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lnformal Letters/Emails - Describing places

a) Underline the key words in the rubric. c) Replace the adjectives in bold with
Answer the questions. adjectives from the list: locol, huge, deep,
spectoculor, thick, high, top.
You have received a letter from your English-
speaking pen-friend.
: Use the adjectives in the list to replace the
A friend of mine is thinking of visiting your country. I ¡
adjectives in bold in the paragraph.
Which place would you recommend for them to visit? i r

What is special about it? Write back and let me know,J' :

. heavy . clean . lively . modern . historic
',i . crowded

Jane t; x
-.-*-: l
over two and a half thousand years old, Rome 4É
Write your letter (140-'lO! wolds), EO,
is an 1) old city. lt is known as the'Eternal City' f
and it is situated next to the Tiber River. With
1 What are you go¡ng to write?
over 7 million tourists a year it is often 2) full
2 Who is going to read it?
with people and experiences 3) bad traffic
3 What should you write about?
especially in the centre. However, it is a 4) good
4 What style should you write in?
city with a great atmosphere and as the people
5 How many words should you use?
take great pride in it, ¡t is very 5) good.

b) Match the paragraphs to the headings.

. unspoilt . friendly . narrow . quiet
What tenses does the author use? Why?
. picturesque . beautiful

Dear Jane, lBlS¡tuated in the heart of the Lake District in North

England is the village of Hawkshead. lt is full of
L lf r to
hear from you. The place l'd
great character and 1) good despite the many tourists
recommend for someone to visit in my country is the that visit. lt is very 2) nice with amazing views of
Lake District in Cumbria in the north of England. lt's a the surrounding countryside, 3) nice buildings
truly beautiful place. and 4) small streets. The people are very 5)
nice. The best time to visit is in the winter when
B>ff''" Lake District has 1) nice scenery and places
there are few tourists and the village is 6) nice.
to visit. There are 2) nice mountains, 3) big woodlands,
4) good forests, 5) nice valleys and beautiful lakes.
There's lots of wildlife to see, such as deer, wild ponies Think of a place in your country. Make
and lots of birds. There are also places of interest to notes under the headings: reosons,locotion,
visit, such as the Beatrix Potter Museum, the ancient octivities, sights.
ruins at Furness Abbey and Rydal Mount.

Ltf,.r. are plenty of fun activities to do. You can go Use your notes from Ex. 3 to write another
sailing, cycling, mountaineering or hiking. You can also letter to Jane based on the rubric in Ex. 1a.
go for a cruise across Lake Windermere, or take a ride Follow the plan.
on a vintage steam train. There are many festivals to
attend that take place in the summer. There are also a
number of 6) good restaurants with 7) good specialities.
Dear Jane,
p nf f in all, a visit to the Lake District is a must for : lntroduclion
anyone who's never been there. lt's a wonderful place with (Para 1) opening remarks, name & location of the
amazing scenery and lots of things to do. Write back. ptace
Yours, Usn PqQv
Rachel (Para2) what the main sights are, what there is for
visitors to see

ETI How you feel about the place & your (Para 3) what activities are availabte, what there is
recommendation for visitors to do
(Pqr3 +) feelings, recommendation, closing remarks
trT_l Things to see
teTl The name & location of the place
(your first name)
tDT-l rhinss to do

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