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Group rules and agreements:

Here are the Group rules and agreements:

1. After receiving the daily tasks, you will have 24 hours to get them done.

2. When you need to write, write it in your handwriting with a pen and paper.

3. Before you start, try to relax with a few deep breaths or with another relaxation technique that you
prefer. Feel free to share any of these exercise techniques with the rest of the group.

4. If you have any questions, send me a private message. Comments and endorsements are not required
in the group, but are allowed.

5. Try to be present when performing the daily activities and keep your focus only on the task at hand.

6. I will be posting the task every day, until 11:11 am EET, so that you have enough time to finish the task
and meditation until 11:11 am next morning (during the day, during the night, or next morning).

7. If the activity is not performed in time, as a rule the person has to be removed from the group (if this
happens, do not take it personally, it's just a rule that's important for the final result).

8. After completing the activity, just write "Day X Done" in this group as a confirmation for yourself. To
anyone who does not finish the daily activities in due time , please take responsibility and leave the group.


Since tomorrow is the first day, you still have time to decide whether you want to stay with us or not. Also,
if you know of someone who you think would like to participate in this challenge, just add them to the chat.


Here is a way to start your day with beautiful inspiration from Deepak Chopra (recording is attached

I remind you to write "Done Day 1" in the group when you finish the task of the day (audio + notebook).

Day 1

Get a new notebook (doesn't need to be new, but just take something nice to honor the topic), take a
pencil and create a list of 50 people who have added value to your life.

Take everyone who you think has helped you grow somehow.

The list must contain 50 names. The important thing is to mentally connect with the WHY of your choice.
Move calmly, remember the good things in each person, and what they have brought into your life.

Enjoy this!

The quote of the day:

"Yesterday was a good day. Today will be a better day, and tomorrow will be a wonderful day."

Here is the meditation of the day. You can hear it before or after the notebook job. And as many times as
you like within the next 24 hours. Better earlier in the day ! Enjoy!


Good morning, friends!

Congratulations to everyone who is done with Day 1 (and support to those who are still getting ready to
do it).

We went through the first day of conscious abundance. Welcome on board!

Become aware of the world within and outside you - it is nice to be present to what is there, and also to
notice what’s changing.
This 21-day process can be used as a conscious intensive part of your yearly hibernation time that might
trigger many reflections, if you allow it to.
It can take you very deep, and it can be a joyful light experience.

The tasks might seem more challenging, yet, let's remember that challenges help us see and understand
who we truly are and who we choose to be.

Here is the task for today:


Write a list, no matter how long, of people in your family and social circles that you feel have achieved
their goals in life and are happy. This can be very interesting - you explore your own ideas and concepts
of happiness.

This can be in terms of ANY aspect of their life.

Take your time, listen to the meditation, create a safe and comfortable space, connect with yourself and
enjoy the process.

Today’s inspirational quote:

Learning from mistakes is a great lesson for growth.


Remember to let the group know when you have completed today’s task: “Done Day 2”. Feel free to
personalise the message!

Good morning my dears.

Thank you for staying in and doing the work that you do. It is not always easy, but oh how rewarding and
empowering overcoming challenges can be! You do it for yourself, and today it is especially important to
realize that. I invite you to come back to your intention and/or goal for this challenge before you read the
task for Day 3.
Day 3
Welcome in the Day 3 of our 21 days of Abundance.

Today’s task works with giving and receiving. The movement of energy. The energy that is standing still
doesn’t flow to bring us back a lot of energy reciprocally.

Today's inspired action is to create your own group and become the leader of the Abundance challenge
for 21 days.

Today’s task is a decisive junction in this journey and I’m seriously hoping that you’ll persist with it.

You’re now in charge of forming your own Abundance Group. It's not about how many members will be
there, 3 is enough.

You’ll have the mission each day to pass on the guidance from Day 1 to the end of the 21 days to at least
3 other people.

This task for some can be frightening, for the extra commitment in a life full of tribulations but, mainly, for
the ego and its fear of rejection, or in silent competition with its own representation.

Challenge yourself Allow your life to expand as you contribute to others' development.

I hope you will all do it, but I'll understand and respect those who don't. No worries, no stress, no limits.

I'm here with you, fully trusting in you and ready to support you with this step.

Go for it and take ownership of being an inspiring leader for others.

And finally, get your abundance notebook and write down 5 things you are grateful for:

1. I am grateful for …, because …

2. I am grateful for …, because …
3. I am grateful for …, because …
4. I am grateful for …, because …
5. I am grateful for …, because …
Good luck!


How to create group?


– Name the Group, e.g. 21 days of Abundance

– Choose a photo for a profile picture that is representative of Abundance to you

– Create a group as I did with you and explain what is is about, and tell the people they are welcome to
stay or leave, or invite their friends to participate.

– Use Messenger, WhatsApp or any other platform that you prefer




It is important to explain the Group’s intention and make it clear that they will have daily tasks and
deadlines for delivery. Clearly - they should be willing to participate.

To facilitate, you can take advantage of the previous messages that were passed, like rules, exercises,
etc, with a touch of your personality.

Remember that you will have to make the posts daily and follow the people who have been doing the
tasks responsibly
It doesn’t take that long, especially if you organize it in advance.

After you create it, say it here! Done day 3.

And I would like to add to the task 3, that you need to at least create the group and explain what is it
about in these 24 hours and then you have up to a week (or longer if needed) to start it. You are free to
use my posts and personalize it with your spices. Just do not change the Tasks. Strength and courage to
all of us! Step out of your comfort zone and enjoy the dance of Abundance


Today’s inspirational quote is:

I’m on the way of a positive day, full of Love and Prosperity.


Allow your love to expand as you feel it can contribute to people’s development.

In other words-Making day 3 assignment is as saying to yourself:

"I am completely ready to open up to abundance

To let larger streams of life to pass through me

I have the space

I am the space"

And remember - we're in this together.

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