Demokritov Et Al. - 2006 - Nature - Bose-Einstein Condensation of Quasi-Equilibrium Magnons at Room Temperature Under Pumping

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Vol 443|28 September 2006|doi:10.


Bose–Einstein condensation of quasi-equilibrium
magnons at room temperature under pumping
S. O. Demokritov1, V. E. Demidov1, O. Dzyapko1, G. A. Melkov2, A. A. Serga3, B. Hillebrands3 & A. N. Slavin4

Bose–Einstein condensation1,2 is one of the most fascinating frequency, which is mainly determined by the applied magnetic field,
phenomena predicted by quantum mechanics. It involves the is 2–3 GHz for the described experiments (hnm/k B < 100 mK; here h
formation of a collective quantum state composed of identical is Planck’s constant, and k B is the Boltzmann constant). Using
particles with integer angular momentum (bosons), if the particle parametric pumping, a pumped magnon density of 1018 –
density exceeds a critical value. To achieve Bose–Einstein conden- 1019 cm23 can be reached21. Although this density is much smaller
sation, one can either decrease the temperature or increase the than that of thermal magnons at room temperature, 1021–1022 cm23,
density of bosons. It has been predicted3,4 that a quasi-equilibrium this increase is enough to cause the BEC transition of magnons, as
system of bosons could undergo Bose–Einstein condensation even shown below. Second, YIG films provide a very long spin–lattice
at relatively high temperatures, if the flow rate of energy pumped relaxation time of above 1 ms. In contrast, the magnon–magnon
into the system exceeds a critical value. Here we report the thermalization time due to the two- and four-magnon scattering
observation of Bose–Einstein condensation in a gas of magnons relaxation mechanisms can be as low as 100–200 ns. As both
at room temperature. Magnons are the quanta of magnetic mechanisms keep the number of magnons constant, a quasi-equili-
excitations in a magnetically ordered ensemble of magnetic brium state for the magnon gas can be realized with a non-zero
moments. In thermal equilibrium, they can be described by chemical potential.
Bose–Einstein statistics with zero chemical potential and a tem- The total magnon density, N 0, and the total energy density of the
perature-dependent density. In the experiments presented here, magnon system, EÐ0, are determined at Ðtemperature T 0 by the
we show that by using a technique of microwave pumping it is integrals N 0 ðT 0 Þ ¼ rðnÞdn and E0 ðT 0 Þ ¼ hnrðnÞdn; where r(n) is
possible to excite additional magnons and to create a gas of quasi- the magnon spectral density, which is equal to the product of the
equilibrium magnons with a non-zero chemical potential. With magnon density of states, D(n), and the statistical occupation
increasing pumping intensity, the chemical potential reaches the function n(n):
energy of the lowest magnon state, and a Bose condensate of DðnÞ
magnons is formed. rðnÞ ¼ DðnÞnðnÞ ¼   ð1Þ
Superfluids and superconductors were, for a long time, the only exp kB T 0 2 1
physical systems where the effect of Bose–Einstein condensation
(BEC) had been observed. The recent discovery of BEC in ultracold Here T 0 is the temperature of the system (room temperature in our
diluted atomic gases5–8 has confirmed that this effect has a general case) and m is the chemical potential. As mentioned above, the
nature. Although BEC of quasi-particles created in a solid by external chemical potential of a magnon gas in thermodynamic equilibrium
pumping has been sought for over a decade, an unambiguous with the lattice is zero, as the number of magnons is not conserved,
confirmation of BEC in such systems is still missing. The most mainly owing to the energy exchange between the magnons and the
studied system is that of excitons in semiconductors9–12, but work on lattice. The injection of additional magnons by parametric pumping
polaritons13 and phonons14 has also been reported. increases both the number of magnons, N, and their total energy, E:
A gas of magnons is a very attractive candidate for the BEC N ¼ N 0 þ dN, E ¼ E 0 þ dE. The values dE and dN are directly
transition15,16. It can be considered as consisting of relatively weakly related to each other: dE ¼ hnpdN, where np is the frequency of the
interacting bosons at temperatures far below T C, the temperature of pumped magnons. If magnon–magnon interactions dominate over
magnetic ordering. Magnons are reminiscent of Bose particles in a spin–lattice relaxation, the magnon gas reaches a quasi-equilibrium
quantum gas of atoms—many magnons can occupy the same state with a non-zero chemical potential. Substituting the values
quantum state, and the main mechanism of magnon thermalization typical for the described experiment (dN < 5 £ 1018 cm23 and
is four-magnon scattering, which corresponds to particle–particle np ¼ 4 GHz) into the above relations yields m/k B ¼ 100 mK. This
collision processes. The BEC transition of magnons at low tem- estimate shows that m can be made as large as hnm, that is, using
peratures has been discussed in many publications over the past few parametric pumping it is possible to bring the magnon system close
years17–19. to the condition of the BEC transition.
Yttrium–iron–garnet (YIG) films comprise a very suitable medium The experimental set-up for magnon excitation in YIG films and
for the experimental investigation of the magnon BEC transition. their detection using Brillouin light scattering (BLS)22 spectroscopy is
First, the well-known process of parametric pumping20,21 offers an shown schematically in Fig. 1. The studies were performed on
effective way to feed energy into the low-frequency part of the optically transparent YIG films of 2–10 mm thickness and lateral
magnon spectrum, which then can relax into magnons with sizes of 2 mm £ 20 mm. A microstrip resonator attached to the YIG
the minimum frequency, nm, where BEC should take place. This film creates a microwave pumping field with frequency of 2np in the
Institute for Applied Physics, University of Münster, 48149 Münster, Germany. 2Department of Radiophysics, National Taras Schevchenko University of Kiev, 01033 Kiev,
Ukraine. 3Fachbereich Physik, Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Germany. 4Department of Physics, Oakland University, Rochester, Michigan 48309,

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NATURE|Vol 443|28 September 2006 LETTERS

range of 6–9 GHz. To avoid thermal overheating of the sample via experiment. Thus, the occupation function of magnons, n(n), can be
microwave radiation, pumping was performed in an intermittent obtained from the BLS experiments, provided their reduced density
pulsed mode with an on/off ratio of 1/20 and a pulse width in the of states, D̃(n), has been once determined independently.
range 1–100 ms. The film was placed in a uniform static magnetic The experiments were performed over a wide range of experimen-
field, H, up to 1 kOe. The pumping process is illustrated in Fig. 1 tal conditions. Here we present the results corresponding to
inset. The low-frequency part of the spectrum of the magnons with H ¼ 700 Oe and np ¼ 4.05 GHz, which are typical for the range of
wavevectors parallel to the static magnetization is shown by the solid H ¼ 600–800 Oe and np ¼ 3–4.5 GHz. Figure 2 demonstrates a BLS
line in the log–log plot. Those magnons have the lowest frequencies spectrum of magnons without pumping; such magnons always exist
among all the magnons23, and a characteristic frequency minimum in the sample owing to thermal fluctuation. The spectrum shows a
exists in their dispersion law24,25. A microwave photon with a minimum magnon frequency of nm ¼ 2.1 GHz (hnm/k B ¼ 101 mK)
frequency of 2np creates two primary excited magnons of frequency and a maximum cut-off frequency of 3.7 GHz, caused by the finite
np and opposite wavevectors. These primary magnons relax very fast interval of the magnon wavevectors accessible in the experiment.
and create a quasi-equilibrium distribution of thermalized magnons, This spectrum was used to independently determine the reduced
forming the magnon gas described by equation (1). As the chemical density of states function, D̃(n), as the calculated function D̃(n) (ref.
potential of the gas increases with pumping power, a possible BEC 24) contains the value of the surface anisotropy of the YIG film,
transition can take place near the minimum in the spectrum, as it which is not known with the adequate accuracy. In fact, the BLS
corresponds to the state with the absolute minimum in magnon spectrum from thermally excited magnons corresponds to the known
energy. occupation function, n(n), defined by equation (1) with m ¼ 0. Using
To examine the distribution of the magnons over the spectrum, the value of the surface anisotropy and the proportionality factor
BLS spectroscopy22 was used. As shown in Fig. 1, the incident laser between I(n) and r̃(n) ¼ D̃(n)n(n) (the vertical scaling factor of the
beam is focused onto the resonator. The beam passes through the spectra) as the two fitting parameters, the measured spectrum has
YIG film, is reflected by the resonator, and passes through the film been fitted. The result of the fit is shown in Fig. 2 by the solid line,
again. Then the light is collected by a wide-aperture objective lens whereas the obtained function D̃(n) is shown by the dashed line. We
and sent to the interferometer for frequency analysis of light photons should emphasize that once determined from this fit, D̃(n) has been
inelastically scattered by the magnons. This approach allows a used for the description of BLS from pumped magnons.
simultaneous detection of the magnons in a wide interval of in- Figure 3 shows the BLS spectra of the pumped magnons recorded
plane wavevectors, estimated as ^2 £ 105 cm21, which exceeds k m, at different delay times, t, as indicated, for pumping pulse duration
as indicated by the red hatching in Fig. 1 inset. Thus, our BLS set-up 1 ms, and repetition period 20 ms. From the figure, it is seen that
is able to detect all magnons at and close to the frequency minimum, pumping continuously increases the number of magnons in the
where the condensation should take place. The BLS experiments are system with time (note the different vertical scales of the graphs). As
performed with time resolution, wherein the start of the pumping four-magnon scattering is a nonlinear process, the thermalization
pulse plays the role of the reference stroboscopic clock. The time time of the pumped magnons is inversely proportional to the
evolution of n(n) after the start of pumping is determined using time magnon density. Figure 3a shows the data corresponding to
frames of 100 ns width. t ¼ 200 ns and two different pumping powers, P ¼ 4.0 W (open
From the general point of view, the scattering intensity at a given circles) and 5.9 W (filled circles). The solid lines show the results of
frequency, I(n), is directly proportional to the reduced spectral the fits based on equation (1) with the chemical potential being the
density of scatterers (in our case magnons)26 , IðnÞ / rðnÞ ~ ¼ fitting parameter. As seen in Fig. 3a, the data for P ¼ 4.0 W cannot be
DðnÞnðnÞ; where the reduced density of states D̃(n) is calculated by described using the Bose–Einstein statistics, illustrating that the
integration over the wavevectors of only the particles accessible in the thermalization process at those magnon densities lasts more than
200 ns. By contrast, the data for the pumping power P ¼ 5.9 W are
described very well by the Bose–Einstein statistics at room tempera-
ture and a non-zero chemical potential m, m/k B ¼ 98 ^ 1 mK. Thus,
for this pumping power the magnon–magnon interaction is fast
enough to provide an efficient means for magnon thermalization for

Figure 1 | The set-up for magnon excitation and detection. The resonator
attached to the bottom of the yttrium–iron–garnet (YIG) film is fed by
microwave pulses. The laser beam is focused onto the resonator, and the
scattered light is directed to the interferometer. Inset, the process of
creation of two magnons by a microwave photon. The low-frequency
part of the magnon spectrum for the applied field H, parallel to the film Figure 2 | BLS spectrum of thermal magnons recorded without
surface is shown by the solid line. It has a minimum at the wavevector ~
pumping. The reduced density of states, DðnÞ; obtained from the fit of the
k m ¼ 5 £ 104 cm21. The wavevector interval indicated by the red hatching experimental data (solid line) using equation (1) with the zero chemical
corresponds to the interval of the wavevectors accessible for Brillouin light potential, m, is shown by the dashed line. nm is the minimum frequency of
scattering (BLS). magnons, h is Planck’s constant, and k B is the Boltzmann constant.
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LETTERS NATURE|Vol 443|28 September 2006

Figure 3 | BLS spectra from pumped magnons at different delay times, t. the spectra in c and d (blue solid lines) are the sums of the magnon density
a, t ¼ 200 ns; b, 300 ns; c, 400 ns; and d, 500 ns. Black and red filled circles calculated using equation (1) (green dashed line) with m ¼ hn m and the
(all panels) show data points recorded at pumping power P ¼ 5.9 W, magnon density due to the singularity at n ¼ n m. Red circles in d indicate
whereas open circles (panel a) represent the data recorded at P ¼ 4 W. Green data obtained with a resolution of 50 MHz; red line is a guide for the eye,
solid lines in a and b show the results of the fit of the spectra based on connecting the red circles. Insets in c and d illustrate the difference between
equation (1) with the chemical potential being a fitting parameter. The fit of the corresponding raw spectra and that at t ¼ 300 ns; axes as main panels.

delay times above 100 ns. All the results discussed below correspond made as large as 500, which is at least comparable with the
to this pumping power. From comparison of Fig. 2 and different corresponding ratio found for the case of alkali atoms5.
panels of Fig. 3 with each other, we conclude that the magnon In order to estimate the upper limit for the width of the observed
occupation is shifted towards lower frequencies as the number of the BEC peak in wavevector space, Dk max, additional experiments with
pumped magnons increases with time. The spectrum shown in the maximum achievable frequency resolution of the spectrometer
Fig. 3b also follows the Bose–Einstein distribution, equation (1) have been performed (shown in Fig. 3d in red), confirming that the
with a non-zero m, m/k B ¼ 101 ^ 0.5 mK (that is, m < hn m), as frequency width of the BEC peak is below 50 MHz. Using the known
shown by the solid line. An important intermediate conclusion is dispersion law of magnons, we can estimate Dk max as 104 cm21, or
that the chemical potential increases with time, reflecting the growth 1023 reciprocal lattice units (r.l.u.). By contrast, the thermal mag-
of the magnon density caused by the pumping. For the above nons are distributed over the Brillouin zone up to the wavevector k T
experimental conditions, it approaches hn m at t ¼ 300 ns. corresponding to the magnons with thermal energy; that is,
The spectra presented in Fig. 3c and d differ significantly from k T < 0.5 r.l.u. at room temperature. Thus, the observed reduction
those shown in Fig. 3a and b. They cannot be fitted using the above of width of the magnon distribution in wavevector space due to the
procedure based on equation (1). In fact, we obtain the highest condensation effect is more than two orders of magnitude.
possible magnon density at a critical value m ¼ hn m. The calculated
curves are shown in Fig. 3c and d by the green dashed lines. As shown
in the insets, the magnon spectral densities at t ¼ 400 and 500 ns
deviate from those at t ¼ 300 ns just in the vicinity of n m, whereas far
from n m the difference is within the experimental error. The finite
width of the profiles in the insets is due to the finite frequency
resolution of the interferometer, Dn ¼ 250 MHz. To reach agreement
with the experiment, we had to add a singularity peak / d(n 2 n m)
to the occupation function, n(n). The corresponding fits are shown
by the blue solid lines. The agreement between the experimental data
and the results of the calculation is convincing. Thus, to describe the
experimental data we need to postulate the existence of a Bose–
Einstein condensate.
For the above experimental conditions, the growth of the magnon
density saturates after t ¼ 500 ns. This is connected with the fact that
stationary flow balance is achieved between the excitation of the
primary magnons by the pumping, their relaxation into other
Figure 4 | Evolution of the magnon population after the pumping is
magnons, condensation of those magnons in the condensate and
switched off at t 5 1,000 ns. Open and filled circles, spectrum of light
the final energy relaxation to the lattice. After that, the magnon gas scattered from pumped magnons at t ¼ 1,100 ns and 1,200 ns, respectively.
stays in the quasi-equilibrium state for the rest of the pumping pulse Triangles, spectrum corresponding to the stationary pumped state
duration, which can be as long as 100 ms. Thus the ratio of the lifetime (t ¼ 900 ns), given for comparison. Note the drastic decay of the density
of the prepared magnon system to the thermalization time can be of the non-condensed magnons with time.
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NATURE|Vol 443|28 September 2006 LETTERS

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