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IES Libertas. Torrevieja.

Departamento de Inglés

contrast present continuous / present simple

1. Add -ing to the words below. Watch the spelling!

a. stop stopping e. cross i. shop

b. play f. fight j. fly
c. eat g. think k. draw
d. go h. run l. write

2. Complete the sentences with the Present Continuous form of these verbs:
a. Sandy is writing a letter. (write)
b. Fred and Bob ____________________ a computer game. (play)
c. ______________ Linda _________________ television? (watch)
d. Tom and Clare ___________________. (not sing)
e. They _____________________ flamenco. (dance)
f. ______________ you _______________ a picture? (draw)
g. My parents ____________________ the car. (mend)
h. Julia ________________ her homework. (not do)
3. Write the time expressions in the correct column:
always / at the moment / every day / never / now / right now / often /
sometimes / today / this morning / this afternoon / this evening / usually

Present Simple Present Continuous


4. Underline the time expressions in the sentences. Then choose the correct answers:
a. We eat / are eating pasta now.
b. I do / am doing my homework at the moment.
c. Are you having / do you have a shower now?
d. My parents work / are working every day.
e. Does Jane work / is Jane working on Saturdays?
f. Tommy and Sue play / are playing computer games today.
g. Listen! She sings / is singing now.

2º E.S.O. 1
IES Libertas. Torrevieja. Departamento de Inglés

h. I do / am doing my homework every afternoon.

5. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in
a. We are playing (play) a computer game right now.
b. They never _____________________ (listen) to rock music.
c. Mary and John usually _________________ (go) to bed late.
d. It’s 8.30 now, so he ___________________(go) to school.
e. What __________ you _______________? (do) – I’m a doctor.
f. What __________ your sister ______________? (do) – She’s sleeping.
g. ______________ you _____________ for the exam at this moment? (study)
h. I ___________________ (play) basketball now.
i. They always ___________________ (write) letters on Mondays.
j. Sally and Jim ______________________ (dance) to the music now.
6. Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs in
brackets. Watch out for the static verbs!
a. They are testing (test) a new game today.
b. I _________________ (have) a beautiful cat.
c. ______________ you _______________ (have) a shower now?
d. I __________________________ (not clean) my room right now.
e. He _______________ (not like) playing computer games.
f. I ________________ (tidy) the messy house now.
g. ________________ you ___________________ (love) me?
h. We _________________ (think) computer games are fun.
i. Maria never ________________ (watch) television.
j. My parents ____________________________ (watch) TV in the mornings.
k. _________________ Clare ________________ (do) her homework this week?
l. I ______________________ (not have) a dog. I __________________ (not like) them, but I
______________________ (love) cats!
m. Mary ______________________ (go) to judo two days a week.
n. The students ________________ (study) in the classroom today.

2º E.S.O. 2

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