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Did you know that there are other sources being discovered all the time like the

energy plant in Hawaii.

This energy plant generates power from ​OCEAN TEMPERATURE ​extremes. The plant
expects to generate enough energy to power ​120 homes per year​. The plant uses a
concept called ​OCEAN THERMAL ENERGY CONVERSION (OTEC). ​Inside the system is a
liquid that has a very low boiling point (meaning that it requires less energy to evaporate),
like ammonia. As ammonia passes through the closed system of pipes, it goes through a
section of pipes that have been warmed by sea water taken from the warm (77 degrees
Fahrenheit), shallow waters. The ammonia vaporizes into a gas, which pushes a turbine,
and generates power. Then, that ammonia gas passes through a section of pipes that are
cooled by frigid (41 degrees Fahrenheit) seawater pumped up from depths of around 3,000
feet. The warm and cold waters are combined, and pumped back into the ocean.

In addition to this new thermal plant, there are also plenty of other energy options in the
sea. Hawaii is also the home of the first wave energy project connected to the electrical
grid. Eventually, Maki Ocean Engineering hopes to move their operations offshore, to head
directly to the source of the deep, cold water needed to power the OTEC plant. They hope
that this planned expansion will generate enough energy to power ​120,000 homes every

Two of the biggest ​ADVANTAGES ​of OTEC are that it produces ​clean environmentally
friendly renewable energy ​and, unlike solar plants which can’t work at night and wind
turbines which only work when it is windy, OTEC can produce energy ​at all times​. Another
benefit ​is that, once the cold water pipes are installed to pump the cold water up from the
deep, the cold water can be used for other things such as, air conditioning and
Some of the ​CONS ​for OTEC are that it is ​economically extremely expensive​, the energy
produced offshore has to be sent through underwater electrical lines to shore, it takes a lot
of energy to pump the cold deep seawater to the surface, the construction and presence of
the pipes and plant can disrupt sea life, and most importantly it only works in a few
locations. In order for OTEC to work you need a temperature difference of ​20 degrees
Celsius ​between the warm surface water and cold deep water. This temperature difference
is only present in tropical water, excludes many possible locations for an OTEC plant.

Overall, Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion is a great possible way to ​produce clean
renewable energy ​without any harmful emissions. The ​PROS ​are OTEC is ​fuel free​, ​low
environmental impact​, ​can supply water for both drinking and agriculture​, ​can
supply refrigeration and cooling and can provide a coastal community with reliable
energy. ​But OTEC is economically expensive.

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Not all ​TOMATOES ​make it to the kitchens, where they will be fried while green, cooked
down into sauce, or meet their soul mates, bacon and lettuce. Some tomatoes simply go to
waste, damaged or disfigured to the point where farmers decide to throw them away
instead of selling them. But now, there might be a way to put those waste tomatoes to use.

New research presented at the annual meeting of the ​American Chemical Society
demonstrated how to turn waste tomatoes into watts tomatoes, using a chemical reaction
to generate electricity. They have found that spoiled and damaged tomatoes left over from
harvest can be a particularly ​powerful source of energy ​when used in a ​biological ​or
microbial electrochemical cell​.

The researchers put tomato waste in a cell with specialized bacteria that can break down
the tomatoes. When microbes interact with tomato waste, the oxidize the tomatoes,
releasing electrons​. Those electrons can then get trapped in an electrochemical cell,
almost like a battery. Using this new method, theoretically, the volume of annual tomato
waste in Florida (​396,00 tons​) could power Disney World for ​90 days​. Right now, the
amounts of power produced is very low, only ​3.0 watts ​for ​10 milligrams ​of tomato waste.

Keeping tons of tomatoes out of landfills also has ​BENEFITS ​like it prevents the tomatoes
from breaking down into ​methane gas (a greenhouse gas)​. This research gives a new
lease of life to organic material that would otherwise end up in landfills. Growing of
tomatoes and the processing of the fruit ​involves a lot of waste so turning tomato waste
into a new source of energy would be a ​large help for our environment because in
Europe alone, every year at least for million tonnes of tomato by products are disposed of.

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There are different sources of ​ENERGY that is used in the world to generate power. All of
these different sources of energy are used primarily to produce electricity. It is very
important to explore the different sources of energy so that we are aware of how energy
works and where it comes from. And ​energy plays an important role in our daily lives
so it is essential that we choose our energy sources carefully. Because the true cost of
energy is more than just dollars and cents.

Renewable energy is the most ​sustainable ​way to generate power, and we must continue
to develop the various technologies in order to replace fossil fuels. Traditional fossil fuels
are powerful but will eventually run out. Fossil fuels take millions of years to form, and
only ​seconds to consume​. When fossil fuels are burned, they ​emit carbon ​which ​traps
heat ​in our planet’s atmosphere. But as you can see, fossil fuels can contribute to climate
change even if they are not getting burned.

In order to decarbonize our energy infrastructure and move toward a renewable energy
future, we need to ​utilize ​and ​explore​ other source of energy.

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