Pertemuan 14 Bahasa Inggris: Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

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Diajukan Untuk Memenuhi Tugas Mata Kuliah Bahasa Inggris

Oleh :
Robi Mabruloh 1603062

Dosen Pengampu :
Drs. H. Surtiana Harjadijaya, M. A.


Lesson 10
A. Read the following text carefully:

Some Implications of The Industrial Revolution

The term 'industrial revolution' is often applied to such developments as the growth of
specialization and exchange, technological im- provements, the growth of capital, and the growth
of large-scale firms in the course of the 19th. century. Some economists and historians object to
the term 'revolution', pointing out that the changes covered by it began several centuries ago,
gathered speed in the eighteenth century and are still in rapid progress. They prefer to describe it
as an accelerating evolution.

A tremendous increase of productivity has been made possible by a combination of events

that we call the Industrial Revolution. Some of its most important implications will be traced

I. Economic Interdependence

Economic interdependence is an inevitable consequence of specializa- 15 tion and exchange.

The greater the degree of specialization, the greater the dependence of each specializer on others
and their dependence on him. The specializer necessarily depends on others for materials with
which to work, for space and shelter in which to work, for assistance from his fellow workers, and
for supplies of the various goods and ser- 20 vices that he consumes.

Non-wage workers are perhaps as dependent on others as wage- workers are. Professional
people - doctors, lawyers and teachers pend on others in the process of getting a living.

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Pelajaran 10.

Baca teks berikut dengan seksama:

Beberapa Implikasi Revolusi Industri

Istilah 'revolusi industri' sering diterapkan pada perkembangan seperti pertumbuhan

spesialisasi dan pertukaran, peningkatan teknologi, pertumbuhan modal, dan pertumbuhan besar
-perusahaan skala dalam perjalanan abad ke-19. Beberapa ekonom dan sejarawan keberatan
dengan istilah 'revolusi', menunjukkan bahwa perubahan yang dicakupnya dimulai beberapa abad
yang lalu, semakin cepat pada abad kedelapan belas dan masih dalam kemajuan pesat. Mereka
lebih suka menggambarkannya sebagai evolusi yang dipercepat.

Peningkatan produktivitas yang luar biasa dimungkinkan oleh kombinasi berbagai peristiwa
yang kita sebut Revolusi Industri. Beberapa implikasinya yang paling penting akan ditelusuri di
bawah ini.

Interdependensi ekonomi

Saling ketergantungan ekonomi adalah konsekuensi yang tidak terhindarkan dari spesialisasi
dan pertukaran. Semakin besar tingkat spesialisasi, semakin besar ketergantungan masing-masing
spesialisasi pada orang lain dan ketergantungan mereka kepadanya. Spesialis itu tentu tergantung
pada orang lain untuk bahan yang digunakan untuk bekerja, untuk ruang dan tempat berlindung di
mana untuk bekerja, untuk bantuan dari rekan kerjanya, dan untuk persediaan berbagai barang dan
jasa yang dia konsumsi.

Pekerja non-upah mungkin tergantung pada orang lain seperti halnya pekerja upahan. Orang
profesional - dokter, pengacara, dan guru menunggu orang lain dalam proses mencari nafkah.

B. Answer the following questions in English, basing your answers on the text.
a. Why do some economists and historians object to he term 'in- dustrial revolution'? (lines 5-
9). Answer : Because, they prefer to describe it as an accelerating evolution.
b. What does 'to accelerate' mean? (line 9. Does it mean 'to gather speed'?).
Answer : A tremendous increase of productivity has been made possible by a combination
of events that we call the Industrial Revolution.
c. What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on people's produc- tivity? (lines 10-11).
Answer : Economic interdependence
d. Explain the term 'interdependence' (line 13; what happens when people live in a 'state of
Answer : Economic interdependence is an inevitable consequence of specializa- 15 tion
and exchange.
e. What will happen if a person acquires a high degree ol specialization? (lines 15-17).
Answer : The greater the degree of specialization, the greater the dependence of each
specializer on others and their dependence on him.
f. Are professional people wage-earners? (lines 21-23; answer: No, because... ).
Answer : No, because Non-wage workers are perhaps as dependent on others as wage-
workers are.
g. Who do you think docters and lawyers depend on for their living? (lines 22-25).
Answer : pend on others in the process of getting a living.

C. Say whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F). Say why.
a. The Industrial Revolution has had no effect whatsoever on people': productivity(F).
b. in a modern society the scope of interdependence is large (T).
c. If the degree of specialization increases, the specializer becomes less dependent on others
d. Every specializer needs a place to work and assistance from his colleagues (T).
e. Professional people also live in a state of interdependence (T).

I. Many years had passed. Scientific methods began to have a great effect on the thinking of
the general public.
Answers : The scientific method is starting to have major challenges in the general
Only after many years have passed.
II. A newly invented machine has undergone many improvements. A newly invented machine
makes its full contribution.
Answers : A newly invented machine makes its full contribution. Only after the newly
discovered machine has undergone many improvements
III. The coal miner moves coal from deep in the earth to his home. The coal miner can keep his
family warm.
Answers : The coal miner can keep his family warm. Only after coal miners move coal from
far away on earth to his home.
IV. A great many years had passed after the invention of the water turbine. Man succeeded in
converting fuel into power.
Answers : Man succeeded in converting fuel into power Only after Many years have passed
after the invention of the water turbine.
V. Many agricultural improvements had already been made. The world could be better fed and
clothed than ever before.
Answers : The world could be better fed and clothed than ever before. only after much
agricultural improvement has been made.
VI. Mechanical power began to be used in agriculture. Tractors I. came into use.
Answers : Tractors i came into use only after mechanical strength began to be used in

2. Find the nouns from which the adjectives given in the list below are derived, and then
use them in the appropriate blanks in the sentences.
a. Only a small minor of the population lived in towns before the agricultural revolution
b. We have already discussed the Technical of the technological revolution.
c. The manufacturer depends on others for Material and equipment with which to work.
d. The American worker now enjoys high living standards that are made possible by modern
Effective of production.
e. If this man loses his job he will have to live on charitable
f. Let us consider the numerous to which professional people depend on others in the process
of getting a living.
g. An economic system becomes subject to a Extensive of disturbances as economic
interdependence grows.
3. Arrange the following sentences in their proper order, to produce a paragraph about the
Industrial Revolution.
a. In an old book written by an Italian priest in 1579 it is stated, in connection with this
loom, that the Town Council of Danzig "being afraid that the invention might throw a
large number of workmen on the streets, had the machine destroyed, and the inventor
sectetly strangled and drowned"
d. Machine-wrecking has quite a long history in Europe, going back to the sixteenth century,
when a simple loom was invented in Germany. tain their profits.
b. When these conditions were ripe, machinery established itse\í in spite of numerous riots
in England.
c. Laws were passed in many places against its use, and it was even publicly burned in the

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