MTU Setting in Vista and Windows7

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How to check and set the your MTU setting in

Unfortunately traditional MTU tools such as Dr TCP wont work on Windows
Vista and if you wish to change your MTU settings these have to be
configured manually.

Step One ~ How to check the your MTU setting in

From the command prompt (start, run, cmd), type the following command:-

netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces

This will show the MTU set by vista on each network device.
As you can see from the image below that even though MTU of 1430 is set
for best performance on my router, that vista still has the default windows
setting of 1500 on both the wireless and ethernet network cards - this is
despite the auto tuning feature that is supposed to automatically adjust the
MTU figure.

We can get more information about the attached network devices by using
the command

ipconfig /all
If you are going to be changing your MTU settings make a note of the exact
names of the network devices. In the example above they are the words
directly after adapter and what Ive highlighted in yellow ie "Local Area
Connection" or "Wireless Network Connection".

Step Two ~ How to change your MTU setting.

First of all you can only change the MTU value with elevated privileges. Even
if you have administrator privileges you will still need to run cmd as
Administrator. If you miss out this step then you will get the error "The
requested operation requires elevation".

~ Run Cmd as Administrator


From Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt >

Right Click on Command Prompt > Select "Run as administrator"

Navigate to the command prompt in C > Windows > System32

locate the cmd icon and right click.

Select "Run as administrator".

This will open a new cmd window in which we can configure windows
You should see the new cmd window is headed "Administrator" rather than
your user account name.

Step Three ~ Setting the MTU value

Use the following command to set the MTU value:

netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Network Connection" mtu=xxxx


replace "Network Connection" with the name of the network device you
made a note of above, and replacing xxxx with the new MTU value.
In my example I used netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface "Wireless
Network Connection" mtu=1430 store=persistent

Note: before type the command check the network adaptor name by
opening network and sharing centre if your network adaptor name is Local
Aria Connection then you have to use :

netsh interface ipv4 set subinterface " Local Aria Connection" mtu=1464

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