Week 10 - Learning Outcomes

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Week Ten – Learning Outcomes

Language Arts
Social Studies
Lesson One How Can I build my understanding of 2D and 3D shapes? 
 Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them. 
 Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the sorting rule.
 Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
 Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects.

How can engaging with diverse texts help me develop an understanding of self? 
2.2 Respond to texts 
 participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and
genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons 
 Retell interesting or important aspects of oral, print and other media texts
 Remember and retell familiar stories and rhymes
Lesson Two How can engaging with diverse texts help me develop an understanding of self? 
2.1 Use Strategies and Cues 
Use phonics and structural analysis 
 segment and blend sounds in words spoken or heard 
 use phonic knowledge and skills to read unfamiliar words in context 
 use analogy to generate and read phonically regular word families 
 associate sounds with letters and some letter clusters 
2.2 Respond to texts 
 participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and
genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons 
 Retell interesting or important aspects of oral, print and other media texts
 Remember and retell familiar stories and rhymes

Science Extension Activity:

How can I use and manipulate different materials to develop an understanding of the parts of a whole?
C 1-7.1 Select appropriate materials, such as papers, plastics, woods; and design and build objects, based on the following kinds of construction tasks: 
 construct model buildings; e.g., homes (human, animal, from other cultures), garages, schools 
Lesson Three How can engaging with diverse texts help me develop an understanding of self? 
2.1 Use Strategies and Cues 
Use phonics and structural analysis 
 segment and blend sounds in words spoken or heard 
 use phonic knowledge and skills to read unfamiliar words in context 
 use analogy to generate and read phonically regular word families 
 associate sounds with letters and some letter clusters 

How Can I build my understanding of 2D and 3D shapes? 

 Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them. 
 Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the sorting rule.
 Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
 Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects.
Lesson Four How can engaging with diverse texts help me develop an understanding of self? 
2.1 Use Strategies and Cues 
 use a displayed alphabet as an aid when writing 
 use personal word books, print texts and environmental print to assist with writing 
Use phonics and structural analysis 
 segment and blend sounds in words spoken or heard 
 use phonic knowledge and skills to read unfamiliar words in context 
 use analogy to generate and read phonically regular word families 
 associate sounds with letters and some letter clusters 
2.2 Respond to texts 
 participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and
genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons 
 Retell interesting or important aspects of oral, print and other media texts
 Remember and retell familiar stories and rhymes
2.4 Create Original Text 
 write, represent and tell brief narratives about own ideas and experiences 
3.1 Plan and Focus 
 explore and share own ideas on topics of discussion and study 
3.3 Organize, Record, and Evaluate 
 list related ideas and information on a topic, and make statements to accompany pictures 
3.4 Share and Review 
 share ideas and information from oral, print and other media texts with familiar audiences 
4.1 Enhance and Improve 
 use words and pictures to add sensory detail in oral, print and other media texts
Lesson Five How can engaging with diverse texts help me develop an understanding of self? 
2.2 Respond to texts 
 participate in shared listening, reading and viewing experiences, using oral, print and other media texts from a variety of cultural traditions and
genres, such as poems, storytelling by elders, pattern books, audiotapes, stories and cartoons 
 Retell interesting or important aspects of oral, print and other media texts
 Remember and retell familiar stories and rhymes

How Can I build my understanding of 2D and 3D shapes? 

 Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them. 
 Sort 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, using one attribute, and explain the sorting rule.
 Replicate composite 2-D shapes and 3-D objects.
 Compare 2-D shapes to parts of 3-D objects.

Science Extension Activity:

How can I contribute to my community by focusing on the needs of plants and animals?
1-11.7 Identify the requirements of plants to maintain life; i.e., air, light, suitable temperature, water, growing medium, space; 
and recognize that we must provide these for plants in our care. 

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