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Level: 1M1 School:Hifni Nacef Teacher: Mrs.


Sequence: Me and my family

Lesson (....): I practice Language focus :language use Frame work: PIASP

Learning Objective(s): By the end of my lesson my learners will be able to express

their likes using the present simple with I , he , she , and it.

Targeted Competencies: interact / interpret / Domains: Oral/Written/both

Materials: ls’ copybooks/WB Target Structure: I like reading/ He likes watching
Core Values: valuing jobs / respect family members

Cross-curricular Competencies:
Intellectual: The learner can interpret verbal and non verbal messages
communicative: he can use role play to communicate effectively
Methodological:.he can work in pairs or in groups
Personal and social: He socializes through oral exchange


Procedure Objectives vakt

Warm up .To attract ls’

attention to target
..... T greets her ls and welcomes them. topic
mn T invites her ls to do the following task.
Task 1:match each picture with its corresponding word
Presentation T writes the following passage on the board and
invites her ls to listen and fill in the gaps
Hello, my name is Djad. I am 10. I like reading books and
To introduce the
watching cartoons. I have one brother ’Ahmed’. He is 19.he target structure in
loves listening to music. Ahmed likes animals. He has a dog a context

Isolation+ Analysis
T asks he ls the following questions and write the ls answer on
the board
What does Djad like? To isolate the
what does his brother like? sentences
...... containing the
mn What does he have? target structure .
T writes the ls’ answers on the board and starts the analysis
1. I like reading books.
Subject+ verb in the present simple+ the rest
2. Ahmed loves listening to music
Subject+ love+s+ the rest
To analyse the
Verb in the present simple sentences and
identify the use of
3. He has a dog. the target
Subject+ to have in the present simple. structure .

.... T asks her ls the following questions to analyse the sentences

mn Where is the subject ?/ where is the verb? Is the verb
conjugated in the same way with He and I ,/ what did we add
with he?
Stating the rule
Task1: fill in the gaps and write the rule.
T invites her ls to complete the rule
The rule :
To talk about things I like I use the verbs to have, to love and to like
in the present simple.
I He / She / It To fill in the gaps
and write the rule
Like / love/ have Likes / loves / has

Form based task
Task2 reorder the word to get coherent sentences
A. Has/ Rahma/./ a cat/
Rahma has a cat.
B. Football/likes/./playing /Amine/
Amine likes playing football. To reorder the
C. Reading/love/books/./I/ words to get
I love reading books. sentences
To promote peer’s
T invites her ls to work individually then share and compare correction
with their partners
Meaning based Task ( pair work)
Task3 choose the correct answer
a) My grandma ( live/ lives) in Batna.
b) I (love/ loves)my English teacher . .To choose the
correct answer
c) My sister( like / likes)watching Turkish series. according to the
Feedback meaning

Communicative based task

Task4 spot the mistakes and correct them
Hello, my name am John. I am eleven. I likes play .To spot the
mistakes, correct
football and basketball. I has a sister . her name are them and avoid
jenny.she love reading books . his favourite book is ‘ them in the future
peter Pan’ . .
T invites her ls to work in groups and correct the mistakes
Produce Your classmates want to know the things you like to
do in your free-time. Write 3 sentences to tell them .
To use what they
. have learned .

What worked What hindered Action points

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