The School of Engineering and Physics: EE321-Power System Analysis LAB 6: Transmission Lines

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The School of Engineering and

EE321-Power system Analysis
LAB 6: Transmission Lines
Date: 29/04/2020

Nischal Kavitesh Kumar– S11146567

Nikheel Sharma- S11158463


The aim of this software based laboratory experiment is to examine and model the transmission lines.


Transmission lines are conductors carrying electrical power from the generating plants to substations which
further delivers power to the customers. At the generation, a step up transformer is used to increment the
voltage to thousands of volts and is supplied to the transmission line. The voltage from the transmission line is
stepped down at various substations via transformers and it is then delivered to the distribution lines which
distributes power to various types of customers (industrial & residential) according to their power demands
[ CITATION Min20 \l 2057 ].

Globally, electrical power is transmitted in 2 ways:

1. Overhead Transmission
Insulations do not cover the high voltage overhead conductors. These overhead transmission lines
mainly depend on air for insulation and thus, adverse weather conditions results flashover and causing
major power outage. Aluminium alloy is the material of these conductors because aluminium is lighter
costs much less when compared to its alternatives such as copper. The sizes of these conductors range
between 12mm2 to 750mm2 [ CITATION Sam20 \l 2057 ].

Figure 1: Aluminium conductor steel-reinforced cable (ACSR)

Figure 1 shows a typical cable used in transmission lines. The four layers of aluminium surround the seven
strands of steel.
Figure 2: a typical overhead transmission line tower

2. Underground Transmission Line

Another way of transmitting electrical power is through underground power cables. Underground
cables are less affected by bad weather when compared to overhead cables. However, these cables are
to be insulated or else it would come in contact with Earth and may cause a short circuit. Another
disadvantage is that it is very difficult to locate and repair faults in buried transmission lines [ CITATION
Edv13 \l 2057 ].

Figure 3: An Underground Transmission Network


Question 1

Manual calculations
Dad = √ (72) + (52) = 8.6023m Dae = √ (92) + (52) = 10.2956m

Dbd = √ (32) + (52) = 5.8309m Dbe = √ (52) + (52) = 7.0711m

λde Ia = 0.2𝐼𝑎 𝑥 ln10.2956/8.6023 = 0.03594𝐼𝑎

λde Ib = 0.2𝐼𝑏 𝑥 ln7.0711/5.8309 = 0.03856𝐼𝑏

λde Ic = 0.2𝐼𝑐 𝑥ln5.0249/5.0249 = 0

The total flux linkage is:

λde = (0.03594)320 ∠0˚ + (0.03856)320∠−120˚ = 11.943∠−63.48˚ mWb/Km

The voltage induced in the 20Km telephone line is:

V = jwλde = j2π60 (11.943∠−63.48˚) (10−3)(20) = 90∠26.52˚V

= (80.5846 + 40.1825i) 𝑉𝑜𝑙𝑡𝑠

Matlab Script

I_a = 320; %declaring three-phase rms current Ia

I_b = -160-(j*277.13); %declaring three-phase rms current Ib
I_c = -160+(j*277.13); %declaring three-phase rms current Ic
D_ad = sqrt((7^2)+(5^2)); %execute squareroot of Dad
D_ae = sqrt((9^2)+(5^2)); %execute squareroot of Dae
D_bd = sqrt((3^2)+(5^2)); %execute squareroot of Dbd
D_be = sqrt((5^2)+(5^2)); %execute squareroot of Dbe
flux_ia = 0.2*I_a * log(D_ae/D_ad); %carry out multiplication and logarithm of Dae/Dad
flux_ib = 0.2*I_b * log(D_be/D_bd); %carry out multiplication and logarithm of Dbe/Dbd
Question 2

The following function returns ABCD:

function [ABCD] = abcdm(z, y, Lngt); //declare ABCD transmission matrix
Z = z*Lngt; %finding Z
Y = y*Lngt; %finding Y
A=1+Z*Y/2;B=Z; %finding A by carrying out 3 mathematical execution in order of operations
C = Y*(1 + Z*Y/4); D = A; %finding C by carrying out 3 mathematical execution in order of operations
ABCD = [A B; C D]; %declare in matrix form

The following program utilises the above function computes the receiving end quantities, voltage regulation,
and transmission efficiency when sending end quantities are specified

z=input('Line series impedance per phase per unit length z=');

y=input('Line shunt admittance per phase per unit length y=');
Lngt = input('Transmission line length in Km = ');

ABCD = abcdm(z,y,Lngt); //include ABCD transmission matrix

VL_s=input('Sending end line-to-line voltage magnitude in kV='); //finding line to line voltage
AngV_s=input('Sending end voltage phase angle in degree = '); //finding phase angle voltage
P_s =input('Three-phase sending end real power in MW '); //finding 3-phase real power
Q_s =input('Three-phase sending end reactive power in Mvar '); //finding 3-phase reactive power
S_s = P_s + j*Q_s; % MVA ////finding total power
AngV_srd = AngV_s*pi/180; % Radian
V_s = VL_s/sqrt(3)*(cos(AngV_srd) + j*sin(AngV_srd)); %kV
I_s = conj(S_s)/(3*conj(V_s)); % kA
IL_s= abs(I_s)*1000; AngI_srd = angle(I_s); //finding current L
AngI_s = AngI_srd*180/pi; //finding angle
VI_r = inv(ABCD)*[V_s; I_s]; //finding voltage l
V_r = VI_r(1); VL_r = sqrt(3)*abs(V_r); //execute square root and absolute value
AngV_rrd = angle(V_r); AngV_r = AngV_rrd*180/pi; //finding angle of rrd
I_r = VI_r(2); IL_r = abs(I_r)*1000; //finding current r
AngI_rd = angle(I_r); AngI_r = AngI_rd*180/pi; //finding angle rd
S_r = 3*V_r*conj(I_r); P_r = real(S_r); //find total power r
Q_r = imag(S_r); A = abs(ABCD(1,1)); //finding reactive power r
Reg = (VL_s/A - VL_r)/VL_r*100; //finding voltage regulation
Eff = P_r/P_s*100; //finding transmsion efficiency
fprintf('Sending end line-to-line voltage =%g KV\n', VL_s)
fprintf('Sending end voltage phase angle =%g Degree\n',AngV_s)
fprintf('Sending end real power = %g MW\n', P_s)
fprintf('Sending end reactive Power = %g Mvar\n', Q_s)
fprintf('Sending end current = %g A\n', IL_s)
fprintf('Sending end current phase angle=%g Degree \n',AngI_s)
fprintf('receiving end line-to-line voltage = %g KV\n',VL_r)
fprintf('receiving end voltage phase angle=%g Degree\n',AngV_r)
fprintf('receiving end real power = %g MW\n', P_r)
fprintf('receiving end reactive Power = %g Mvar\n', Q_r)
fprintf('receiving end current = %g A\n', IL_r)
fprintf('receiving end current phase angle=%g Degree\n',AngI_r)
fprintf('Voltage regulation = %g percent \n',Reg)
fprintf('Transmission efficiency = %g percent \n',Eff)

Question 3

a = 1; //declare a
b = 39.0731+92.0505i; //declare
c = 0; //declare c
d = 1; //declare d
A = 0.89969+0.0236i; //declare A
B = 63.393+135.946i; //declare B
D = 0.89969+0.0236i; //declare d

Csubject = ((A*D)-1)/B; //execute multiplication, subtraction and division

Cvalue = ((((0.0003)^2)+((0.0013)^2))^(1/2)) //finding C
Cangle = (((atan((0.0013/-0.0003))))*(180/pi))+180 //finding angle for C

A_dash = (A*a)+(B*c); //execute multiplication and addition

A_dash_value = ((((0.8997)^2)+((0.0236)^2))^(1/2)) //finding A
A_dash_angle = (((atan((0.0236/0.8997))))*(180/pi)) //finding angle for A

B_dash = (A*b)+(B*d); //execute multiplication and addition

B_dash_value = ((((9.6374e+01)^2)+((2.1969e+02)^2))^(1/2)) //finding B
B_dash_angle = (((atan((2.1969e+02/9.6374e+01))))*(180/pi)) //finding angle for B

C_dash = (Cvalue*a)+(D*c); //execute multiplication and addition

C_dash_value = C_dash //finding C
C_dash_angle = Cangle //finding angle for C

D_dash = (((1+((B_dash_value)*(C_dash_value)))/(A_dash_value))); //finding D

D_dash1 = (1+(-0.2345+0.04619i)); //finding D1
D_dash2 = ((((0.7655)^2)+((0.0462)^2))^(1/2)); //finding D2
D_dash3 = (((atan((0.0462/0.7655))))*(180/pi)); //finding D3
D_dash4 = -pol2cart(D_dash3,D_dash2); //finding D4
D_dash_value = (D_dash4/A_dash_value) //finding final D value
D_dash_angle = (D_dash3 - A_dash_angle) //finding final angle for D
Question 4

Syms //creates a variable dynamically

A = 0.86+0i; //declare A
B = 0+130.2i; //declare B
C = 0.002i; //declare C
D = 0.86+0i; //declare D
V_R = ((500)/(3^(1/2))); //finding V
S_R = pol2cart((acos(0.8)),1000); // finding S
I_R = ((1000e+06)/(3*V_R)); //finding I
I_Rangle = -acos(0.8)*(180/pi); //finding angle of I

V_Srec1 = (A*V_R)+(B*(0.9238-0.6928i)); //finding Vrec1

V_S1 = ((((3.3846e+02)^2)+((1.2028e+02)^2))^(1/2)) //finding V1
V_Sangle1 = atan(1.2028e+02/3.3846e+02)*(180/pi) //finding angle of V1

V_Sline2line1 = (3^(1/2))*(V_S1) //finding line to line voltage

I_Srec1 = (C*V_R*1e+03)+(D*(923.76-692.828i)); // finding Irec1

I_S1 = ((((7.9443e+02)^2)+((1.8482e+01)^2))^(1/2)) //finding I1
I_Sangle1 = atan(-1.8482e+01/7.9443e+02)*(180/pi) //finding angle of I1
S_S1 = (3)*(V_S1)*(I_S1)*(1e+03) //finding S1
S_Sangle1 = atan(228.253/800)*(180/pi) //finding angle of S1

Voltage_Regulation1 = (((V_Sline2line1/A)-500)/500)*(100) //finding voltage regulation

Compensated_Calculation = [1 -50i; 0 1]*[0.86 139.2i; 0.002i 0.86]*[1 -50i; 0 1]

A_dash = 0.96 //finding A

B_dash = 39.2i //finding B
C_doubledash = 0.002i //finding C
D_dash = 0.96 //finding D

V_Srec2 = (A_dash*V_R)+(B_dash*(0.9238-0.6928i)); //finding Vrec2

V_S2 = ((((3.0429e+02)^2)+((3.6213e+01)^2))^(1/2)) //finding V2
V_Sangle2 = atan(3.6213e+01/3.0429e+02)*(180/pi) //finding angle of V2
V_Sline2line2 = (3^(1/2))*(V_S2) //finding line to line voltage

I_Srec2 = (C_doubledash*V_R*1e+03)+(D_dash*(923.76-692.828i)); // finding Irec2

I_S2 = ((((8.8681e+02)^2)+((8.7765e+01)^2))^(1/2)) // finding I2
I_Sangle2 = atan(-8.7765e+01/8.8681e+02)*(180/pi) //finding angle of I2
S_S2 = (3)*(V_S2)*(I_S2)*(1e+03) // finding S2
S_Sangle2 = atan(176.448/800)*(180/pi) //finding angle of S1
Voltage_Regulation2 = (((V_Sline2line2/A_dash)-500)/500)*(100) //finding voltage regulation 2

In this experiment we studied about Transmission lines. Initially, as shown inthe figure the transmission lines
were used to find the voltage induced in the telephone lines at zero current flowing in the ungrounded
telephone wires. The calculations were made to find the total flux linkages of 11.943 mWb/Km at an angle of
63.58˚ mWb/Km, from which the voltage induced was found to be 90V at an angle of 26.52˚. This induced
voltage determines when the telephone rings whereas telephone lines usually have 48V running through them.
Furthermore, Matlab was used to obtain the ABCD transmission matrix, the receiving end quantities, and
voltage regulation and transmission efficiency. The sending end quantities and receiving end quantities were
different because of the losses and power factor in the transmission lines.

Adding on, the expression for Vs and Is was found using Matlab. These expressions were used with respect to
using a long line at the receiving end with transformer having series impedance. As for the final question,
Matlab was used to obtain the sending end quantities and voltage regulation from the given total power with
lagging power factor. The line performance is improved when series capacitor is installed at both ends of the
transmission lines. However, Magnetic leakage plays a significant role to adding power factor seen in generator
which determines the overall sending and receiving end quantities of transmission.


Upon completing this experiment it can be concluded that transmission lines are a very important of the power
system as because of it bulk power is transmitted from the generating stations to the substations for
distribution. Inductance, capacitance and AC & DC resistances are important perimeters of the transmission
line as it is used to compute the losses and the power factor of the transmission line. All in all, theories learnt in
the lectures were applied by using MATLAB to solve the problems given for the lab.


[1] "Minnesota Electric Transmission Planning," Minnelectricians, [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 April 2020].

[2] S. Hokin, "The Physics of Everyday Stuff," BSharp, 30 April 2020. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 30 April 2020].

[3] E. Csanyi, "Underground residential distribution layouts," EEP - Electrical Engineering Portal, 18 January
2013. [Online]. Available:
layouts. [Accessed 30 April 2020].

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