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Your college has just published the first issue of the new college magazine. The organisers
are interested in knowing what students thought about it, so they have asked you to write a
report. In your report, you should talk about what the students liked and disliked about the
articles, the sports section and the news section. Then, you should make suggestions on how
to improve the magazine.

The purpose of this report is to outline what, the students are thinking about, some parts of
the new magazine, and to make recommendations if it was necessary to improve the


Many students complain about the artitles because they are too complex and heavy-going so,
they are almost impossible to understand at all. However all the students are agreed that
despite that, the articles are current.


After interviewing some students, we have identified two serious problems. Firstly, they said
that there was not any article about sports, where women have been participated. And
secondly, there are only news about sports which are famous because you might watch them
on the TV.


As a result of many interviews, we could say that it is thought by almost all students that, news
is interesting and educational as well as current. If we need to make a complaint is that there
are not news about politics.


I believe that could be beneficial to give some lessons about how writing an article to prevent
them from being difficult to understand. In addition we must include sports where women are
playing and this it is completly necessary. Finally we should do some investigation into what
kind of sports are insteresting for students and include them in the magazine.

A local campsite is running a competition in collaboration with a local magazine. They’ve

asked you to write a review of the campsite, talking about the area and facilities and stating
whether you would recommend it to other campers

Nowadays, it is preferred by many pepople, to go out their cities to disconect of their daily
lives, and breathen some fresh air. That, it is why each time there are more a more places,
where you can stay and to be surrounded completely by nature.

In particulare, we are going to talk about an astonishing place, which is located near to my
town. The campsite, has been opening for four years. According to people’s opinión, this it is a
place completely isolated of industrialized world. in addition to that, you can see different kind
of birds and insects. Another important point it is that this campsite is additionally, a natural
reserve, where there are many type of gorgeous old trees.

However, not all it is nature there are also impressive facilities. For instance, you might be able
to play three different sports at the same day, like football, tennis or sailing in their stunning
private lake. Moreover, they have two ways for staying here, for example, you can use their
cottage or instead of that, you could use your tent to sleep directly on the floor of forest.

So, my conclusion is that for me and for anyone who love the true nature and the smell of the
countryside it is probably their camping. What it is more important, it is that you may
disconnect of your life if you wish.

Nowadays it is more important how much you can earn instead of, if it is their dream job.
Sometimes, it happens because it exits some problems in their families like lack of money or
parents's pressure.

Recents studios have shown that it is thought by many people that exist different jobs. Firstly,
a vocational job where you work because, you love it, like education or medicine. Secondly, a
job where there is something interesting for you such as historic or science. Finally, when you
only want to earn more money normally it is a businessman.

other point of view, it is how much time you spend working because depending on the job you
will earn more money if you work more. However, jobs like education or medicine has too
many things that they are not paid, like work in house preparing something or investigating.

But probably, the most important thing is your personality, because many people prefer to
stay safe in their job and they do not try to get a promotion. By contrast, there are people who
prefer to work more for getting a promotion and to earn more money even if it means doing
something they do not like.

My conclusion is that current days the money is too important for people, and this condition
them to choose jobs that they would not do in other conditions.

Nowadays, it is known by almost everyone, that there are different friendships. one of the
most responsible for that, is technologies advances. But, it is really good for everyone?

First of all, we must know that, exists many type of personalities and depend on each person.
On the one hand, likely many of them might prefer to be honest and for this reason, they could
want their Friends to be honest with them. However, it is thought by many people, that truth
is painful and for that likely some people would rather not know and to be happy into

Recently studios have shown, that currently it is more easy keeping in touch, mainly due to
new technologies advances, for instance, Whatsapp or Facebook. Even though, most people
think that it is better to stay face to face rather than through a screen.

Finally, we have had access a one study about trust among Friends in which different people
talk about what it is more important for them in a friendship. Indeed, almost 98% of
respondents have answered that, if Friends have not trust between them, then they will not be

In other words, to be Friends, trust is the most important thing. Furthermore technologies
have helped many people to keep in touch when they are far from their Friends.

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