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Artificial Organs

23(5):443–446, Blackwell Science, Inc.

© 1999 International Society for Artificial Organs

Adaptive Restriction Rules Provide Functional and Safe

Stimulation Pattern for Foot Drop Correction

*Aleksandar Kostov, †Morten Hansen, †Morten Haugland, and †Thomas Sinkjær

*Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, University of Alberta and Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta,
Canada; and †Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Abstract: We report on our advances in sensory feedback stance phase, which can collapse the subject, and infre-
data processing and control system design for functional quent broken stimulation pulses in the swing phase, which
electrical stimulation (FES) assisted correction of foot can result in unpredictable consequences. In this study, we
drop. We have applied 2 methods of signal purification on have introduced adaptive restriction rules (ARR), which
the bin integrated electroneurogram (i.e., optimized low are initially used as previously reported and then dynami-
pass filtering and wavelet denoising) before training adap- cally adapted during the use of the system. Our results
tive logic networks (ALN). ALN generated stimulation suggest that ARR provide a safer and more reliable stimu-
control pulses, which correspond to the swing phase of the lation pattern than fixed restriction rules. Key Words:
impaired leg when dorsal flexion of the foot is necessary to Foot drop—Functional electrical stimulation—Control
provide safe ground clearance. However, the obtained strategies—Neural recordings—Sensory feedback—
control signal contained sporadic stimulation spikes in the Adaptive logic network.

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) can assist cosmetically undesirable and is exposed to adverse
hemiplegic patients by stimulating the peroneal conditions, causing frequent failures. Fully im-
nerve in the swing phase of the affected leg and planted stimulators can resolve the first 2 problems;
thereby providing dorsiflexion of the foot. Detection however, once the stimulator is implanted it would
of the heel strike and the impaired leg’s foot lift are be desirable to have sensory feedback generated
prerequisites for successful FES use in foot drop cor- from implanted or natural sensory sources. It has
rection. Systems based on surface stimulation and been suggested that afferent neural signals, such as
controlled by a heel switch located in the shoes have those recorded from the sural or calcaneal nerves,
been most successful even if the performance has not which carry mainly cutaneous information, can be
been optimal. Major obstacles in better acceptance used as sensory feedback signals in fully implanted
of these systems include the following. First is the FES systems (1,3). Heel strike, which is important
complicated daily application and removal of the for determination of the stimulus duration, is easy to
FES system. Second is the need to position elec- detect in the rectified and bin integrated electroneu-
trodes precisely to produce correct movement of the rogram (RBI ENG). At the same time, detection of
foot. Third is that the surface stimulation can be un- foot lift, which is important for the start of the stimu-
comfortable at required stimulation levels and may lation, is more difficult to detect because the slower
produce skin irritation. Fourth is that the sensor de- change of skin stretch reduces the firing rate of cu-
tecting heel strike which controls the stimulator is taneous receptors and second because of the larger
influence of the unwanted nerve signal resulting
Received December 1998. from the activation of cutaneous receptors by socks,
Presented in part at the 6th Vienna International Workshop on
Functional Electrostimulation, held September 22–24, 1998, in Vi- footwear, and bending in the metatarsal joints. In
enna, Austria. our previous work, we demonstrated the potential of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Dr. Aleksan- using adaptive logic networks (ALN) and restriction
dar Kostov, Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine, 3-48 Corbett
Hall, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G4 Canada. rules (RR) for gait event detection and FES con-
E-mail: trol (2). In this study, we introduced dynamic


adaptation of the restriction rules, which provides a

wider range of operating conditions for safe use of
the FES system.


The experimental setup for this study is schemati-

cally illustrated in Fig. 1. In addition to a traditional
FES system for foot drop correction (solid lines), we
recorded and processed a sensory nerve signal elec-
troneurogram (ENG) from the sural nerve in the
FIG. 2. Shown is an example of RBI ENG recorded from the
affected leg (dashed lines). The experimental part of sural nerve and a manually created target signal used for ALN
the study was performed at the Center for Sensory- training. Transitions between the stance and swing phases are
Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark referred to as heel strike (A) and foot lift (B).
while data processing took place in the Laboratory
for Advanced Assistive Technology, University of (bottom trace in Fig. 2). The heel strike information
Alberta, Canada. The data acquisition has been was clearly indicated in the ENG signal by a burst of
thoroughly described (1). The implant and recording neural activity. Foot lift was indicated by a smaller
experiments are therefore only briefly described burst followed by reduced activity in the ENG. A
here. A 35-year-old male subject with spastic heel switch was used to confirm heel strike timing;
hemiplegia was implanted with a 30 mm long tripolar however, it was not very useful in determining foot
whole nerve cuff on the sural nerve approximately 7 lift. Two representative data sets were selected for
cm proximal and 3 cm posterior to the lateral mal- this study, recorded on Day 38 after implantation
leolus. The 3 wires were led subcutaneously to an with the subject walking barefoot on the floor in the
exit point approximately 25 cm proximal to the lat- lab area. The length of each data set was 60 s,
eral malleolus. equivalent to approximately 32 gait cycles.
The neural signal was amplified with a total gain To create a control algorithm for FES assisted
of approximately 100 dB, band pass filtered between walking, we used ALN, a machine learning method
800 Hz and 3.6 kHz and rectified and bin integrated for supervised learning based on a multilayer per-
(RBI) into 10 ms bins (top trace in Fig. 2). The data ceptron. In all initial ALN evaluation experiments,
used in this study were recorded during FES assisted we calculated the performance as a percentile of cor-
walking with surface stimulation of the deep pero- rectly predicted samples in the ALN output signal
neal nerve, which caused dorsiflexion of the ankle (4). Implementation of ALN involves splitting the
during the swing phase. For ALN training purposes, data set into training and test data sets, and the ALN
we manually created a target FES control signal performance was measured on both data sets, the
first one representing the quality of the training, and
the second one representing its generalization. Due
to the binary character of the output signal, obtain-
ing an error close to or larger than 50% was consid-
ered a random ALN performance.
The optimized feature extraction and ALN train-
ing parameters were as follows. First, to increase the
signal-to-noise ratio of the RBI ENG, 2 methods
were compared, low pass filtering and wavelet de-
noising. Although wavelet denoising has the advan-
tage of selectively removing low energy signal com-
ponents regardless of their frequency, low pass
filtering, which has lower computational demands in
real-time implementation, was selected for signal
preprocessing. In the rest of this study, a first order
Butterworth filter with a 6.5 Hz cut off frequency
was used. Second, expanding the ALN training do-
FIG. 1. The experimental setup is for the development of a con-
trol system for correction of foot drop problem based on sensory main from using only original ENG signal samples to
neural feedback. original plus 2 previous samples (5th and 10th) re-

Artif Organs, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1999


sulted in the best ALN training performance. Third, modified version of the rules described previously
a minimum of 10 gait cycles was necessary for suc- (5). The following equation illustrates the concept.
cessful training; we used 15. Fourth, the ALN train-
ing parameters were 5 layers, 0.15 learning rate, and 共Pst − 2 · ␴st兲 ⬍ Pst ⬍ 共Pst + 2 · ␴st兲 (1)
15 epochs. Pbs ⬎ Pbs − 2 · ␴bs
A new measure of evaluating the ALN output was where Pst is the stimulation period (swing) and Pbs is
introduced. In addition to calculating the actual per- the period between stimulations (stance).
centile error, which does not reveal information We developed adaptive restriction rules (ARR)
about the type of error, the output signals were as- by calculating the mean and standard deviations for
sessed by calculating the frequency distribution of the stance and swing phases and using them to elimi-
the transition duration (TD). This distribution was nate control signal transitions considered to be out
calculated by counting the number of samples be- of range for the particular user. The modifications
tween each transition. This approach was selected consisted of continuous adaptation of the rules to
due to the periodic nature of the gait. Comparing the current gait as the ALN were evaluated on new data.
TD distribution of the ALN output to the distribu- A buffer containing transition duration information
tion of the target signal revealed information of its on stance and swing phases during the previous 15
functionality (Fig. 3). gait cycles was used to store and to calculate new
For the elimination of functional errors (2,5), dif- mean and standard deviation values for the restric-
ferent methods using restriction rules were investi- tion rules. The buffer was updated following each
gated. In the first method, we eliminated transitions transition in the output from the restriction rules.
shorter than a specified duration (blanking) while in
the second method, we applied a moving average RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
filter followed by a threshold (smoothing). Both
methods eliminated short duration transitions; how- Figure 3 illustrates the TD distributions of the tar-
ever, they introduced a small delay in the output get FES control signal, ALN output, and the ALN
signal. This delay was considered to be negligible for output processed by the adaptive restriction rules.
foot drop correction. Each method was tested indi- Most of the swing phases were detected correctly by
vidually as well as combined with the other one. ALN while most of the errors occur in the stance
The restriction rules used in this study were a phase (Fig. 3B). Almost none of the complete stance

FIG. 3. Shown are the distribution plots of the swing and stance phase transition durations for the target control signal (A), ALN output
(B), and ALN output processed by adaptive restriction rules (C).

Artif Organs, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1999


tions were clipped during the adaptation period,

which resulted in their higher accumulation at the
initial upper limit for the swing phase.
Results from applying ALN and adaptive restric-
tion rules are illustrated by an example of an off-line
test in Fig. 4. All of the swing and stance phases in
the restricted ALN output were complete and of
similar duration to the original, which demonstrates
the potential of this approach for the safe operation
of the FES control system. As a consequence of us-
ing blanking for short transition elimination prior to
applying the restriction rules, all transitions are de-
layed. At a sampling rate of 100 Hz, a 20–30 ms delay
is considered to be negligible for the overall perfor-
mance of the foot drop correction system.
FIG. 4. The example is of the target FES control signal, its pre- Acknowledgments: Funding for this research was pro-
diction by ALN, and the ALN output processed by adaptive re-
vided by the Danish Research Council, the Danish Na-
striction rules.
tional Research Foundation, and the Natural Sciences and
Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
phases were detected. For both the stance and swing
phases, a large number of short duration transitions REFERENCES
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Artif Organs, Vol. 23, No. 5, 1999

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