Metabolic Integration I: Biochemistry

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Dr. Milagros U. Magat | April 30, 2019 LE6 TRANS7

 Semi starvation → lowers blood glucose and increase hepatic
CASE INFORMATION insulin sensitivity before any weight loss occurs
Shakee Jolly Bels, a 30-year old female employee, came to you for  Dietary restriction and weight loss: major drivers of
consult as she has decided to have a healthier lifestyle henceforth. improvements in glucose homeostasis after bariatric surgeries
Body weight = 150 kg, Height = 1.65 m
Elevated blood sugar, VLDL, LDL levels Potential Mechanisms
BP = 160/100, BMI = 55.1  Enhanced incretin effect and GLP-1 secreting cells
QUESTIONS  Incretin effect is the ability of glucose to stimulate insulin
secretion when delivered via the GIT as opposed to directly
QUESTION 1: Evaluate the value of bariatric surgery in SJB by
into circulation
applying molecular mechanisms in her case.
 Under the influence of intestinal secreted incretin hormones
 Causes weight loss by restricting the amount of food that the
like GLP-1 and GIP.
stomach can hold or causing malabsorption.
 Assumption: Bariatric surgery compromises the ability to
 Severe obesity cases: alters the path of food through the
regulate the rate of gastric emptying that results in increased
stomach and the upper region of the small intestine
rate of nutrients reaching the distal small intestine where these
hormones are secreted.
Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGPB)
 GLP-1, GIP, and glucagon receptors induced superior
 stomach is reduced to a small pouch attached to the esophagus,
effects on weight loss and type 2 diabetes remission
and the middle part of the small intestine (jejunum) that would be
 Increased circulating Peptide YY (PYY) levels
directly attached to the pouch
 Secreted by L cells in combination with GLP-1 and is (-) on
 food would bypass the stomach and the duodenum, passing only
insulin secretion.
the “Roux limb” of the intestine
 Success of surgery is attributed to its cleaved form PYY3-36
 significant weight loss (as much as 5 lbs/week) and would feel
induces satiety by acting on Y2 receptors located in the
less hungry
 also done for blood glucose regulation of Type 2 DM patients
 Potential contributions include increased satiety and weight
loss, improved glucose tolerance, increased postprandial
insulin secretion and increased intestinal hyperplasia
 Increased bile acid levels, which were correlated to
increased GIP levels
 Thought to increase glucose tolerance
 Bile acid receptor TGR5 binds bile acids, which activates
deiodinases that increase energy expenditure by converting
thyroxine (T4) to triiodothyronine (T3)
 Active thyroid hormones increase metabolic rate of the body,
thus increasing energy expenditure and decreasing storage of

QUESTION 2: Using your knowledge of biochemical concepts,

prescribe SJB pharmacological and non-pharmacological
interventions to aid her on her journey to a normal BMI, BP,
blood sugar, VLDL, and LDL.
Figure 1. (R) Normal GIT, (L) After RYGBP  According to Lehninger, the body can deal with an excess of
dietary calories in three ways:
Vertical Gastric Sleeve Surgery 1. convert excess fuel to fat and store it in adipose tissue,
 Newer 2. burn excess fuel by extra exercise, and
 Yields same results 3. “waste” fuel by diverting it to heat production
 The biochemical and physiological bases for these effects are not (thermogenesis) by uncoupled mitochondria
well understood, but presumably include changes in peptide
hormone signaling that result from rerouting food through the GIT Pharmacologic interventions
 Appetite suppressants
 HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors (Pravastatin, Atorvastatin),
fibric acid derivatives and Ezetimibe
 **Tested on mice: Drugs that target PPARδ is a potential
target for drugs to treat obesity
 PPARδ (acts on liver and muscles) and PPARβ  key
regulators of fat oxidation which act by sensing changes in
dietary lipid.

Non-Pharmacologic Interventions
 Caloric Restriction
 Reduction in: dietary fat, sodium, refined Sugars
 Intake of Cholesterol Lowering Food
 Almonds and Nuts: healthy unsaturated fatty acids
Figure 2. Major factors and pathways involved in the beneficial effects of bariatric
surgery [American Diabetes Association]  Lowering cholesterol levels by reducing cholesterol
reabsorption in the intestine
L.E. # 6 - Trans # 7 Group T: Trinidad, Y., Triviño, Tuazon, Ursulom, Valeros 1 of 12
 Reduce oxidation of LDL-cholesterol which could possibly
block arteries
 Avocados and Fish
 antioxidants that scavenge free radicals and inhibit lipid
 Fish/fish oil is rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids
 Immunosuppressant, anti-inflammatory effects, increase
erythrocyte deformability, reduce platelet aggregation and
monocyte adhesion, lower blood pressure, plasma TAGs,
and LDLs, etc.
 Green Vegetables and Fruits
 Fruits: accumulate antioxidant components
 Monitored program of aerobic exercise (30mins-1hr, 3-5x/week)
 Weight loss
 Avoidance of excessive alcohol intake
 Cessation of smoking
II. CASE 2 Figure 3. Mechanism of Action of PCSK9 [Lambert G. Et al]


NotSo Jolly Bells, the cousin of Shakee, is a 30 y/o male employee
who sought consult because his cousin encouraged him to do so. CASE INFORMATION
NJ’s body weight = 78kg, height= 1.65m; BP = 120/80. He is Kitty Hello There, a 25 year old medical student who decided to
diagnosed case of type 2 diabetes mellitus. He has normal blood adopt a healthier lifestyle. Body weight = 65 kg, height = 1.52m,
sugar, elevated VLDL and LDL. He takes statin regularly but could BP = 120/80, blood sugar and lipid profile normal, goal weight to
not comply with lifestyle modification. On history, his father and lose is 15kg in 3 months. Kitty is evaluating the value (safety,
grandfather had MI (myocardial infarction) and underwent coronary efficacy and sustainability) of Ketogenic Vs Atkins diet.
arterial bypass graft (CABG). QUESTIONS
QUESTIONS QUESTION 1: Compare and contrast the components of
QUESTION 1: Evaluate the value of bariatric surgery in NJ, is Ketogenic Vs Atkins diet.
it helpful to him? Why or why not?  Ketogenic Diet
 Bariatric Surgery  Characterized by marked reduction in carbohydrates and
 Procedure for weight loss by restricting amount of food the a relative increase in proportions of proteins and fat.
stomach can hold, causing malabsorption of nutrients  A diet with a fat to carbohydrate and protein ratio of 4:1 or
 Causes weight loss → reduce the risk of GERD, heart 3:1 kcal
disease, hypertension, severe sleep apnea, stroke, and  Atkins Diet
type II DM  Restricts intake of carbohydrates and give emphasis on
 Usually an option for people with a BMI of 40 or higher, proteins and fat.
people with BMI of 35 to 39.9, and weight related health  Change an individual’s eating habits for weight loss and
problem or if the efforts to lose weight with diet and for improvement of certain health problems.
exercise have been unsuccessful  It has 4 phases:
Table 1. Advantages and Disadvantages of Bariatric Surgery  Phase 1 (Induction) - restricts to not more than 20g of
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES carbohydrates a day, which can be sourced from dark,
Produce significant long term Surgery may result to leafy vegetables
weight loss complications  Phase 2 (Balancing) - begin to incorporate more nuts,
Restricts the amount of food Can lead to long-term low-carbohydrate vegetables, and small amounts of
that can be consumed micronutrient deficiencies (e.g. fruit until you’re 10 pounds from your goal weight
Vit. B12, Fe, Ca, Folate  Phase 3 (Fine tuning) - You can add more
Post-bariatric surgery can Requires adherence to dietary carbohydrates until you reach your goal weight, but you
improve patient’s health by recommendations, life-long must cut back if weight loss stops
obtaining weight loss, and supplementation, and follow-  Phase 4 (Maintenance) - Consumption of high-fiber
improved VLDL metabolism up complications carbohydrates to maintain weight
and insulin sensitivity Table 2. Summary of Ketogenic and Atkins diet
 Given that the patient only has a BMI of 28.65 kg/m , 2
Proteins Adequate protein No limit
bariatric surgery may not be helpful for him.
Ketosis Body is in ketosis Body is in ketosis
the entire duration of ONLY in phase one
QUESTION 2: Given his persistent dyslipidemia, how can the diet and two
PCSK-9 inhibitors benefit him? What are the molecular Carbohydrate Always limited (10- Eventually
mechanisms of these meds? 30g) to induce reintroduce back
 PCSK-9 inhibitors reduce the degradation of LDL receptors ketosis into the diet
 By keeping LDL-R in circulation, LDL clearance is increased Other sources of Can eventually add
from blood nutrition back to the diet as
 Therefore, PCSK-9 inhibitors help patients manage quinoa, oatmeal,
dyslipidemia. and fruit

QUESTION 2: Evaluate the safety profile as to the long term

effects with regards to the brain, liver, kidney, etc.
 When glucose has been fully depleted, the body begins to
use fat as its primary fuel. The liver produces ketone bodies

Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 2 of 12

from fat, which can accumulate in the blood and will result to churning out stored glucose to prepare for the
ketosis. upcoming day.
 Healthy individuals experience mild ketosis during periods of  At the same time, the body releases hormones that
fasting and strenuous exercise. Excessive ketone bodies can reduce the sensitivity to insulin. In addition, these
produce dangerously toxic level of acid in the blood, called events may be happening while the diabetes
ketoacidosis, altering blood pH to acidotic state. medication doses taken the day before are wearing
 Ketogenic Diet off.
 Weight loss is due to water loss (diuretic effect) followed  These events cause the body's blood sugar levels to
by fat loss rise in the morning (at "dawn").
 ↓ serum triglycerides, ↓ total cholesterol, ↑ HDL  Somogyi Effect
 May show short term effects in improvements in sugar  also called rebound hyperglycemia
levels for type 2 DM and CVD risk factors such as obesity  If the blood sugar drops too low in the middle of the
 Adverse effects include: night while sleeping, the body will release hormones
 Muscle cramps, bad breath, changes in bowel habits, in an attempt to “rescue” the person from the
keto-flu and energy loss dangerously low blood sugar.
 Long term: hepatic steatosis, hypoproteinemia, kidney  The hormones do this by prompting the liver to
stones, and vitamin and mineral deficiencies release stored glucose in larger amounts than usual.
 Atkins Diet  But this system isn’t perfect in a person with diabetes,
so the liver releases more sugar than needed which
 Lipolysis results in ketones production
leads to a high blood sugar level in the morning.
 Ketosis is triggered and appetite is suppressed
 Fatigue and constipation may occur QUESTION 2: What is the biochemical basis why metformin
 Can lead to osteoporosis when relying on too much control blood sugar in T2DM?
saturated fat  Metformin
 Can also cause electrolyte imbalance, decreased muscle  Drug under the class Biguanide
mass, and weakened bones  Effects are all mediated by the ability of metformin to
activate the AMP-Activated Protein Kinase or
QUESTION 3: What can you advise Kitty on her immediate AMPK.
goal?  AMPK: heterotrimeric protein complex that
 The rate of weight loss is directly proportional to the activates glucose and fatty acid uptake and
individual’s energy intake and expenditure. Therefore, oxidation when cellular energy is low
reduction of caloric intake should be the main focus of her  Produces three main effects:
diet.  Decrease blood glucose by decreasing hepatic
 To implement a successful dietary intervention, she must glucose production.
know the significance of:  Decrease intestinal absorption of glucose.
 Eliminating all caloric beverages and processed foods  Improve insulin sensitivity by increasing the
 Portion control peripheral glucose uptake and utilization in the
 Self-monitoring body.
 Adopting a healthy, long term approach to eating.  Mechanism
 Since her goal is to lose 15 kg (33lbs) in 3 month, it is not
ideal because the healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs only. That
is 24lbs maximum for 3 months.
 Kitty should understand that gradual weight loss is the key
for a healthier life
Jyllo G. a 40-year old male employee has been diagnosed to have
T2DM and prescribed metformin as well as lifestyle modification. JG
decided to have a vegan diet and regular trip (3x a week) to gym but
refused to take metformin. After 1 month, he started to lose weight
but complained of getting tired easily. He also noticed that even with
an almost 10kg weight in 4 weeks, his capillary blood sugar soon Figure 4. Mechanism of Metformin
after waking up remains elevated.
 In Type 2 DM, there is increased gluconeogenesis
QUESTIONS  The primary site of metformin action is the
QUESTION 1: Explain the biochemical basis why Jyllo’s early mitochondrion.
AM blood sugar remains elevated? What causes high blood  Metformin can directly inhibit complex I in the
sugar levels in the morning? mitochondria which will lower ATP in the body.
 The causes of high blood sugar levels in the morning:  Remember that Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone
 High-carb bedtime snacks and not enough diabetes oxidoreductase) is the largest multimeric enzyme
medications. complex of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which
 Dawn phenomenon is responsible for electron transport and the
 Somogyi effect generation of a proton gradient across the
 Dawn Phenomenon mitochondrial inner membrane to drive ATP
 The body uses glucose (sugar) for energy and it is production.
important to have enough extra energy to be able to  ↓ ATP levels in the cell may then lead to ↓
wake up in the morning. gluconeogenesis.
 For a period of time in the early morning hours,  ↑ AMP:ATP ratio will activate AMPK.
usually between 3 a.m. and 8 a.m., the body starts  AMPK will then inhibit CREB, CRTC2, and CBP
which are gluconeogenic gene transcriptions. In turn,
this will lower the rate of gluconeogenesis.
Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 3 of 12
 ↑ AMP:ATP ratio may also affect another pathway that  Lack of insulin will cause increase in glucagon → lipolysis,
involves the transformation of ATP to cAMP via Adenylate proteolysis → high blood sugar, production of ketones
cyclase.  Venous blood gas, Acidic
 It inhibits this process thus resulting to the reduced  Increased H+, decreased HCO3
activation of PKA as well as the gluconeogenic gene  Acidic from ketoacidosis
transcriptions mentioned.
 Serum sodium
 Activated AMPK may also result to opening of GLUT-4
channels which then increases the insulin independent
 125-135 meq/L
glucose uptake.  Serum potassium
 Summary of Effects  Normal to high (>4 meq/L)
 increase glucose uptake and utilization, increase fatty  In DKA, ketonuria occurs
acid oxidation, increase autophagy, decrease  Increased blood sugar  glucosuria  increased
glycogen synthesis, decrease fatty acid synthesis, urine osmolality  water is excreted more  drains
inhibits protein synthesis, inhibits cholesterol potassium with it
synthesis  Serum chloride
 Normal (105 meq/L)
QUESTION 3: What could be the reason behind Jyllo’s rapid  Plasma ketone bodies (++++)
weight loss?
 Sudden weight loss with diabetes could occur as a result - Administration of IV fluids to address dehydration.
of dehydration, breakdown of muscles and high blood  Fluid replacement
sugar as well as problems emanating from the thyroid.  Initial rehydration therapy
 Dehydration is a symptom linked with frequent urination.  To compensate for fluid and electrolyte losses
People with diabetes urinate more because the kidneys  0.9% NaCl – isotonic solution
work harder than usual to filter the excess sugar  Potassium therapy
accumulating in the blood. As one urinates, glucose and  For maintenance of proper cell function
calories are lost. This leads to severe dehydration and
 Replace lost potassium due to osmotic diuresis
ultimately, weight loss.
 Insulin therapy
 Type 2 DM: resists insulin or doesn’t produce enough
insulin to maintain normal glucose levels. Insufficient  Regulate glucose levels for hyperglycemia and
insulin prevents body from getting the glucose from blood ketoacidosis
into the body’s cells, to use as energy. Therefore, the body  Potassium levels must be corrected first before
will start burning fat and muscles for energy - causing the introducing insulin because it is needed for insulin to be
reduction in overall body weight. absorbed by the cell → signal the body for availability of
 Insulin deficiency can also decrease muscle synthesis and energy → stop production of ketones
increase muscle breakdown. Steps in Early DKA Management
V. CASE 5 1. Collect blood for metabolic profile before initiation of IV fluids
2. Infuse 1L of 0.9% NaCl over 1 hour after initial blood samples
3. Ensure potassium level of 3.3 mEq/L before initiation of insulin
Ally Tree, an 18 year old female is diagnosed with a case of type 1
diabetes mellitus. She has to monitor her capillary blood sugar level
4. Initiate insulin therapy only when steps 1-3 are executed
and is on insulin injections 2x a day. Although her mom did not allow
her to go to an outdoor concert due to the extremely hot weather VI. CASE 6
lately, she insisted on going there together with her friends and
cousins. Two hours into the concert, she felt dizzy. She thought she
had low blood sugar since she felt thirsty and hungry, so she asked Taylor Slow a 25 y/o employee is pregnant. She is on her 1st
trimester now. She read all about the body changes during
for soda. However, she fainted and was not coherent so her
companions decided to bring her to the ER. pregnancy. She wants to understand the biochemical changes she
should expect from the 1st trimester to the 3rd trimester and beyond
QUESTIONS (lactation). As a loving/concerned friend, what should you tell her?
QUESTION 1: What are Ally’s metabolic derangements? QUESTIONS
 Type I Diabetes QUESTION 1: What are the biochemical changes that are
 Inability to produce insulin expected of a normal pregnancy?
 Hyperglycemia from missed insulin shot and blood sugar
monitor  Hormones
 Soda intake  Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)
 Elevated during pregnancy
 Diabetic Ketoacidosis
 Dominant hormone in the first trimester of pregnancy
 Increased plasma ketones  Produced by syncytiotrophoblasts
 May be due to high insulin requirements because of  Detectable in:
stress, excess fat breakdown, and ketogenesis  blood 1 week after conception
 Dehydration  urine 2 weeks after
 Decreased electrolytes  Peak concentration around 8-10 weeks
 Hyperglycemia causes osmotic diuresis → loss of water  Progesterone
and electrolytes in the urine  Induces breast growth and differentiation
 Potassium levels may fall, and if not treated in time, may  Produced by the placenta
result to hypokalemia  Functions in the maintenance of pregnancy
 Increased levels during late pregnancy
QUESTION 2: Important laboratory tests and expected results  Induce lipoprotein lipase in mammary gland together
 Random blood sugar with prolactin → high milk secreting cells and ducts
 High (250-600 mg/dl)  Estrogen
 Patient drank soda with a high glycemic index → glucose  Increased throughout the duration of pregnancy
Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 4 of 12
 50-fold increase in estradiol and estrone  Results to lower maternal blood glucose, insulin and lipid
 100-fold increase in estriol concentrations
 Stimulates prolactin secretion but downregulates  Increased carbohydrate utilization
prolactin receptors  Secretion of PTHrp by the lactating breasts
 Stimulates breast development  Aids in phosphorus and calcium absorption in bone and
 Human placental lactogen (hPL) gut
 Detectable in the syncytiotrophoblast by 10 days after  Controlled by calcium sensitive receptors
conception; in maternal serum 3 weeks after conception  Difference in composition between milk released from the
 Functions: breast and mature milk
 Protein anabolic  Colostrum – contains a lot of essential amino acids and
 Lipolytic proteins for immunization
 Antagonizes insulin action → diabetogenicity of  Other hormones that play a role in lactation:
pregnancy  Adrenocorticotropin
o Inhibits maternal glucose uptake which may lead  Growth hormone
to increased levels of glucose in maternal serum
 Thyrotropin
 Highest during last half of pregnancy
 Leads to accelerated starvation and B-cell VII. CASE 7
 Other substances: Gon Yoo Sales, an aspiring athlete is training daily to compete for
 Folate the 100 meter dash or sprint. His cousin, Guy Yon, on the other hand
 Decreased levels → neural tube defects is training for the 10, 000 meter track running event.
 Alpha-fetoprotein
 Produced in the developing fetal liver QUESTIONS
 Changes in concentration may be indicative of
QUESTION 1: Compare and contrast the fuel utilized by the
muscle in short sprints (100 meter dash) and in longer
 Too much → neural tube defects or twins duration marathons
 Too little → down syndrome
 Parathyroid related protein (PTHrp)  Sprinting
 Increases calcium and phosphorus absorption from  Considered as anaerobic exercise
gut and bone  Energy sources
 Controlled by calcium receptors that coordinate  Creatine Phosphate
calcium mobilization  Glycogen
 Thyroxine-binding globulin, total thyroid hormone  Creatine phosphate serves as energy source until
 Increase during pregnancy due to decreased glycogenolysis and glycolysis are activated
breakdown by liver  During a short sprint Creatine Kinase
 More TBG → increased levels of total T3/T4 Creatine phosphate + ADP ATP + Creatine
 At the end of the 100m sprint
QUESTION 2: Taylor is concerned about her having gestational  Muscle ATP drops to half
diabetes. Can this be prevented?  Creatine Phosphate is completely depleted
 Lactate and H+ increase dramatically
 Hormones from placenta
 Longer Duration Marathon
 Placental lactogen
 Moderate-intensity aerobic exercise
 Stimulates lipolysis in adipose tissue
 Sustains oxygen for longer periods of time
 Estradiol, progesterone
 Energy sources:
 Induce insulin-resistant state
 Muscle Glycogen (aerobic glycolysis)
 Pregnancy: perturbed starve-feed cycle  Switches to Fatty Acids (FA Oxidation) when glucose
 Pregnant women enter the starved state more rapidly than stores are depleted
non-pregnant women
 Adipocytes: ↑ lipolysis → FA oxidation
 Results from increased consumption of glucose and amino  Skeletal muscles: ↑AMPK/insulin → (-) acetyl CoA
acids by the fetus, which may cause maternal
carboxylase / (+) malonyl decarboxylase → ↓malonyl CoA
and ↑Acetyl CoA → ↑CPT1 activity → FA oxidation
QUESTION 3: What are the biochemical changes that are
 Brain: ↑ lactate due to increased anaerobic glycolysis →
10-20 mM crosses blood brain barrier → used as alternate
expected of a normal lactation?
fuel by the brain
 Early stages of pregnancy
 Breast develops and prepare for lactation
 Post-partum
 Estrogen and progesterone decreases
 Prolactin increases → initiate milk productions
 Oxytocin – milk let-down reflex
 Shift in hormonal levels induces a period of infertility which
provide optimal birth spacing
 Glucose
 Main energy source for lactose and TAG synthesis during
 Increase in AA for protein synthesis
 Increased nutrient needs to support lactogenesis are from
maternal diet and mobilized fat stores
Figure 5. Metabolism Integration by AMPK
 Glucose is diverted to lactogenesis for noninsulin mediated
pathway for uptake by the mammary gland
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QUESTION 2: Summarize the biochemical basis of creatine IRRITABILITY
supplement in these athletes, including long term safety to  Alcohol withdrawal symptoms
vital organs  Insomnia
 Creatine Supplementation  Tremulousness
 Creatine in Venous blood gas  Mild anxiety
Creatine Kinase  Gastrointestinal upset, anorexia
Creatine phosphate + ADP ATP + Creatine  Headache
 Creatine supplementation increases the Creatine  Diaphoresis - sweating (unusual amounts)
available to carry the phosphate of ATP. Thus providing  Palpitations
more ATP from Creatine phosphate via Creatine Kinase  Alcohol is a central nervous system depressant
boosting the amount of energy for muscle contraction.  Abrupt cessation unmasks the adaptive responses to chronic
 Effects in Exercise and Performance ethanol use, resulting in over activity of the central nervous
 Increase in body mass, strength, power, and efficacy in system.
short-duration, high-intense exercises
 Inconsistent results (responders and nonresponders) QUESTION 2: What are the changes in:
 Improved performance when in conjunction with a
resistance training program CARBOHYDRATE METABOLISM
 Thought to be detrimental to renal function  Metabolism of ethanol generates a high NADH/NAD+ ratio
 Safety of Creatine Supplementation  ADH is not a very effective product inhibitor of Alcohol
 No scientific evidence of harmful effects
 NADH generated in the cytosol and mitochondria tends to
 Weight gain is the only consistent result
accumulate, increasing the NADH/NAD+ ratio to high
 Short-term use is safe, but there is insufficient data levels
regarding long-term use
 Hypoglycemia (Fasting patient)
 Case reports of injury with creatine use was due to
 The high NADH/ NAD+ ratio shifts the lactate
inappropriate creatine use or multiple ergogenic aids and
dehydrogenase equilibrium to lactate, so that pyruvate
formed from alanine is converted to lactate and cannot
CASE 8 enter gluconeogenesis
CASE INFORMATION  Also prevents other major gluconeogenic precursors, such
Johnny DB WhiteWalker, a 55 y/o devoted lifelong fan of alcohol as oxaloacetate and glycerol, from entering the
gluconeogenic pathway.
and alcohol infused drinks claims to drink alcohol only on social
 Transient hyperglycemia (Fed patient)
occasions. He came for consult due to weakness, weight loss, and
 The high NADH/NAD+ ratio inhibits glycolysis at the
irritability. You commit to the diagnosis of alcoholic liver disease. On glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase step
further history, he admits that he consumes almost half a bottle of
hard drinks (whiskey or brandy) since he was around 20 yrs old. LIPID METABOLISM
 Changes in FA metabolism
 (-) FOXO: FA accumulation in the liver → Increased VLDL
QUESTION 1: On the background of his chronic liver (hyperlipidemia)
condition, how will you explain his:
 Increased lipolysis due to epinephrine
WEGHT LOSS  Alcohol-induced Ketoacidosis
 Alcoholic liver disease is increasingly common and is often  Increased NADH generated from ethanol oxidation ->
accompanied by malnutrition as a result of reduced Acetyl CoA used in ketogenesis
absorption, processing and storage of nutrients. The  Alcohol-Induced Hepatitis
underlying cause for the said malnutrition in patients with
liver disease is related to many factors:  Mechanism:
 Inadequate/ poor quality intake of food  Acetaldehyde-tubulin adduct → decreased secretion of
 Maldigestion and malabsorption: due to toxic effects of VLDL & serum CHONs from the liver to the systemic
alcohol on small intestinal ultrastructure and brush border circulation
enzymes  CHONs & lipids accumulate in the liver → High H2O
 Muscle Wasting: IGF-1 deficiency influx → swelling of hepatocytes → disruption of liver
architecture → Portal Hypertension
 Chronic parenchymal liver disease
 Fatigue likely occurs as a result of changes in
neurotransmission within the brain.  Reduced activity of lecithin cholesterol acyltransferase
 Peripheral fatigue relates to neuromuscular dysfunction and (LCAT). This plasma enzyme is responsible for the
occurs with muscle overutilization and associated metabolic production of cholesterol ester and lysolecithin by
changes catalyzing the transfer of a fatty acid from the 2-position of
 Central fatigue arises within the central nervous system lecithin to the 3B-OH group of free cholesterol. Decreased
(CNS) and is characterized by a difficulty in performing activity results to a reduced plasma levels of cholesterol
physical (and often mental) activities ester and normal/increased free cholesterol levels
 Include the corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH),  Acute/Chronic Hepatitis
serotonin, noradrenaline and other neurotransmitter
systems.  Relatively increased levels of plasma TAGs due to
 Possibly caused by anemia, nutritional deficiencies, reduced activity of LPL and HTGL
disturbances in fluid balance and impaired renal function
 May also be due to psychological distress associated with PROTEIN METABOLISM
anxiety and depression  Protein deficiency due to poor dietary intake

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 Amino acid concentration in the blood is elevated  As the number of functioning nephrons declines, acid
 Significantly increased rate of protein turnover and impaired excretion is initially maintained by an increase in the
amino acid uptake by the diseased liver ammonium excreted per nephron.
 Can lead to a progressive metabolic acidosis, with the serum
 The muscle is the major source of elevated plasma levels of
HCO3 concentration tending to stabilize between 12 and 20
AA seen in catabolic states such as in ALD mEq/L and rarely falling below 10 mEq/L (uptodate)
 Elevation in blood ammonia  a result of damage to kidney and, therefore, any increased
 The liver is unable to convert ammonia into urea and protein consumption could lead to exacerbation of the condition
glutamine rapidly enough due to the accumulation of nitrogenous waste products as the
 May be due to abnormalities in blood flow in the liver which kidney becomes less and less capable of metabolizing certain
amino acids (Gln, Gly, Pro, Citrulline)
affects the glutamine cycle, decreases in the enzymes
 Contributory factors:
involved in the urea cycle, and smaller functional hepatic
 Impaired glucose reabsorption, since the kidney normally
mass reabsorbs all of the glucose
 Can lead to CNS toxicity and coma  With kidney disease, some glucose may end up filtered and
never reabsorbed, resulting in glycosuria
CASE INFORMATION  ABG: decrease in pCO2, increase in HCO3-, increase in pH
Chennelyn Leon is a 25 yr old female who quit her job to focus on (compensated metabolic acidosis)
her business venture. She’s a co-owner of a restaurant and decided
to expand the business. So she loaned P10 million from a corporate QUESTION 2: How will the CKD explain his blood sugar and
bank. After one year, she began having frequent dizzy spells pallor?
attributed to lack of sleep, unintended weight loss of 10kg in two  Pallor
months, elevated BP (140/90 mmHG), and elevated blood sugar  possibly due to anemia; compromised kidney function
levels. commonly due to EPO deficiency, resulting in anemia
 Mechanisms of Anemia in CKD:
 Inhibited EPO production causing increased circulating
QUESTION 1: Summarize the biochemical effects of chronic uremic inhibitors
stress and injury to explain Chennelyn’s symptoms.  Shortened RBC survival
 Stress  Increased iron losses from blood loss, impaired iron
 Hypercatabolic state absorption and release, erythropoiesis-stimulating agent
 May lead to insulin resistance (ESA) administration
 Increase in counter-insulin hormones:  Low blood sugar (hypoglycemia)
 Cortisol which causes the increase in heart rate  Alcohol consumption results in hypoglycemia
and blood pressure and strengthens heart  Oxidation reaction of liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ethanol →
muscles. acetaldehyde) inhibits conversion of lactate to pyruvate
 Catecholamines which causes the activation of  Lowers gluconeogenesis
the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) which  elevated blood levels of acetaldehyde is toxic and highly
also causes the heart rate to increase. reactive in inducing free radical damage
 Glucagon
 Growth Hormones QUESTION 3: What are expected biochemical changes in his
 Increase BMR due to increase in nutritional carbohydrate, lipid, and amino acid metabolism?
 Increase blood glucose and FFAs Changes in Carbohydrate Metabolism
 Stimulation of glycogenolysis, gluconeogenesis,  Favors glycogenolysis and lipolysis
and lipolysis  Increase in glucagon, glucocorticoids, catecholamines, and GH
 Decrease muscle glutamine and branched chain AA release
pool  promotion of catabolic state
 Decrease protein synthesis and increase protein  Reduced hepatic and/or skeletal muscle glucose uptake
degradation.  Impaired glucose metabolism
 Impaired tissue sensitivity to insulin
QUESTION 2: She asks her if her condition is still reversible  Development of insulin resistance
given her age, what is the most appropriate response to a  Development of spontaneous hypoglycemia
young adult?
 Lifestyle changes Changes in Amino Acid Metabolism
 Exercise  Decreased Tyrosine and Phenylalanine levels
 Medication  leads to protein depletion and also to impaired synthesis of
aromatic amine modulators such as dopamine,
X. CASE 10 norepinephrine or epinephrine
Francois Bass, a 50-year old male is diagnosed to have chronic
kidney disease after 3 decades of a life filled with debauchery. He
was brought to the emergency room because he was found to be
incoherent and pale. His blood sugar was low.
QUESTION 1: What is the expected arterial blood gas results
in Francois given his condition?


 Increasing tendency to retain hydrogen ions Figure 6. Tyrosine and phenylalanine levels decrease
Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 7 of 12
 Decreased Arginine levels QUESTION 1: How can his condition (cancer) explain his
 Decreased Nitric Oxide Levels → reduced hormonal control of weight loss (cachexia)?
insulin and IGF-1
 rarely observed in CKD patients suggesting the existence of  Cytokines
sources of arginine other than the kidney  Cancer cells are capable of producing cytokines
 Cytokines play a pivotal role influencing the
imbalance of orexigenic and anorexigenic circuits.
 Cytokines, polypeptides released mainly by immune
cells, are the molecules responsible for some of the
metabolic derangements associated with the
hypermetabolic state that characterizes cancer-
bearing states.
 Pro-inflammatory cytokines such as interleukin-6
superfamily, tumor necrosis factor-alpha,
Figure 7. Arginine levels decrease interleukin-1, and others elicit anorexia, lipolysis,
and muscle breakdown when injected systematically.
 Increased Sulfur amino acid (Methionine) levels  A large set of different transcription factors have been
 associated with atherosclerosis and cardiovascular damage identified to play important roles in tissue wasting;
 accumulation of s-Adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) in body fluids many are activated by pro-inflammatory stimuli.
is associated with vascular disease and tissue damaged  Cachexia
 Cachexia is a hypercatabolic state defined as
accelerated loss of skeletal muscle in the context of a
chronic inflammatory response.
 Weight loss in cancer patients is due to equal loss
of both adipose tissue and skeletal muscle mass-
unlike weight loss from starvation which is mainly
from the fat and only a small amount from the muscle.
 Potentially important role for several tumor-derived
and potentially cachexia-inducing substances, the
target of which appears to be skeletal muscle gene
 The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway may be the
Figure 8. Methionine levels decrease final common pathway mediating protein degradation
in cancer-related cachexia.
Changes in Lipid Metabolism  Other potential contributory factors to the progressive
 Urinary protein loss reduction in lean body mass include changes in
 Increased LDL synthesis by the liver metabolism and caloric intake, aging, lack of
 acquired LCAT deficiency exercise, fatigue, tissue hypoxia, inflammation, and
 Impaired clearance of chylomicrons and VLDL medications.
 ApoA1 and A2 levels are decreased (↓HDL)  Anorexia
 Modified ApoA1 decrease HDL binding to macrophages  Anorexia is an important component causing weight
 LCAT level and activity are impaired loss in cancer cachexia and it is unrelated to the effect
of chemotherapy.
 Accumulation of HDL‐3 and reduced level of HDL‐2
 Early satiety is considered either as a direct effect of
 Impaired activation of LPL
the tumors in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
 IDL and remnants accumulate in CKD
obstructing the passage of food or due to altered
 down‐regulation of hepatic lipase (HL) expression and VLDL‐ mucosa leading to malabsorption.
receptor in myocytes and adipocytes
 The release of chemicals by the tumor or host
TREATMENT PLAN FOR CKD immune system may induce anorexia.
 Each patient should have a clinical action plan based on the  Tumor products may inhibit NPY
stage of disease, as defined by the K/DOQI classification (level (orexigenic) transport or release or interfere
B recommendation). with the neuronal downstream of NPY.
 Starting treatment at the right point in the progression of chronic  In cancer patients with anorexia, NPY levels are
kidney disease is essential to prevent adverse outcomes. lower than in the controls.
Defining the stage of chronic kidney disease is the key first step
in developing the appropriate clinical action plan QUESTION 2: What are the expected metabolic derangement of
 Patients with CKD should be referred to a specialist for having a large segment of his large intestine surgically
consultation and co-management if the patient's personal removed and being on colostomy?
physician cannot adequately evaluate and treat the patient  Colon/ Large Intestine
 A nephrologist should participate in the care of patients with a  Digest and absorb extra water and electrolytes from
GFR less than 30 mL/min per 1.73 m2(level B recommendation) the chyme to form solid feces (proximal half).
 Storage of fecal matter until it can be excreted or
X. CASE 11 expelled from the body (distal half).
CASE INFORMATION  GIT Tumor Obstruction
Pierce Vlad, a 30 year old male had unexplained weight loss  Obstruct the passage of food
(BMI=19) and was diagnosed to have colon cancer. He underwent  Feeling of fullness
surgery (resection of almost half of his large intestines with  Altered mucosa
colostomy) and a multi-drug chemotherapy regimen. In this process,  Difficulty absorbing nutrients
his BMI further dropped to 17.  Tumor chemicals also block nervous system
 Prevents release of neuropeptide Y
Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 8 of 12
 Peptide that plays a role in one’s need to  Reduced Lipogenesis - to favor utilization of carbohydrates
eat food. into energy production
 Colostomy  Alanine Cycle - also an important process because it
 Colostomy is surgical procedure that creates a undergoes transamination to produce Pyruvate; or
stoma (opening) in the abdominal wall by cutting a carboxylated into Oxaloacetate both favoring energy
part of colon that separates healthy segment from production.
diseased segment to allow the latter to heal.
 After a colostomy has been created, the intestines Table 4. Active and inactive key-enzymes during overnight fast
will work just like they did before except: CLASSIFICATION ENZYMES
 The stoma of healthy segment is the one Active Glycogen phosphorylase
the releases the colonic contents while the Pyruvate carboxylase
other stoma may secrete mucus. The PEPCK
feces is collected in a pouch. Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate
 The anus is no longer the exit for stool, but Glucose-6-phosphatase
it will still pass mucus from time to time, Lactate dehydrogenase
which is normal. Alanine transaminase
 If the diseased segment is healed, the Carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1
colostomy is surgically reversed. The Acetyl CoA carboxylase 1
patient can experience normal bowel FAS complex
function again. Hexokinase (brain)
 Dehydration is a serious concern undergone by PFK 1 (brain)
patients who have had this procedure. Inactive Hexokinase
 There’s increased susceptibility to PFK1
electrolyte imbalance. Pyruvate kinase
 Dehydration happens because there’s a Glycogen synthase
lessened ability to absorb water from stool PDH Complex
(due to resected colon). Acetyl CoA carboxylase 1
 This leads to increased thirst, dry mouth, FAS Complex
and decreased urine output. Lipoprotein lipase
Glycerol kinase
Table 3. Manifestations of Na and K loss Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase
Loss of Na Ions Loss of K Ions
o Cramps o Fatigue
o Drowsiness o Muscle weakness After 48 hours
o Loss of appetite o Shortness of breath  Starvation
 More than 48 hours of fasting
X. CASE 12  FA Oxidation - primary process during starvation
CASE INFORMATION  Decreased proteolysis - decreased utilization of essential
amino acid and proteins
 Increased ketone bodies
 Renal gluconeogenesis - compensatory mechanism for
glucose levels
 Decreased usage of glucose and ketone bodies by muscles
and adipose tissues

Table 5. Active and inactive key-enzymes after 48 hours of fasting

 Robin Green 30 y/o diagnosed to have gallstones and is Glycogen phosphorylase
scheduled for laparoscopic cholecystectomy Pyruvate carboxylase
 Prior to procedure: not to have dinner before his 7:00 AM
 During the procedure: uncontrolled bleeding and to undergo
Lactate dehydrogenase
explorative laparotomy
Alanine transaminase
 RG forgot to disclose that he is an avid believer/consumer of food
Carbamoyl phosphate synthase 1
supplements (garlic extract, gingko biloba, and ginseng) because
Active Hexokinase (brain)
he thought it was not a relevant information.
PFK 1 (brain)
 After the procedure: complete gut obstruction and placed on Pyruvate kinase (brain)
prolonged NPO Proteases
 After 5 days: he was finally allowed sips of water Glutaminase
 After 2 more days: clear soup then 1 cup of plain lugaw HMG CoA synthase
QUESTION 1: Compare and contrast the key enzymes which Pyruvate dehydrogenase
are active/inactive during his: (a) Overnight fast (b) after 48 Hexokinase
hours (c) after 5 days PFK1
Pyruvate kinase
Overnight Fast
Glycogen synthase
 Early Fasting
Inactive PDH Complex
 4 hours to 18 hours of fasting Acetyl CoA carboxylase 1
 Hepatic glycogenolysis - most important biochemical process FAS complex
to sustain energy requirements during early fasting states Lipoprotein lipase
Glycerol kinase
Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 9 of 12
 During prolonged fasting, hormonal and metabolic changes in
After 5 days the body prevent excessive protein and muscle breakdown.
Table 6. Active and inactive key-enzymes after 5 days of fasting  Muscle and other tissues decrease ketone body utilization and
CLASSIFICATION ENZYMES use fatty acids as their main energy source. The increase in
HMG CoA synthase ketone bodies in the blood stimulates the brain to switch from
Active HSL glucose to ketone bodies as its main energy source.
CPT1  The liver also decreases its rate of gluconeogenesis, further
CPS1 preserving muscle protein. Several minerals become severely
Pyruvate carboxylase depleted, but their serum concentrations may remain normal
PEPCK because they are mainly in the intracellular compartment,
Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate which contracts during starvation.
Glucose-6-phosphatase  During refeeding, glycemia leads to an increase in insulin
Hexokinase secretion and a corresponding decrease in glucagon secretion.
PFK1  Insulin stimulates glycogen, fat, and protein synthesis. These
Inactive Pyruvate kinase processes require minerals to be taken up into cells (e.g.,
Glycogen synthase phosphate, magnesium, cofactors such as thiamine), with
PDH Complex water following via osmosis.
Acetyl CoA carboxylase 1  Further decrease in serum electrolytes (phosphate,
FAS Complex potassium, magnesium), all of which are already depleted
Lipoprotein lipase during starvation.
Glycerol kinase
Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase SUMMARY
Case Patient Complaint Pertinent Important
QUESTION 2: How will metabolic fuel be supplied to/consumed No. Name Findings Concepts
by his organs – heart, RBC, brain, liver? 1 Shakee N/A BW = 150 kg Bariatric Surgery
Jolly Bels Ht = 1.65 m
Table 7. Metabolic Capacities of Various Tissues Elevated blood
Heart RBC Brain Liver sugar, VLDL,
and LDL levels
TCA Cycle +++ - +++ +++ BP = 160/100,
B-oxidation +++ - - +++ BMI = 55.1
Ketogenesis - - - +++ 2 NotSo Weight loss BMI: Bariatric
Ketone body +++ Jolly Bells 28.65kg/m2, Surgery, PCSK-
+++ - - Type 2 DM 9 inhibitors for
utilization (PS)
Elevated VLDL dyslipidemia
Glycolysis +++ - +++ +++ and LDL
Lactate +++ 3 Kitty Hello Weight loss BMI: Ketogenic and
+++ + + There 28.13kg/m2 Atkins diet,
production (E)
Goal: to lose Healthy weight
+++ - + +++ 15kg in 3 loss
metabolism months
Gluconeogenesis - - - +++ 4 Jylio G. Weight loss, T2D Dawn
Urea cycle - - - +++ easily phenomenon,
Lipogenesis - - - +++ fatigue, Somogyi effect,
elevated Metformin,
 Legend: capillary AMPK
 (-) no use of fuel, (+) Minimal use of fuel blood sugar
 (++) use of fuel, (+++) maximum use of fuel when
waking up
 PS – prolonged starvation; E – exercise 5 Ally Tree Type 1 Felt dizzy, lost Diabetic
diabetes consciousness ketoacidosis –
Table 6. Fuel use by Various Tissues during Starvation mellitus; management,
Ketone Diabetic treatment,
Glucose FA ketoacidosis expected
Nervous tissue ++ - ++ results
Skeletal m. - ++ ++ 6 Taylor N/A 1st trimester of Hormonal
Cardiac m. - ++ ++ Slow pregnancy changes in
Liver - ++ - pregnancy;
Intestinal diabetes;
- - ++
epithelial cells lactation
Kidney - + + 7 Gon Yoo Short sprints N/A Aerobic and
and Guy vs Short anaerobic
 Legend: Yon Marathons; exercise and
 (-) no substrate utilization Creatine energy source;
 (+) low levels substrate utilization supplement AMPK metabolic
safety integration;
 (++) high levels of substrate utilization Creatine
QUESTION 3: What is the biochemical basis why he was re-fed 8 Johnny Weight loss, Alcoholic liver Carbohydrate
carefully? DB Irritability, disease; metabolism
WhiteWalk Weakness malnutrition, (Ethanol
 The patient was re-fed carefully to avoid the occurrence of er fatigue, and synthesis); Lipid
refeeding syndrome. alcohol metabolism (↑
 “Refeeding syndrome” results from potentially fatal shifts in withdrawal; lipolysis,
fluids and electrolytes that occur in malnourished patients Ketoacidosis,
receiving artificial refeeding. Protein
 Its clinical features occur as a result of the functional deficits metabolism (↑
of phosphate, potassium, and magnesium and the rapid amino acid conc.
change in basal metabolic rate. ↑ ammonia,

Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 10 of 12

9 Chennelyn Dizziness, Stress Hormones,
Leon weight loss, Insulin
elevated Resistance
blood sugar
10 Pierce Weight loss, Cachexia Cytokines,
Vlad colon cancer,
cancer ubiquitin-
11 Francois Incoherent Chronic kidney Blood sugar
Bass and pale disease Pallor
Low blood Arterial blood
sugar gas
12 Robin N/A Gall stones Laparoscopic
Green cholecystectomy
Complete gut

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Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 11 of 12

Figure 9. Main modifications of lipoprotein metabolism induced by chronic kidney disease (CKD)

Biochemistry Metabolic Integration I 12 of 12

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