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Aim: To study and implement Biometric authentication

Theory: Biometrics is the technical term for body measurements and calculations. It refers to metrics
related to human characteristics.
Biometrics authentication (or realistic authentication) is used in computer science as a form of
identification and access control. It is also used to identify individuals in groups that are under

Types of Biometrics

1. DNA Matching. The identification of an individual using the analysis of segments from
DNA. ...
2. Eyes - Iris Recognition. The use of the features found in the iris to identify an individual. ...
3. Face Recognition. ...
4. Finger Geometry Recognition. ...
5. Hand Geometry Recognition. ...
6. Typing Recognition. ...
7. Voice - Speaker Identification.

Description: Here, in this practical, I have decided to implement face recognition using my Samsung
Galaxy phone. The phone has a 32MP front facing camera which also supports facial recognition.
Where this can essentially come into place is when I want to unlock my phone without physically
touching it. This technology has been mainstreaming ever since Android 5 (Lollipop). Current OS on
my phone is Android 10 with Samsung’s One UI 2.0 skin. Here’s how it takes off.

Procedure: As soon as I go into Biometrics (inside Settings), the very first option is to ‘register a face’.
After which, it asks me, whether I am wearing glasses. After clicking ‘No’, it starts. The process is so
fast that I had to use another phone to block my face from getting read. On further investigation, I
studied that the phone is using Google’s Mobile Vision API. This has been the default since many
years now and all manufacturers have to adhere to it
Result: The utility, did not allow me to take screenshots while registering face due to security policy.
It gave me a quick half – a – second intimation that my face has been registered. Now, the phone
simply unlocks as soon as I put my face in front of it, thus concluding this experiment.

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