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(Affiliated to Tribhuvan University)

Nayabazzar, Kathmandu Nepal

Internship Project Report


Plan Nepal (Travel Agency for Tour and Trekking in Nepal)

Under the supervision of

Mr. Bikash Balami

Submitted by
Shiva Khatri (2842/070)

Submitted to

Institute of Science and Technology
Kirtipur, Kathmandu

Date: 13th Chaitra 2074

The undersigned certify that they have read and recommended to the Department of Computer
Science for acceptance, an Internship Project Report entitled “Travel Agency For Tour and
Trekking in Nepal” submitted by Shiva Khatri (T.U. Exam Roll No. 2842/070) in partial
fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information
Technology awarded by Tribhuvan University.

Mr. Bikash Balami
Project Supervisor

Department of Computer Science

Prime College

Mrs. Dikshya Singh Gupta
Head of Department

Department Of Computer Science

Prime College

External Examiner
Tribhuvan University

I would like to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation Mr. Sujan Maharjan (co-founder
of we black sheep DOT Com for his guidance, care, patience and providing us with an excellent
atmosphere for giving me intern in We Black Sheep Dot Com. I am also grateful to Mr. Bikash
Balami, my supervisor for his guidance and supervision which enabled me to make my project
a success.
I would also like to extend my thanks to the Webmandu for helping me to do some research in
my project. I would never have been able to finish my project without the guidance of my
teachers, help from friends, and support from my supervisor.
I would like to thank and appreciate all my friends who always helped us in solving the difficult
issues with their experience from beginning till the end.
Finally, I wish to thank my parents for their support and encouragement throughout my study.

Shiva Khatri (T.U. Exam Roll No2842/070)

The internship project entitled “Travel Agency for Travel and Trekking” has been prepared as per
the requirement for the completion of Bachelors of Computer Science and Information Technology
Bsc(CSIT) degree. Travel Agency for Travel and Trekking is a web based application for foreign
and group of people for Travel. It can be useful for the people who can book a package. It also
gives the information of trekking routes of Nepal. User can search different packages and choose
the best one for travelling and trekking. It also support admin dashboard for editing, updating the

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... iv
TABLE OF CONTENT .................................................................................................................. v
LIST OF FIGURES ...................................................................................................................... vii
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... viii
Chapter 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Introduction to Internship ..................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Objective ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.3.1. Objective of Internship program .................................................................................... 2
1.3.2 Objectives of Project ................................................................................................. 2
1.4. Brief Introduction of Industry............................................................................................... 2
1.5. Brief Introduction of Organization ....................................................................................... 3
1.5.1. About Organization ........................................................................................................ 3
1.5.2. Contact Details ............................................................................................................... 4
Chapter 2 ANALYSIS OF ACTIVITY DONE .............................................................................. 5
2.1. Internship Placement Details ................................................................................................ 5
2.1.1. Organization Selection ................................................................................................... 5
2.1.2. Placement ....................................................................................................................... 5
2.1.3. Duration .......................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. Literature Review ................................................................................................................. 6
2.2.1. Content Management System ........................................................................................ 6
2.3. Specific Problem Analysis.................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1. Understanding the Existing System ............................................................................... 8
2.4. Management Strategy ........................................................................................................... 8
2.4.1. Time Management Strategy ........................................................................................... 9
2.4.2. Cost Management Strategy ............................................................................................ 9
2.4.3. Data Collection Strategy .............................................................................................. 10
................................................................................................................................................ 10
Chapter 3 SOLUTION DESIGN .................................................................................................. 11
3.1. Project Management Plan ................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1. System Analysis ........................................................................................................... 11
3.1.2. System Design .............................................................................................................. 12
3.2. Technical Requirements ..................................................................................................... 17
3.2.1. Hardware Requirements ............................................................................................... 17
3.2.2. Software Requirements ................................................................................................ 17
Chapter 4 IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES ......................................................................... 18
4.1 Tools Used ........................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.1. PHP............................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2. Laravel 5.5 ....................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.2. HTML 5.0..................................................................................................................... 18
4.1.3. CSS ............................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Testing Strategies ................................................................................................................ 19
4.3. Execution Snapshots ........................................................................................................... 20
Chapter 5 RESULT ANALYSIS .................................................................................................. 22
5.1. Result .................................................................................................................................. 22
5.2. Critical Analysis ................................................................................................................. 22
5.3. Limitations of the System/Organization ............................................................................. 24
5.4. Recommendation to the Organization ................................................................................ 24
5.5. Recommendation to the Internship Program ...................................................................... 24
5.5 Output .................................................................................................................................. 25
Chapter 6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................ 29
Chapter 7 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 30

Figure 3.1DFD level 1 .................................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3.2DFD level 2 of the system ............................................................................................ 14
Figure 3.3E-R Diagram ................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 3.4Use Case Diagram of the system .................................................................................. 16
Figure 3.5System Sequence Diagram of the System .................................................................... 17
Figure 4.1Stages of Testing .......................................................................................................... 20
Figure 4.2Admin Login ................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 4.3Dasboard ....................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 5.1Home page .................................................................................................................... 25
Figure 5.2About us........................................................................................................................ 26
Figure 5.3Packages ....................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5.4Contact us ..................................................................................................................... 27
Figure 5.5Company profile ........................................................................................................... 27
Figure 5.6Booking ........................................................................................................................ 28

Table 1.1 Contact Details of the Organization................................................................................ 4
Table 2.1 Internship Duration ......................................................................................................... 6


1.1. Introduction to Internship

An internship is an opportunity to integrate career related experience into an undergraduate
education by participating in planned, supervised work. The internship is done as a partial
fulfillment of requirements of the Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Information
Technology under Tribhuvan University. The internship is assigned six credit hours (minimum
of ten weeks or 180 hours long) as a part of the course requirement.
An internship is a great way to develop specific skills and knowledge, as well as make contacts
and build confidence. More and more, employers assess the skills and abilities of prospective
employees by evaluating their previous experiences. If students pursue career-related
opportunities prior to graduation, they may have an edge over other candidates in a competitive
job market.

1.2. Background
An internship is a work-related learning experience for individuals who wish to develop hands
on work experience in a certain occupational field. It involves working in your expected career
field. It gives the students a valuable experience and a chance to get exposed to the business
environment. Interns are usually college or university students, but they can also be high school
students or post-graduate adults seeking skills for a new career. Student internships provide
opportunities for students to gain experience in their field, determine if they have an interest
in a particular career and create a network of contacts.
This internship program is designed by Tribhuvan University for the partial fulfillment of the
degree of Bachelor in Computer Science and Information Technology. The intern is honored
by the internship program under this curriculum.
It helps students like us to develop our inner ability or the confidence level and the level of
understanding to compete in this complex and sophisticated age. It also increases our ability to
tackle the business problems, to grasp the opportunities and to face the threats. In its totality,
internship program teaches us the corporate culture, develops our public relationship skills,
makes us competent and provides us an excellent working experience. Such programs aim to

develop interns towards becoming competent personnel aiding them to expand them in a
professional level.
This report is a short description of the twelve weeks internship carried out as compulsory
component of the course. The internship was carried out in the organization
in 2017.

1.3. Objective
1.3.1. Objective of Internship program

• To strengthen professional skills and interpersonal relationships in professional settings.

• To enhance the skills as a Web Developer for Business solution via Information and
Communications Technology.
• To prepared to enter into full-time employment in their area of specialization upon
• To provide an in-depth knowledge of the formal functional activities of a participating
• To gain knowledge about general work functions in real-world setting.
• To build vital career-related skills such as organizational, written and interpersonal
communication skills.
• To explore and create work experiences with respect to the field of interests.
• To prepare the documentation of an actual project being implemented in the industry.

1.3.2 Objectives of Project

• To manage the content dynamically.

• To update your website according to user requirement.
• To make easy to redesigning website according to client requirement.

1.4. Brief Introduction of Industry

The software industry started from scratch only about fifty years ago, and has arguably become
indispensable today, not only in its own economic impact but also in the efficient and effective
management of many other industries. The journey from obscure to indispensable is by no
means unique . The IT industries covers a broad spectrum of hardware and software solutions

that enable organizations to gather, organize, and analyse data that helps them achieve their
goals. The 1960s were a defining period for the world of computers giving rise to what is now
known as mainframe computers (Solomon, 1966). These mainframe computers gave rise to
large scale operating systems requiring hundreds of expert programmers to produce over many
years (Needham and Hartley, 1969). The 1970s completely redefined the face of technology
resulting in the creation of minicomputer system which were smaller, better, faster and
cheaper. While UNIX was the star of the 1970s, the disk operating system or DOS for personal
computers became the killer app of the 1980s, which was a computer program not unlike its
big mainframe or mid-range operating system cousins. Apple’s Macintosh, a premium-priced
personal computer, appeared as an oddity replete with one of the first graphical user interfaces.
One company, Microsoft, has a virtual monopoly on desktop software – operating systems and
applications. The demand for laptop computers began to erode in favor of wireless personal
digital assistants (Williams, 2003) .
The internet era of the 1990s was the most profound decade for the field of computer
programming since computers emerged in the 1950s as information technology was
transformed from a caterpillar into butterfly in the form of Microsoft Windows (Liu, 1995) and
the world wide web (Baker, 1994) . The software industry has changed forever, and more in
the last five years than in the previous twenty. As hardware becomes ubiquitous and
commoditized, software will become more pervasive and more important .

1.5. Brief Introduction of Organization

1.5.1. About Organization

We Black Sheep Dot Com is software development and digital marketing agency based on
Hong Kong and Nepal. It is an IT company with highly qualified and dedicated team members
always committed for providing state of art and quality output and delivering it on the time
committed for[1].
At We Black Sheep Dot Com its technical experts provide range of services; inception to
design and development of custom made software applications to maintenance and upgrading
of existing applications. Its IT solutions are built are tailored made for the business/company
whatever magnitude is serve.
Our Services includes but are not limited to domain name registration, web site designing, web
hosting, web programming, application development, ecommerce, graphics designing, logo
designing, prints and layouts, IT consultancy, search engine optimization, that too comes
within the means of our valuable customers.

1.5.2. Contact Details

Table 1.1 Contact Details of the Organization

Name of Organization: We Black Sheep Dot Com

Date of Establishment: 2016

Address: Lazimpat, Kathmandu, Nepal


2.1. Internship Placement Details

2.1.1. Organization Selection

An internship program is required at the final semester of BSc. CSIT according to Tribhuvan
University. As per, Prime College requirement, the students were to do internship under
various sectors involving IT like web application development, computer networking, software
development etc, at least 3 months for attaining a successful career in the related fields. For
the commitment of fulfilling the internship program different software development sectors
were chosen of which the author decided to go with web development at Peace Nepal as it
offers many opportunities and infrastructure required for a fresher to understand the technical
aspects of a real-world work.

2.1.2. Placement

During the internship program, the author was provided with real challenging work that is
recognized by the organization as valuable project. A dedicated mentor was also assigned to
the author to ensure that the project runs smoothly and stays focused on the author’s criteria
for success. Communicating frequently with the supervisor and manager throughout the work
term to determine who the author perceive what the author is doing. Information of the
organization along with the organizational resources and required equipment were also
provided to the author. All these facilities and resources were given to the author by the
organization soas to carry out the work and do certain activities like researches, development
and many other tasks smoothly.

2.1.3. Duration

Tribhuvan University (TU) has prescribed 6 credit hours for the internship and the intern had
enrolled in the internship program for 12 weeks.
The details of the internship duration are below:

Table 2.1 Internship Duration

Start Date 19th Sept, 2017

End Date 19th Dec, 2017

Total Duration 3 Months

Position Trainee Laravel Web Developer

Supervisor Mr. Sujan Maharjan

Office Hour 9:30 Am – 5:30 Pm

2.2. Literature Review

2.2.1. Content Management System

A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are
used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content
management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). An ECM facilitates collaboration in
the workplace by integrating document management, digital asset management and records
retention functionalities, and providing end users with role-based access to the organization's
digital assets. A WCM facilitates collaborative authoring for websites. ECM software often
includes a WCM publishing functionality, but ECM webpages typically remain behind the
organization's firewall[2].
Both enterprise content management and web content management systems have two
components: a content management application (CMA) and a content delivery application
(CDA). The CMA is a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to control the
creation, modification and removal of content from a website without
Needing to know anything about HTML. The CDA component provides the back-end services
that support management and delivery of the content once it has been created in the CMA.

6 Features of CMS
Features can vary amongst the various CMS offerings, but the core functions are often
considered to be indexing, search and retrieval, format management, revision control and
• Intuitive indexing, search and retrieval features index all data for easy access through
search functions and allow users to search by attributes such as publication dates, keywords
or author.
• Format management facilitates turn scanned paper documents and legacy electronic
documents into HTML or PDF documents.
• Revision features allow content to be updated and edited after initial publication. Revision
control also tracks any changes made to files by individuals.
• Publishing functionality allows individuals to use a template or a set of templates approved
by the organization, as well as wizards and other tools to create or modify content.
A CMS may also provide tools for one-to-one marketing. One-to-one marketing is the ability
of a website to tailor its content and advertising to a user's specific characteristics using
information provided by the user or gathered by the site -- for instance, a particular user's page
sequence pattern. For example, if the user visited a search engine and searched for digital
camera, the advertising banners would feature businesses that sell digital cameras instead of
businesses that sell garden products

2.3. Specific Problem Analysis

The specific problem analysis includes in-depth and systematic analysis of the domain to
understand the problem more fully and then work toward practical solutions. The specific
problem analysis determines the degree of the problem and to realize weather the problem is a
genuinely related to the specific site under investigated or not .After the linkage of problem
and its domain, the steps are designed to direct towards resolving the problem.
There is no doubt that Responsive Web Design is very important for today’s web design point of
view. Smartphone and tablet adoption rapidly increases, so does the importance of mobile friendly
websites. Smartphones and tablets have changed the approach toward design and user experience.
Before the spread of mobile devices with advanced web-browsing capability, web designers had
only one primary challenge to deal with keeping the same look and feel of their websites.
However, interacting with websites on smartphones and tablets is not the same as doing that
on a desktop computer monitors. Factors such as Click versus Touch, Screen-size, Pixel-
resolution, support for Adobe’s Flash technology, optimized markup and many more have
become crucial while creating websites with Responsive Design. The present generation
devices need to have a free-flowing design, amazing graphics, and visual effects. Still in this
era, where technology seeks no barrier and limitations, there appear many websites and portals
with dull, static and irresponsive data. Reasons for this case could be expensive design rates
by the developers, time management, unspecific designs, lack of interface management, and
unmanageable divisional boxes. Hence the need of a responsive design is a must.
These responsive themes provide the users with an economical and efficient theme designs
for their websites, which turns out to be multipurpose. With options varying from theme
structures to easy user interface and operability, the WordPress Themes also have some eye-
catching stunning views. So, if the users can get the same type of services, and in a much lower
cost, faster time, with more features and options, the need of Laravel MVC framework can be
seen in numerous web development fields. This problem is eliminated with the introduction of
new and advanced themes, like Twenty Fifteen, Twenty Fourteen, and SEO Themes, which is
also recommended by Google itself.

2.3.1. Understanding the Existing System

The system is based on the CMS. The system exists in Laravel framework 5.5. The system just
manages the content related to a specific organization. The target of the project was to make a fully
dynamic website that perform a crud operation to manage the content. The extra things were to
uses Ajax to have a real-time interaction between backend and front-end data as the data flow
through admin end to the user end. The flow of project was an important part to understand.
Beside this there were certain scripting language and markup language for the better UI

2.4. Management Strategy

A project is a temporary group activity designed to produce a unique product, service or result.
Project management is the application of knowledge, skills and techniques to execute projects
effectively and efficiently. Project management is the discipline of planning, organizing, and
controlling resources to achieve specific goals. Project management has been necessary and
important in this project. The constraints for this project, as for most projects, have been time,

cost and quality. Project management is necessary to complete the project under these
constraints and utilize the resources properly.
The goal of project management for this project was to achieve all the project goals within
specified time and cost. Project management begins right from project initiation and planning
up to project completion. Project management includes project execution as well as monitoring
and controlling. The project execution was done in incremental approach where smaller
modules were identified on the basis of functionality, developed and then integrated to the
application one by one.
Software project management is difficult because of its complexity and invisibility. So
knowing exact progress can be difficult. Visualizing progress is a good way to keep track of
progress. The technique used for tracking progress was the Gantt chart. It is essentially an
activity bar chart indicating scheduled activity dates and durations. The final activity for
project management is project closure.

2.4.1. Time Management Strategy

Time management is the act or process of planning and exercising conscious control over the
amount of time spent on specific activities, especially to increase effectiveness, efficiency or
productivity. It is a meta-activity with the goal to maximize the overall benefit of a set of other
activities within the boundary condition of a limited amount of time. Time allocated for any
project is limited and development team has to work their way around that limited time. To
make most out limited time, the team author was involved adopted following strategies.

2.4.2. Cost Management Strategy

Budget is one of the limited factor of the project. In this particular project there are three kinds
of budget involved. Managing those budgets was relatively easy for this project. Various kinds
of budget of this project and its management is given below: Development Cost

Development cost of this project was very minimal. Tools required for hardware were already
available. Hardware required was laptops for development, and server 19 for deployment and
testing. Other requirements like network was also already in place. Software required for
development was free.
9 Operation Cost
For the operation of this system, a server was required. Virtual server could be used to host the
application. Similarly, internet was also required as this system would be accessible through
internet. If the system is accepted by Department of Cooperatives, there won’t be significant
problem for them to operate the system. Maintenance Cost

Maintenance cost include the maintenance of hardware and bug fix and improvement of the
system. Bug fix and improvement costs according to agreement between stakeholders.
Similarly, maintenance won’t require extra resource. Existing IT resource of department will
be enough to cover the maintenance cost.

2.4.3. Data Collection Strategy

Data collection is the recording of one or more data variables (length, duration, etc.) from
members of a population of "data-units". Valid and reliable data is the backbone of program
analysis. Collecting this data, however, is just one step in the greater process of measuring
outcomes. The five steps include:
• Identify outcomes and develop performance measures.
• Create and implement a data collection plan.
• Analyze the data.
• Communicate the results.
• Reflect, learn, and do it again.


3.1. Project Management Plan

3.1.1. System Analysis

Systems analysis is a problem-solving technique that decomposes a system into its component
pieces for the purpose of the studying how well those component parts work and interact to
accomplish their purpose. This field is closely related to requirements analysis or operations
research. It is also "an explicit formal inquiry carried out to help someone (referred to as the
decision maker) identify a better course of action and make a better decision than she might
otherwise have made." Feasibility Study

Preliminary investigation examines project feasibility; the likelihood the system will be useful.
The main objective of the feasibility study is to test the Technical, Operational and Economical
feasibility of the system. All system is feasible if they are unlimited resources and infinite time. Technical Feasibility

The technical issue usually raised during the feasibility stage of the investigation includes the
• Does the necessary technology exist to do what is suggested?
• Do the proposed equipment’s have the technical capacity to handle the data in the new
• Will the proposed system provide adequate response to inquiries, regardless of the size of
the files?
• Are there technical guarantees of accuracy, reliability, ease of access?
The current portal developed is technically feasible. The portal is developed using PHP,
HTML5 and CSS3. It provides the technical guarantee of accuracy, reliability and security. Economic Feasibility

This project is developed as open source project and any interested organization can contribute.
The ultimate benefit is for common people which outweigh the cost of implementation. The
theme can be improved by the volunteers and enthusiast using existing resources and
technology available. Legal Feasibility

The legal issues related to theme are none. The theme uses open data and displays the
earthquake affected areas. Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility aspects of the project are to be taken as an important part of the project
implementation. Some of the important issues raised are to test the operational feasibility of a
project includes the following: -
• Is there sufficient support for application resources?
• Will the system be used and work properly if it is being developed and implemented?
• Will there be any resistance from the user that will undermine the possible application
• This system is targeted to be in accordance with the above-mentioned issues. The user selects the
data source and gets theme across map and bar chart. Schedule Feasibility

A project will fail if it takes too long to be completed before it is useful. Typically, this means
estimating how long the system will take to develop, and if it can be completed in a given time
period using some methods like payback period. Schedule feasibility is a measure of how
reasonable the project timetable is given our technical expertise, are the project deadlines
reasonable? Some projects are initiated with specific deadlines. It is necessary to determine
whether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable [41].

3.1.2. System Design DFD
A data flow diagram (DFD) maps out the flow of information for any process or system. It
uses defined symbols like rectangles, circles and arrows, plus short text labels, to show data
inputs, outputs, storage points and the routes between each destination. Data flowcharts can
range from simple, even hand-drawn process overviews, to in-depth, multi-level DFDs that dig
progressively deeper into how the data is handled. They can be used to analyze an existing
system or model a new one. Like all the best diagrams and charts, a DFD can often visually
“say” things that would be hard to explain in words, and they work for both technical and
nontechnical audiences, from developer to CEO.

Figure 3.1DFD level 1

Initially user or admin read the blog / information that is extracted using input parameters from
collect search parameters. The Display result gives the information according to the given
parameters. The source of flow of data or information is from the main database i.e. web Data
and Blog Data. From these two-database data is transmitted to the search process and sort
process. And from these two processes the information is splitted into according to the
parameters given by admin or user.

Figure 3.2DFD level 2 of the system

The visitor visits the blog or webpage and perform a search operation. The result is given from
a sorting type process which is its response. The data is transmitted from the Blog Data which
is the response of database in a given request ‘collect Data’. ER Diagram
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a
database. An entity in this context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams
illustrate the logical structure of databases. At first glance an entity relationship diagram looks
very much like a flowchart. It is the specialized symbols, and the meanings of those symbols,
that make it unique.

Figure 3.3E-R Diagram

The above diagram from Figure 5 represents the Entity Relation between tables. Here the
relation is shown between four tables that are album photo, album, applicant and vacancies.
The table album photos and album are associated with one to many relations also the table
applicant and vacancy table. Use Case Diagram

Use case diagrams are usually referred to as behaviour diagrams used to describe a set of
actions (use cases) that some system or systems (subject) should or can perform in
collaboration with one or more external users of the system (actors). Each use case should
provide some observable and valuable result to the actors or other stakeholders of the system .

Figure 3.4Use Case Diagram of the system

The Figure 6 represents the Use Case diagram of the system that illustrates the user and the admin
reacting with the entities that add up to the system. Admin performs crud operation and
simultaneously updated in the user end i.e. Frond End User Interface. System Sequence Diagram

Sequence diagrams describe interactions among classes in terms of an exchange of messages
over time. They're also called event diagrams. A sequence diagram is a good way to visualize
and validate various runtime scenarios. These can help to predict how a system will behave
and to discover responsibilities a class may need to have in the process of modeling a new

Figure 3.5System Sequence Diagram of the System

The diagram in above figure 7 represent the sequence diagram for login and operation for the
system which shows how objects operate with one another and in what order.

3.2. Technical Requirements

3.2.1. Hardware Requirements

Any machine capable of running OS that supports modern browser is required to run theme.

3.2.2. Software Requirements

The portal runs on web browser. Thus, it is independent of any OS. All OS capable of running
modern browser are supported by the versions.
• Operating System: Any OS supporting modern browsers
• Programming Language and Framework: PHP, CSS3, HTML5, jQuery
• Debugger Tools: Firebug
• Hosting Environment: Xampp


4.1 Tools Used

4.1.1. PHP

From rather humble beginnings as the Personal Home Page scripting language, PHP has found
its way into almost every server, corporation, and dev shop in the world. On an average day,
somewhere between 500,000 and 2 million coders do something in PHP. Even when it is used
a well-understood language like PHP, building a modern web application requires tools that
decrease development time and cost while improving code quality. Frameworks such as Ruby-
on-Rails and Django have been getting a lot of attention as a result. For PHP coders, the Zend
Framework offers that same promise without the need to move away from PHP. This powerful
collection of components can be used in part or as a whole to speed up the development process.
Zend Framework has the backing of Zend Technologies; the driving force behind the PHP
programming language in which it is written. The first production release of the Zend Framework
became available in July of 2007. Zend Framework in Action is a comprehensive tutorial that
shows how to use the Zend Framework to create web-based applications and web services. This
book takes us on an over-the-shoulder tour of the components of the Zend Framework as build a
high quality, real-world web application.

4.1.2. Laravel 5.5

In modern IT industry, it is essential for web developers to know at least one battle-proven
framework. Laravel is one of the most successful PHP framework in 2015, based on annual
framework popularity survey conducted by Site Point.
There are several advantages and benefits of using web framework in general and Laravel in
particular. Framework is a product of collective intelligence, comprising many robust libraries and
convenient tools from other developers[5].

4.1.2. HTML 5.0

HTML5 is the latest evolution of the standard that defines HTML. The term represents two
different concepts. It is a new version of the language HTML, with new elements, attributes,
and behaviors, and a larger set of technologies that allows the building of more diverse and

powerful Web sites and applications. This set is sometimes called HTML5 & friends and often
shortened to just HTML5[6].

4.1.3. CSS

Cascading Style Sheets, fondly referred to as CSS, is a simple design language intended to
simplify the process of making web pages presentable.
CSS handles the look and feel part of a web page. Using CSS, one can control the colour of the
text, the style of fonts, the spacing between paragraphs, how columns are sized and laid out, what
background images or colours are used, layout designs, and variations in display for different
devices and screen sizes as well as a variety of other effects[7].
CSS is easy to learn and understand but it provides powerful control over the presentation of
an HTML document. Most commonly, CSS is combined with the mark-up languages HTML

4.2 Testing Strategies

Testing is an integral part of the software development process. It is performed at each stage of the
software development process. It ensures that the developed parts conform to the user
requirements. It helps to find out whether an input given to the system is well processed or not and
output meets the specified objective of the system. It mainly ensures that the system performs well.
The testing of the system was carried out step by step. When the components of the system were
being developed, they were at the same time being tested. The unit testing was done right at the
time of development. The module testing was done on components and the system testing was
done at the end. Hence, each component of the system undergoes unit testing, integration testing,
system testing and acceptance testing as shown below in figure 5.
Figure below Stages of Testing (Source: Ian Sommerville, Software Engineering)

Figure 4.1Stages of Testing

4.3. Execution Snapshots

Figure 4.2Admin Login

Figure 4.3Dasboard


5.1. Result
Finally, the system was developed which is more user friendly than any other available
systems. With minimal interface, users can select the type of service they need to use or view
which will take them to the new page from where they can choose the right topic and get its
information. Users can sign in to use additional service which is not accessible to free users.

5.2. Critical Analysis

Arise of the Information Technology has resulted in the explosion of the Software companies
in Nepal. Since many companies have simply arisen due to the ease of company registration,
many of them are also short-lived. Most of those companies focus mostly on the Software
development and deployment phases only among the several phases of the SDLC process,
making the system and the software deployed not being maintained on a regular basis. This
makes the software and system outdated, vulnerable and bugs remain unfixed.
The current trends in the world doesn’t follow the trend of being outdated and vulnerable.
Regular updating, maintaining of the system is necessary. Being updated is being in sync with
the world and staying together or ahead in the competition.
For a website to flourish and evolve, it is a must to have a dynamic and pleasant design and
interface. Especially when one concerns with a CMS base website, there may be a high risk of
not knowing about how and what a website design is all about. For such, a Laravel framework
is a perfect platform for the dynamic content. The main objective of responsive web design is
the inherent flexibility a website can acquire through the application of fluid grids, images and
CSS Media Queries to adapt the content and design of the website to any device, even if it is a
desktop computer, a laptop, an iPad or a Smartphone. It is not necessary to create a mobile
version of your website; one do not have to create an application for every popular device on
earth. Just one and it will adapt to everything.
The primary reason of the project is to keep the system data up-to-date and maintained. The
system of the CMS Site remains updated on a periodic basis and helps the client to review the
content regularly. The logical advantages of this project ‘Mt. Everest Hotel and Resort’ is, it
is a construction company and if it is logically thought it satisfied condition of e-governance
site. Any governmental project budget calculation is posted in website where public is satisfied.

To accomplish the project there are certain agenda that helped in the serious clauses. The
project is created just to manage the content of an organization. Though the website is fully
dynamic it has some issues that is to be determined. The company trusted me in some other
condition that is meets to take over this project. The project is accomplish using Laravel
framework 5.5. There are many reason to choose this platform. Using this platform makes the
programmer quite easy as some messy task to be done is inbuilt in the framework itself.
PHP has more advantages compared to other scripting language. PHP is simple and easy to
learn. Since PHP is one of the most popular language, finding help or documentation is
extremely easy. PHP is not OS specific. It can run in any OS. It is free of cost which will keep
down the development cost. Systems such as MongoDB,
Memcache, and Pusher all integrate with PHP. PHP is object oriented language which widens
the range of PHP.
PHP Laravel frameworks streamline the development of web applications written in PHP by
providing a basic structure for which to build the web applications. In other words, PHP
frameworks help to promote rapid application development (RAD), which saves time, helps
build more stable applications, and reduces the amount of repetitive coding for developers.
Frameworks can also help beginners to build more stable apps by ensuring proper database
interaction and coding on the presentation layer. This allows to spend more time creating the
actual web application, instead of spending time writing repetitive code. The general idea
behind the workings of a PHP framework is referred to as Model View Controller, MVC,
Model refers to data, and View refers to the presentation layer, and Controller to the application
or business logic. Basically, MVC breaks up the development process of an application, so it
can work on individual elements while others are unaffected. Essentially, this makes coding in
PHP faster and less complicated.
Now analysing about the data, different types of data are used in the system. Assembling the
different types of data and information in one system is very hard task. Numerous tables are
created to store the data. These tables are interrelated to each other. Creating relationship is a
complicated task so that the system works properly. Dynamic forms should be generated to
keep the record of the information on various context. Timing is another important aspect to
consider. The system should able to record more data in less time.
Storing data is another very important and challenging task. Since, data is the most important
part of the system, database should be well managed and also need to back-up in case of need.

Generating the report with respect to data is another challenging part. The generated report
should be accurate and in user required format.
Talking about accomplish of the project, I had done many research to complete it. Many time
I was stuck in code to fix the bug many and many more. Without the effort of organization
‘We Black Sheep Dot Com’ the accomplishment of this project would be extremely difficult
However, there are several places to make mistakes during the process of the data manipulation.
Most processes are automated and a few are manual. Automated process is done with the help of
software either provided by third-party or self-developed. Sometimes the weakness and limited
scope of the software can cause errors due to change in format of the data in vendor site, software
limited scope. Such errors can be retrieval of wrong data, change in format of the data, incomplete
data due to premature termination of process, missing out of the information or minor details, and
so on.

5.3. Limitations of the System/Organization

There are certain limitations or drawbacks in the system like:
• Limited topics with limited information’s.
• Still lacking better interface.
• No more user participation facility than just providing feedback.
• Redundant codes with slower performance.

5.4. Recommendation to the Organization

The few recommendations to We Black Sheep Dot Com are as follows:
• Information channel: Information related to holidays, changes in work hours and lunch time
must be briefed to intern. Similarly, the procedure for requesting leave must be well explained
• Orientation program: Intern must be introduced to various departments within the
organization so that it is easier to get help form employee of other departments.

5.5. Recommendation to the Internship Program

The internship program at We Black Sheep Dot Com can be improved much better. The ways
to improve intern program are enlisted below.

• Compensation: It’s not all about the money; and, it’s true, price cannot be given to valuable
experience. But the unfortunate reality is that not all students can afford to work for low
compensation, no matter how much they might be motivated and interested in our industry.
• Meaningful work: Possibly more than anything else, interns are constantly clamoring for
“meaningful” work. Intern are interested to learn about the business in general as well as to
acquire the specific skills necessary to function effectively in the industry.
• Inclusion: In line with the learning objective is to what extent the organization includes the
intern in employee activities. Aside from assigning challenging projects with educational
value, inviting interns to meetings and other activities—as participants or observers—is an
enticing attribute.
• Supervisor accessibility: There’s nothing more frustrating to interns than feeling forgotten: being
left hanging around with no one to tell them what to do or to clarify the questions necessary to
complete a project. There must be specific system to notify about supervisor accessibility.

5.5 Output

Figure 5.1Home page

Figure 5.2About us

Figure 5.3Packages

Figure 5.4Contact us

Figure 5.5Company profile

Figure 5.6Booking

With the fulfilment of the internship program, the author has gained insight into the IT industry.
The author was able to implement the knowledge gained in the four years of academia in the
real world and has also learnt the professionalism of the real time working environment.
Although author didn’t master all of these technologies, author got to learn enough to get
started. Some of learnt tools and technologies are csharp, JSON, JQuery, Ajax, Laravel MVC
framework various design patterns and Apache Subversion for teamwork. Apart from these,
author got opportunities to interact with various IT professionals and clients. This helped in
developing communication skills and public relations.
Travel Agency for Tour and Trekking in Nepal is developed as per the requirement of the
client. The intended web- based system is fast, efficient, secure and more flexible. Moreover,
the system is user friendly and should be easy to operate. The system should is flexible for any
changes in the future and it can be helpful in the decision making process as well.
Overall, the internship program has provided the author with an opportunity to learn in depth
the organization approaches of development of software and compare and contrast the


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