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The School of Engineering and


LAB 2: Analyze Fundamental

Components of Power Systems using
Object Oriented Programming

Date: 14/02/2020
Nischal Kavitesh Kumar– S11146567
Nikheel Sharma- S11158463

The main aim of this experiment is:

 To analyze and compare the models of fundamental components of power system using
MATLAB and Simulink Power Systems.

Power systems are networks which comprises of generation, transmission and distribution of energy (or
power) in the form of electrical energy. The network initializes at the power plant where the fuel is
converted to electrical energy. This power plant could be either thermal, hydro or nuclear power plant.
This electrical power ranges from 11kV to sometimes up to 33kV. This is then stepped up to 132kv for
long distance transmissions and is transmitted to substations. Over here the voltages are stepped down
and then transmitted to distribution substations. This is the element which links the consumers around
the area to the bulk power. These distribution substations supply power to smaller substations which
are located near the load centers and thus, power is then further distributed to domestic and commercial
consumers. [ CITATION Cir20 \l 2057 ].
Figure 1: A diagrammatic representation of a Power System.

Moreover, in fiji, energy Fiji limited (EFL) generates power by utilizing water driven turbine or diesel
engine generators at the Monasavu dam which is approximately located 7km away from the Wailoa
power station. Dams are also constructed in Nadarivatu and few small turbines have been installed in
Savusavu also. The power supply has a system frequency of 50HZ and the voltage level ranges from
415V to 11000V. From Wailoa, extra high voltage of 132kV is transmitted to transmission substations
in Cunningham and Vuda. Power to various zonal distribution stations are sub-transmitted by 33kV
sub-transmission lines. These voltages are stepped down from 33kV to 11kV to be distributed in the
local areas by the power distribution lines. Thus, this bulk power meets the urban, sub-urban and rural
power demands by power lines of voltage level of 11kV and low voltage of 240-415 volts [ CITATION
EFL19 \l 2057 ].

Furthermore, in order to study, analyze and stimulate these network (system), scientists and engineers
use the Simulink feature of the MATLAB software. This software has prebuilt functions which enable
the users to design and develop an entire power system and upon analysis, corrections and
improvements are made to the system [ CITATION Uti20 \l 2057 ]

The following describe the methods of this laboratory task:
i. Firstly, the single phase real transformer was analyzed. The equivalent circuit of the
transformer was stimulated on MATLAB where all the parameters were referred to the high
voltage side.
ii. Secondly, a simple power system network was analyzed manually and also by using MATLABS
command coding and Simulink. All the analyses were done in per unit.
iii. Lastly, a complex per unit system was analyzed using the same method as for the previous
power system.

Figure 2: Equivalent Circuit referred to high voltage side.

b. Power factor lagging (full load)

Primary voltage:
I2’ = S*/V* = (150000∠ -36.87 °)/2400 = (62.5∠ -36.87°) A
V1 = 2400 + (0.4 + j0.9) x (62.5∠ -36.87°) V = (2453.93∠ +0.7°)

Voltage regulation:
VR = (2453.933 – 2400)/2400 x 100 = 2.247%

c. Power factor lagging (50% load)

50% of 150000∠-36.87  75000∠ -36.87

Primary voltage:
I2’ = S*/V* = (75000∠ -36.87 °)/2400 = (31.25∠ -36.87°) A
V1 = 2400 + (0.4 + j0.9) x (31.25∠ -36.87°) V = (2426.79∠ +0.35°)

Voltage regulation:
VR = (2426.79 – 2400)/2400 x 100 = 1.12%

d. Power factor leading (full load)

Primary voltage:
I2’ = S*/V* = (150000∠ +36.87 °)/2400 = (62.5∠ +36.87°) A
V1 = 2400 + (0.4 + j0.9) x (62.5∠ -36.87°) V = (2387.004∠ 1.44°)

Voltage regulation:
VR = (2387.004 – 2400)/2400 x 100 = -0.541%

Figure 3: Single phase transformer equivalent circuit on Simulink.

Figure 4: Graph of primary voltage and current and secondary voltage and current.

a. Manual calculations

Throughout the experiment new base power is 100MVA.

Step 1 – Finding Base voltage for each bus
Vbase1 = 20KV Vbase2 = 200KV Vbase3 = 20KV

Step 2 – Per unit impedances

Zpu,new = Zpu,old x (Sb,new / sb,old)
G1: X = 0.09 x (100/90) = 0.1pu
T1: X = 0.16 x (100/80) = 0.2pu
T2: X = 0.20 x (100/80) = 0.25pu
G2: X = 0.09 x (100/90) x (18/20)2 = 0.081pu

Step 3 – Impedance bases for loads and line

Zbase2 = (200KVA)2/100MVA = 400ohms
Line: X = (120/400) = 0.30pu
Zload(Ω) = (VL-L)2/S*L(3⌀) = (200kV)2/48-j64 = 300 + j400 ohms
Zload(pu) = (300 + j400)/400 = 0.75 + j1.0 pu
Matlab Script
v_b1= 20e3;
n2= 200e3;
n1= 20e3;
v_b2= n2./n1 * v_b1
v_b3= n1./n2 * v_b2
%machine pu values to system pu bases using the following
s_base= 100e6; %system base
x= 0.09;% percent impedance for G1 and G2
x1= 0.16;% percent impedance for T1
x2= 0.20;% percent impedance for T2
G1= 90e6;, G2= 90e6;, T1=80e6;, T2= 80e6;
G1_pu= (x* (s_base./G1))
T1_pu= (x1* (s_base./T1))
T2_pu= (x2* (s_base./T2))
G2_pu= (x* (s_base./G2)* (18./20)^2)
%changing impedance such as line and load to system pu base
v_load= 200e3;
s=48e6 - j*64e6;
Z_b2= (((v_b2)^2)./s_base)
Line_pu= (Line./Z_b2) %line in per unit
zload= (((v_load)^2)./s)
zload_pu= (zload./Z_b2) % load changed into per unit
% when current is drawn from G1_pu (short circuit volatge
source G2_pu
V1= 1.0; % same as G1_pu
V2= 0.9;% same as G2_pu
r= Line_pu*j + T2_pu*j + G2_pu*j
z1= (Line_pu*j + (zload_pu * r)./ (zload_pu + r))
I1= V1./z1
z2=(r + (((zload_pu)*(Line_pu*j))./(zload_pu +Line_pu*j)))
I2= V2./z2
I_load= I1+I2 % total current to the load
% power delivered to load
I= 0.2062;
s_load = (I)^2 *zload_pu %load region
sload = (s_base)* (s_load) % power delivered to impedances

Matlab Scripts Results:

V_b3 = 20000

G1_pu = 0.1000

T1_pu = 0.2000

T2_pu = 0.2500

Figure 5: Equivalent Circuit of a single line diagram of P2 on Simulink.

Figure 6: Graph of Voltage before and after load and current in phase with the load voltage.

a. Manual calculations
Throughout the experiment new base power is 100MVA.
Step 1 – Finding Base voltage for each bus
VB1 = 22kV VB2 = 220kV Vb3 = 220kV
VB4 = 22kV VB5 = VB6 = 110kV VBT = 4kV

Step 2 – Per unit impedances

Zpu,new = Zpu,old x (Sb,new / sb,old)
G1: X = 0.24 x (100/80) = 0.30pu
T1: X = 0.10 x (100/50) = 0.20pu
T2: X = 0.06 x (100/40) = 0.15pu
T3: X = 0.064 x (100/40) = 0.16pu
Impedance for Motor with load
Zpu,new = Zpu,old x (Sb,new / sb,old) x (Vb,old/Vb,new)2
M: X = 0.225 x (100/68.85) x (20/22)2 = 0.27pu

Step 3 – impedance bases for lines 1 and 2

ZB2 = (220)2/100 = 484 ohms
ZB5 = (110)2/100 = 121 ohms

Impedances for lines in per unit

Line1: X = (121/484) = 0.25pu
Line2: X = (42.35/121) = 0.35pu
Step 4 – Impedance bases for loads
Zload(Ω) = (VL-L)2/S*L(3⌀) = (4)2/j10 = -j1.6 ohms
Base impedance: ABT = (4)2/100 = 0.16 ohms
Zload(pu) = -j1.6/0.16 = -j10pu

Step 5 – 3 windings impedances on a 100MVA base

ZPS = 0.096 x (100/40) = 0.24pu
ZPT = 0.072 x (100/40) = 0.18
ZST = 0.120 x (100/40) = 0.30pu

Step 6 – Equivalent T circuit impedances

ZP = 0.5 x (j0.24 + j0.18 – j0.30) = j0.06pu
ZS = 0.5 x (j0.24 + j0.30 – j0.18) = j0.18pu
ZT = 0.5 x (j0.18 + j0.30 – j0.24) = j0.12pu

Matlab Script:

v_b1= 22e3
n2= 220e3;
n1= 22e3;
line1= 220e3; %line1 voltage
line2= 110e3;% line2 voltage
v_load= 4e3; %load voltage
l= 42.35; %line2 impedance
s= j*10e6; % reactive power for load
a= n2./n1 % turns per ratio
v_b2= a * v_b1
v_b4= n1./n2 *(v_b3)
v_b5= line2./n1 * (v_b4)
v_b6= v_b5 % both fall in the same tranmission line
v_bt= v_load./line2 * (line2)% total base voltage
%machine pu values to system pu bases using the following
s_base= 100e6 %system base
x= 0.24;% percent impedance for G1
x1= 0.10;% percent impedance for T1
x2= 0.06;% percent impedance for T2
x3= 0.064;% percent impedance for T3
M= 0.225;% percent impedance for motor
G1= 80e6;, Motor= 68.85e6;, T1=50e6;, T2= 40e6; T3= 40e6; %
reactive power
G1_pu= (x* (s_base./G1))
T1_pu= (x1* (s_base./T1))
T2_pu= (x2* (s_base./T2))
T3_pu= (x3* (s_base./T3))
M_pu= (M* (s_base./Motor)* (20./22)^2)
% calculatng impedance bases for lines 1 and 2
z_b2 = (v_b2)^2./s_base % for line1
z_b5 = (v_b5)^2./s_base % for line2
line1_x= z_b5./z_b2 % per unit
line2_x= l./z_b5% per unit
% finding load impedance
z_l= (v_load)^2./s
z_bl= (v_load)^2./s_base % base load
zl_pu= z_l./z_bl% load impedance in per unit
%finding 3 winding impedances in per unit bases
zps_x= 0.096;, zpt_x1= 0.072;, zst_x2= 0.120; % percent
r= 40e6; %reactive power at the terminal
zps= zps_x* (s_base./ r) % per unit
zpt= zpt_x1* (s_base./ r) % per unit
zst= zst_x2* (s_base./ r) % per unit
% calculating equivalent T circuit impedances
zp= 0.5*(zps*j + zpt*j - zst*j)
zs= 0.5*(zps*j + zst*j - zpt*j)
zt= 0.5*(zpt*j + zst*j - zps*j)

Figure 7: Equivalent Circuit of a single line diagram for P3 on Simulink.

Figure 8: Graph of Voltage and Current before and after load and the voltage and current of the motor.

The tasks of this laboratory experiment were based on the analysis of power system elements. These
analyses were done in 2 ways, firstly software simulation and then followed by manual analysis and
calculation. The software simulation was done using the Simulink function of the MATLAB.
Firstly in task 1, a 150kVA, 2400/240V single phase transformer was analyzed referring to the high
voltage side. This transformer was operating at 0.8 power factor lagging. Initially it was 100% of its
rated power and the voltage regulation was found to 2.25% and then the analysis of 50% rated power
was done and the voltage regulation was found to be 1.12%. This showed that when the rated power
reduced, the voltage regulation also decreased. After that, the voltage regulation of a leading power
factor of 0.8 was calculated and it was found to be -0.54%. Thus, this proved that with a capacitive
load (leading power factor) the voltage regulation is negative. Finally, to verify the results, it was
simulated using Simulink.
Moreover, task 2 and task 3 were based on the analyses of 2 different power system networks.
Analyses of both the networks were done in per unit on a 100 MVA base. Step 1 was to calculate the
base voltages and Impedance and then convert these values to per unit. Then the impedance bases
for lines and loads were calculated. Finally, after all the relevant calculations, the equivalent circuit in
per unit was implemented. Thus, in order to verify the resulting circuit, software simulation on
MATLAB was also done and the output graphs were placed under results.

To conclude, it could be said that the main aim of this experiment was achieved successfully. The
models of fundamental components of power system was analyzed by using manual calculation and
compared with MATLAB command coding and Simulink. The primary voltage and voltage regulation
were calculated at different loads and overall it was noticed that the full lagging load had the highest
voltage regulation because they cause a high voltage drop by drawing both active and reactive
currents. Moreover, by manual calculation, the single line diagram was represented by equivalent
circuit. It was noted that by converting all impedances to per unit was easier to implement on
Simulink using the equivalent circuit. Overall it could be said that the use of MATLAB command coding
and Simulink function is to be considered when dealing with power systems.


[1] "Circuit globe," Circuit globe, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 05

March 2020].

[2] "EFL," June 2019. [Online]. Available:

information.pdf. [Accessed 5 March 2020].

[3] "Utilities and Energy," MathWorks, 1984-2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 5
March 2020].

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