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6 Manual Payment Processing

In this chapter. we'll discuss the different transactions (or manual outgoing pay-
ments. MoSt of the payments are usually processed using the automatic paymcD!
program. which is covered in Chapter 7. The manual payment transactions are
used on an exception basis. Reasons for using these transactions are listed here:

• Creating ad-hoc payments via check

• Partlal payment processing
• Dcbilmcmo postlngs
• Vendor refunding (Incoming payment)
The following manual payment transactions are described in this chapter:

• F-53: POStOutgoing Payments

• F-S8: POStOutgoing Payments + Print Forms
• F-S2: POStincoming Payments

6.1 Post Outgoing Payments

Manual outgOing paymcnts can be created with TransactIon F-53 or using the
navigation path SAP Menu' Accounting· Financia.1Accounting' Accounts Pay-
able· Document Entry' Outgoing Payment· Post. This transaction can be used
to record vendor payments manuaiiy. For example, a wire transfer payment is
created and posted In your system. In a subsequent step. the vendor payment is
posted manuaiiy.

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