette, it is the way a person must
behave, wear, talk in a business.
Here we bring some exercises related to the unit.
Part two

This time we have the modal and semi-modal verbs REMEMBER

When you mean it is necessary for you to do something.
Eg. 1 I am tired so I must go home.
Eg. 2 She lost her keys, she has to buy another one.
b) MUST different HAVE/HAS TO
-When Must is equal to a strong advise in a sentence
Eg1. You must study if you want to pass
- HAVE/HAS TO = to fact
Eg1. Mr. Mbuty cannot see very well, he has to see the d/

c) NEED TO – it is necessary for you to do something or it is a polite suggestion.

Eg. You need to buy me a new trousers this winter.

d) HAD BETTER = Threatening = if you don’t do this something will happen.

Eg. You had better study very to pass the grade.

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