Módulo 4 - Ingles Prime Time 2 PDF

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great achievements, past activities,

creatures' jobs & nationalities of
simple past (regular & irregular verbs),
Grammar: the simple past 4
English: discussing past activities Module
word stress
biography of a famous person
writing:a - Sailing to
Pilgrims a new life
culture:The (History): Great people
oss.Curricular Christopher Columbus

Vocabulary OVERro voc!

Great achievements Which of these people
impresses you the most?
Matchthe sentences with the leonardo da Vino /tnpressesme the
pictures. most because he was a
Listen and check, then say. pam ter

Think of another famous person

Leonardoda Vinci painted the from history who impresses
Mona Lisa. you. Complete the sentence.
i GeorgeWashington became the reallyImpressesme because / '
first president of the USA.
NeilArmstrong was the first man
who walked on the moon.
ChristopherColumbus discovered

C] ThomasEdison invented
the light bulb.
OctavioPaz was the winner of the
1990 Nobel Prize in Literature.
Special talents
Vocabulary Reading
Past activities things
2 a) Leonardo da Wincidid an the
1 Label the pictures with the verbs. E'. 1. What do you know about
Listen and check, then say. What else WOUldyou like to
Write four questions.
• studied • designed • painted • invented . ; Listen and read the text to see
• sketched you can answer your questions-

b) Read again and mark the sentences

T (true), F (false), or DS (doesn't say)-
I Da Vinci learned most things from others.
2 There are hundreds of da Vinci's
paintings in museums all over the wodd-
3 He sketched maps of Europe.
4 There is a bridge in Norway that da
Vinci designed.
2 . an early flying
5 Da Vinci's flying machine looked like a
modern airplane.
6 His notes were easy to understand.
1 the Mona Lisa
c) Tell the class four things you learned
from the text.

Simple past (regularverbs)
3 Read the table. How do we form the sinp&
past of regular verbs? Find examples in the
3 many machines
We use the simple past for actions that happened
certain time in the past-
4 plants & animals AFFIRMATIVE Tfou/He,etc painted ptaure
NEGATIVE VKou/He, etc didn't paint c
QUESTIONS Did l/you/he, etc paint c pecture'
SHORT Yes,l/you/he,etc did
ANSWERS No.Vyou•'he
etc didn't
• verb+ -ed work —worked
• verbendingin -e + -d like —liked
• verb ending in a vowel between two CO%onants
double the last consonant + -ed —stopped
• verbendingjn -y -Y+ -ied cry —cried
5 the anatomy of
the human body Time expressions used with the simple
yesterday. last week/month9ear. a past
montrv'three days
390. etc
Is this the most

who ever lived?

Italy on April
Leonardo da Vinci was born in a small village in Tuscany,
learned lots of
15th, 1452. He was very intelligent and curious and
things' So is
things by himself. In his lifetime, he achieved incredible
you decide'
this man the most talented person ever? Read this, then

The Engineer The Scientist

Da Vinci designed many working Da Vinci studied plants, animals and
machines for war, industry, and the human body, and made detaded
transportation. He sketched very drawingsand notes about them. He
accurate maps and he also designed used 'mirror' writing, probably
daVind. 1452-1519 a brilliant canal system for Florence, because he didn't want everyone to
teon%f.ortrait) and a huge bridge. In 2001, understand the notes! His sketch
architects constructed a bridge in Vitruvian Man shows the perfect
Norway based on da Vinci's design. proportions of the human body. This
The Painter You can see it there today. is possibly the best-knowndrawing
in the world.
man, da Vinci studied
AS a young Florence. Two of his The Inventor
pa inting Lisa (or La Da Vinci's notebooks contain
intings,the Mona detailed sketches for a whole range
Check these words
and The Last Supper, are
most famous paintings of of inventions which were centuries talented, intelligent, curious.
amongthe lifetime, achieve, incredible.
Today, only about 15 of his ahead of their time. These include a
alltime! . survive, consider, engineer.
survive (he often sort of helicopter, flying machines, a
finishedpaintings 'E industry, accurate, canal system,
finish them because he was calculator, a parachute, and even
didn't construct, based on, detailed. a
with other things), but most robots. With today's technology, and whole range, ahead of their time.
busy materials many of da Vinci's designs
people consider him to be one of the calculator, parachute, material,
ever lived. could work very well.
greatestpainters who mirror, perfect proportions,
sculptor, philosopher, geologist _3
DaVinciwas also a sculptor, a musician, a mathematician, a philosopher, an
architect, a writer, and a geologist. Five centuries after his death, he is still
oneofthe most fascinating people in history.

4 Usethe simplepast of the verbs in the list 5 Formquestions, then answer them.
to completethe sentences. 1 Picasso/paint the Mona Lisa?
• invent • not paint • die • start Did Picassopaint the Mona Lisa?No, he didnt.
• not discover 2 Leonardo da Vinci/sketch plants and animals?
3 Mozart/inventan early flying machine?
1 The artist van Gogh
4 your parents/visit a museum/yesterday?
WildPoppies. Claude Monet did.
5 you/study history/last Monday?
2 Beethoven composing
musicat an early age.
3 TheSpanish artist Diego Valazquez Speaking & Writing
in 1660.
4 AlexanderGraham Bell THINK! Which of da Vinci's
thetelephone in 1876. achievements impresses you the most?
5 IsaacNewton radioactivity. Why? In three minutes, write a few
Henri Becquerel did. sentences. Read your sentences to the class.
Historical figures
%exoes euncient World
1 Look at the people in the pictures.Who was: an These people led their countries, fought
Egyptianqueen? an Asian warrior? an Italian against great armies. explored new lands
explorer? a South American leader? a Roman and did amazing things. People
ruler? an Egyptianking?a Macedonianking? didn't always like them, but they
Listen and check, then make sentences. won a place in history forever. Do
the quiz and test your knowledge
Cleopatra was an Egyptian queen. about these amazing people!

Listening & Reading 1 Which empire did Genghis Khan start?

2 Do the quiz to find out how much you A the Ottoman Empire
know about these historical figures. B the PersianEmpire
Listen and check. C the Mongol Empire

Grammar 2 According to legend, what did

Manco Cåpac do?
Simple past (irregularverbs) A He started the Inca Empire.
3 a) Read the theory box. How do we form B He discovered South America.
the simplepast of irregular verbs? C He built Mayan temples.
AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE 3 Marco Polo traveled the 7,000-km-long
l/You/He/She,etc. etc. didn't go
l/You/He/She, Silk Road from Europe to China. He sett
went to Italy. to Egypt.
out in 1271. When did he return home?
A 5 years later
Did l/you/he/she, etc Yes,l/you, etc. did
B 12 years later
go to China? No,l/you,etc didn't
C 24 years later
Irregular verbs have irregular forms
have - had, see - saw, take - took, buy - bought etc
4 According to many poets and historians,
Cleopatra died after .
b) Fill in the simple past forms of the verbs A she ate some poisoned food.
from the quiz. Which are: R (regular)?
B a poisonoussnake bit her.
I (irregular)?
C she stabbed herself.
1 lead - led (l) 10 set out -
5 Who said "l came, I saw, I conquered"after
2 fight - 11 die-
winning a battle in Asia Minor?
3 explore - 12 eat-
A Julius Caesar
4 do- 13 bite-
B Genghis Khan
5 Win 14 stab-
6 start - 15 come- C Tutankhamun
7 discover - 16 see- 6 Alexander the Great conquered most of the
8 build - 17 conquer - . known world. How old was he when he died?
9 travel - 18 be - . A 76
B 49 Note: c. = circa = about
Check these words c 32
lead, fight against armies, explore, land, win a place
in history, empire, according to legend, poisoned,
bite, stab, conquer, win a battle

Alexander the Great, b) Read the text again and correct the
356 - 323 BC
false statements.
1 Tutankhamun ruled Egypt for 18 years.
He didn't rule Egypt for 18 years. He ruled for 9 years.
2 Carter found the tomb 2,000 years after Tut's death.
MancoCapac, Tutankhamun,
12thcentury 1341 - 1323 BC 3 The tomb had a beautiful silver mask inside it.
4 Carter died soon after finding the tomb.
5 A cobra ate Carter's pet dog.

5 Make questions, then answer them.

1 Julius Caesar/build Rome? (X)
Did Julius Caesar build Rome? No, he didn 't.
2 Cleopatra/speak Greek? (V)
3 Alexander the Great/begin/thewar against Persia
in 334 BC?
4 Genghis Khan/havetwo sons? (X)
Marco Polo, 5 Marco Polo/grow up in Venice? V)
Genghis Khan, c. 1254- 1324
c. 1162 - 1227

6 a) Listen and say the examples. Find
more examples in the quiz in Ex. 2.

Who was hep What did they do?

Where did she live? When did they return?
Why didyou leave? How did he die?
Which war did he win 2 How long did she live?
Julius Caesar,
100 - 44 BC
69 - 30 BC
b) Ask and answer
Wh- questions about King
4 a) Put the verbs in parentheses into the simple
A: When did Tutankhamun become
past. Which are irregular past forms?
B: At a young age. How long did ... ?

Tutankhamun1) (become) Pharaoh of Egypt at a very

young age. He 2) (rule) for only nine years because he Writing
(die) at the age of 18. The people 4)
(bury) him in the Valley of the Kings in southern Egypt. 7 [L] Collect
Over 3,000 years later, in 1922 an archaeologist, Henry Carter, information and write your
5). (find) the forgotten tomb. It 6) . (have) a own quiz about famous
lot of treasures inside it, including a beautiful gold mask. After Carter historical figures. Use the key
(open) Tut's tomb,one of his men 8) words: historical figures.
(get) sick and died, a cobra 9) (eat) Carter's pet bird and other
strange things 10) . (happen). Some people believe this
is because of a terrible
ancient curse!

Culture Corner
Englan d
Pilgrimsa .
—Sailin to
new tife! eck these words
Pilgrims, sail, newly-discovered, land,
ship, captain, voyage, ill, settle, survive,
native, hunt, crops, corn, celebrate,
Voyage to America feast, harvest, celebration, tradition
On September6th 1620,
100 peoplesailed from England for a betterlife in North America, a
newly-discovered land. They called this land 'the New World'. Their
ship was called the Mayflower and its captain was Christopher
Jones. Bad weather made the voyage very difficult and many people .
became ill. After 66 days, these first 'Pilgrims' finally saw land. They
settled in an area where they started a new town, Plymouth.

Life in the New World

At first, life wasn't easy for the Pilgrims, and only about half of
them survived their first winter. The Native Americans who
lived there taught them how to fish and hunt and grow crops
such as corn.
Who were the Pilgrims? Decide
which sentences are T (true) Celebrating the First Harvest
which are F (false). In the fall of 1621, the Pilgrims had a big feast with all the
1 The Pilgiims sailed to North foods from their first harvest. Every year after that, the people
had a similar celebration, and this harvest feast soon became a
America from Spain.
very importantAmerican tradition called Thanksgiving.
2 They sailed on the Mayflower.
3 The journey took one year.
4 Many Pilgrims died during their
first winter. 2 Use words from the box in the
5 The people they found were correct form to complete the summary.
hunters and farmers.
The 1) were English people who 2) to North
6 The Pilgrims had a big America, a 3) land. Their 4) was difficult
celebration the next summer. because of bad weather. They reached land two months later and 5)
7 The local people were very in Plymouth.Half of the Pilgrims managed to 6) . the first
unfriendly. winter. The natives helped them to 7) and grou
(O Listen and read to check. for food. The first 9) . was very good so
they had a 10) .................... to celebrate it.
Correct the false sentences.

Thanksgiving 3 THINK Imagine you were one of the natives. In

Today! three minutes write sentences describing the Pilgrims'
amilies get together and arrival and settling in, and your feelings about them.
share a huge meal on the
fourth Thursday in
November. This uwally
4 IT Think of a traditional celebration in your country.
includes roast turkey, swee Collect information, then write a few sentencesabout it.
tato. corn. cranberry Write: name, when & why you celebrateit, how you
sauce and pumpkin pie.
Ifs delioous! celebrate, how it started. Tell the class.
Discussing past activitie
1 These are some of the activities visitors
can do at a popular 'living history' museum
in the USA called
Colonial Williamsburg.
Listen and say.

:.atch a re-enactm o.
of a battle

on a tour o histoncai
buildings & gardens see peop In
traditional clothinc see actors majjng
famous people In history
. ; Listen and say.
• How was your weekend?
• It was great, thanks. 3 Find sentences in the dialogue
which mean: - I want to visit that place.
• Did you have a nice time?
- Didyou enjoy the visit? - I think you had o
• Yes, it was fantastic.
nice time. - It was just o normal weekend.
• That sounds interesting.
• Did you have a nice weekend?
• I didn't do anything special. Intonation
b) The sentences above are from a dialogue 4 Listen and say, then listen and mark the
between two friends. Where did John go stressed syllable ( e) and the weak vowel
last weekend? What did he do there? in each word (1-6).
Listen and read to find out.
åctors spécial villåge
åroÜnd survive weékénd
sally: Oh, hi, John! How was your weekend?
John: It was great, thanks. I went on a day trip to 1 battle 3 garden 5 invent
Colonial Williamsburg on Saturday. 2 include 4 famous 6 Saturday
Sally: Oh, really? I'd really like to go there! Did you
have a nice time?
John: Yes, it was fantastic. First of all, we went on a
tour of some historical buildings and gardens. 5 Think of your last weekend. Use the
Then, we met actors playing famous people sentences in Ex. 2a to act out your
from the past, like George Washington, who dialogue. Follow the plan.
told us about life in the 18th century.
sally: That sounds very interesting! O
John: It was! The best part of the day, though, was Ask how B's Reply & say where you
when we watched a re-enactmentof the weekend was. went.
Battle of Williamsburg. How about you? Did Ask if B had a Reply & say what you
you have a nice weekend? nice time. did. Ask about A's
sally: Oh, I didn't do anything special. I just hung Say what you did. weekend.
out with my friends and went to my
grandmother's for Sunday lunch!
Myths and legends
B dragon
Vocabulary tant

Legendary creatures
Listen and say, then match
each creature (A-F)
with a
description (1-6). Explain
words in bold.

It looks like a snake People all over the world love to tell stories of terrifying giants, magi
with a long
neck. unicorns and mysteriou$ mermaids. Here are two of these magical
It's small, with wings
magical powers.
It looks like a human
but it's
huge and terrifies local
It looks like a horse
with a single
It can breathe fire.
It's half human and half

Do you know any

stories about any of the
A-F? Tell the class.

Listening & Reading

3 Look at the title of the text,
subheadings and the pictures.
What is each myth about?
Listen, read and check.

4 a) Read the text again and

complete the sentences.
Compare with your partner.
I Because he was so big,
Bolster could
Bolster the Giant
Bolsterwas so big that with one step he could travel six miles
from hilltop to hilltop! He lived in Cornwall on the tip of
2 He lived in
England and terrified the locals, stealing sheep and even
3 He loved Agnes so he
eating people. One day, though, he fell in love with a young
4 He died after he lost
girl called Agnes and asked her to marry him. Agnes didn't
5 The mermaid lara appeared want to, so she tried to think of a way to get rid of him for
to a man
in good. She asked him to do dangerous things to win her love
6 She pulled the man . but nothing worked, so she had one last idea. She askedhim
7 Today, people sometimeshear to fill up a hole in a nearby cliff with his blood. Bolsteragreed.
After all, how much giant's blood does it take to fill a small
hole? The hole, though, led down into the sea. All his
giant. This is a
ran into the sea and that was the end of the evil
b) Ask and answer stillsee
you can a
questions based on the very popular legend in Cornwall. Localssay
56 text. red stain on the cliffs at Chapel porth!
5 a) Use words/phrases from the
lora the mcrmoid • Check these words
In Brazil, the locals tell the myth of the mermaid lara form to complete the sentences.
who lives in the Amazon River. One night, a young
dreamedof a beautiful woman singing a sad song. The 1 People say unicorns live in forests .
next day, he went fishing with his father and saw from humans.
the the boy and
womanfrom his dream in a hut floating on the 2 The sea monster
She sang to him and he went to her. Too late, the took him to the bottom of the ocean.
fathersaw that the woman had the long tail of a pink 3 The dragon the people of
dolphin.She grabbed the young man and dived
into the village when it flew down from the sky!
thewaterwith him. His father never saw him again.
To 4 The story of the giant Bolster is a very well
this day, the locals still say that they sometimes
see the
mermaidswimming deep in the water. And Agnes thought of a plan to
when they 5
hearthe sad song of the mermaid lara, they lock the giant forever.
doors and stay far away from the river!
6 People . their doors and stay
inside when the mermaid lara sings!

b) Look at the pictures and narrate the

tales to the class.

Study skills
Expanding vocabulary
Learning adjectives together with their
synonyms helps you enrich your vocabulary.

6 Matchthe highlighted adjectives in the text

with their synonyms below.
• unhappy • strange • unsafe • tiny
• gorgeous • scary • wicked • well-known

Speaking & Writing

Do you think there is any
truth in the legends in the text? In
three minutes, write a few sentences,
then read your sentences to the class.

ec ese wor b) Is there a story about a legendary

creature in your country? Write a short
legend,terrifying, mysterious, tales, step, hilltop, tip,
steal, fall in love, get rid of, for good, win,
terrify, hole. text about it. Write its name,place it
cliff. blood. lead down, be the end of,
fill up,nut, float.
grab, dive, to this day, deep, lock, lives, what it looks like, the story about
far away it. Read it to the class.
2 Albert Einstein
Ulm. Kingdom of Marie Curie Nightingale
Wiittemberg, .%'arsaw. : 'orence. ttal•y
Skills / (1879-1955)

Salvador Dali
Catalonia, Spain

Vocabulary 1

Jobs & Nationalities Michael Jackson 6 Charles Dickens @ Abraham

of famous people Indiana. U.S.
Portsmouth. England
(1958-2009) Kentucky,LIS
1 Match the people (1-7) to (1812-1870)
the professions (A-G).
Listen and check.
Study skills
Multiple Choice Listening
Spanish artist the key
Read the questions and possible answers, and underline
British nurse words. They'll help you do the listening task.
British writer
American pop singer
American president 3 You will hear part of an interview with Anna Richards,
Polish scientist
who has recently visited the Florence Nightingale Museum.
For each question, choose the correct answer A, S, or C.
German physicist
I Why did Anna decide to visit the Florence Nightingale Museum?
Study skills A Her school teacher told her to go.
Reading years B She saw the museum's website on the Internet.
In English, we read the years as C She wanted information for her project.
two sets of two-digit numbers.
2 What did Anna's dad think about going to the museum?
1652 = sixteen fifty-two
A He thought it was too far away.
1804 = eighteen oh four
B He believed it would help Anna with her project.
1938 = nineteen thirty-eight
C He wanted to learn more about Florence Nightingale.
2006 two thousand and six 3 Anna saw the lantern that Florence Nightingale
A bought for her lamp collection.
Speaking B used in the Crimean War.
Asking for/Giving C carried when she became famous.
personal information
4 Anna learnedthat FlorenceNightingale was responsiblefor
2 Ask and answer A choosing new nurses. B cleaning hospitals.
questions about the people in C improving health care.
Ex. 1, as in the example.
5 What did the mug Anna bought have on it?
A: Who was Salvador Dali? A a quote from Florence Nightingale
B: He was a Spanish artist. B a picture of FlorenceNightingale
A: Where was he born? C a picture of FlorenceNightingale's owl
B. In Catalonia, Spain.
A: When was he born? 6 How did Anna make her project more colorful?
B: In 1904. A She used paint.
A: When did he die? B She used colored paper.
B: In 1989. C She used postcards.
A biography of a
famous person
Frida Kahlo
Frida Kahlo is one of the most famous
1 Who was Frida Kahlo? female artists in the world. She was born
What was she famous for? on July 6th, 1907 in Coyoacån, Mexico.
As a child, Frida dreamed of becoming a
Read to check.
doctor and in 1922 she began studying
medicine. Unfortunately,at the age of
Writing 18, Frida was in a bus accident and spent
a long time recovering in bed. It was then
Writing biographies
that she taught herself to paint. She even
Whenwe write a biography, we always had a mirror above her bed so she could
put the events of the person's life in paint herself. Frida's style combined
chronological order. We also use phrases Mexican folk art with surrealism.
that show the sequence of events e.g. In When Frida was 21, she met the famous
1943,On July 3rd, 1840,At the age of artist Diego Rivera. He recognized her talent and encouraged her to
24, As a child, etc. This helps the reader keep painting. Diego and Frida got married in 1929, but it was a
difficult marriage. Nine years later, Frida had her first exhibition in
followthe biography better.
New York City. She also exhibited her work in Paris.
Frida was weak throughout her life and she died in her hometown
2 a) Find examples of phrases on July 13th, 1954. She was one of the most famous artists of the
showing the sequenceof 20th century, not only in Mexico, but all around the world.
events in the biography.

b) Make notes under the 3 a) Read the Study Skills box and find examples of
headings. Use your notes linking words in Kahlo's biography.
to tell the class a summary b) Rewrite the sentences using so, because,too, and, but.
of Frida Kahlo's life.
1 His concerts were always sold out. His music was very popular.
where & when born early years 2 Frida had a mirror. She could paint herself.
oyoacån, July 6th 3 He started writing when he was young. He wrote over 50 books.
4 She sang well. She danced well.
lateryears & where & when died
achievements 5 He was a genius. People didn't recognize his talent.

FridaKahlo was born on July 6th, 1907.

As a child, she .... At the age of 15,
Writing (a biography of a famous person)
4 a) Look at the plan below.
Listen to someone talking about Albert Einstein
Study skills and take notes.
Linking words
We use linking words to connect
different Plan
becauseto Para 1: name, who he was, where/when born (... was
partsof a sentence. We use He
He spent was born ...
showthe reason for something.
he had an Para 2: early years (As a child .... When he was ... .)
longtime in the hospital because of Para 3: later years, achievements (In
the result years later...
occident.We use so to show Para 4: where/when he died, your thoughts/feelings about the
becomea doctor
SOmething.She wanted to and or person (... diedon ... in .... He was .
We use too,
so she studied medicine.
He organized
also to show addition. use but to b) Use your notes to write a short biography about
concertsin Madrid, too. Einstein (100-120 words). Use the biography in Ex. 1 as a
but he failed.
showcontrast. He tried model and follow the plan.
1 a) Who was you
Columbus? What do
know about him?
b) Think of three
you would like to ask
about Columbus. Read
see if you can answer
your questions.
Study skills
Matching headings
underline the
Read the headings and
and try to
key words. Read the text
to the
find words/phrases related
key words.
Christopher Co(umbus
2 Read again and match the (1451-1506)
headings with the paragraphs.
There is one extra heading. Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He worked
A Columbus' plan with his father as a weaver, but the sea was always his real passion.
B Other journeys &
importance In the 15th century, it was difficult and dangerous to travel to Asia
C Early years around the southern tip of Africa. Columbus decided to try to sail
D Problemsat sea west to find a new trade route. People made fun of him, but finally
E His first voyage King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain gave him supplies, men
and three sailing ships for his voyage. They wanted to find a way to
3 Match the words in bold with import gold and spices from Asia.
their definitions: expensive
things, left by boat, love,
bring in.
by sea, laughed at, way, Columbus set sail from Spain in August 1492 with his three ships the
Nitü, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. Ten weeks later, he reached an
Q Listen to the island in the Bahamas.As he thought he was in India, he called the
4 one of people there Indians! On the voyage home, Columbus lost the Santa
text. Imagine you are Moriain a terriblestorm. He arrived safely back in Spain in March
Christopher Columbus' men 1493, with plants, gold, cloth, ornaments, and other riches.
and you just returned
from one of his voyages.
like at
the class: what it was Columbus made three more voyages to 'the New
World'. He
'the New
sea, what you saw in exploredthe coasts of Cuba, Hispaniola (modern-day Haiti
and the
you Dominican Republic), Venezuela and Central America.
World', how you felt, what On each
voyage, he believedhe was in India! He died in 1506
think of Columbus. knowing the importance of what he found on his voyages
Columbus was a brilliant, brave sailor and we remember him
5 Collect of the most important explorers in history.
as onc
information about another
famous explorer. Use
textbookSl Check these words
encyclopedias or the Internet. sail, trade route, supplies, sailing
weaver, southern, tip, cloth, ornament, explore, coast.
You can use these key ship, import, gold, spice,
your brave, sailor
famous explorers. Present importance, brilliant,
information to the class.
Language Review
in: Mter, composer, architect, pointer, warrior, 3 Choose the correct prepositions.
queen, engineer, explorer.
I <tor, 1 Leonardo da Vinci was ahead in/of his time.
Vin Gogh was a but he 2 The giant Bolster fell in/into love with a human.
ontysold one painting in his lifetime! 3 Alexander the Great fought against/at the
2 Beethovenwas an amazing Persians many times.
His music is superb. 4 Agnes tried to get rid of/from the giant Bolster.
3 GenghisKahn
was a great and 5 The architects designed the building based at/
fought many battles. on Mr Smith's design.
Socrateswas a famous . in
Ancient Greece. He was one of the wisest 4 Fill in: win, trade, popular, human, flying,
peopleof all time. poisonous, harvest, known, grow, magical.
5 Columbus was a(n) who went 1
body 6 legend
on four voyages to 'the New World'.
2 have . powers 7 machine
6 ElizabethI was a great English
3 a battle 8 snake
Sheruled England for about 45 years.
4 world 9 feast
7 AlexanderGraham Bell was the
5 route 10 crops
of the telephone.
8 AntoniGaudi was a famous Spanish .
He designed lots of buildings.
9 A(n) designs machines and buildings.
10 JamesJoyce was an Irish . His most In teams, make sentences. Use
famousnovel is Ulysses. words/phrasesfrom the list below.
Each correct sentence gets one point.
2 Choosethe correct word.
The team with the most points wins.
h Greekmythology,Cecrops was the first 1) explorer/king of the city • discovered • invented • talented
of Athens.He was half man and half snake and he 2) invented/ • fought against • poisoned food
&overed writing, brought peace to the 3) land/place, and 4) fixed/ • survived • big feast • share
bat a aty for his people. 5) According to/Because of legend, both
• empire • fight against armies
te god Poseidonand the goddess Athena wanted Cecrops to name
aty after them. So, Cecrops 6) held/conquered a contest between
• brave sailor • explore • real passion
tm. Poseidon7) did/made water flow from a hole in the rock of • re-enactmentof a battle • conquer
A.olis but Athena 8) created/inventeda single olive tree. • terrified the locals • breathe fire
CecopspreferredAthena's olive tree and named the city Athens. • sailing ships • set sail
Posedon&dn't like this and sent • traditional clothing
a(n) 9) evil/terrifying flood. The city • single horn
hasthe name 'Athens' 10) far away/to this day! • perfect proportions

Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Read through

Module 3 and write a quiz of your own.
1 Leonardo da Vinci designed 5 Cornwall is an island off the
a canal system for Venice. coast of England.
2 Tutankhamun's tomb is in the 6 The Pilgrims' ship was called
Valley of the Kings. the Santa Maria.
3 The
voyage of the Mayflower 7 Frida Kahlo's husband taught
lasted 66
4 days. her how to paint.
Alexander the
young When Great was quite 8 Christopher Columbus made
he died. his first voyage in 1592.
1 Fill in: incredible,locals, won, discovered,settled, 3 Match the exchanges.
lifetime, voyage, accurate, empire, legend.
How was your A In 1934.
1 Alexander the Great created a huge empire
weekend? B Yes, I did,
and a place in history.
That sounds like a lot thanks.
2 Genghis Khan's Mongolian
of fun. C It was great,
stretched from Hungary to Korea.
Where did you go? thanks.
3 Mozart was a(n) musician and
When did she die? D We went to
composed his first concerto at the age of five.
Did you have a nice the zoo.
4 Da Vinci's maps are extremely
time? E It was.
and show every detail. 5x4=20 maro
5 According to the city of Atlantis
sank into the sea after a huge earthquake. 4 Read the text and answer the questions.
6 The Pilgrims . in an area
near the sea and built a town, Plymouth. Mark Twain was a famous American writer He was
7 The early Pilgrims made a long on November 30, 1835 in Missouri.
on the Mayflower to reach America. When he was just twelve years old, he leftschool.Six ya
8 The giant terrified the later, he started traveling, working as a printer.
stealing their sheep and eating people. became a steamboatpilot in 1859 and traveled 7d
9 Henry Carter the lost tomb of downthe MississippiRiver. He also workedas a jour*
Tutankhamun. and he discoveredthat he loved to write.He wrote
10 Julius Caesar achieved many things in his books and short stories. People consider The Adventresd
Huckleberry Finn one of the first great American novels
10x2=20 marks Mark Twain died on April 21, 1910, but peopleallow
the world still love to read his books.

1 Where was Mark Twain born?

2 Complete the sentences with the simple
2 How old was he when he left school?
past form of the verbs in parentheses.
3 What jobs did he have?
1 A: How 4 What kinds of things did he write?
(the Pilgrims/survive) their first winter? 5 When did he die?
B: The natives 5x4=20 mare
(teach) them how to hunt and grow crops.
5 Write a short biography of a famous person
2 A: Who (kill) Alexander the Great?
from your country. Write: who they were,
B: Nobody. He (die) of a fever.
when & where they were born, the maineven&
achievements in their life, when they died
(the children/eat) at the museumcafeteria?
(80-100 words). 20matö
B: No. They
(have) lunch at home. Total: 100
4 A: Einstein (not/
start) to speak until he was three years old. Check our Pro ress
B: Really? I (not/know) that. • talk and write about famous peoples'
(Pizarro/destroy) the Incan capital of Cusco? • talk and write about historical figures
B: Yes, and he • discuss past activities
• talk and write about legends & myths
(found) Lima, the new capital.
• write a biography
IOx2=20marks /

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