Crossword Puzzle of Theatre Terms and Concepts

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Harvy Klyde V. Perez Mr.

Justin Tamboong
9 – Diocese of Paranaque English 9 – 3 rd Quarter

Crossword Puzzle
of Theatre Terms and Concepts
1 3 4 2

3 5 11

7 8




1. The part of the stage or the theatre which is out of the sight of the audience.
2. A curved plain cloth filling the rear of the stage or TV Studio.
3. The spoken text and conversations between characters in a play.
4. The command given to technical departments to carry out a particular operation.
5. The afternoon performance of a show.
6. The cast, crew and other staff associated with a show.
7. The process of arranging moves to be made by the actors during the play, recorded in the script.
8. The general name for the costume department.
9. A call given by stage management to bring those actors who appear in the first part of the play
in the stage.
10. The members of the acting company.
11. Furnishings, set dressings, and all items large and small which cannot be classified as scenery,
electrics or wardrobe.


1. The part of the theatre accommodating the audience during the performance.
2. A notification of a working session or of any department.
3. The clothes worn by the actors onstage.
4. Refers to anything in position before the beginning of a scene or act.
5. These are used to provide a lightweight and easy to move and reconfigure backdrop to a stage
6. His role involves being responsible for the overall artistic vision of a production.
7. The message passed to stage management to front house manager that the house is ready for
the performance to begin.
8. The complete stage setting for a scene or act (noun) / to prepare the stage for action (verb).
9. A narrow horizontal masking piece used to mask the lighting rig and flown scenery from the
audience, and to provide an upper limit to the scene.

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