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Name:_____________________________________ Date:________________________

Unequal Sharing: More than 2 persons or things

Remember: 1) Find the person who has the least amount
2) If someone has more that you. They have the same amount plus extra.
1. In an art competition, the five-thousand-dollar prize was distributed among first,
second and third place winners. The first place winner gets $1000 more than the
second place winner and the second place winner gets $500 more than the third place

a) How much money did the first place winner receive? _____________

b) The amount of money that would go for second place? ___________

c) What did the third place winner get? ______________

2. Mr. John gave his two workers, Max and Bob, at $3500.00 bonus for Christmas. Both
men received different amounts due to their type of job. He shared $3500.00
between Max and Bob so that Tim gets $1200 more. How much did each get?


3. At an essay writing competition, $7500 is shared among 3 winners. The first place
winner gets $500 more than the second place winner. The second place winner gets
$500 more than the third place winner.

How much does the :

1st place winner get:________________

2nd place winner get:________________

3rd place winner get:________________

4. After a competition, $1200.00 is shared among 3 winners. The first place winner gets
$300.00 more than the second place winner. The second place winner gets $300.00
more than the third place winner. How much does the first place winner get?


5. Jason shares 160 sapodilla among three of his aunts – Aunt May, Rose and June. He
gave Aunt June 40 extra sapodilla as she was his favorite aunt, and shared the rest
equally between Aunt May and Rose.
a) How many more sapodilla did Aunt June get
than each of the others?

b) How many more did one get than the other?

6. “Great Foods” is sponsoring $25000 for the first three winners in a 100 metre race.
The 2nd place winner gets $2500 more than the 3rd place winner.
The 1st place winner gets the total given to the 2nd place and 3rd place winners. How
much money does each winner get?

1st ________________________

2nd ________________________

3rd ________________________

7. In an archery competition there was $20,000.00 in prize money to be shared among

the first three teams. The first place winner gets
$6 000 more than the second place winner. The second place winner gets $2000 more
than the third place winner. Calculate how much money the following receives:

a) The first place winner :__________________

b) The second place winner :__________________

c) The third place winner:_____________________

8. A father left a $400,000.00 inheritance to be shared among his three sons so that the
eldest gets $50,000.00 more than the second son who gets $25,000.00 more than the

a) How much money does the youngest son get?

b) How much money does the eldest song get?


9. Share $2500 among three brothers so that one of them gets $400 more than the
other two who gets equal shares. Calculate

a) The largest share __________________________

b) The equal shares each of the two others got :____________

c) The percentage of the total money that each of the other two boys got

10. $3000 is shared among three girls. Paul gets $20 more than Sita who gets $20 more
than Jean. How much does Jean get?

11. 6 containers together have 960 kiss chocolates. If the first container has 18 more
chocolates than the other five , how many chocolates are in the first container?

12. Lydia has three times as much books as her brother Michel who has twice as as much
as their cousin, Alfred. Together these children have 270 books.

How many books has

a) Lydia ____________
b) Michel __________
c) Alfred ___________

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